 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal;

import jakarta.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseFilter;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.PreMatching;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import jakarta.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper;

import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.TracingLogger;

Server side tracing events.
Author:Libor Kramolis
/** * Server side tracing events. * * @author Libor Kramolis * @since 2.3 */
public enum ServerTraceEvent implements TracingLogger.Event {
Request processing started.
/** * Request processing started. */
START(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "START", null),
All HTTP request headers.
/** * All HTTP request headers. */
START_HEADERS(TracingLogger.Level.VERBOSE, "START", null), /** * {@link PreMatching} {@link ContainerRequestFilter} invoked. */ PRE_MATCH(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "PRE-MATCH", "Filter by %s"),
PreMatching ContainerRequestFilter invocation summary.
/** * {@link PreMatching} {@link ContainerRequestFilter} invocation summary. */
PRE_MATCH_SUMMARY(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "PRE-MATCH", "PreMatchRequest summary: %s filters"),
Matching path pattern.
/** * Matching path pattern. */
MATCH_PATH_FIND(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Matching path [%s]"),
Path pattern not matched.
/** * Path pattern not matched. */
MATCH_PATH_NOT_MATCHED(TracingLogger.Level.VERBOSE, "MATCH", "Pattern [%s] is NOT matched"),
Path pattern matched/selected.
/** * Path pattern matched/selected. */
MATCH_PATH_SELECTED(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Pattern [%s] IS selected"),
Path pattern skipped as higher-priority pattern has been selected already.
/** * Path pattern skipped as higher-priority pattern has been selected already. */
MATCH_PATH_SKIPPED(TracingLogger.Level.VERBOSE, "MATCH", "Pattern [%s] is skipped"),
Matched sub-resource locator method.
/** * Matched sub-resource locator method. */
MATCH_LOCATOR(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Matched locator : %s"),
Matched resource method.
/** * Matched resource method. */
MATCH_RESOURCE_METHOD(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Matched method : %s"),
Matched runtime resource.
/** * Matched runtime resource. */
MATCH_RUNTIME_RESOURCE(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Matched resource: template=[%s] regexp=[%s] matches=[%s] from=[%s]"),
Matched resource instance.
/** * Matched resource instance. */
MATCH_RESOURCE(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "MATCH", "Resource instance: %s"),
Matching summary.
/** * Matching summary. */
MATCH_SUMMARY(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "MATCH", "RequestMatching summary"),
Global ContainerRequestFilter invoked.
/** * Global {@link ContainerRequestFilter} invoked. */
REQUEST_FILTER(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "REQ-FILTER", "Filter by %s"),
Global ContainerRequestFilter invocation summary.
/** * Global {@link ContainerRequestFilter} invocation summary. */
REQUEST_FILTER_SUMMARY(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "REQ-FILTER", "Request summary: %s filters"),
Resource method invoked.
/** * Resource method invoked. */
METHOD_INVOKE(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "INVOKE", "Resource %s method=[%s]"),
Resource method invocation results to JAX-RS Response.
/** * Resource method invocation results to JAX-RS {@link Response}. */
DISPATCH_RESPONSE(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "INVOKE", "Response: %s"), /** * {@link ContainerResponseFilter} invoked. */ RESPONSE_FILTER(TracingLogger.Level.TRACE, "RESP-FILTER", "Filter by %s"),
ContainerResponseFilter invocation summary.
/** * {@link ContainerResponseFilter} invocation summary. */
RESPONSE_FILTER_SUMMARY(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "RESP-FILTER", "Response summary: %s filters"),
Request processing finished.
/** * Request processing finished. */
FINISHED(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "FINISHED", "Response status: %s"),
ExceptionMapper invoked.
/** * {@link ExceptionMapper} invoked. */
EXCEPTION_MAPPING(TracingLogger.Level.SUMMARY, "EXCEPTION", "Exception mapper %s maps %s ('%s') to <%s>"); private final TracingLogger.Level level; private final String category; private final String messageFormat; private ServerTraceEvent(TracingLogger.Level level, String category, String messageFormat) { this.level = level; this.category = category; this.messageFormat = messageFormat; } @Override public String category() { return category; } @Override public TracingLogger.Level level() { return level; } @Override public String messageFormat() { return messageFormat; } }