package org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory.ResourceBundleSupplier;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizer;

Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
/** * Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file * */
public final class LocalizationMessages { private final static String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal.localization"; private final static LocalizableMessageFactory MESSAGE_FACTORY = new LocalizableMessageFactory(BUNDLE_NAME, new LocalizationMessages.BundleSupplier()); private final static Localizer LOCALIZER = new Localizer(); public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_INSTANCE_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.instance.closed"); }
Client instance has been closed.
/** * Client instance has been closed. * */
public static String CLIENT_INSTANCE_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_INSTANCE_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_TARGET_LINK_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Link to the newly created target must not be null.
/** * Link to the newly created target must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_TARGET_LINK_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_TARGET_LINK_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NULL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.http.method.entity.null", arg0); }
Entity must not be null for http method {0}.
/** * Entity must not be null for http method {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NULL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NULL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_NOT_PROVIDED_BASIC() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("authentication.credentials.not.provided.basic"); }
No credentials are provided for basic authentication. Request will be sent without an Authorization header.
/** * No credentials are provided for basic authentication. Request will be sent without an Authorization header. * */
public static String AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_NOT_PROVIDED_BASIC() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_NOT_PROVIDED_BASIC()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_STATUS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.response.status.null"); }
Client response status must not be null.
/** * Client response status must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_RESPONSE_STATUS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_STATUS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSING_ERROR() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Error closing chunked input's underlying response input stream.
/** * Error closing chunked input's underlying response input stream. * */
public static String CHUNKED_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSING_ERROR() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_STREAM_CLOSING_ERROR()); } public static Localizable localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_RESOLVES() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("postinvocation.interceptor.multiple.resolves"); }
ExceptionContext#resolve has been utilized multiple times.
/** * ExceptionContext#resolve has been utilized multiple times. * */
public static String POSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_RESOLVES() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_RESOLVES()); } public static Localizable localizableIGNORED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("ignored.async.threadpool.size", arg0); }
Zero or negative asynchronous thread pool size specified in the client configuration property: [{0}] Using default cached thread pool.
/** * Zero or negative asynchronous thread pool size specified in the client configuration property: [{0}] Using default cached thread pool. * */
public static String IGNORED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableIGNORED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.rx.provider.not.registered", arg0); }
RxInvokerProvider for type {0} is not registered.
/** * RxInvokerProvider for type {0} is not registered. * */
public static String CLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_URI_BUILDER_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.uri.builder.null"); }
URI builder of the newly created target must not be null.
/** * URI builder of the newly created target must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_URI_BUILDER_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_URI_BUILDER_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_REQUEST_PASSWORD_UNSUPPORTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("authentication.credentials.request.password.unsupported"); }
Unsupported password type class. Password passed in the request property must be String or byte[].
/** * Unsupported password type class. Password passed in the request property must be String or byte[]. * */
public static String AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_REQUEST_PASSWORD_UNSUPPORTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_REQUEST_PASSWORD_UNSUPPORTED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_REQUEST_CANCELLED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.request.cancelled"); }
Request cancelled by the client call.
/** * Request cancelled by the client call. * */
public static String ERROR_REQUEST_CANCELLED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_REQUEST_CANCELLED()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NOT_NULL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.http.method.entity.not.null", arg0); }
Entity must be null for http method {0}.
/** * Entity must be null for http method {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NOT_NULL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_HTTP_METHOD_ENTITY_NOT_NULL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableEXCEPTION_SUPPRESSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("exception.suppressed"); }
Exceptions were thrown. See suppressed exceptions for the list.
/** * Exceptions were thrown. See suppressed exceptions for the list. * */
public static String EXCEPTION_SUPPRESSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableEXCEPTION_SUPPRESSED()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_SSL_CONTEXT() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.ssl.context"); }
Custom client SSL context, if set, must not be null.
/** * Custom client SSL context, if set, must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_SSL_CONTEXT() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_SSL_CONTEXT()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_LISTENER_CLOSE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.listener.close", arg0); }
ClientLifecycleListener {0} failed to close properly.
/** * ClientLifecycleListener {0} failed to close properly. * */
public static String ERROR_LISTENER_CLOSE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_LISTENER_CLOSE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableHTTPURLCONNECTION_REPLACES_GET_WITH_ENTITY() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("httpurlconnection.replaces.get.with.entity"); }
Detected non-empty entity on a HTTP GET request. The underlying HTTP transport connector may decide to change the request method to POST.
