package org.glassfish.jersey.internal;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory.ResourceBundleSupplier;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizer;

Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
/** * Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file * */
public final class LocalizationMessages { private final static String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.glassfish.jersey.internal.localization"; private final static LocalizableMessageFactory MESSAGE_FACTORY = new LocalizableMessageFactory(BUNDLE_NAME, new LocalizationMessages.BundleSupplier()); private final static Localizer LOCALIZER = new Localizer(); public static Localizable localizableERRORS_AND_WARNINGS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("errors.and.warnings.detected", arg0); }
Following issues have been detected: {0}
/** * Following issues have been detected: {0} * */
public static String ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERRORS_AND_WARNINGS_DETECTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCOMMITTING_STREAM_BUFFERING_ILLEGAL_STATE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Cannot setup buffering as bytes have already been written to the output stream. The entity buffering can be initialized only before first bytes are written to the entity output stream.
/** * Cannot setup buffering as bytes have already been written to the output stream. The entity buffering can be initialized only before first bytes are written to the entity output stream. * */
public static String COMMITTING_STREAM_BUFFERING_ILLEGAL_STATE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMMITTING_STREAM_BUFFERING_ILLEGAL_STATE()); } public static Localizable localizableLOCALE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Locale is null.
/** * Locale is null. * */
public static String LOCALE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableLOCALE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.kmf.provider.not.registered"); }
Error initializing key manager factory (provider not registered).
/** * Error initializing key manager factory (provider not registered). * */
public static String SSL_KMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_INVALID_DIGIT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.component.encoded.octet.invalid.digit", arg0, arg1); }
Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}, invalid hexadecimal digit ''{1}''.
/** * Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}, invalid hexadecimal digit ''{1}''. * */
public static String URI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_INVALID_DIGIT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_INVALID_DIGIT(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_PARSER_COMPONENT_DELIMITER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.parser.component.delimiter", arg0, arg1); }
Component does not end by a delimiter ''{0}'' at index {1}.
/** * Component does not end by a delimiter ''{0}'' at index {1}. * */
public static String URI_PARSER_COMPONENT_DELIMITER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_PARSER_COMPONENT_DELIMITER(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.kmf.algorithm.not.supported"); }
Error initializing key manager factory (algorithm not supported).
/** * Error initializing key manager factory (algorithm not supported). * */
public static String SSL_KMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_MBR_ISREADABLE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.mbr.isreadable", arg0); }
MesssageBodyReader {0} threw exception in isReadable - skipping.
/** * MesssageBodyReader {0} threw exception in isReadable - skipping. * */
public static String ERROR_MBR_ISREADABLE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_MBR_ISREADABLE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_INIT_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.kmf.init.failed"); }
Error initializing key manager factory (operation failed).
/** * Error initializing key manager factory (operation failed). * */
public static String SSL_KMF_INIT_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_INIT_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableOVERRIDING_METHOD_CANNOT_BE_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1); }
Method that overrides {0} cannot be found on class {1}.
/** * Method that overrides {0} cannot be found on class {1}. * */
public static String OVERRIDING_METHOD_CANNOT_BE_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableOVERRIDING_METHOD_CANNOT_BE_FOUND(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_INTERCEPTOR_READER_PROCEED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.interceptor.reader.proceed"); }
Last reader interceptor in the chain called the method proceed.
/** * Last reader interceptor in the chain called the method proceed. * */
public static String ERROR_INTERCEPTOR_READER_PROCEED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_INTERCEPTOR_READER_PROCEED()); } public static Localizable localizableMEDIA_TYPE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Media type is null.
/** * Media type is null. * */
public static String MEDIA_TYPE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMEDIA_TYPE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_MALFORMED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.component.encoded.octet.malformed", arg0); }
Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}.
/** * Malformed percent-encoded octet at index {0}. * */
public static String URI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_MALFORMED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_COMPONENT_ENCODED_OCTET_MALFORMED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.integrity.algorithm.not.found"); }
Error initializing key store (algorithm to check key store integrity not found).
/** * Error initializing key store (algorithm to check key store integrity not found). * */
public static String SSL_KS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND()); } public static Localizable localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFER_RESET_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("message.content.buffer.reset.failed"); }
Error resetting the buffered message content input stream.
/** * Error resetting the buffered message content input stream. * */
public static String MESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFER_RESET_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFER_RESET_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableTEMPLATE_PARAM_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("template.param.null"); }
One or more of template keys or values are null.
/** * One or more of template keys or values are null. * */
public static String TEMPLATE_PARAM_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTEMPLATE_PARAM_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TMF_INIT_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.tmf.init.failed"); }
Error initializing trust manager factory (operation failed).
/** * Error initializing trust manager factory (operation failed). * */
public static String SSL_TMF_INIT_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TMF_INIT_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_CLASS_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.class.path.annotation.missing", arg0); }
The class, {0} is not annotated with @Path.
/** * The class, {0} is not annotated with @Path. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_CLASS_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_CLASS_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableUNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("unhandled.exception.detected", arg0); }
Unhandled exception detected on thread {0}.
/** * Unhandled exception detected on thread {0}. * */
public static String UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_DETECTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableNOT_SUPPORTED_ON_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("not.supported.on.outbound.message"); }
Method not supported on an outbound message.
