 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package org.glassfish.jersey.server.model;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import javax.ws.rs.NameBinding;
import javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;

import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MediaTypes;
import org.glassfish.jersey.model.NameBound;
import org.glassfish.jersey.process.Inflector;
import org.glassfish.jersey.uri.PathPattern;

Model of a method available on a resource. Covers resource method, sub-resource method and sub-resource locator.
Author:Marek Potociar
/** * Model of a method available on a resource. Covers resource method, sub-resource * method and sub-resource locator. * * @author Marek Potociar */
public final class ResourceMethod implements ResourceModelComponent, Producing, Consuming, Suspendable, NameBound {
Resource method classification based on the recognized JAX-RS resource method types.
/** * Resource method classification based on the recognized JAX-RS * resource method types. */
public static enum JaxrsType {
JAX-RS resource method.

Does not have a path template assigned. Is assigned to a particular HTTP method.
/** * JAX-RS resource method. * <p/> * Does not have a path template assigned. Is assigned to a particular HTTP method. */
RESOURCE_METHOD { @Override PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) { // template is ignored. return PathPattern.END_OF_PATH_PATTERN; } },
JAX-RS sub-resource method.

Has a sub-path template assigned and is assigned to a particular HTTP method.
/** * JAX-RS sub-resource method. * <p/> * Has a sub-path template assigned and is assigned to a particular HTTP method. */
SUB_RESOURCE_METHOD { @Override PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) { return new PathPattern(pathTemplate, PathPattern.RightHandPath.capturingZeroSegments); } },
JAX-RS sub-resource locator.

Has a sub-path template assigned but is not assigned to any particular HTTP method. Instead it produces a sub-resource instance that should be further used in the request URI matching.
/** * JAX-RS sub-resource locator. * <p/> * Has a sub-path template assigned but is not assigned to any particular HTTP method. * Instead it produces a sub-resource instance that should be further * used in the request URI matching. */
SUB_RESOURCE_LOCATOR { @Override PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate) { return new PathPattern(pathTemplate, PathPattern.RightHandPath.capturingZeroOrMoreSegments); } };
Create a proper matching path pattern from the provided template for the selected method type.
  • pathTemplate – method path template.
Returns:method matching path pattern.
/** * Create a proper matching path pattern from the provided template for * the selected method type. * * @param pathTemplate method path template. * @return method matching path pattern. */
/* package */ abstract PathPattern createPatternFor(String pathTemplate); private static JaxrsType classify(String httpMethod) { if (httpMethod != null && !httpMethod.isEmpty()) { return RESOURCE_METHOD; } else { return SUB_RESOURCE_LOCATOR; } } }
Resource method model builder.
/** * Resource method model builder. */
public static final class Builder { private final Resource.Builder parent; // HttpMethod private String httpMethod; // Consuming & Producing private final Set<MediaType> consumedTypes; private final Set<MediaType> producedTypes; // Suspendable private boolean managedAsync; private boolean sse; private boolean suspended; private long suspendTimeout; private TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit; // Invocable private Class<?> handlerClass; private Object handlerInstance; private final Collection<Parameter> handlerParameters; // method (can be also interface method). Specific method to execute is defined by handlingMethod private Method definitionMethod; // this can be either equal to definitionMethod or child of definitionMethod private Method handlingMethod; private boolean encodedParams; private Type routingResponseType; // NameBound private final Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> nameBindings; private boolean extended;
Create a resource method builder.

The supplied parent resource model builder will be called to register the newly created resource method instance as part of the build() method invocation.

Note that the build() method does not have to be invoked manually as the registration will happen automatically as part of the Builder.build() method invocation.

