 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator;

import org.osgi.framework.*;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

/** * @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM */
public final class ServiceLoaderImpl extends org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator.ServiceLoader { private ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private BundleListener bundleTracker; private BundleContext bundleContext; private ProvidersList providersList = new ProvidersList(); // /** // * Map of service type to bundles providing the service // */ // private Map<String, List<ServiceProviders>> serviceToProvidersMap = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceProviders>>(); public ServiceLoaderImpl() { ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); if (cl instanceof BundleReference) { bundleContext = getBundleContextSecured(BundleReference.class.cast(cl).getBundle()); } if (bundleContext == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no bundle context available yet. " + "Instatiate this class in STARTING or ACTIVE state only"); } } private BundleContext getBundleContextSecured(final Bundle bundle) { if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<BundleContext>() { public BundleContext run() { return bundle.getBundleContext(); } }); } else { return bundle.getBundleContext(); } } public void trackBundles() { assert (bundleTracker == null); /* * The reason for separating this code from constructor is that we don't want to * leak a partially constructed this reference via inner class called BundleTracker. * That would be a problem since BundleTracker receives callbacks from other threads. */ // First register a listener and then iterate over existing bundles bundleTracker = new BundleTracker(); bundleContext.addBundleListener(bundleTracker); for (Bundle bundle : bundleContext.getBundles()) { addProviders(bundle); } } /*package*/ <T> Iterable<? extends T> lookupProviderInstances1(Class<T> serviceClass, ProviderFactory<T> factory) { if (factory == null) { factory = new DefaultFactory<T>(); } List<T> providers = new ArrayList<T>(); for (Class c : lookupProviderClasses1(serviceClass)) { try { final T providerInstance = factory.make(c, serviceClass); if (providerInstance != null) { providers.add(providerInstance); } else { debug(factory + " returned null provider instance!!!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return providers; } /*package*/ <T> Iterable<Class> lookupProviderClasses1(Class<T> serviceClass) { List<Class> providerClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); rwLock.readLock().lock(); try { final String serviceName = serviceClass.getName(); for (ProvidersPerBundle providersPerBundle : providersList.getAllProviders()) { final Bundle bundle = bundleContext.getBundle(providersPerBundle.getBundleId()); if (bundle == null) { // bundle may have been uninstalled continue; } final List<String> providerNames = providersPerBundle.getServiceToProvidersMap().get(serviceName); if (providerNames == null) { continue; } for (String providerName : providerNames) { try { final Class providerClass = loadClassSecured(bundle, providerName); if (isCompatible(providerClass, serviceClass)) { providerClasses.add(providerClass); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return providerClasses; } finally { rwLock.readLock().unlock(); } } private Class loadClassSecured(final Bundle bundle, final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (System.getSecurityManager()!=null) { try { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Class>(){ public Class run() throws ClassNotFoundException { return bundle.loadClass(name); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { throw ClassNotFoundException.class.cast(e.getException()); } } else { return bundle.loadClass(name); } } private boolean isCompatible(Class providerClass, Class serviceClass) { try { // We can't do an isAssignable check, because the provider class may not be assignable to service class // in cases like JAXBContextFactory. So, we try to see if provider sees the same service class or not. // Apparently, they need not. e.g., consider the following situation: // Bundle B contains interface p.I.class. // Export-Package: p // // Bundle B1 contains class p1.C1.class, which implements p.I.class // Export-Package: p1; uses p // Import-Package: p // // Bundle B2 contains class p2.C2.class, which extends p1.C1.class // Import-Package: p1 (Note, it does not import p) // // Now, p2.C2.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("p.I") will fail. // In such a case, we shall return TRUE and catch any bad provider in lookupProviderInstances() method // which will again do an isAssignable test. See DefaultFactory.make() for example. final Class<?> serviceClassSeenByProviderClass = Class.forName(serviceClass.getName(), false, providerClass.getClassLoader()); final boolean isCompatible = serviceClassSeenByProviderClass == serviceClass; if (!isCompatible) { debug(providerClass + " loaded by " + providerClass.getClassLoader() + " sees " + serviceClass + " from " + serviceClassSeenByProviderClass.getClassLoader() + ", where as caller uses " + serviceClass + " loaded by " + serviceClass.getClassLoader()); } return isCompatible; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { debug("Unable to reach " + serviceClass + " from " + providerClass + ", which is loaded by " + providerClass.getClassLoader(), e); return true; } }
Loads a single service file and returns the names of the providers. If the same provider appears multiple times, the list contains only one entry for all of the duplicates.