/** * Method not supported on an outbound message. * */
public static String NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNOT_SUPPORTED_ON_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE()); } public static Localizable localizableUNABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADER_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1); }
Unable to parse "{0}" header value: "{1}"
/** * Unable to parse "{0}" header value: "{1}" * */
public static String UNABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADER_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUNABLE_TO_PARSE_HEADER_VALUE(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_RUNTIME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.runtime", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
A provider {0} registered in {2} runtime is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime.
/** * A provider {0} registered in {2} runtime is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime. * */
public static String ERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_RUNTIME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_RUNTIME(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_SET(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Neither key password nor key store password has been set for {0} key store. Ignoring the key store configuration and skipping the key manager factory initialization. Key manager factory will not be configured in the current SSL context.
/** * Neither key password nor key store password has been set for {0} key store. Ignoring the key store configuration and skipping the key manager factory initialization. Key manager factory will not be configured in the current SSL context. * */
public static String SSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_SET(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_SET(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizablePARAM_NULL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("param.null", arg0); }
"{0}" parameter is null.
/** * "{0}" parameter is null. * */
public static String PARAM_NULL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePARAM_NULL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_QUOTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("http.header.unbalanced.quoted"); }
Unbalanced quoted string.
/** * Unbalanced quoted string. * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_QUOTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_QUOTED()); } public static Localizable localizableLINK_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Link is null.
/** * Link is null. * */
public static String LINK_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableLINK_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PART_OF_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a part of a name in a path template "{2}".
/** * Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a part of a name in a path template "{2}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PART_OF_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PART_OF_NAME(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizablePROPERTIES_HELPER_DEPRECATED_PROPERTY_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1); }
Deprecated property name "{0}" usage was found. Please use "{1}" instead.
/** * Deprecated property name "{0}" usage was found. Please use "{1}" instead. * */
public static String PROPERTIES_HELPER_DEPRECATED_PROPERTY_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePROPERTIES_HELPER_DEPRECATED_PROPERTY_NAME(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableCOMPONENT_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Registered component instance cannot be null.
/** * Registered component instance cannot be null. * */
public static String COMPONENT_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMPONENT_CANNOT_BE_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_ANNOTATEDELEMENT_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.annotatedelement.path.annotation.missing", arg0); }
The annotated element "{0}" is not annotated with @Path.
/** * The annotated element "{0}" is not annotated with @Path. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_ANNOTATEDELEMENT_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_ANNOTATEDELEMENT_PATH_ANNOTATION_MISSING(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.context", arg0); }
Incorrect type of feature context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey FeatureContext implementation.
/** * Incorrect type of feature context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey FeatureContext implementation. * */
public static String ERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_CONTEXT(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_START_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a start of a name in a path template "{2}".
/** * Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed as a start of a name in a path template "{2}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_START_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_START_NAME(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableCONFIGURATION_NOT_MODIFIABLE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("configuration.not.modifiable"); }
The configuration is not modifiable in this context.
/** * The configuration is not modifiable in this context. * */
public static String CONFIGURATION_NOT_MODIFIABLE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCONFIGURATION_NOT_MODIFIABLE()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.cert.load.error"); }
Cannot load trust store certificates.
/** * Cannot load trust store certificates. * */
public static String SSL_TS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_FINDING_EXCEPTION_MAPPER_TYPE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.finding.exception.mapper.type", arg0); }
Could not find exception type for given ExceptionMapper class: {0}.
/** * Could not find exception type for given ExceptionMapper class: {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_FINDING_EXCEPTION_MAPPER_TYPE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_FINDING_EXCEPTION_MAPPER_TYPE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_NEWCOOKIE_EXPIRES(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.newcookie.expires", arg0); }
NewCookie Expires header value ({0}) cannot be read.
/** * NewCookie Expires header value ({0}) cannot be read. * */
public static String ERROR_NEWCOOKIE_EXPIRES(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_NEWCOOKIE_EXPIRES(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableILLEGAL_INITIAL_CAPACITY(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("illegal.initial.capacity", arg0); }
Illegal initial capacity: {0}.
/** * Illegal initial capacity: {0}. * */
public static String ILLEGAL_INITIAL_CAPACITY(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableILLEGAL_INITIAL_CAPACITY(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.cert.load.error"); }
Cannot load key store certificates.
/** * Cannot load key store certificates. * */
public static String SSL_KS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_CERT_LOAD_ERROR()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY_FROM_INPUT_STREAM() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Error reading entity from input stream.
/** * Error reading entity from input stream. * */
public static String ERROR_READING_ENTITY_FROM_INPUT_STREAM() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY_FROM_INPUT_STREAM()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.provider.constrainedTo.ignored", arg0); }
Due to constraint configuration problems the provider {0} will be ignored.
/** * Due to constraint configuration problems the provider {0} will be ignored. * */
public static String ERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_WHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("http.header.whitespace.not.allowed"); }
White space not allowed.
/** * White space not allowed. * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_WHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_WHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED()); } public static Localizable localizableILLEGAL_CONFIG_SYNTAX() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("illegal.config.syntax"); }
Illegal configuration-file syntax.
/** * Illegal configuration-file syntax. * */
public static String ILLEGAL_CONFIG_SYNTAX() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableILLEGAL_CONFIG_SYNTAX()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.file.not.found", arg0); }
Cannot find trust store file "{0}".
