 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi;

import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.Timer;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerEventController;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerManager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.Algorithms;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.OperationTracer ;

/** * * @author ken */
public class MethodMonitorFactoryDefaults { private MethodMonitorFactoryDefaults() {} private static Map<String,String> prefixTable = new HashMap<String,String>() ;
Add a new Package prefix symbol to the table. This reduces the size of the generated messages in the dprintImpl output.
  • pkg – A Java package name. Should end in '.' (which will be added if not present).
  • symbol – The symbol to substitute for the package. Typically this is 3-8 upper case characters.
/** Add a new Package prefix symbol to the table. This reduces the * size of the generated messages in the dprintImpl output. * * @param pkg A Java package name. Should end in '.' (which will be added * if not present). * @param symbol The symbol to substitute for the package. Typically this * is 3-8 upper case characters. */
public static void addPrefix( String pkg, String symbol ) { String str ; if (pkg.charAt( pkg.length() - 1) == '.') { str = pkg ; } else { str = pkg + '.' ; } prefixTable.put( str, symbol ) ; } private static String compressClassName( String name ) { for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : prefixTable.entrySet()) { if (name.startsWith( entry.getKey() )) { return "(" + entry.getValue() + ")." + name.substring( entry.getKey().length() ) ; } } return name ; } private static MethodMonitorFactory operationTracerImpl = new MethodMonitorFactoryBase( "OperationTracerImpl" ) { public MethodMonitor create( final Class<?> cls) { return new MethodMonitorBase( "OperationTracer", cls, this ) { public void enter(int ident, Object... args) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, ident) ; OperationTracer.enter( mname, args ) ; } public void info(Object[] args, int callerIdent, int selfIdent ) { // Should we do something here? } public void exit(int ident) { OperationTracer.exit() ; } public void exit(int ident, Object result) { OperationTracer.exit() ; } public void exception(int ident, Throwable thr) { } public void clear() { OperationTracer.clear() ; } } ; } }; private static MethodMonitorFactory dprintImpl = new MethodMonitorFactoryBase( "DprintImpl" ) { private static final boolean USE_LOGGER = false ; public MethodMonitor create( final Class<?> cls ) { return new MethodMonitorBase( "Dprint", cls, this ) { final String loggerName = USE_LOGGER ? cls.getPackage().getName() : null ; final String sourceClassName = compressClassName( cls.getName() ) ; public synchronized void dprint(String mname, String msg) { String prefix = "(" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "): " ; if (USE_LOGGER) { Logger.getLogger( loggerName ). logp( Level.INFO, prefix + msg, sourceClassName, mname ) ; } else { System.out.println( prefix + sourceClassName + "." + mname + msg ) ; } } private String makeString( Object... args ) { if (args.length == 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append( '(' ) ; boolean first = true ; for (Object obj : args) { if (first) { first = false ; } else { sb.append( ' ' ) ; } sb.append( Algorithms.convertToString(obj)) ; } sb.append( ')' ) ; return sb.toString() ; } public void enter( int ident, Object... args ) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, ident ) ; String str = makeString( args ) ; dprint( mname, "->" + str ) ; } public void exception( int ident, Throwable thr ) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, ident ) ; dprint( mname, ":throw:" + thr ) ; } public void info( Object[] args, int callerId, int selfId ) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, callerId ) ; String infoName = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, selfId) ; String str = makeString( args ) ; dprint( mname, "::(" + infoName + ")" + str ) ; } public void exit( int ident ) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, ident ) ; dprint( mname, "<-" ) ; } public void exit( int ident, Object retVal ) { String mname = MethodMonitorRegistry.getMethodName( cls, ident ) ; dprint( mname, "<-(" + retVal + ")" ) ; } public void clear() { // NO-OP } } ; } } ; private static MethodMonitorFactory noOpImpl = new MethodMonitorFactoryBase( "NoOp" ) { public MethodMonitor create(final Class<?