package org.hamcrest.collection;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.Factory;
import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;

Matches if an array contains an item satisfying a nested matcher.
/** * Matches if an array contains an item satisfying a nested matcher. */
public class IsArrayContaining<T> extends TypeSafeMatcher<T[]> { private final Matcher<? super T> elementMatcher; public IsArrayContaining(Matcher<? super T> elementMatcher) { this.elementMatcher = elementMatcher; } @Override public boolean matchesSafely(T[] array) { for (T item : array) { if (elementMatcher.matches(item)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void describeMismatchSafely(T[] item, Description mismatchDescription) { super.describeMismatch(Arrays.asList(item), mismatchDescription); }; @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description .appendText("an array containing ") .appendDescriptionOf(elementMatcher); }
Creates a matcher for arrays that matches when the examined array contains at least one item that is matched by the specified elementMatcher. Whilst matching, the traversal of the examined array will stop as soon as a matching element is found.

For example:
assertThat(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}, hasItemInArray(startsWith("ba")))
  • elementMatcher – the matcher to apply to elements in examined arrays
/** * Creates a matcher for arrays that matches when the examined array contains at least one item * that is matched by the specified <code>elementMatcher</code>. Whilst matching, the traversal * of the examined array will stop as soon as a matching element is found. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}, hasItemInArray(startsWith("ba")))</pre> * * @param elementMatcher * the matcher to apply to elements in examined arrays */
@Factory public static <T> Matcher<T[]> hasItemInArray(Matcher<? super T> elementMatcher) { return new IsArrayContaining<T>(elementMatcher); }
A shortcut to the frequently used hasItemInArray(equalTo(x)).

For example:
instead of:
  • element – the element that should be present in examined arrays
/** * A shortcut to the frequently used <code>hasItemInArray(equalTo(x))</code>. * <p/> * For example: * <pre>assertThat(hasItemInArray(x))</pre> * instead of: * <pre>assertThat(hasItemInArray(equalTo(x)))</pre> * * @param element * the element that should be present in examined arrays */
@Factory public static <T> Matcher<T[]> hasItemInArray(T element) { Matcher<? super T> matcher = equalTo(element); return IsArrayContaining.<T>hasItemInArray(matcher); } }