 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.
package org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted;

import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;

Features allow clients to intercept the native image generation and run custom initialization code at various stages. All code within feature classes is executed during native image generation, and never at run time.

Features have several advantages over static class initializers (which also run during native image generation):

  • The different feature methods are called at different stages during native image generation, which gives clients control over when code is executed.
  • Feature methods have an access parameter that allows callbacks into the native image generator.
  • Feature methods run when the ImageSingletons is already set up, which allows features to prepare data structures that are then used at run time by querying the ImageSingletons .

Implementation classes must have a no-argument constructor, which is used to instantiate a singleton instance for each feature using reflection. The following features are included during native image generation:

  • Features explicitly specified on the command line.
  • Features referenced as required by another included feature. Required features are added transitively, and initialization methods of required features are called after invoking the constructor and isInConfiguration of the requiring features (unless the feature dependencies are cyclic).
/** * Features allow clients to intercept the native image generation and run custom initialization * code at various stages. All code within feature classes is executed during native image * generation, and never at run time. * <p> * Features have several advantages over static class initializers (which also run during native * image generation): * <ul> * <li>The different feature methods are called at different stages during native image generation, * which gives clients control over when code is executed. * <li>Feature methods have an {@code access} parameter that allows callbacks into the native image * generator. * <li>Feature methods run when the {@link ImageSingletons} is already set up, which allows features * to prepare data structures that are then used at run time by querying the {@link ImageSingletons} * . * </ul> * <p> * Implementation classes must have a no-argument constructor, which is used to instantiate a * singleton instance for each feature using reflection. The following features are included during * native image generation: * <ul> * <li>Features explicitly specified on the command line.</li> * <li>Features referenced as {@link #getRequiredFeatures() required} by another included feature. * Required features are added transitively, and initialization methods of required features are * called after invoking the constructor and {@link #isInConfiguration} of the requiring features * (unless the feature dependencies are cyclic). * </ul> * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) public interface Feature {
Access methods that are available for all feature methods.
/** * Access methods that are available for all feature methods. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface FeatureAccess {
Returns a class if it is present on the classpath.
/** * Returns a class if it is present on the classpath. * * @since 19.0 */
Class<?> findClassByName(String className);
Returns the class path of the native image that is currently built. The returned list does not include the native image generator itself, and does not include the JDK.
/** * Returns the class path of the native image that is currently built. * * The returned list does not include the native image generator itself, and does not * include the JDK. * * @since 20.2 */
List<Path> getApplicationClassPath();
Returns the module path of the native image that is currently built. The returned list does not include the native image generator itself, and does not include the JDK.
/** * Returns the module path of the native image that is currently built. * * The returned list does not include the native image generator itself, and does not * include the JDK. * * @since 20.2 */
List<Path> getApplicationModulePath();
Returns the ClassLoader that can find all classes of the class path and module path.
/** * Returns the {@link ClassLoader} that can find all classes of the class path and module * path. * * @since 20.2 */
ClassLoader getApplicationClassLoader(); }
Access methods available for Feature.isInConfiguration.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#isInConfiguration}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface IsInConfigurationAccess extends FeatureAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.afterRegistration.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#afterRegistration}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface AfterRegistrationAccess extends FeatureAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.duringSetup.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#duringSetup}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface DuringSetupAccess extends FeatureAccess {
Registers the provided function to replace objects.

The function checks if an object should be replaced. In such a case, the function creates the new object and returns it. The function must return the original object if the object should not be replaced.

/** * Registers the provided function to replace objects. * <p> * The function checks if an object should be replaced. In such a case, the function creates * the new object and returns it. The function must return the original object if the object * should not be replaced. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerObjectReplacer(Function<Object, Object> replacer); }
Access methods available for Feature.beforeAnalysis.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#beforeAnalysis}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface BeforeAnalysisAccess extends FeatureAccess {
Registers the provided type a used, i.e., metadata for the type is put into the native image.
/** * Registers the provided type a used, i.e., metadata for the type is put into the native * image. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsUsed(Class<?> type);
Registers the provided type as instantiated, i.e., the static analysis assumes that instances of this type exist at run time even if there is no explicit instantiation in the bytecodes.

