 * Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defs;

import org.hibernate.validator.cfg.AnnotationDef;
import org.hibernate.validator.cfg.ConstraintDef;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.SafeHtml;

Author:Marko Bekta
/** * @author Marko Bekta */
public class SafeHtmlDef extends ConstraintDef<SafeHtmlDef, SafeHtml> { public SafeHtmlDef() { super( SafeHtml.class ); } private SafeHtmlDef(ConstraintDef<?, SafeHtml> original) { super( original ); } public SafeHtmlDef whitelistType(SafeHtml.WhiteListType whitelistType) { addParameter( "whitelistType", whitelistType ); return this; } public SafeHtmlDef additionalTags(String... additionalTags) { addParameter( "additionalTags", additionalTags ); return this; }
Deprecated:Use additionalTags(TagDef, TagDef...) instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link SafeHtmlDef#additionalTags(TagDef, TagDef...)} instead. */
@Deprecated public SafeHtmlDef additionalTagsWithAttributes(SafeHtml.Tag... additionalTagsWithAttributes) { addParameter( "additionalTagsWithAttributes", additionalTagsWithAttributes ); return this; }
Whitelists additional tags.
/** * Whitelists additional tags. * * @since 6.0 */
public SafeHtmlDef additionalTags(TagDef tag, TagDef... furtherTags) { addAnnotationAsParameter( "additionalTagsWithAttributes", tag ); if ( furtherTags != null && furtherTags.length > 0 ) { for ( TagDef tagDef : furtherTags ) { addAnnotationAsParameter( "additionalTagsWithAttributes", tagDef ); } } return this; }
/** * @since 6.0 */
public SafeHtmlDef baseURI(String baseURI) { addParameter( "baseURI", baseURI ); return this; }
Represents a Tag.
/** * Represents a {@link SafeHtml.Tag}. * * @since 6.0 */
public static class TagDef extends AnnotationDef<TagDef, SafeHtml.Tag> { public TagDef(String name) { super( SafeHtml.Tag.class ); addParameter( "name", name ); } public TagDef attributes(String attribute, String... furtherAttributes) { String[] attributes; if ( furtherAttributes != null && furtherAttributes.length > 0 ) { attributes = new String[furtherAttributes.length + 1]; System.arraycopy( furtherAttributes, 0, attributes, 1, furtherAttributes.length ); attributes[0] = attribute; } else { attributes = new String[] { attribute }; } addParameter( "attributes", attributes ); return this; } public TagDef attributes(AttributeDef attribute, AttributeDef... furtherAttributes) { addAnnotationAsParameter( "attributesWithProtocols", attribute ); if ( furtherAttributes != null && furtherAttributes.length > 0 ) { for ( AttributeDef attributeDef : furtherAttributes ) { addAnnotationAsParameter( "attributesWithProtocols", attributeDef ); } } return this; } }
Represents a Attribute.
/** * Represents a {@link SafeHtml.Attribute}. * * @since 6.0 */
public static class AttributeDef extends AnnotationDef<AttributeDef, SafeHtml.Attribute> { public AttributeDef(String name, String protocol, String... furtherProtocols) { super( SafeHtml.Attribute.class ); addParameter( "name", name ); addProtocols( protocol, furtherProtocols ); } private void addProtocols(String protocol, String... furtherProtocols) { String[] protocols; if ( furtherProtocols != null ) { protocols = new String[furtherProtocols.length + 1]; System.arraycopy( furtherProtocols, 0, protocols, 1, furtherProtocols.length ); protocols[0] = protocol; } else { protocols = new String[] { protocol }; } addParameter( "protocols", protocols ); } } }