 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

/** * * @author ken */
public abstract class EnhancedClassDataBase implements EnhancedClassData { protected Util util ; protected final Set<String> annotationNames ; protected EnhancedClassDataBase( Util util, Set<String> annotationNames ) { this.util = util ; this.annotationNames = annotationNames ; } protected String className ; protected final Set<String> annoNamesForClass = new HashSet<String>() ; // Map from MM annotation internal name to // SynchronizedHolder<MethodMonitor> field // name. Use something like __$mm$__nnn that is unlikely to collide with // another field name that is already in use. protected final Map<String,String> annoToHolderName = new HashMap<String,String>() ; // List of tracing names of MM methods. Index of method is identifier in // MethodMonitor calls. Sorted to guarantee consistent order. protected final List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<String>() ; // List of descriptions of methods. This is in the same order as // methodNames. protected final List<String> methodDescriptions = new ArrayList<String>() ; // List of timing point types of methods. This is in the same order as // methodNames. All names of monitored methods have type BOTH; // names of info methods may be ENTER, EXIT, or NONE. protected final List<TimingPointType> methodTPTs = new ArrayList<TimingPointType>() ; protected final List<String> methodTPNames = new ArrayList<String>() ; // List of annotations of methods. This is in the same order as // methodNames. If the method is a monitored method, this is the // annotation on the method; if the method is an info method, this is // null. protected final List<String> methodAnnoList = new ArrayList<String>() ; // List of descriptors of @InfoMethod-annotated methods. // Needed for validating and transforming calls to such methods. protected final Set<String> infoMethodDescs = new HashSet<String>() ; protected final Set<String> mmMethodDescs = new HashSet<String>() ; // Map from method signature to internal name of its MM annotation. protected final Map<String,String> methodToAnno = new HashMap<String,String>() ; public String getClassName() { return className ; } public Map<String,String> getAnnotationToHolderName() { return annoToHolderName ; } public List<String> getMethodNames() { return methodNames ; } public int getMethodIndex( String methodName ) { if (methodName != null) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < methodNames.size(); ctr++) { if (methodName.equals(methodNames.get(ctr))) { return ctr ; } } } return -1 ; } public String getHolderName( String fullMethodDescriptor ) { String aname = methodToAnno.get( fullMethodDescriptor ) ; String result = annoToHolderName.get( aname ) ; return result ; } public MethodType classifyMethod( String fullMethodDescriptor ) { if (fullMethodDescriptor.equals( "<clinit>()V")) { return MethodType.STATIC_INITIALIZER ; } else if (infoMethodDescs.contains( fullMethodDescriptor )) { return MethodType.INFO_METHOD ; } else if (mmMethodDescs.contains( fullMethodDescriptor)) { return MethodType.MONITORED_METHOD ; } else { return MethodType.NORMAL_METHOD ; } } public boolean isTracedClass() { return !annoNamesForClass.isEmpty() ; } public void updateInfoDesc() { String[] descs = infoMethodDescs.toArray( new String[infoMethodDescs.size() ] ) ; infoMethodDescs.clear() ; for (String desc : descs) { int index = desc.indexOf( '(' ) ; String name = desc.substring( 0, index ) ; String d = desc.substring( index ) ; String fd = util.augmentInfoMethodDescriptor(d) ; infoMethodDescs.add( name + fd ) ; } }
List of descriptions of monitored methods and info methods. If no description was given in the annotations, the value is "".
Returns:List of descriptions in the same order as in getMethodTracingNames.
/** List of descriptions of monitored methods and info methods. * If no description was given in the annotations, the value is "". * * @return List of descriptions in the same order as in * getMethodTracingNames. */
public List<String> getDescriptions() { return methodDescriptions ; }
List of timing point types of monitored methods and info methods. The list contains BOTH for a monitored method. An info method that does not represent a timing point is represented by NONE.
Returns:List of TimingPointTypes in the same order as in getMethodTracingNames.
/** List of timing point types of monitored methods and info methods. * The list contains BOTH for a monitored method. An info method that * does not represent a timing point is represented by NONE. * * @return List of TimingPointTypes in the same order as in * getMethodTracingNames. */
public List<TimingPointType> getTimingPointTypes() { return methodTPTs ; } public List<String> getTimingPointNames() { return methodTPNames ; } public List<String> getMethodMMAnnotationName() { return methodAnnoList ; } }