This implies that the type is also marked as used.

/** * Registers the provided type as instantiated, i.e., the static analysis assumes that * instances of this type exist at run time even if there is no explicit instantiation in * the bytecodes. * <p> * This implies that the type is also marked as {@link #registerAsUsed used}. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsInHeap(Class<?> type);
Registers the provided field as accesses, i.e., the static analysis assumes the field is used even if there are no explicit reads or writes in the bytecodes.
/** * Registers the provided field as accesses, i.e., the static analysis assumes the field is * used even if there are no explicit reads or writes in the bytecodes. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsAccessed(Field field);
Registers the provided field as written or read by Unsafe, i.e., the static analysis merges together all values of unsafe accessed fields of a specific type.

This implies that the field is also marked as accessed.

/** * Registers the provided field as written or read by {@link sun.misc.Unsafe}, i.e., the * static analysis merges together all values of unsafe accessed fields of a specific type. * <p> * This implies that the field is also marked as {@link #registerAsAccessed accessed}. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsUnsafeAccessed(Field field);
Registers a callback that is invoked once during analysis when any of the provided elements is determined to be reachable at run time. The elements can only be of the following types:

  • Class to specify reachability of the given class
  • Field to specify reachability of a field
  • Executable to specify reachability of a method or constructor

/** * Registers a callback that is invoked once {@link Feature#duringAnalysis during analysis} * when any of the provided elements is determined to be reachable at run time. The elements * can only be of the following types: * <p> * <ul> * <li>{@link Class} to specify reachability of the given class * <li>{@link Field} to specify reachability of a field * <li>{@link Executable} to specify reachability of a method or constructor * </ul> * <p> * * @since 19.2 */
void registerReachabilityHandler(Consumer<DuringAnalysisAccess> callback, Object... elements);
Registers a callback that is invoked once during analysis for each time a method that overrides the specified {param baseMethod} is determined to be reachable at run time. In addition the handler will also get invoked once when the {param baseMethod} itself becomes reachable. The specific method that becomes reachable is passed to the handler as the second parameter.
/** * Registers a callback that is invoked once {@link Feature#duringAnalysis during analysis} * for each time a method that overrides the specified {param baseMethod} is determined to * be reachable at run time. In addition the handler will also get invoked once when the * {param baseMethod} itself becomes reachable. The specific method that becomes reachable * is passed to the handler as the second parameter. * * @since 19.3 */
void registerMethodOverrideReachabilityHandler(BiConsumer<DuringAnalysisAccess, Executable> callback, Executable baseMethod);
Registers a callback that is invoked once during analysis for each time a subtype of the class specified by {param baseClass} is determined to be reachable at run time. In addition the handler will also get invoked once when the {param baseClass} itself becomes reachable. The specific class that becomes reachable is passed to the handler as the second parameter.
/** * Registers a callback that is invoked once {@link Feature#duringAnalysis during analysis} * for each time a subtype of the class specified by {param baseClass} is determined to be * reachable at run time. In addition the handler will also get invoked once when the {param * baseClass} itself becomes reachable. The specific class that becomes reachable is passed * to the handler as the second parameter. * * @since 19.3 */
void registerSubtypeReachabilityHandler(BiConsumer<DuringAnalysisAccess, Class<?>> callback, Class<?> baseClass);
Registers a callback that is invoked once during analysis when the class initializer for the given type is determined to be reachable at run time.
/** * Registers a callback that is invoked once {@link Feature#duringAnalysis during analysis} * when the class initializer for the given type is determined to be reachable at run time. * * @since 21.0 */
void registerClassInitializerReachabilityHandler(Consumer<DuringAnalysisAccess> callback, Class<?> clazz); }
Access methods available for Feature.duringAnalysis.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#duringAnalysis}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface DuringAnalysisAccess extends BeforeAnalysisAccess, QueryReachabilityAccess {
Notifies the static analysis that changes are made that enforce a new iteration of the analysis.
/** * Notifies the static analysis that changes are made that enforce a new iteration of the * analysis. * * @since 19.0 */
void requireAnalysisIteration(); }
Access methods available for Feature.afterAnalysis.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#afterAnalysis}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface AfterAnalysisAccess extends QueryReachabilityAccess { }
Access reachability methods available for Feature.afterAnalysis and Feature.duringAnalysis.
/** * Access reachability methods available for {@link Feature#afterAnalysis} and * {@link Feature#duringAnalysis}. * * @since 19.2 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface QueryReachabilityAccess extends FeatureAccess {
Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided class is reachable at run time.
/** * Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided class is reachable at * run time. * * @since 19.2 */
boolean isReachable(Class<?> clazz);
Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided field is reachable at run time.
/** * Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided field is reachable at * run time. * * @since 19.2 */
boolean isReachable(Field field);
Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided method is reachable at run time.
/** * Returns true if the static analysis determined that the provided method is reachable at * run time. * * @since 19.2 */
boolean isReachable(Executable method);
Returns all subtypes of the given {param baseClass} that the static analysis determined to be reachable at run time (including the {param baseClass} itself).
/** * Returns all subtypes of the given {param baseClass} that the static analysis determined * to be reachable at run time (including the {param baseClass} itself). * * @since 19.3 */
Set<Class<?>> reachableSubtypes(Class<?> baseClass);
Returns all method overrides of the given {param baseMethod} that the static analysis determined to be reachable at run time (including the {param baseMethod} itself).
/** * Returns all method overrides of the given {param baseMethod} that the static analysis * determined to be reachable at run time (including the {param baseMethod} itself). * * @since 19.3 */
Set<Executable> reachableMethodOverrides(Executable baseMethod); }
Access methods available for Feature.onAnalysisExit.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#onAnalysisExit}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface OnAnalysisExitAccess extends FeatureAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.beforeCompilation and Feature.afterCompilation.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#beforeCompilation} and * {@link Feature#afterCompilation}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface CompilationAccess extends FeatureAccess {
Returns the field offset of the provided instance field.
/** * Returns the field offset of the provided instance field. * * @since 19.0 */
long objectFieldOffset(Field field);
Hint to the native image generator that the given object is immutable at runtime, i.e., can be placed in a read-only section of the native image heap.
/** * Hint to the native image generator that the given object is immutable at runtime, i.e., * can be placed in a read-only section of the native image heap. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsImmutable(Object object);
Register the object, and everything it transitively references, as immutable. When the provided predicate returns false for an object, the object is not marked as immutable and the transitive iteration is stopped.
/** * Register the object, and everything it transitively references, as immutable. When the * provided predicate returns false for an object, the object is not marked as immutable and * the transitive iteration is stopped. * * @since 19.0 */
void registerAsImmutable(Object root, Predicate<Object> includeObject); }
Access methods available for Feature.beforeCompilation.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#beforeCompilation}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface BeforeCompilationAccess extends CompilationAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.afterCompilation.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#afterCompilation}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface AfterCompilationAccess extends CompilationAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.afterHeapLayout.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#afterHeapLayout}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface AfterHeapLayoutAccess extends FeatureAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.beforeImageWrite.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#beforeImageWrite}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface BeforeImageWriteAccess extends FeatureAccess { }
Access methods available for Feature.afterImageWrite.
/** * Access methods available for {@link Feature#afterImageWrite}. * * @since 19.0 */
@Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) interface AfterImageWriteAccess extends FeatureAccess {
Returns the path to the created native-image file (includes the native-image file name).
/** * Returns the path to the created native-image file (includes the native-image file name). * * @since 19.0 */
Path getImagePath(); }
This method is called immediately after the constructor, to check whether the feature is part of the configuration or not. If this method returns false, the feature is not included in the list of features and no other methods are called (in particular, the required features are not processed).
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * This method is called immediately after the constructor, to check whether the feature is part * of the configuration or not. If this method returns false, the feature is not included in the * list of features and no other methods are called (in particular, the * {@link #getRequiredFeatures required features} are not processed). * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default boolean isInConfiguration(IsInConfigurationAccess access) { return true; }
Returns the list of features that this feature depends on. As long as the dependency chain is non-cyclic, all required features are processed before this feature.