  • parent – parent resource model builder.
/** * Create a resource method builder. * <p> * The supplied parent resource model builder will be called to register * the newly created resource method instance as part of the {@link #build()} * method invocation. * </p> * <p> * Note that the {@link #build()} method does not have to be invoked manually * as the registration will happen automatically as part of the * {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource.Builder#build()} method * invocation. * </p> * * @param parent parent resource model builder. */
/* package */ Builder(final Resource.Builder parent) { this.parent = parent; this.httpMethod = null; this.consumedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.producedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); this.suspended = false; this.suspendTimeout = AsyncResponse.NO_TIMEOUT; this.suspendTimeoutUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; this.handlerParameters = new LinkedList<>(); this.encodedParams = false; this.nameBindings = new LinkedHashSet<>(); }
Create a builder from an existing resource method model.
  • parent – parent resource model builder.
  • originalMethod – existing resource method model to create the builder from.
/** * Create a builder from an existing resource method model. * * @param parent parent resource model builder. * @param originalMethod existing resource method model to create the builder from. */
/* package */ Builder(final Resource.Builder parent, ResourceMethod originalMethod) { this.parent = parent; this.consumedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(originalMethod.getConsumedTypes()); this.producedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(originalMethod.getProducedTypes()); this.suspended = originalMethod.isSuspendDeclared(); this.suspendTimeout = originalMethod.getSuspendTimeout(); this.suspendTimeoutUnit = originalMethod.getSuspendTimeoutUnit(); this.handlerParameters = new LinkedHashSet<>(originalMethod.getInvocable().getHandler().getParameters()); this.nameBindings = originalMethod.getNameBindings(); this.httpMethod = originalMethod.getHttpMethod(); this.managedAsync = originalMethod.isManagedAsyncDeclared(); Invocable invocable = originalMethod.getInvocable(); this.handlingMethod = invocable.getHandlingMethod(); this.encodedParams = false; this.routingResponseType = invocable.getRoutingResponseType(); this.extended = originalMethod.isExtended(); Method handlerMethod = invocable.getDefinitionMethod(); MethodHandler handler = invocable.getHandler(); if (handler.isClassBased()) { handledBy(handler.getHandlerClass(), handlerMethod); } else { handledBy(handler.getHandlerInstance(), handlerMethod); } }
Set the associated HTTP method name.
  • name – HTTP method name.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Set the associated HTTP method name. * * @param name HTTP method name. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder httpMethod(String name) { this.httpMethod = name; return this; }
Add produced media types supported by the component.
  • types – produced media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add produced media types supported by the component. * * @param types produced media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder produces(String... types) { return produces(MediaTypes.createFrom(types)); }
Add produced media types supported by the component.
  • types – produced media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add produced media types supported by the component. * * @param types produced media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder produces(MediaType... types) { return produces(Arrays.asList(types)); }
Add produced media types supported by the component.
  • types – produced media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add produced media types supported by the component. * * @param types produced media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder produces(Collection<MediaType> types) { this.producedTypes.addAll(types); return this; }
Add consumed media types supported by the component.
  • types – consumed media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add consumed media types supported by the component. * * @param types consumed media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder consumes(String... types) { return consumes(MediaTypes.createFrom(types)); }
Add consumed media types supported by the component.
  • types – consumed media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add consumed media types supported by the component. * * @param types consumed media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder consumes(MediaType... types) { return consumes(Arrays.asList(types)); }
Add consumed media types supported by the component.
  • types – consumed media types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Add consumed media types supported by the component. * * @param types consumed media types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder consumes(Collection<MediaType> types) { this.consumedTypes.addAll(types); return this; }
Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with NameBinding meta-annotation will be ignored.
  • nameBindings – collection of name binding annotation types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding} * meta-annotation will be ignored. * * @param nameBindings collection of name binding annotation types. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder nameBindings(final Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> nameBindings) { for (Class<? extends Annotation> nameBinding : nameBindings) { if (nameBinding.getAnnotation(NameBinding.class) != null) { this.nameBindings.add(nameBinding); } } return this; }
Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with NameBinding meta-annotation will be ignored.
  • nameBindings – name binding annotation types.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Adds name bindings. The passed annotation types not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding} * meta-annotation will be ignored. * * @param nameBindings name binding annotation types. * @return updated builder object. */
@SafeVarargs public final Builder nameBindings(final Class<? extends Annotation>... nameBindings) { return nameBindings(Arrays.asList(nameBindings)); }
Adds name bindings. The passed annotations not annotated with NameBinding meta-annotation will be ignored.
  • nameBindings – name binding annotations.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Adds name bindings. The passed annotations not annotated with {@link javax.ws.rs.NameBinding} * meta-annotation will be ignored. * * @param nameBindings name binding annotations. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder nameBindings(final Annotation... nameBindings) { return nameBindings( Arrays.stream(nameBindings) .map((Function<Annotation, Class<? extends Annotation>>) Annotation::annotationType) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ); }
Mark the component for suspending.

