package org.hamcrest.xml;

import org.hamcrest.*;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsAnything;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.xpath.*;

import static javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants.STRING;
import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;
import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;

Applies a Matcher to a given XML Node in an existing XML Node tree, specified by an XPath expression.
Author:Joe Walnes, Steve Freeman
/** * Applies a Matcher to a given XML Node in an existing XML Node tree, specified by an XPath expression. * * @author Joe Walnes * @author Steve Freeman */
public class HasXPath extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<Node> { public static final NamespaceContext NO_NAMESPACE_CONTEXT = null; private static final IsAnything<String> WITH_ANY_CONTENT = new IsAnything<String>(""); private static final Condition.Step<Object,String> NODE_EXISTS = nodeExists(); private final Matcher<String> valueMatcher; private final XPathExpression compiledXPath; private final String xpathString; private final QName evaluationMode;
  • xPathExpression – XPath expression.
  • valueMatcher – Matcher to use at given XPath. May be null to specify that the XPath must exist but the value is irrelevant.
/** * @param xPathExpression XPath expression. * @param valueMatcher Matcher to use at given XPath. * May be null to specify that the XPath must exist but the value is irrelevant. */
public HasXPath(String xPathExpression, Matcher<String> valueMatcher) { this(xPathExpression, NO_NAMESPACE_CONTEXT, valueMatcher); }
  • xPathExpression – XPath expression.
  • namespaceContext – Resolves XML namespace prefixes in the XPath expression
  • valueMatcher – Matcher to use at given XPath. May be null to specify that the XPath must exist but the value is irrelevant.
/** * @param xPathExpression XPath expression. * @param namespaceContext Resolves XML namespace prefixes in the XPath expression * @param valueMatcher Matcher to use at given XPath. * May be null to specify that the XPath must exist but the value is irrelevant. */
public HasXPath(String xPathExpression, NamespaceContext namespaceContext, Matcher<String> valueMatcher) { this(xPathExpression, namespaceContext, valueMatcher, STRING); } private HasXPath(String xPathExpression, NamespaceContext namespaceContext, Matcher<String> valueMatcher, QName mode) { this.compiledXPath = compiledXPath(xPathExpression, namespaceContext); this.xpathString = xPathExpression; this.valueMatcher = valueMatcher; this.evaluationMode = mode; } @Override public boolean matchesSafely(Node item, Description mismatch) { return evaluated(item, mismatch) .and(NODE_EXISTS) .matching(valueMatcher); } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("an XML document with XPath ").appendText(xpathString); if (valueMatcher != null) { description.appendText(" ").appendDescriptionOf(valueMatcher); } } private Condition<Object> evaluated(Node item, Description mismatch) { try { return matched(compiledXPath.evaluate(item, evaluationMode), mismatch); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { mismatch.appendText(e.getMessage()); } return notMatched(); } private static Condition.Step<Object, String> nodeExists() { return new Condition.Step<Object, String>() { @Override public Condition<String> apply(Object value, Description mismatch) { if (value == null) { mismatch.appendText("xpath returned no results."); return notMatched(); } return matched(String.valueOf(value), mismatch); } }; } private static XPathExpression compiledXPath(String xPathExpression, NamespaceContext namespaceContext) { try { final XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); if (namespaceContext != null) { xPath.setNamespaceContext(namespaceContext); } return xPath.compile(xPathExpression); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid XPath : " + xPathExpression, e); } }
Creates a matcher of Nodes that matches when the examined node has a value at the specified xPath that satisfies the specified valueMatcher.

For example:
assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", equalTo("Cheddar")))
  • xPath – the target xpath
  • valueMatcher – matcher for the value at the specified xpath
/** * Creates a matcher of {@link org.w3c.dom.Node}s that matches when the examined node has a value at the * specified <code>xPath</code> that satisfies the specified <code>valueMatcher</code>. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", equalTo("Cheddar")))</pre> * * @param xPath * the target xpath * @param valueMatcher * matcher for the value at the specified xpath */
@Factory public static Matcher<Node> hasXPath(String xPath, Matcher<String> valueMatcher) { return hasXPath(xPath, NO_NAMESPACE_CONTEXT, valueMatcher); }
Creates a matcher of Nodes that matches when the examined node has a value at the specified xPath, within the specified namespaceContext, that satisfies the specified valueMatcher.

For example:
assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", myNs, equalTo("Cheddar")))
  • xPath – the target xpath
  • namespaceContext – the namespace for matching nodes
  • valueMatcher – matcher for the value at the specified xpath
/** * Creates a matcher of {@link org.w3c.dom.Node}s that matches when the examined node has a value at the * specified <code>xPath</code>, within the specified <code>namespaceContext</code>, that satisfies * the specified <code>valueMatcher</code>. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", myNs, equalTo("Cheddar")))</pre> * * @param xPath * the target xpath * @param namespaceContext * the namespace for matching nodes * @param valueMatcher * matcher for the value at the specified xpath */
@Factory public static Matcher<Node> hasXPath(String xPath, NamespaceContext namespaceContext, Matcher<String> valueMatcher) { return new HasXPath(xPath, namespaceContext, valueMatcher, STRING); }
Creates a matcher of Nodes that matches when the examined node contains a node at the specified xPath, with any content.

For example:
assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese"))
  • xPath – the target xpath
/** * Creates a matcher of {@link org.w3c.dom.Node}s that matches when the examined node contains a node * at the specified <code>xPath</code>, with any content. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese"))</pre> * * @param xPath * the target xpath */
@Factory public static Matcher<Node> hasXPath(String xPath) { return hasXPath(xPath, NO_NAMESPACE_CONTEXT); }
Creates a matcher of Nodes that matches when the examined node contains a node at the specified xPath within the specified namespace context, with any content.

For example:
assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", myNs))
  • xPath – the target xpath
  • namespaceContext – the namespace for matching nodes
/** * Creates a matcher of {@link org.w3c.dom.Node}s that matches when the examined node contains a node * at the specified <code>xPath</code> within the specified namespace context, with any content. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(xml, hasXPath("/root/something[2]/cheese", myNs))</pre> * * @param xPath * the target xpath * @param namespaceContext * the namespace for matching nodes */
@Factory public static Matcher<Node> hasXPath(String xPath, NamespaceContext namespaceContext) { return new HasXPath(xPath, namespaceContext, WITH_ANY_CONTENT, XPathConstants.NODE); } }