/** * Returns the list of features that this feature depends on. As long as the dependency chain is * non-cyclic, all required features are processed before this feature. * * @since 19.0 */
default List<Class<? extends Feature>> getRequiredFeatures() { return Collections.emptyList(); }
Handler for initializations after all features have been registered and all options have been parsed; but before any initializations for the static analysis have happened.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations after all features have been registered and all options have been * parsed; but before any initializations for the static analysis have happened. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations at startup time. It allows customization of the static analysis setup.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations at startup time. It allows customization of the static analysis * setup. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void duringSetup(DuringSetupAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations before the static analysis.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations before the static analysis. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void beforeAnalysis(BeforeAnalysisAccess access) { }
Handler for performing operations during the static analysis. This handler is called after analysis is complete. So all analysis meta data is available. If the handler performs changes, e.g., makes new types or methods reachable, it needs to call DuringAnalysisAccess.requireAnalysisIteration(). This triggers a new iteration: analysis is performed again and the handler is called again.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for performing operations during the static analysis. This handler is called after * analysis is complete. So all analysis meta data is available. If the handler performs * changes, e.g., makes new types or methods reachable, it needs to call * {@link DuringAnalysisAccess#requireAnalysisIteration()}. This triggers a new iteration: * analysis is performed again and the handler is called again. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void duringAnalysis(DuringAnalysisAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations after analysis and before universe creation.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations after analysis and before universe creation. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void afterAnalysis(AfterAnalysisAccess access) { }
Handler for code that needs to run after the analysis, even if an error has occurred, e.g., like reporting code.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for code that needs to run after the analysis, even if an error has occurred, e.g., * like reporting code. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void onAnalysisExit(OnAnalysisExitAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations before compilation.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations before compilation. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void beforeCompilation(BeforeCompilationAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations after compilation, i.e., before the native image is written.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations after compilation, i.e., before the native image is written. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void afterCompilation(AfterCompilationAccess access) { }
Handler for initializations after the native image heap and code layout. Objects and methods have their offsets assigned. At this point, no additional objects must be added to the native image heap, i.e., modifying object fields of native image objects that are part of the native image heap is not allowed at this point.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time
/** * Handler for initializations after the native image heap and code layout. Objects and methods * have their offsets assigned. At this point, no additional objects must be added to the native * image heap, i.e., modifying object fields of native image objects that are part of the native * image heap is not allowed at this point. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time * * @since 19.0 */
default void afterHeapLayout(AfterHeapLayoutAccess access) { }
Handler for altering the linker command after the native image has been built and before it is written.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time.
/** * Handler for altering the linker command after the native image has been built and before it * is written. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time. * * @since 19.0 */
default void beforeImageWrite(BeforeImageWriteAccess access) { }
Handler for altering the image (or shared object) that the linker command produced.
  • access – The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time.
/** * Handler for altering the image (or shared object) that the linker command produced. * * @param access The supported operations that the feature can perform at this time. * * @since 19.0 */
default void afterImageWrite(AfterImageWriteAccess access) { }
Handler for cleanup. Can be used to cleanup static data. This can avoid memory leaks if native image generation is done many times, e.g. during unit tests.

Usually, overriding this method can be avoided by putting a configuration object into the ImageSingletons.

/** * Handler for cleanup. Can be used to cleanup static data. This can avoid memory leaks if * native image generation is done many times, e.g. during unit tests. * <p> * Usually, overriding this method can be avoided by putting a configuration object into the * {@link ImageSingletons}. * * @since 19.0 */
default void cleanup() { } }