An invocation of a component (resource or sub-resource method) marked for suspending will be automatically suspended by the Jersey runtime.
  • timeout – suspend timeout value.
  • unit – suspend timeout time unit.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Mark the component for suspending. * <p/> * An invocation of a component (resource or sub-resource method) marked * for suspending will be automatically suspended by the Jersey runtime. * * @param timeout suspend timeout value. * @param unit suspend timeout time unit. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder suspended(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { suspended = true; suspendTimeout = timeout; suspendTimeoutUnit = unit; return this; }
Set the SSE flag on the method model to true.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Set the SSE flag on the method model to {@code true}. * * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder sse() { sse = true; return this; }
Set the managed async required flag on the method model to true.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Set the managed async required flag on the method model to {@code true}. * * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder managedAsync() { managedAsync = true; return this; }
If set to true, the parameter values will not be automatically decoded.

Defaults to false.
  • value – true if the automatic parameter decoding should be disabled, false otherwise.
See Also:
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * If set to {@code true}, the parameter values will not be automatically * decoded. * <p/> * Defaults to {@code false}. * * @param value {@code true} if the automatic parameter decoding should be * disabled, false otherwise. * @return updated builder object. * @see javax.ws.rs.Encoded */
public Builder encodedParameters(boolean value) { encodedParams = value; return this; }
Define a resource method handler binding.
  • handlerClass – concrete resource method handler class.
  • method – method that will be executed as a resource method. The parameters initializes invocable definition method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define a resource method handler binding. * * @param handlerClass concrete resource method handler class. * @param method method that will be executed as a resource method. The parameters initializes * {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getDefinitionMethod() invocable * definition method}. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder handledBy(Class<?> handlerClass, Method method) { this.handlerInstance = null; this.handlerClass = handlerClass; this.definitionMethod = method; return this; }
Define a resource method handler binding.
  • handlerInstance – concrete resource method handler instance.
  • method – handling method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define a resource method handler binding. * * @param handlerInstance concrete resource method handler instance. * @param method handling method. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder handledBy(Object handlerInstance, Method method) { this.handlerClass = null; this.handlerInstance = handlerInstance; this.definitionMethod = method; return this; }
Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding.
  • inflector – inflector handling the resource method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding. * * @param inflector inflector handling the resource method. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder handledBy(Inflector<ContainerRequestContext, ?> inflector) { return handledBy(inflector, Invocable.APPLY_INFLECTOR_METHOD); }
Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding.
  • inflectorClass – class of the inflector handling the resource method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define an inflector-based resource method handler binding. * * @param inflectorClass class of the inflector handling the resource method. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder handledBy(Class<? extends Inflector> inflectorClass) { return handledBy(inflectorClass, Invocable.APPLY_INFLECTOR_METHOD); }
Parameters defined on the handler (i.e. not in the handling method), e.g. via property setters or fields.
  • parameters – handler parameters to be added to the set of handler parameters for the method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Parameters defined on the handler (i.e. not in the handling method), e.g. via property setters or fields. * * @param parameters handler parameters to be added to the set of handler parameters for the method. * @return updated builder object. * @since 2.20 */
public Builder handlerParameters(Collection<Parameter> parameters) { this.handlerParameters.addAll(parameters); return this; }
Define a specific method of the handling class that will be executed. If the method is not defined then the method will be equal to the method initialized by one of the handledBy() builder methods.
  • handlingMethod – specific handling method.
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define a specific method of the handling class that will be executed. If the method * is not defined then the method will be equal to the method initialized by * one of the {@code handledBy()} builder methods. * * @param handlingMethod specific handling method. * @return updated builder object. */
public Builder handlingMethod(final Method handlingMethod) { this.handlingMethod = handlingMethod; return this; }
Define the response entity type used during the routing for selection of the resource methods. If this method is not called then the Invocable.getRoutingResponseType() will be equal to Invocable.getResponseType() which is the default configuration state.
  • routingResponseType – Routing response type.
See Also:
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Define the response entity type used during the routing for * selection of the resource methods. If this method is not called then * the {@link Invocable#getRoutingResponseType()} will be equal to * {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getResponseType()} which * is the default configuration state. * * @param routingResponseType Routing response type. * @return updated builder object. * @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable#getRoutingResponseType() */
public Builder routingResponseType(Type routingResponseType) { this.routingResponseType = routingResponseType; return this; }
Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API. The method defines the flag available at ResourceMethod.isExtended().

Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a RESTful API. These can be for example OPTIONS resource methods added by model processors or application.wadl resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive than the core of RESTful API.

  • extended – If true then resource method is marked as extended.
See Also:
Returns:updated builder object.
/** * Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API. * The method defines the * flag available at {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod#isExtended()}. * <p> * Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a * RESTful API. These can be for example {@code OPTIONS} {@link ResourceMethod resource methods} * added by {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelProcessor model processors} * or {@code application.wadl} resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive * than the core of RESTful API. * </p> * * @param extended If {@code true} then resource method is marked as extended. * @return updated builder object. * @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ExtendedResource * @since 2.5.1 */
public Builder extended(boolean extended) { this.extended = extended; return this; }
Build the resource method model and register it with the parent Resource.Builder.
Returns:new resource method model.
/** * Build the resource method model and register it with the parent * {@link Resource.Builder Resource.Builder}. * * @return new resource method model. */
public ResourceMethod build() { final Data methodData = new Data( httpMethod, consumedTypes, producedTypes, managedAsync, suspended, sse, suspendTimeout, suspendTimeoutUnit, createInvocable(), nameBindings, parent.isExtended() || extended); parent.onBuildMethod(this, methodData); return new ResourceMethod(null, methodData); } private Invocable createInvocable() { assert handlerClass != null || handlerInstance != null; final MethodHandler handler; if (handlerClass != null) { handler = MethodHandler.create(handlerClass, encodedParams, handlerParameters); } else { // instance based handler = MethodHandler.create(handlerInstance, handlerParameters); } return Invocable.create(handler, definitionMethod, handlingMethod, encodedParams, routingResponseType); } }
Immutable resource method data.
/** * Immutable resource method data. */
/* package */ static class Data { // JAX-RS method type private final JaxrsType type; // HttpMethod private final String httpMethod; // Consuming & Producing private final List<MediaType> consumedTypes; private final List<MediaType> producedTypes; // SuspendableComponent private final boolean managedAsync; private final boolean suspended; private final boolean sse; private final long suspendTimeout; private final TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit; // Invocable private final Invocable invocable; // NameBound private final Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> nameBindings; private final boolean extended; private Data(final String httpMethod, final Collection<MediaType> consumedTypes, final Collection<MediaType> producedTypes, boolean managedAsync, final boolean suspended, boolean sse, final long suspendTimeout, final TimeUnit suspendTimeoutUnit, final Invocable invocable, final Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> nameBindings, final boolean extended) { this.managedAsync = managedAsync; this.type = JaxrsType.classify(httpMethod); this.httpMethod = (httpMethod == null) ? httpMethod : httpMethod.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); this.consumedTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(consumedTypes)); this.producedTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(producedTypes)); this.invocable = invocable; this.suspended = suspended; this.sse = sse; this.suspendTimeout = suspendTimeout; this.suspendTimeoutUnit = suspendTimeoutUnit; this.nameBindings = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new ArrayList<>(nameBindings)); this.extended = extended; }
Get the JAX-RS method type.
Returns:the JAX-RS method type.
/** * Get the JAX-RS method type. * * @return the JAX-RS method type. */
/* package */ JaxrsType getType() { return type; }
Get the associated HTTP method.