/** * Detected non-empty entity on a HTTP GET request. The underlying HTTP transport connector may decide to change the request method to POST. * */
public static String HTTPURLCONNECTION_REPLACES_GET_WITH_ENTITY() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableHTTPURLCONNECTION_REPLACES_GET_WITH_ENTITY()); } public static Localizable localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("postinvocation.interceptor.exception"); }
PostInvocationInterceptor threw exception.
/** * PostInvocationInterceptor threw exception. * */
public static String POSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION()); } public static Localizable localizableREQUEST_ENTITY_WRITER_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("request.entity.writer.null"); }
The entity of the client request is null.
/** * The entity of the client request is null. * */
public static String REQUEST_ENTITY_WRITER_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableREQUEST_ENTITY_WRITER_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_COMMITTING_OUTPUT_STREAM() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Error while committing the request output stream.
/** * Error while committing the request output stream. * */
public static String ERROR_COMMITTING_OUTPUT_STREAM() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_COMMITTING_OUTPUT_STREAM()); } public static Localizable localizableUSING_FIXED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("using.fixed.async.threadpool", arg0); }
Using fixed-size thread pool of size [{0}] for asynchronous client invocations.
/** * Using fixed-size thread pool of size [{0}] for asynchronous client invocations. * */
public static String USING_FIXED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUSING_FIXED_ASYNC_THREADPOOL(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NOT_ABSOLUTE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.response.resolved.uri.not.absolute"); }
Client response resolved URI must be absolute.
/** * Client response resolved URI must be absolute. * */
public static String CLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NOT_ABSOLUTE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NOT_ABSOLUTE()); } public static Localizable localizableREQUEST_ENTITY_ALREADY_WRITTEN() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("request.entity.already.written"); }
The entity was already written in this request. The entity can be written (serialized into the output stream) only once per a request.
/** * The entity was already written in this request. The entity can be written (serialized into the output stream) only once per a request. * */
public static String REQUEST_ENTITY_ALREADY_WRITTEN() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableREQUEST_ENTITY_ALREADY_WRITTEN()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_URI_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.uri.null"); }
URI of the newly created target must not be null.
/** * URI of the newly created target must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_URI_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_URI_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_DIGEST() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("authentication.credentials.missing.digest"); }
Credentials must be defined for digest authentication. Define username and password either when creating HttpAuthenticationFeature or use specific credentials for each request using the request property (see HttpAuthenticationFeature).
/** * Credentials must be defined for digest authentication. Define username and password either when creating HttpAuthenticationFeature or use specific credentials for each request using the request property (see HttpAuthenticationFeature). * */
public static String AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_DIGEST() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_DIGEST()); } public static Localizable localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_CLOSED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("chunked.input.closed"); }
Chunked input has been closed already.
/** * Chunked input has been closed already. * */
public static String CHUNKED_INPUT_CLOSED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_CLOSED()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_KEYSTORE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.keystore"); }
Custom key store, if set, must not be null.
/** * Custom key store, if set, must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_KEYSTORE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_KEYSTORE()); } public static Localizable localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_RESOLVE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("postinvocation.interceptor.resolve"); }
ExceptionContext#resolve has been utilized.
/** * ExceptionContext#resolve has been utilized. * */
public static String POSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_RESOLVE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePOSTINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_RESOLVE()); } public static Localizable localizableNEGATIVE_INPUT_PARAMETER(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("negative.input.parameter", arg0); }
"Input parameter {0} must not be negative."
/** * "Input parameter {0} must not be negative." * */
public static String NEGATIVE_INPUT_PARAMETER(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNEGATIVE_INPUT_PARAMETER(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableDIGEST_FILTER_QOP_UNSUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("digest.filter.qop.unsupported", arg0); }
The 'qop' (quality of protection) = {0} extension requested by the server is not supported by Jersey HttpDigestAuthFilter. Cannot authenticate against the server using Http Digest Authentication.
/** * The 'qop' (quality of protection) = {0} extension requested by the server is not supported by Jersey HttpDigestAuthFilter. Cannot authenticate against the server using Http Digest Authentication. * */
public static String DIGEST_FILTER_QOP_UNSUPPORTED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableDIGEST_FILTER_QOP_UNSUPPORTED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_MEDIA_TYPE_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Specified chunk media type must not be null.
