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package org.glassfish.jersey.server.filter;

import java.io.IOException;

import jakarta.ws.rs.ForbiddenException;
import jakarta.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Priorities;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.DynamicFeature;
import jakarta.ws.rs.container.ResourceInfo;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.FeatureContext;

import jakarta.annotation.Priority;
import jakarta.annotation.security.DenyAll;
import jakarta.annotation.security.PermitAll;
import jakarta.annotation.security.RolesAllowed;

import org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.LocalizationMessages;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.AnnotatedMethod;

A DynamicFeature supporting the jakarta.annotation.security.RolesAllowed, jakarta.annotation.security.PermitAll and jakarta.annotation.security.DenyAll on resource methods and sub-resource methods.

The SecurityContext is utilized, using the SecurityContext.isUserInRole(String) method, to ascertain if the user is in one of the roles declared in by a @RolesAllowed. If a user is in none of the declared roles then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned.

If the @DenyAll annotation is declared then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned.

If the @PermitAll annotation is declared and is not overridden then this filter will not be applied.

If a user is not authenticated and annotated method is restricted for certain roles then a 403 (Not Authenticated) response is returned.
Author:Paul Sandoz, Martin Matula
/** * A {@link DynamicFeature} supporting the {@code jakarta.annotation.security.RolesAllowed}, * {@code jakarta.annotation.security.PermitAll} and {@code jakarta.annotation.security.DenyAll} * on resource methods and sub-resource methods. * <p/> * The {@link jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext} is utilized, using the * {@link jakarta.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext#isUserInRole(String) } method, * to ascertain if the user is in one * of the roles declared in by a {@code &#64;RolesAllowed}. If a user is in none of * the declared roles then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned. * <p/> * If the {@code &#64;DenyAll} annotation is declared then a 403 (Forbidden) response * is returned. * <p/> * If the {@code &#64;PermitAll} annotation is declared and is not overridden then * this filter will not be applied. * <p/> * If a user is not authenticated and annotated method is restricted for certain roles then a 403 * (Not Authenticated) response is returned. * * @author Paul Sandoz * @author Martin Matula */
public class RolesAllowedDynamicFeature implements DynamicFeature { @Override public void configure(final ResourceInfo resourceInfo, final FeatureContext configuration) { final AnnotatedMethod am = new AnnotatedMethod(resourceInfo.getResourceMethod()); // DenyAll on the method take precedence over RolesAllowed and PermitAll if (am.isAnnotationPresent(DenyAll.class)) { configuration.register(new RolesAllowedRequestFilter()); return; } // RolesAllowed on the method takes precedence over PermitAll RolesAllowed ra = am.getAnnotation(RolesAllowed.class); if (ra != null) { configuration.register(new RolesAllowedRequestFilter(ra.value())); return; } // PermitAll takes precedence over RolesAllowed on the class if (am.isAnnotationPresent(PermitAll.class)) { // Do nothing. return; } // DenyAll can't be attached to classes // RolesAllowed on the class takes precedence over PermitAll ra = resourceInfo.getResourceClass().getAnnotation(RolesAllowed.class); if (ra != null) { configuration.register(new RolesAllowedRequestFilter(ra.value())); } } @Priority(Priorities.AUTHORIZATION) // authorization filter - should go after any authentication filters private static class RolesAllowedRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { private final boolean denyAll; private final String[] rolesAllowed; RolesAllowedRequestFilter() { this.denyAll = true; this.rolesAllowed = null; } RolesAllowedRequestFilter(final String[] rolesAllowed) { this.denyAll = false; this.rolesAllowed = (rolesAllowed != null) ? rolesAllowed : new String[] {}; } @Override public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { if (!denyAll) { if (rolesAllowed.length > 0 && !isAuthenticated(requestContext)) { throw new ForbiddenException(LocalizationMessages.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED()); } for (final String role : rolesAllowed) { if (requestContext.getSecurityContext().isUserInRole(role)) { return; } } } throw new ForbiddenException(LocalizationMessages.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED()); } private static boolean isAuthenticated(final ContainerRequestContext requestContext) { return requestContext.getSecurityContext().getUserPrincipal() != null; } } }