May return null in case the method represents a sub-resource locator.

Returns:the associated HTTP method, or null in case this method represents a sub-resource locator.
/** * Get the associated HTTP method. * <p> * May return {@code null} in case the method represents a sub-resource * locator. * </p> * * @return the associated HTTP method, or {@code null} in case this method * represents a sub-resource locator. */
/* package */ String getHttpMethod() { return httpMethod; }
Get consumable media types.
Returns:consumable media types.
/** * Get consumable media types. * * @return consumable media types. */
/* package */ List<MediaType> getConsumedTypes() { return consumedTypes; }
Get produced media types.
Returns:produced media types.
/** * Get produced media types. * * @return produced media types. */
/* package */ List<MediaType> getProducedTypes() { return producedTypes; }
Flag indicating whether managed async support declared on the method.
Returns:true if managed async support is declared on the method, false otherwise.
/** * Flag indicating whether managed async support declared on the method. * * @return {@code true} if managed async support is declared on the method, {@code false} otherwise. */
/* package */ boolean isManagedAsync() { return managedAsync; }
Flag indicating whether the method requires injection of suspended response context.
Returns:true if the method requires injection of suspended response context, false otherwise.
/** * Flag indicating whether the method requires injection of suspended response context. * * @return {@code true} if the method requires injection of suspended response context, {@code false} otherwise. */
/* package */ boolean isSuspended() { return suspended; }
Flag indicating whether the method requires injection of Sse Event Sink.
Returns:true if the method requires injection of Sse Event Sink, false otherwise.
/** * Flag indicating whether the method requires injection of Sse Event Sink. * * @return {@code true} if the method requires injection of Sse Event Sink, {@code false} otherwise. */
/* package */ boolean isSse() { return sse; }
Get the suspended timeout value for the method.
Returns:the suspended timeout value for the method.
/** * Get the suspended timeout value for the method. * * @return the suspended timeout value for the method. */
/* package */ long getSuspendTimeout() { return suspendTimeout; }
Get the suspended timeout time unit for the method.
Returns:the suspended timeout time unit for the method.
/** * Get the suspended timeout time unit for the method. * * @return the suspended timeout time unit for the method. */
/* package */ TimeUnit getSuspendTimeoutUnit() { return suspendTimeoutUnit; }
Get the invocable method model.
Returns:invocable method model.
/** * Get the invocable method model. * * @return invocable method model. */
/* package */ Invocable getInvocable() { return invocable; }
Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API.
Returns:true if resource is extended.
/** * Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API. * * @return {@code true} if resource is extended. */
/* package */ boolean isExtended() { return extended; }
Get the collection of name bindings attached to this method.
Returns:collection of name binding annotation types attached to the method.
/** * Get the collection of name bindings attached to this method. * * @return collection of name binding annotation types attached to the method. */
/* package */ Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> getNameBindings() { return nameBindings; } @Override public String toString() { return "httpMethod=" + httpMethod + ", consumedTypes=" + consumedTypes + ", producedTypes=" + producedTypes + ", suspended=" + suspended + ", suspendTimeout=" + suspendTimeout + ", suspendTimeoutUnit=" + suspendTimeoutUnit + ", invocable=" + invocable + ", nameBindings=" + nameBindings; } }
Transform a collection of resource method data into resource method models.
  • parent – parent resource model.
  • list – resource method data collection.
Returns:transformed resource method models.
/** * Transform a collection of resource method data into resource method models. * * @param parent parent resource model. * @param list resource method data collection. * @return transformed resource method models. */
static List<ResourceMethod> transform(final Resource parent, final List<Data> list) { return list.stream() .map(data1 -> (data1 == null) ? null : new ResourceMethod(parent, data1)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private final Data data; private final Resource parent;
Create new resource method model instance.
  • parent – parent resource model.
  • data – resource method model data.
/** * Create new resource method model instance. * * @param parent parent resource model. * @param data resource method model data. */
ResourceMethod(final Resource parent, final Data data) { this.parent = parent; this.data = data; }
Get model data represented by this resource method.
Returns:model data represented by this resource method.
/** * Get model data represented by this resource method. * * @return model data represented by this resource method. */
/* package */ Data getData() { return data; }
Get the parent resource for this resource method model.