/** * Specified chunk media type must not be null. * */
public static String CHUNKED_INPUT_MEDIA_TYPE_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCHUNKED_INPUT_MEDIA_TYPE_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_BASIC() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("authentication.credentials.missing.basic"); }
Credentials must be defined for basic authentication. Define username and password either when creating HttpAuthenticationFeature or use specific credentials for each request using the request property (see HttpAuthenticationFeature).
/** * Credentials must be defined for basic authentication. Define username and password either when creating HttpAuthenticationFeature or use specific credentials for each request using the request property (see HttpAuthenticationFeature). * */
public static String AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_BASIC() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableAUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_MISSING_BASIC()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.rx.provider.null"); }
RxInvokerProvider returned null.
/** * RxInvokerProvider returned null. * */
public static String CLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_RX_PROVIDER_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_POSSIBLY_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("restricted.header.possibly.ignored", arg0); }
Attempt to send restricted header(s) while the [{0}] system property not set. Header(s) will possibly be ignored.
/** * Attempt to send restricted header(s) while the [{0}] system property not set. Header(s) will possibly be ignored. * */
public static String RESTRICTED_HEADER_POSSIBLY_IGNORED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_POSSIBLY_IGNORED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SHUTDOWNHOOK_CLOSE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.shutdownhook.close", arg0); }
Client shutdown hook {0} failed.
/** * Client shutdown hook {0} failed. * */
public static String ERROR_SHUTDOWNHOOK_CLOSE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SHUTDOWNHOOK_CLOSE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_TRUE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Restricted headers are enabled using [{0}] system property(setting only takes effect onconnections created after the property has been set/changed).
/** * Restricted headers are enabled using [{0}] system property(setting only takes effect onconnections created after the property has been set/changed). * */
public static String RESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_TRUE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_TRUE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_TRUSTSTORE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.truststore"); }
Custom trust store, if set, must not be null.
/** * Custom trust store, if set, must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_TRUSTSTORE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_TRUSTSTORE()); } public static Localizable localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_ABORT_WITH() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("preinvocation.interceptor.abortWith"); }
PreInvocationInterceptor utilized ClientRequestContext#abortWith.
/** * PreInvocationInterceptor utilized ClientRequestContext#abortWith. * */
public static String PREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_ABORT_WITH() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_ABORT_WITH()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_CLOSING_OUTPUT_STREAM() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Error when closing the output stream.
/** * Error when closing the output stream. * */
public static String ERROR_CLOSING_OUTPUT_STREAM() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_CLOSING_OUTPUT_STREAM()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_LISTENER_INIT(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.listener.init", arg0); }
ClientLifecycleListener {0} failed to initialize properly.
/** * ClientLifecycleListener {0} failed to initialize properly. * */
public static String ERROR_LISTENER_INIT(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_LISTENER_INIT(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_RESPONSE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.service.locator.provider.instance.response", arg0); }
Incorrect type of response instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ClientResponseContext implementation.
/** * Incorrect type of response instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ClientResponseContext implementation. * */
public static String ERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_RESPONSE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_RESPONSE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PARAMETER_TYPE_PROCESSING(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.parameter.type.processing", arg0); }
Could not process parameter type {0}.
/** * Could not process parameter type {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_PARAMETER_TYPE_PROCESSING(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PARAMETER_TYPE_PROCESSING(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_REQUEST(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.service.locator.provider.instance.request", arg0); }
Incorrect type of request instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ClientRequestContext implementation.
/** * Incorrect type of request instance {0}. Parameter must be a default Jersey ClientRequestContext implementation. * */
public static String ERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_REQUEST(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_SERVICE_LOCATOR_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_REQUEST(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableUNEXPECTED_ERROR_RESPONSE_PROCESSING() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("unexpected.error.response.processing"); }
Unexpected error during response processing.
/** * Unexpected error during response processing. * */
public static String UNEXPECTED_ERROR_RESPONSE_PROCESSING() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUNEXPECTED_ERROR_RESPONSE_PROCESSING()); } public static Localizable localizableRESPONSE_TO_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_FAILED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Failed to convert a response into an exception.
/** * Failed to convert a response into an exception. * */
public static String RESPONSE_TO_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_FAILED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESPONSE_TO_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_FAILED()); } public static Localizable localizableCOLLECTION_UPDATER_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("collection.updater.type.unsupported"); }
Unsupported collection type.
/** * Unsupported collection type. * */
public static String COLLECTION_UPDATER_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCOLLECTION_UPDATER_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED()); } public static Localizable localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_ABORTIONS() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("preinvocation.interceptor.multiple.abortions"); }
ClientRequestContext#abortWith has been utilized multiple times.
