 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package org.glassfish.jersey.model.internal;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.ws.rs.Priorities;

import javax.annotation.Priority;

import org.glassfish.jersey.model.ContractProvider;

Jersey ranked provider model.
Author:Michal Gajdos
Type parameters:
  • <T> – service provider contract Java type.
/** * Jersey ranked provider model. * * @param <T> service provider contract Java type. * @author Michal Gajdos */
public class RankedProvider<T> { private final T provider; private final int rank; private final Set<Type> contractTypes;
Creates a new RankedProvider instance. The rank of the provider is obtained from the Priority annotation or is set to 5000 if the annotation is not present.
  • provider – service provider to create a RankedProvider instance from.
/** * Creates a new {@code RankedProvider} instance. The rank of the provider is obtained from the {@link javax.annotation.Priority} * annotation or is set to {@value javax.ws.rs.Priorities#USER} if the annotation is not present. * * @param provider service provider to create a {@code RankedProvider} instance from. */
public RankedProvider(final T provider) { this.provider = provider; this.rank = computeRank(provider, ContractProvider.NO_PRIORITY); this.contractTypes = null; }
Creates a new RankedProvider instance for given provider with specific rank (> 0).
  • provider – service provider to create a RankedProvider instance from.
  • rank – rank of this provider.
/** * Creates a new {@code RankedProvider} instance for given {@code provider} with specific {@code rank} (> 0). * * @param provider service provider to create a {@code RankedProvider} instance from. * @param rank rank of this provider. */
public RankedProvider(final T provider, final int rank) { this(provider, rank, null); }
Creates a new RankedProvider instance for given provider with specific rank (> 0).
  • provider – service provider to create a RankedProvider instance from.
  • rank – rank of this provider.
  • contracts – contracts implemented by the service provider
/** * Creates a new {@code RankedProvider} instance for given {@code provider} with specific {@code rank} (> 0). * * @param provider service provider to create a {@code RankedProvider} instance from. * @param rank rank of this provider. * @param contracts contracts implemented by the service provider */
public RankedProvider(final T provider, final int rank, final Set<Type> contracts) { this.provider = provider; this.rank = computeRank(provider, rank); this.contractTypes = contracts; } private int computeRank(final T provider, final int rank) { if (rank > 0) { return rank; } else { Class<?> clazz = provider.getClass(); // when provided instance is a proxy (from weld), we need to get the right class to check for // @Priority annotation - proxy doesn't propagate isAnnotationPresent to the parent class. while (clazz.isSynthetic()) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Priority.class)) { return clazz.getAnnotation(Priority.class).value(); } else { return Priorities.USER; } } } public T getProvider() { return provider; } public int getRank() { return rank; }
Get me set of implemented contracts. Returns null if no contracts are implemented.
Returns:set of contracts or null if no contracts have been implemented.
/** * Get me set of implemented contracts. * Returns null if no contracts are implemented. * * @return set of contracts or null if no contracts have been implemented. */
public Set<Type> getContractTypes() { return contractTypes; } @Override public String toString() { return provider.getClass().getName(); } }