/** * Cannot find trust store file "{0}". * */
public static String SSL_TS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.caught.while.loading.spi.providers"); }
Error caught while loading SPI providers.
/** * Error caught while loading SPI providers. * */
public static String ERROR_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS()); } public static Localizable localizableMULTIPLE_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTORS_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("multiple.matching.constructors.found", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); }
Found {0} constructors with {1} parameters in {2} class. Selecting the first found constructor: {3}
/** * Found {0} constructors with {1} parameters in {2} class. Selecting the first found constructor: {3} * */
public static String MULTIPLE_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTORS_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMULTIPLE_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTORS_FOUND(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } public static Localizable localizableMETHOD_NOT_GETTER_NOR_SETTER() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("method.not.getter.nor.setter"); }
Method is neither getter nor setter.
/** * Method is neither getter nor setter. * */
public static String METHOD_NOT_GETTER_NOR_SETTER() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMETHOD_NOT_GETTER_NOR_SETTER()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PARSING_ENTITY_TAG(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.parsing.entity.tag", arg0); }
Error parsing entity tag: {0}
/** * Error parsing entity tag: {0} * */
public static String ERROR_PARSING_ENTITY_TAG(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PARSING_ENTITY_TAG(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_CTX_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ctx.algorithm.not.supported"); }
Error creating SSL context (algorithm not supported).
/** * Error creating SSL context (algorithm not supported). * */
public static String SSL_CTX_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_CTX_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_AFTER_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed after a name in a path template "{2}".
/** * Illegal character "{0}" at position {1} is not allowed after a name in a path template "{2}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_AFTER_NAME(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_ILLEGAL_CHAR_AFTER_NAME(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.manager.factory.not.found"); }
InjectionManagerFactory not found.
/** * InjectionManagerFactory not found. * */
public static String INJECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND()); } public static Localizable localizableOUTPUT_STREAM_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
The output stream has already been closed.
/** * The output stream has already been closed. * */
public static String OUTPUT_STREAM_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableOUTPUT_STREAM_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("dependent.class.of.default.provider.not.found", arg0, arg1); }
A class {0} for a default provider {1} was not found. The provider is not available.
/** * A class {0} for a default provider {1} was not found. The provider is not available. * */
public static String DEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableENTITY_TAG_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Entity tag is null.
/** * Entity tag is null. * */
public static String ENTITY_TAG_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableENTITY_TAG_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableFEATURE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("feature.constrainedTo.ignored", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Feature {0} registered in {2} runtime is constrained to {1} runtime and is ignored.
/** * Feature {0} registered in {2} runtime is constrained to {1} runtime and is ignored. * */
public static String FEATURE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableFEATURE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableINPUT_STREAM_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Input stream has been closed.
/** * Input stream has been closed. * */
public static String INPUT_STREAM_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINPUT_STREAM_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableCOOKIE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Cookie is null.
/** * Cookie is null. * */
public static String COOKIE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOOKIE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableNEW_COOKIE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
New cookie is null.
/** * New cookie is null. * */
public static String NEW_COOKIE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNEW_COOKIE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_ERROR_LOCAL_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.error.local.class.not.supported", arg0); }
Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of local classes is not supported.
/** * Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of local classes is not supported. * */
public static String INJECTION_ERROR_LOCAL_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_ERROR_LOCAL_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.providers.not.registered"); }
Error initializing trust store (provider not registered).
/** * Error initializing trust store (provider not registered). * */
public static String SSL_TS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED()); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_ERROR_NONSTATIC_MEMBER_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.error.nonstatic.member.class.not.supported", arg0); }
Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of non-static member classes is not supported.
/** * Cannot instantiate {0} class. Instantiation of non-static member classes is not supported. * */
public static String INJECTION_ERROR_NONSTATIC_MEMBER_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_ERROR_NONSTATIC_MEMBER_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableUNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("unknown.descriptor.type", arg0); }
Unable to register a service because of unknown descriptor type: {0}.
/** * Unable to register a service because of unknown descriptor type: {0}. * */
public static String UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.scheme.part.null"); }
Supplied scheme-specific part parameter is null.
/** * Supplied scheme-specific part parameter is null. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableMATRIX_PARAM_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("matrix.param.null"); }
One or more of matrix value parameters are null.
/** * One or more of matrix value parameters are null. * */
public static String MATRIX_PARAM_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMATRIX_PARAM_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableWARNINGS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("warnings.detected", arg0); }
The following warnings have been detected: {0}
/** * The following warnings have been detected: {0} * */
public static String WARNINGS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableWARNINGS_DETECTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableHINT_MSG(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("hint.msg", arg0); }
HINT: {0}
/** * HINT: {0} * */
public static String HINT_MSG(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHINT_MSG(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_LOAD_ERROR(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.load.error", arg0); }
Error loading trust store from file "{0}".
/** * Error loading trust store from file "{0}". * */
public static String SSL_TS_LOAD_ERROR(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_LOAD_ERROR(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PROVIDER_REGISTERED_WRONG_RUNTIME(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.provider.registered.wrong.runtime", arg0, arg1); }
A provider {0} registered in {1} runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the {1} runtime.