/** * ClientRequestContext#abortWith has been utilized multiple times. * */
public static String PREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_ABORTIONS() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_MULTIPLE_ABORTIONS()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_KEYSTORE_PASWORD() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.keystore.pasword"); }
Custom key store password must not be null.
/** * Custom key store password must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_KEYSTORE_PASWORD() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_KEYSTORE_PASWORD()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_URI_TEMPLATE_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.uri.template.null"); }
URI template of the newly created target must not be null.
/** * URI template of the newly created target must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_URI_TEMPLATE_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_URI_TEMPLATE_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("client.response.resolved.uri.null"); }
Client response resolved URI must not be null.
/** * Client response resolved URI must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_RESPONSE_RESOLVED_URI_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableCLIENT_INVOCATION_LINK_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Link of the newly created invocation must not be null.
/** * Link of the newly created invocation must not be null. * */
public static String CLIENT_INVOCATION_LINK_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCLIENT_INVOCATION_LINK_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_INPUT_PARAMETER(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.input.parameter", arg0); }
Input method parameter {0} must not be null.
/** * Input method parameter {0} must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_INPUT_PARAMETER(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_INPUT_PARAMETER(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableRESPONSE_TYPE_IS_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Requested response type is null.
/** * Requested response type is null. * */
public static String RESPONSE_TYPE_IS_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESPONSE_TYPE_IS_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("preinvocation.interceptor.exception"); }
PreInvocationInterceptor threw exception.
/** * PreInvocationInterceptor threw exception. * */
public static String PREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePREINVOCATION_INTERCEPTOR_EXCEPTION()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.scheduled.executor.service"); }
ScheduledExecutorService must not be set to null.
/** * ScheduledExecutorService must not be set to null. * */
public static String NULL_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_SCHEDULED_EXECUTOR_SERVICE()); } public static Localizable localizableUSE_ENCODING_IGNORED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("use.encoding.ignored", arg0, arg1, arg2); }
Value {1} of {0} client property will be ignored as it is not a valid supported encoding. Valid supported encodings are: {2}
/** * Value {1} of {0} client property will be ignored as it is not a valid supported encoding. Valid supported encodings are: {2} * */
public static String USE_ENCODING_IGNORED(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableUSE_ENCODING_IGNORED(arg0, arg1, arg2)); } public static Localizable localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_FALSE(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Restricted headers are not enabled using [{0}] system property (setting only takes effect on connections created after the property has been set/changed).
/** * Restricted headers are not enabled using [{0}] system property (setting only takes effect on connections created after the property has been set/changed). * */
public static String RESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_FALSE(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableRESTRICTED_HEADER_PROPERTY_SETTING_FALSE(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_INVOCATION_BUILDER() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.invocation.builder"); }
Invocation builder must not be null.
/** * Invocation builder must not be null. * */
public static String NULL_INVOCATION_BUILDER() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_INVOCATION_BUILDER()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_CONNECTOR_PROVIDER() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.connector.provider"); }
ConnectorProvider must not be set to null.
/** * ConnectorProvider must not be set to null. * */
public static String NULL_CONNECTOR_PROVIDER() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_CONNECTOR_PROVIDER()); } public static Localizable localizableNULL_EXECUTOR_SERVICE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("null.executor.service"); }
ExecutorService must not be set to null.
/** * ExecutorService must not be set to null. * */
public static String NULL_EXECUTOR_SERVICE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNULL_EXECUTOR_SERVICE()); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_DIGEST_FILTER_GENERATOR() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.digest.filter.generator"); }
Error during initialization of random generator of Digest authentication.
/** * Error during initialization of random generator of Digest authentication. * */
public static String ERROR_DIGEST_FILTER_GENERATOR() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_DIGEST_FILTER_GENERATOR()); } public static Localizable localizableNEGATIVE_CHUNK_SIZE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("negative.chunk.size", arg0, arg1); }
Negative chunked HTTP transfer coding chunk size value specified in the client configuration property: [{0}] Reverting to programmatically set default: [{1}]
/** * Negative chunked HTTP transfer coding chunk size value specified in the client configuration property: [{0}] Reverting to programmatically set default: [{1}] * */
public static String NEGATIVE_CHUNK_SIZE(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNEGATIVE_CHUNK_SIZE(arg0, arg1)); } private static class BundleSupplier implements ResourceBundleSupplier { public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale) { return ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, locale); } } }