package org.hamcrest.generator;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

FactoryWriter that outputs Java code which simply delegates all Hamcrest factory methods to factory methods elsewhere. This is useful for grouping lots of matcher classes into one class, so you only have to look in one place for matchers.
Author:Joe Walnes
See Also:
/** * {@link FactoryWriter} that outputs Java code which simply delegates all * Hamcrest factory methods to factory methods elsewhere. This is useful for * grouping lots of matcher classes into one class, so you only have to look * in one place for matchers. * * @author Joe Walnes * @see FactoryWriter */
public class HamcrestFactoryWriter implements FactoryWriter { private final PrintWriter output; private final String javaPackageName; private final String javaClassName; private String indentationString = " "; private String newLine = "\n"; private int indentation = 1; public HamcrestFactoryWriter(String javaPackageName, String javaClassName, Writer output) { this.javaPackageName = javaPackageName; this.javaClassName = javaClassName; this.output = new PrintWriter(output); } @Override public void writeHeader() throws IOException { output.append("// Generated source.").append(newLine) .append("package ").append(javaPackageName).append(';').append(newLine).append(newLine); output.append("public class ").append(javaClassName).append(" {").append(newLine).append(newLine); } @Override public void writeFooter() throws IOException { output.append('}').append(newLine); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { output.close(); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { output.flush(); } @Override public void writeMethod(String generatedMethodName, FactoryMethod factoryMethodToDelegateTo) throws IOException { writeJavaDoc(factoryMethodToDelegateTo); indent(); output.append("public static "); writeGenericTypeParameters(factoryMethodToDelegateTo); output.append(factoryMethodToDelegateTo.getReturnType()); if (factoryMethodToDelegateTo.getGenerifiedType() != null) { output.append('<').append(factoryMethodToDelegateTo.getGenerifiedType()).append('>'); } output.append(' ').append(generatedMethodName); writeParameters(factoryMethodToDelegateTo); writeExceptions(factoryMethodToDelegateTo); output.append(" {").append(newLine); indentation++; writeMethodBody(factoryMethodToDelegateTo); indentation--; indent(); output.append('}').append(newLine).append(newLine); } private void writeGenericTypeParameters(FactoryMethod factoryMethod) { if (!factoryMethod.getGenericTypeParameters().isEmpty()) { output.append('<'); boolean seenFirst = false; for (String type : factoryMethod.getGenericTypeParameters()) { if (seenFirst) { output.append(", "); } else { seenFirst = true; } output.append(type); } output.append("> "); } } private void writeMethodBody(FactoryMethod factoryMethod) { indent(); output.append("return ").append(factoryMethod.getMatcherClass()); output.append('.'); // lets write the generic types if (!factoryMethod.getGenericTypeParameters().isEmpty()) { output.append('<'); boolean seenFirst = false; for (String type : factoryMethod.getGenericTypeParameters()) { if (seenFirst) { output.append(","); } else { seenFirst = true; } // lets only print the first word of the type // so if its 'T extends Cheese' we just print T //output.append(type); StringTokenizer iter = new StringTokenizer(type); iter.hasMoreElements(); output.append(iter.nextToken()); } output.append(">"); } output.append(factoryMethod.getName()); output.append('('); boolean seenFirst = false; for (FactoryMethod.Parameter parameter : factoryMethod.getParameters()) { if (seenFirst) { output.append(", "); } else { seenFirst = true; } output.append(parameter.getName()); } output.append(')'); output.append(';').append(newLine); } private void writeExceptions(FactoryMethod factoryMethod) { boolean seenFirst = false; for (String exception : factoryMethod.getExceptions()) { if (seenFirst) { output.append(", "); } else { output.append(" throws "); seenFirst = true; } output.append(exception); } } private void writeParameters(FactoryMethod factoryMethod) { output.append('('); boolean seenFirst = false; for (FactoryMethod.Parameter parameter : factoryMethod.getParameters()) { if (seenFirst) { output.append(", "); } else { seenFirst = true; } output.append(parameter.getType()).append(' ').append(parameter.getName()); } output.append(')'); } private void writeJavaDoc(FactoryMethod factoryMethod) { if (factoryMethod.getJavaDoc() != null) { String[] lines = factoryMethod.getJavaDoc().split("\n"); if (lines.length > 0) { indent(); output.append("/**").append(newLine); for (String line : lines) { indent(); output.append(" * ").append(line).append(newLine); } indent(); output.append(" */").append(newLine); } } } private void indent() { for (int i = 0; i < indentation; i++) { output.append(indentationString); } } }