/** * A provider {0} registered in {1} runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the {1} runtime. * */
public static String ERROR_PROVIDER_REGISTERED_WRONG_RUNTIME(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PROVIDER_REGISTERED_WRONG_RUNTIME(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_PROVIDER_BASED_KS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
"provider based"
/** * "provider based" * */
public static String SSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_PROVIDER_BASED_KS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_PROVIDER_BASED_KS()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID_CHAR_VALUE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.parameter.invalid.char.value", arg0); }
Value "{0}" is not a character.
/** * Value "{0}" is not a character. * */
public static String ERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID_CHAR_VALUE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PARAMETER_INVALID_CHAR_VALUE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_PARSER_SCHEME_EXPECTED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.parser.scheme.expected", arg0, arg1); }
Expected scheme name at index {0}: ''{1}''.
/** * Expected scheme name at index {0}: ''{1}''. * */
public static String URI_PARSER_SCHEME_EXPECTED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_PARSER_SCHEME_EXPECTED(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableTHREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("thread.pool.executor.provider.closed"); }
Thread pool executor provider has been closed.
/** * Thread pool executor provider has been closed. * */
public static String THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTHREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableMBW_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Message body writer ({0}) is trying to close the entity output stream. Not closing.
/** * Message body writer ({0}) is trying to close the entity output stream. Not closing. * */
public static String MBW_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMBW_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCOMPONENT_CONTRACTS_EMPTY_OR_NULL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("component.contracts.empty.or.null", arg0); }
Attempt to register component of type {0} to null or empty array of contracts is ignored.
/** * Attempt to register component of type {0} to null or empty array of contracts is ignored. * */
public static String COMPONENT_CONTRACTS_EMPTY_OR_NULL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMPONENT_CONTRACTS_EMPTY_OR_NULL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizablePROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("provider.not.found", arg0, arg1); }
The class {0} implementing the provider {1} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored.
/** * The class {0} implementing the provider {1} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored. * */
public static String PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableTOO_MANY_HEADER_VALUES(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("too.many.header.values", arg0, arg1); }
Too many "{0}" header values: "{1}"
/** * Too many "{0}" header values: "{1}" * */
public static String TOO_MANY_HEADER_VALUES(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTOO_MANY_HEADER_VALUES(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableCACHE_CONTROL_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Cache control is null.
/** * Cache control is null. * */
public static String CACHE_CONTROL_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCACHE_CONTROL_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_END_OF_HEADER() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("http.header.end.of.header"); }
End of header.
/** * End of header. * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_END_OF_HEADER() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_END_OF_HEADER()); } public static Localizable localizableUSING_SCHEDULER_PROVIDER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("using.scheduler.provider", arg0, arg1); }
Selected ScheduledExecutorServiceProvider implementation [{0}] to be used for injection of scheduler qualified by [{1}] annotation.
/** * Selected ScheduledExecutorServiceProvider implementation [{0}] to be used for injection of scheduler qualified by [{1}] annotation. * */
public static String USING_SCHEDULER_PROVIDER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUSING_SCHEDULER_PROVIDER(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_COMMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("http.header.comments.not.allowed"); }
Comments are not allowed.
/** * Comments are not allowed. * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_COMMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_COMMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED()); } public static Localizable localizableCOMPONENT_CLASS_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Registered component class cannot be null.
/** * Registered component class cannot be null. * */
public static String COMPONENT_CLASS_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMPONENT_CLASS_CANNOT_BE_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEMA_PART_OPAQUE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.schema.part.opaque"); }
Schema specific part is opaque.
/** * Schema specific part is opaque. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_SCHEMA_PART_OPAQUE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEMA_PART_OPAQUE()); } public static Localizable localizableNO_ERROR_PROCESSING_IN_SCOPE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
There is no error processing in scope.
/** * There is no error processing in scope. * */
public static String NO_ERROR_PROCESSING_IN_SCOPE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNO_ERROR_PROCESSING_IN_SCOPE()); } public static Localizable localizableCONTRACT_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("contract.not.supported", arg0, arg1); }
Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract type not supported.
/** * Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract type not supported. * */
public static String CONTRACT_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCONTRACT_NOT_SUPPORTED(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableINVALID_SPI_CLASSES(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("invalid.spi.classes", arg0, arg1); }
Supplied provider class(es) do not implement the expected {0} SPI: [{1}]
/** * Supplied provider class(es) do not implement the expected {0} SPI: [{1}] * */
public static String INVALID_SPI_CLASSES(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINVALID_SPI_CLASSES(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizablePROVIDER_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
The class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be instantiated: {2}
/** * The class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be instantiated: {2} * */
public static String PROVIDER_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePROVIDER_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYREADER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.notfound.messagebodyreader", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
MessageBodyReader not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}.
/** * MessageBodyReader not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}. * */
public static String ERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYREADER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYREADER(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_READER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.reader.interceptor.context", arg0); }
Incorrect type of reader interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ReaderInterceptorContext implementation.
/** * Incorrect type of reader interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ReaderInterceptorContext implementation. * */
public static String ERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_READER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_READER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableUSING_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("using.executor.provider", arg0, arg1); }
Selected ExecutorServiceProvider implementation [{0}] to be used for injection of executor qualified by [{1}] annotation.