Returns:names of providers, empty list if none is found
/** * Loads a single service file and returns the names of the providers. * If the same provider appears multiple times, the list contains only one entry for all of the duplicates. * * @return names of providers, empty list if none is found */
private List<String> load(InputStream is) throws IOException { List<String> providerNames = new ArrayList<String>(); try { /* * The format of service file is specified at * http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jar/jar.html#Service%20Provider * According to the above spec, * The file contains a list of fully-qualified binary names of * concrete provider classes, one per line. * Space and tab characters surrounding each name, * as well as blank lines, are ignored. * The comment character is '#' ('\u0023', NUMBER SIGN); * on each line all characters following the first comment * character are ignored. The file must be encoded in UTF-8. */ Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is); final String commentPattern = "#"; // NOI18N while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (!line.startsWith(commentPattern)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { providerNames.add(st.nextToken()); break; // Only one entry per line } } } } finally { is.close(); } return providerNames; } private class BundleTracker implements BundleListener { public void bundleChanged(BundleEvent event) { Bundle bundle = event.getBundle(); switch (event.getType()) { case BundleEvent.INSTALLED: addProviders(bundle); break; case BundleEvent.UNINSTALLED: removeProviders(bundle); break; case BundleEvent.UPDATED: removeProviders(bundle); addProviders(bundle); break; } } } private void addProviders(Bundle bundle) { rwLock.writeLock().lock(); try { final String SERVICE_LOCATION = "META-INF/services"; if (bundle.getEntry(SERVICE_LOCATION) == null) return; Enumeration<String> entries; entries = bundle.getEntryPaths(SERVICE_LOCATION); if (entries != null) { ProvidersPerBundle providers = new ProvidersPerBundle(bundle.getBundleId()); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { String entry = entries.nextElement(); String serviceName = entry.substring(SERVICE_LOCATION.length() + 1); InputStream is; final URL url = bundle.getEntry(entry); try { is = url.openStream(); List<String> providerNames = load(is); debug("Bundle = " + bundle + ", serviceName = " + serviceName + ", providerNames = " + providerNames); providers.put(serviceName, providerNames); } catch (IOException e) { } } providersList.addProviders(providers); } } finally { rwLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } private synchronized void removeProviders(Bundle bundle) { rwLock.writeLock().lock(); try { providersList.removeProviders(bundle.getBundleId()); } finally { rwLock.writeLock().unlock(); } }
Map of service name to provider names for a particular bundle
/** * Map of service name to provider names for a particular bundle */
private static class ProvidersPerBundle { private long bundleId; Map<String, List<String>> serviceToProvidersMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private ProvidersPerBundle(long bundleId) { this.bundleId = bundleId; } public long getBundleId() { return bundleId; } public void put(String serviceName, List<String> providerNames) { serviceToProvidersMap.put(serviceName, providerNames); } public Map<String, List<String>> getServiceToProvidersMap() { return serviceToProvidersMap; } }
List of ProvidersPerBundle Synchronisation is handled by outer class.
/** * List of {@link ServiceLoaderImpl.ProvidersPerBundle} * Synchronisation is handled by outer class. */
private static class ProvidersList { // This list is sorted in ascending order of bundle id private List<ProvidersPerBundle> allProviders = new LinkedList<ProvidersPerBundle>(); void addProviders(ProvidersPerBundle providers) { long bundleId = providers.getBundleId(); int idx = 0; Iterator<ProvidersPerBundle> iterator = getAllProviders().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ProvidersPerBundle providersPerBundle = iterator.next(); if (providersPerBundle.getBundleId() > bundleId) { getAllProviders().add(idx, providers); return; } } getAllProviders().add(providers); } void removeProviders(long bundleId) { Iterator<ProvidersPerBundle> iterator = getAllProviders().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ProvidersPerBundle providersPerBundle = iterator.next(); if (providersPerBundle.getBundleId() == bundleId) { iterator.remove(); return; } } }
Returns:a list of ProvidersPerBundle sorted in ascending order of bundle id.
/** * @return a list of {@link ProvidersPerBundle} sorted in ascending order of bundle id. */
public List<ProvidersPerBundle> getAllProviders() { return allProviders; } } private static class DefaultFactory<T> implements ProviderFactory<T> { public T make(Class providerClass, Class<T> serviceClass) throws Exception { if (serviceClass.isAssignableFrom(providerClass)) { return (T) providerClass.newInstance(); } return null; } } private void debug(String s) { if (Boolean.valueOf(bundleContext.getProperty("org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator.debug"))) { System.out.println("org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator:DEBUG: " + s); } } private void debug(String s, Throwable t) { if (Boolean.valueOf(bundleContext.getProperty("org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator.debug"))) { System.out.println("org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator:DEBUG: " + s); t.printStackTrace(System.out); } } }