May return null in case the resource method is not bound to an existing resource. This is typical for resource method models returned directly from the ResourceMethod.Builder.build() method.

Returns:parent resource, or null if there is no parent resource associated with the method.
/** * Get the parent resource for this resource method model. * <p> * May return {@code null} in case the resource method is not bound to an existing resource. * This is typical for resource method models returned directly from the * {@link ResourceMethod.Builder#build() ResourceMethod.Builder.build()} method. * </p> * * @return parent resource, or {@code null} if there is no parent resource associated with the method. * @since 2.1 */
public Resource getParent() { return parent; }
Get the JAX-RS method type.
Returns:the JAX-RS method type.
/** * Get the JAX-RS method type. * * @return the JAX-RS method type. */
public JaxrsType getType() { return data.getType(); }
Get the associated HTTP method.

May return null in case the method represents a sub-resource locator.

Returns:the associated HTTP method, or null in case this method represents a sub-resource locator.
/** * Get the associated HTTP method. * <p> * May return {@code null} in case the method represents a sub-resource * locator. * </p> * * @return the associated HTTP method, or {@code null} in case this method * represents a sub-resource locator. */
public String getHttpMethod() { return data.getHttpMethod(); }
Get the invocable method model.
Returns:invocable method model.
/** * Get the invocable method model. * * @return invocable method model. */
public Invocable getInvocable() { return data.getInvocable(); }
Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API.

Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a RESTful API. These can be for example OPTIONS resource methods added by model processors or application.wadl resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive than the core of RESTful API.

If not set the resource will not be defined as extended by default.

See Also:
Returns:true if the method is extended.
/** * Get the flag indicating whether the resource method is extended or is a core of exposed RESTful API. * <p> * Extended resource model components are helper components that are not considered as a core of a * RESTful API. These can be for example {@code OPTIONS} resource methods * added by {@link org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelProcessor model processors} * or {@code application.wadl} resource producing the WADL. Both resource are rather supportive * than the core of RESTful API. * </p> * <p> * If not set the resource will not be defined as extended by default. * </p> * * @return {@code true} if the method is extended. * @see org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ExtendedResource * @since 2.5.1 */
public boolean isExtended() { return data.extended; } // Consuming @Override public List<MediaType> getConsumedTypes() { return data.getConsumedTypes(); } // Producing @Override public List<MediaType> getProducedTypes() { return data.getProducedTypes(); } // Suspendable @Override public long getSuspendTimeout() { return data.getSuspendTimeout(); } @Override public TimeUnit getSuspendTimeoutUnit() { return data.getSuspendTimeoutUnit(); } @Override public boolean isSuspendDeclared() { return data.isSuspended(); }
Check whether the resource method will be producing Server-sent event stream.
Returns:true if the resource method produces Server-sent event stream, false otherwise.
/** * Check whether the resource method will be producing Server-sent event stream. * * @return {@code true} if the resource method produces Server-sent event stream, {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean isSse() { return data.isSse(); } @Override public boolean isManagedAsyncDeclared() { return data.isManagedAsync(); } // ResourceModelComponent @Override public List<? extends ResourceModelComponent> getComponents() { return Arrays.asList(data.getInvocable()); } @Override public void accept(ResourceModelVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitResourceMethod(this); } // NameBound @Override public boolean isNameBound() { return !data.getNameBindings().isEmpty(); } @Override public Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> getNameBindings() { return data.getNameBindings(); } @Override public String toString() { return "ResourceMethod{" + data.toString() + '}'; } }