/** * Selected ExecutorServiceProvider implementation [{0}] to be used for injection of executor qualified by [{1}] annotation. * */
public static String USING_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUSING_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_WRITER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.service.locator.provider.instance.feature.writer.interceptor.context", arg0); }
Incorrect type of writer interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey WriterInterceptorContext implementation.
/** * Incorrect type of writer interceptor context instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey WriterInterceptorContext implementation. * */
public static String ERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_WRITER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_FEATURE_WRITER_INTERCEPTOR_CONTEXT(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableIGNORED_SCHEDULER_PROVIDERS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ignored.scheduler.providers", arg0, arg1); }
Multiple ScheduledExecutorServiceProvider registrations found for qualifier annotation [{1}]. The following provider registrations will be ignored: [{0}]
/** * Multiple ScheduledExecutorServiceProvider registrations found for qualifier annotation [{1}]. The following provider registrations will be ignored: [{0}] * */
public static String IGNORED_SCHEDULER_PROVIDERS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableIGNORED_SCHEDULER_PROVIDERS(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("dependent.class.of.provider.not.found", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
A dependent class, {0}, of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored.
/** * A dependent class, {0}, of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored. * */
public static String DEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_NO_END_SEPARATOR(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
No end separator "{0}".
/** * No end separator "{0}". * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_NO_END_SEPARATOR(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_NO_END_SEPARATOR(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableWARNING_PROPERTIES() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
System properties configuration provider not allowed
/** * System properties configuration provider not allowed * */
public static String WARNING_PROPERTIES() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableWARNING_PROPERTIES()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.impl.not.found"); }
Error initializing key store (implementation not available).
/** * Error initializing key store (implementation not available). * */
public static String SSL_KS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PROVIDER_AND_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.provider.and.resource.constrainedTo.ignored", arg0); }
Due to constraint configuration problems the implementations of providers in the resource class {0} will be ignored. However, the resource class will be loaded and used as an resource.
/** * Due to constraint configuration problems the implementations of providers in the resource class {0} will be ignored. However, the resource class will be loaded and used as an resource. * */
public static String ERROR_PROVIDER_AND_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PROVIDER_AND_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINED_TO_IGNORED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableINVALID_PORT() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("invalid.port"); }
Invalid port value.
/** * Invalid port value. * */
public static String INVALID_PORT() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINVALID_PORT()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_INTERCEPTOR_WRITER_PROCEED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.interceptor.writer.proceed"); }
Last writer interceptor in the chain called the method proceed.
/** * Last writer interceptor in the chain called the method proceed. * */
public static String ERROR_INTERCEPTOR_WRITER_PROCEED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_INTERCEPTOR_WRITER_PROCEED()); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_NO_CHARS_BETWEEN_SEPARATORS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1); }
No characters between the separators "{0}" and "{1}".
/** * No characters between the separators "{0}" and "{1}". * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_NO_CHARS_BETWEEN_SEPARATORS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_NO_CHARS_BETWEEN_SEPARATORS(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableILLEGAL_LOAD_FACTOR(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("illegal.load.factor", arg0); }
Illegal load factor: {0}.
/** * Illegal load factor: {0}. * */
public static String ILLEGAL_LOAD_FACTOR(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableILLEGAL_LOAD_FACTOR(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSOME_HEADERS_NOT_SENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("some.headers.not.sent", arg0, arg1); }
There are some request headers that have not been sent by connector [{0}]. Probably you added those headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter. That feature is not supported by the connector. Please, do not modify headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter or use default HttpUrlConnector instead. Unsent header changes: {1}
/** * There are some request headers that have not been sent by connector [{0}]. Probably you added those headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter. That feature is not supported by the connector. Please, do not modify headers in WriterInterceptor or MessageBodyWriter or use default HttpUrlConnector instead. * Unsent header changes: {1} * */
public static String SOME_HEADERS_NOT_SENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSOME_HEADERS_NOT_SENT(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableQUERY_PARAM_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("query.param.null"); }
One or more of query value parameters are null.
/** * One or more of query value parameters are null. * */
public static String QUERY_PARAM_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableQUERY_PARAM_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableILLEGAL_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Illegal provider-class name: {0}.
/** * Illegal provider-class name: {0}. * */
public static String ILLEGAL_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableILLEGAL_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSTREAM_PROVIDER_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("stream.provider.null"); }
Stream provider is not defined. It must be set before writing first bytes to the entity output stream.
/** * Stream provider is not defined. It must be set before writing first bytes to the entity output stream. * */
public static String STREAM_PROVIDER_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSTREAM_PROVIDER_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_STRATEGY_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.manager.strategy.not.supported", arg0); }
InjectionManagerStrategy is not supported: {0}.
/** * InjectionManagerStrategy is not supported: {0}. * */
public static String INJECTION_MANAGER_STRATEGY_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_STRATEGY_NOT_SUPPORTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableMETHOD_PARAMETER_CANNOT_BE_NULL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Method parameter "{0}" cannot be null.
/** * Method parameter "{0}" cannot be null. * */
public static String METHOD_PARAMETER_CANNOT_BE_NULL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMETHOD_PARAMETER_CANNOT_BE_NULL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.tmf.provider.not.registered"); }
Error initializing trust manager factory (provider not registered).