> cls) { return new MethodMonitorBase( "NoOp", cls, this ) { public void enter(int ident, Object... args) { } public void info(Object[] args, int callerId, int selfId ) { } public void exit(int ident) { } public void exit(int ident, Object result) { } public void exception(int ident, Throwable thr) { } public void clear() { } } ; } } ; public static <T> MethodMonitorFactory makeTimingImpl( final TimerManager<T> tm ) { final String name = "Timing[" + tm.toString() + "]" ; return new MethodMonitorFactoryBase( name ) { public MethodMonitor create(final Class<?> cls) { return new MethodMonitorBase( name, cls, this ) { private TimerEventController tec = tm.controller() ; private final List<Timer> timers = tm.getTimers( cls ) ; private final List<TimingPointType> timerTypes = MethodMonitorRegistry.getTimerTypes( cls ) ; public void enter(int ident, Object... args) { Timer tp = timers.get( ident ) ; tec.enter( tp ) ; } public void info(Object[] args, int callerId, int selfId ) { Timer tp = timers.get( selfId ) ; if (tp != null) { TimingPointType tpt = timerTypes.get( selfId ) ; if (tpt == TimingPointType.ENTER) { tec.enter( tp ) ; } else if (tpt == TimingPointType.EXIT) { tec.exit( tp ) ; } } } public void exit(int ident) { Timer tp = timers.get( ident ) ; tec.exit( tp ) ; } public void exit(int ident, Object result) { Timer tp = timers.get( ident ) ; tec.exit( tp ) ; } public void exception(int ident, Throwable thr) { Timer tp = timers.get( ident ) ; tec.exit( tp ) ; } public void clear() { } } ; } } ; } public static MethodMonitorFactory operationTracer() { return operationTracerImpl ; } public static MethodMonitorFactory noOp() { return noOpImpl ; } public static MethodMonitorFactory dprint() { return dprintImpl ; } static MethodMonitor composeMM( final List<MethodMonitor> mms ) { if (mms.isEmpty()) { return noOpImpl.create( null ) ; } if (mms.size() == 1) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { return mm ; } } final Set<MethodMonitorFactory> factories = new HashSet<MethodMonitorFactory>() ; Class<?> cls = null ; for (MethodMonitor mm: mms) { factories.add( mm.factory() ) ; Class<?> mmClass = mm.myClass() ; if (cls == null) { cls = mmClass ; } else if (!cls.equals( mmClass )) { throw new RuntimeException( "MethodMonitors not composable: " + "not all instantiated from the same class") ; } } final MethodMonitorFactory mmf = compose(factories) ; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "compose(" ) ; boolean first = true ; for (MethodMonitor mm : mms ) { if (first == true) { first = false ; } else { sb.append( ',' ) ; } sb.append( mm.name() ) ; } final String name = sb.toString() ; return new MethodMonitorBase( name, cls, mmf ) { public void enter(int ident, Object... args) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.enter( ident, args ) ; } } public void info( Object[] args, int callerId, int selfId ) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.info( args, callerId, selfId ) ; } } public void exit(int ident) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.exit( ident ) ; } } public void exit(int ident, Object result) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.exit( ident, result ) ; } } public void exception(int ident, Throwable thr) { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.exception( ident, thr ) ; } } public void clear() { for (MethodMonitor mm : mms) { mm.clear() ; } } } ; } public static MethodMonitorFactory compose( final Collection<MethodMonitorFactory> factories ) { if (factories.isEmpty()) { return noOpImpl ; } if (factories.size() == 1) { for (MethodMonitorFactory mmf : factories) { return mmf ; } } final Set<MethodMonitorFactory> mmfs = new HashSet<MethodMonitorFactory>() ; for (MethodMonitorFactory mmf : factories ) { mmfs.addAll( mmf.contents() ) ; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "compose(" ) ; boolean first = true ; for (MethodMonitorFactory mmf : mmfs ) { if (first == true) { first = false ; } else { sb.append( ',' ) ; } sb.append( mmf.name() ) ; } final String name = sb.toString() ; return new MethodMonitorFactoryBase( name, mmfs ) { public MethodMonitor create(final Class<?> cls) { final List<MethodMonitor> mms = new ArrayList<MethodMonitor>() ; for (MethodMonitorFactory mmf : contents()) { mms.add( mmf.create( cls ) ) ; } return composeMM( mms ) ; } } ; } }