 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.basic.tools.file ;

import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;

import java.io.IOException ;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;

Represents a range of Strings, typically read from a file, that are in some sense related and contiguous. Blocks may also be tagged as an aid in transforming a series of blocks.
/** Represents a range of Strings, typically read from a file, that are in some sense * related and contiguous. Blocks may also be tagged as an aid in transforming * a series of blocks. */
public class Block { private List<String> data ; private final Set<String> tags ; private Block( final List<String> data, final Set<String> tags ) { this.data = data ; this.tags = tags ; }
Create a new Block from a list of strings.
/** Create a new Block from a list of strings. */
public Block( final List<String> data ) { this.data = data ; this.tags = new HashSet<String>() ; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append( "Block[" ) ; boolean first = true ; for (String tag : tags) { if (first) { first = false ; } else { sb.append( " " ) ; } sb.append( tag ) ; } sb.append( "]" ) ; return sb.toString() ; } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Block)) { return false; } Block block = (Block)obj ; // Equal if contents are equal; we ignore the tags Iterator<String> iter1 = data.iterator() ; Iterator<String> iter2 = block.data.iterator() ; while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) { String str1 = iter1.next() ; String str2 = iter2.next() ; if (!str1.equals( str2 )) { return false; } } return iter1.hasNext() == iter2.hasNext() ; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 0 ; for (String str : data) { hash ^= data.hashCode(); } return hash ; }
Create a new Block which is a copy of block.
/** Create a new Block which is a copy of block. */
public Block( final Block block ) { this.data = new ArrayList<String>( block.data ) ; this.tags = new HashSet<String>( block.tags ) ; }
Add a tag to the block. Useful for classifying blocks.
/** Add a tag to the block. Useful for classifying blocks. */
public void addTag( final String tag ) { tags.add( tag ) ; }
Return whether or not a block has a particular tag.
/** Return whether or not a block has a particular tag. */
public boolean hasTag( final String tag ) { return tags.contains( tag ) ; }
Return whether or not a block has ALL of the listed tags.
/** Return whether or not a block has ALL of the listed tags. */
public boolean hasTags( final String... tags ) { for (String tag : tags) { if (!hasTag( tag )) { return false; } } return true ; }
Get the contents of the block.
/** Get the contents of the block. */
public List<String> contents() { return data ; }
Add String before the start of the block.
/** Add String before the start of the block. */
public void addBeforeFirst( final String str ) { data.add( 0, str ) ; }
Add String after the end of the block.
/** Add String after the end of the block. */
public void addAfterLast( final String str ) { data.add( data.size(), str ) ; }
Add the prefix to each string in the block.
/** Add the prefix to each string in the block. */
public void addPrefixToAll( String prefix ) { final List<String> newData = new ArrayList<String>() ; for (String str : data) { newData.add( prefix + str ) ; } data = newData ; }
Return the first string in the block that contains the search string.
/** Return the first string in the block that contains the search string. */
public String find( final String search ) { for (String str : data) { if (str.contains( search )) { return str; } } return null ; }
Write block to FileWrapper. FileWrapper must be open for writing.
/** Write block to FileWrapper. FileWrapper must be open for writing. */
public void write( final FileWrapper fw ) throws IOException { for (String str : data ) { fw.writeLine( str ) ; } }
replace all occurrences of @KEY@ with parameters.get( KEY ). This is very simple: only one scan is made, so @...@ patterns in the parameters values are ignored.
/** replace all occurrences of @KEY@ with parameters.get( KEY ). * This is very simple: only one scan is made, so @...@ patterns * in the parameters values are ignored. */
public Block instantiateTemplate( Map<String,String> parameters ) { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>( data.size() ) ; for (String str : data) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( str, "@" ) ; // Note that the pattern is always TEXT@KEY@TEXT@KEY@TEXT, // so the the first token is not a keyword, and then the tokens // alternate. boolean isKeyword = false ; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String token = st.nextToken() ; final String replacement = isKeyword ? parameters.get( token ) : token ; sb.append( replacement ) ; isKeyword = !isKeyword ; } result.add( sb.toString() ) ; } return new Block( result ) ; } private String expandTabs( String src ) { int outCtr = 0 ; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder() ; for (int ctr=0; ctr<src.length(); ctr++) { char ch = src.charAt( ctr ) ; if (ch == '\t') { int nextTab = ((outCtr >> 3) + 1) << 3 ; while (outCtr < nextTab) { result.append( ' ' ) ; outCtr++ ; } } else { result.append( ch ) ; outCtr++ ; } } return result.toString() ; }
Replace tabs with spaces, assuming tab stops are located as usual at n*8 + 1
/** Replace tabs with spaces, assuming tab stops are located as usual at n*8 + 1 */
public Block expandTabs() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>() ; for (String line : data) { String exp = expandTabs( line ) ; result.add( exp ) ; } return new Block( result ) ; } public Block substitute( List<? extends Pair<String,String>> substitutions ) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>() ; for (String line : data) { String newLine = line ; for (Pair<String,String> pair : substitutions) { String pattern = pair.first() ; String replacement = pair.second() ; newLine = newLine.replace( pattern, replacement ) ; } result.add( newLine ) ; } return new Block( result ) ; }
Split block into two blocks, with only the first line of the original Block in result.first().
/** Split block into two blocks, with only the * first line of the original Block in result.first(). */
public Pair<Block,Block> splitFirst() { List<String> first = new ArrayList<String>() ; List<String> rest = new ArrayList<String>() ; for (String str : data) { if (first.isEmpty()) { first.add( str ) ; } else { rest.add( str ) ; } } Block block1 = new Block( first, new HashSet<String>(tags) ) ; Block block2 = new Block( rest, new HashSet<String>(tags) ) ; Pair<Block,Block> result = new Pair<Block,Block>( block1, block2 ) ; return result ; } }