/** * Error initializing trust manager factory (provider not registered). * */
public static String SSL_TMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TMF_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED()); } public static Localizable localizableNO_CONTAINER_AVAILABLE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("no.container.available"); }
No container available.
/** * No container available. * */
public static String NO_CONTAINER_AVAILABLE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNO_CONTAINER_AVAILABLE()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_CONSTRUCTOR(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.entity.provider.basictypes.constructor", arg0); }
Error converting entity to {0} type by single String constructor.
/** * Error converting entity to {0} type by single String constructor. * */
public static String ERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_CONSTRUCTOR(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_CONSTRUCTOR(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYWRITER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.notfound.messagebodywriter", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
MessageBodyWriter not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}.
/** * MessageBodyWriter not found for media type={0}, type={1}, genericType={2}. * */
public static String ERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYWRITER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_NOTFOUND_MESSAGEBODYWRITER(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableCONTRACT_NOT_ASSIGNABLE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("contract.not.assignable", arg0, arg1); }
Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract not assignable to component.
/** * Contract {0} can not be registered for component {1}: Contract not assignable to component. * */
public static String CONTRACT_NOT_ASSIGNABLE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCONTRACT_NOT_ASSIGNABLE(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.tmf.algorithm.not.supported"); }
Error initializing trust manager factory (algorithm not supported).
/** * Error initializing trust manager factory (algorithm not supported). * */
public static String SSL_TMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TMF_ALGORITHM_NOT_SUPPORTED()); } public static Localizable localizableOSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_OPENING_RESOURCE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Unable to open an input stream for resource {0}.
/** * Unable to open an input stream for resource {0}. * */
public static String OSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_OPENING_RESOURCE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableOSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_OPENING_RESOURCE_STREAM(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableMBR_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Message body reader ({0}) is trying to close the entity input stream. Not closing.
/** * Message body reader ({0}) is trying to close the entity input stream. Not closing. * */
public static String MBR_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMBR_TRYING_TO_CLOSE_STREAM(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableIGNORED_EXECUTOR_PROVIDERS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ignored.executor.providers", arg0, arg1); }
Multiple ExecutorServiceProvider registrations found for qualifier annotation [{1}]. The following provider registrations will be ignored: [{0}]
/** * Multiple ExecutorServiceProvider registrations found for qualifier annotation [{1}]. The following provider registrations will be ignored: [{0}] * */
public static String IGNORED_EXECUTOR_PROVIDERS(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableIGNORED_EXECUTOR_PROVIDERS(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_PARSER_NOT_EXECUTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.parser.not.executed"); }
The parser was not executed yet. Call the parse() method first.
/** * The parser was not executed yet. Call the parse() method first. * */
public static String URI_PARSER_NOT_EXECUTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_PARSER_NOT_EXECUTED()); } public static Localizable localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFERING_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("message.content.buffering.failed"); }
Failed to buffer the message content input stream.
/** * Failed to buffer the message content input stream. * */
public static String MESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFERING_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_BUFFERING_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableRESPONSE_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("response.closed"); }
Response is closed.
/** * Response is closed. * */
public static String RESPONSE_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESPONSE_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_LOAD_ERROR(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.load.error", arg0); }
Error loading key store from file "{0}".
/** * Error loading key store from file "{0}". * */
public static String SSL_KS_LOAD_ERROR(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_LOAD_ERROR(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCOMMITTING_STREAM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Stream provider has already been initialized.
/** * Stream provider has already been initialized. * */
public static String COMMITTING_STREAM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMMITTING_STREAM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_CHARACTER_MORECHARS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.entity.provider.basictypes.character.morechars"); }
A single character expected in the entity input stream.
/** * A single character expected in the entity input stream. * */
Entity input stream has already been closed.
/** * Entity input stream has already been closed. * */
public static String ERROR_ENTITY_STREAM_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_ENTITY_STREAM_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSE_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Error closing message content input stream.
/** * Error closing message content input stream. * */
public static String MESSAGE_CONTENT_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSE_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMESSAGE_CONTENT_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSE_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.package", arg0, arg1); }
A registered provider {0} is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime but does not implement any provider interface usable in the runtime.
/** * A registered provider {0} is constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime but does not implement any provider interface usable in the runtime. * */
public static String ERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.providers.not.registered"); }
Error initializing key store (provider not registered).
/** * Error initializing key store (provider not registered). * */
public static String SSL_KS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_PROVIDERS_NOT_REGISTERED()); } public static Localizable localizablePROPERTIES_HELPER_GET_VALUE_NO_TRANSFORM(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
There is no way how to transform value "{0}" [{1}] to type [{2}].
/** * There is no way how to transform value "{0}" [{1}] to type [{2}]. * */
public static String PROPERTIES_HELPER_GET_VALUE_NO_TRANSFORM(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePROPERTIES_HELPER_GET_VALUE_NO_TRANSFORM(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX_TERMINATED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.template.parser.invalid.syntax.terminated", arg0); }
Invalid syntax in the template "{0}". Check if a path parameter is terminated with a "}".
/** * Invalid syntax in the template "{0}". Check if a path parameter is terminated with a "}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX_TERMINATED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX_TERMINATED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_URI_PART_FRAGMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.uri.part.fragment", arg0, arg1); }
Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains URI Fragment component: {1}.
/** * Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains URI Fragment component: {1}. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_URI_PART_FRAGMENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_URI_PART_FRAGMENT(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_MBW_ISWRITABLE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.mbw.iswritable", arg0); }
MesssageBodyWriter {0} threw exception in isWritable - skipping.
/** * MesssageBodyWriter {0} threw exception in isWritable - skipping. * */
public static String ERROR_MBW_ISWRITABLE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_MBW_ISWRITABLE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY_MISSING() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.reading.entity.missing"); }
Missing entity.
/** * Missing entity. * */
public static String ERROR_READING_ENTITY_MISSING() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY_MISSING()); } public static Localizable localizableINVALID_HOST() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Invalid host name.
/** * Invalid host name. * */
public static String INVALID_HOST() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINVALID_HOST()); } public static Localizable localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_FORMAT_ERROR(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("dependent.class.of.provider.format.error", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
{0}. A dependent class of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is malformed. The provider implementation is ignored. Check if the malformed class is part of a stubbed jar that used for compiling only.
/** * {0}. A dependent class of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is malformed. The provider implementation is ignored. Check if the malformed class is part of a stubbed jar that used for compiling only. * */
public static String DEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_FORMAT_ERROR(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableDEPENDENT_CLASS_OF_PROVIDER_FORMAT_ERROR(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizablePARAM_CREATION_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("param.creation.factory.not.found", arg0); }
No ParamCreationFactory found for Parameter source {0}.
/** * No ParamCreationFactory found for Parameter source {0}. * */
public static String PARAM_CREATION_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePARAM_CREATION_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableEXCEPTION_MAPPER_SUPPORTED_TYPE_UNKNOWN(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("exception.mapper.supported.type.unknown", arg0); }
Unable to retrieve the supported exception type for a registered exception mapper service class "{0}".
/** * Unable to retrieve the supported exception type for a registered exception mapper service class "{0}". * */
public static String EXCEPTION_MAPPER_SUPPORTED_TYPE_UNKNOWN(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableEXCEPTION_MAPPER_SUPPORTED_TYPE_UNKNOWN(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_NOT_PROVIDED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.manager.not.provided"); }
InjectionManager is not provided.
/** * InjectionManager is not provided. * */
public static String INJECTION_MANAGER_NOT_PROVIDED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_MANAGER_NOT_PROVIDED()); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_BYTE_BASED_KS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
"byte array based"
/** * "byte array based" * */
public static String SSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_BYTE_BASED_KS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_BYTE_BASED_KS()); } public static Localizable localizableSLOW_SUBSCRIBER(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("slow.subscriber", arg0); }
Slow Subscriber. Subscription will be canceled. Item {0} and all the items sent after will not be received.
/** * Slow Subscriber. Subscription will be canceled. Item {0} and all the items sent after will not be received. * */
public static String SLOW_SUBSCRIBER(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSLOW_SUBSCRIBER(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableTYPE_TO_CLASS_CONVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Type-to-class conversion not supported for: {0}.
/** * Type-to-class conversion not supported for: {0}. * */
public static String TYPE_TO_CLASS_CONVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTYPE_TO_CLASS_CONVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableUNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("unknown.subscriber"); }
Unknown subscriber.
/** * Unknown subscriber. * */
public static String UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER()); } public static Localizable localizableFEATURE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROCESSED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("feature.has.already.been.processed", arg0); }
Feature [{0}] has already been processed.
/** * Feature [{0}] has already been processed. * */
public static String FEATURE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROCESSED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableFEATURE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROCESSED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_CTX_INIT_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ctx.init.failed"); }
Error initializing SSL context (operation failed).
/** * Error initializing SSL context (operation failed). * */
public static String SSL_CTX_INIT_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_CTX_INIT_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.template.parser.invalid.syntax", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Invalid syntax for the expression "{0}" associated with the name "{1}" in a path template "{2}".
/** * Invalid syntax for the expression "{0}" associated with the name "{1}" in a path template "{2}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_INVALID_SYNTAX(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_UNEXPECTED_COMPONENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.scheme.part.unexpected.component", arg0, arg1); }
Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains unexpected URI Scheme component: {1}.
/** * Supplied scheme-specific URI part "{0}" contains unexpected URI Scheme component: {1}. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_UNEXPECTED_COMPONENT(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_SCHEME_PART_UNEXPECTED_COMPONENT(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.impl.not.found"); }
Error initializing trust store (implementation not available).
/** * Error initializing trust store (implementation not available). * */
public static String SSL_TS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_IMPL_NOT_FOUND()); } public static Localizable localizableWARNING_MSG(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("warning.msg", arg0); }
/** * WARNING: {0} * */
public static String WARNING_MSG(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableWARNING_MSG(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableWARNING_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("warning.provider.constrainedTo.wrong.package", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); }
A registered provider {0} constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime implements interface {2} which is only usable in a {3} runtime context.
/** * A registered provider {0} constrained (via @ConstrainedTo) to {1} runtime implements interface {2} which is only usable in a {3} runtime context. * */
public static String WARNING_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableWARNING_PROVIDER_CONSTRAINED_TO_WRONG_PACKAGE(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } public static Localizable localizableHINTS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("hints.detected", arg0); }
The following hints have been detected: {0}
/** * The following hints have been detected: {0} * */
public static String HINTS_DETECTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHINTS_DETECTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_COMMENTS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("http.header.unbalanced.comments"); }
Unbalanced comments.
/** * Unbalanced comments. * */
public static String HTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_COMMENTS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTP_HEADER_UNBALANCED_COMMENTS()); } public static Localizable localizableURI_BUILDER_METHODNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.builder.methodname.not.specified", arg0, arg1); }
The method named "{0}" is not specified by {1}.
/** * The method named "{0}" is not specified by {1}. * */
public static String URI_BUILDER_METHODNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_BUILDER_METHODNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KMF_UNRECOVERABLE_KEY() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.kmf.unrecoverable.key"); }
Error initializing key manager factory (unrecoverable key).
/** * Error initializing key manager factory (unrecoverable key). * */
public static String SSL_KMF_UNRECOVERABLE_KEY() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KMF_UNRECOVERABLE_KEY()); } public static Localizable localizableINJECTION_ERROR_SUITABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("injection.error.suitable.constructor.not.found", arg0); }
Could not find a suitable constructor in {0} class.
/** * Could not find a suitable constructor in {0} class. * */
public static String INJECTION_ERROR_SUITABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableINJECTION_ERROR_SUITABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableAUTODISCOVERABLE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("autodiscoverable.configuration.failed", arg0); }
Configuration of {0} auto-discoverable failed.
/** * Configuration of {0} auto-discoverable failed. * */
public static String AUTODISCOVERABLE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableAUTODISCOVERABLE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_COMPONENT_INVALID_CHARACTER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("uri.component.invalid.character", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); }
The string "{0}" for the URI component {1} contains an invalid character, ''{2}'', at index {3}.
/** * The string "{0}" for the URI component {1} contains an invalid character, ''{2}'', at index {3}. * */
public static String URI_COMPONENT_INVALID_CHARACTER(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_COMPONENT_INVALID_CHARACTER(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_KS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ks.file.not.found", arg0); }
Cannot find key store file "{0}".
/** * Cannot find key store file "{0}". * */
public static String SSL_KS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_KS_FILE_NOT_FOUND(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableEXCEPTION_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("exception.caught.while.loading.spi.providers"); }
Exception caught while loading SPI providers.
/** * Exception caught while loading SPI providers. * */
public static String EXCEPTION_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableEXCEPTION_CAUGHT_WHILE_LOADING_SPI_PROVIDERS()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_MSG(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.msg", arg0); }
/** * WARNING: {0} * */
public static String ERROR_MSG(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_MSG(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableURI_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Uri is null.
/** * Uri is null. * */
public static String URI_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableURI_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableOSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_PROCESSING_RESOURCE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Unexpected error occurred while processing resource stream {0}.
/** * Unexpected error occurred while processing resource stream {0}. * */
public static String OSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_PROCESSING_RESOURCE_STREAM(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableOSGI_REGISTRY_ERROR_PROCESSING_RESOURCE_STREAM(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizablePROVIDER_CLASS_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
The class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be loaded: {2}
/** * The class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be loaded: {2} * */
public static String PROVIDER_CLASS_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePROVIDER_CLASS_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADED(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableCOMPONENT_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("component.type.already.registered", arg0); }
Cannot create new registration for component type {0}: Existing previous registration found for the type.
/** * Cannot create new registration for component type {0}: Existing previous registration found for the type. * */
public static String COMPONENT_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOMPONENT_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSYSTEM_PROPERTIES_WARNING() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Could not read system properties
/** * Could not read system properties * */
public static String SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_WARNING() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSYSTEM_PROPERTIES_WARNING()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_UNKWNOWN(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.entity.provider.basictypes.unkwnown", arg0); }
Unsupported basic type {0}.
/** * Unsupported basic type {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_UNKWNOWN(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_ENTITY_PROVIDER_BASICTYPES_UNKWNOWN(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableSTRING_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
String is null.
/** * String is null. * */
public static String STRING_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSTRING_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableDATE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Date is null.
/** * Date is null. * */
public static String DATE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableDATE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_RESOLVING_GENERIC_TYPE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.resolving.generic.type.value", arg0, arg1); }
Unable to resolve generic type value of {0} for an instance of {1}.
/** * Unable to resolve generic type value of {0} for an instance of {1}. * */
public static String ERROR_RESOLVING_GENERIC_TYPE_VALUE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_RESOLVING_GENERIC_TYPE_VALUE(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_NAME_MORE_THAN_ONCE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0, arg1); }
The name "{0}" is declared more than once with different regular expressions in a path template "{1}".
/** * The name "{0}" is declared more than once with different regular expressions in a path template "{1}". * */
public static String ERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_NAME_MORE_THAN_ONCE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_TEMPLATE_PARSER_NAME_MORE_THAN_ONCE(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableSSL_TS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ssl.ts.integrity.algorithm.not.found"); }
Error initializing trust store (algorithm to check trust store integrity not found).
/** * Error initializing trust store (algorithm to check trust store integrity not found). * */
public static String SSL_TS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableSSL_TS_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND()); } private static class BundleSupplier implements ResourceBundleSupplier { public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale) { return ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, locale); } } }