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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpCodecFilter;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpRequestPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;

General HttpCodec utility methods.
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * General HttpCodec utility methods. * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public class HttpCodecUtils { static final byte[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new byte[0]; private static final int[] DEC = HexUtils.getDecBytes(); public static void parseHost(final DataChunk hostDC, final DataChunk serverNameDC, final HttpRequestPacket request) { if (hostDC == null) { // HTTP/1.0 // Default is what the socket tells us. Overridden if a host is // found/parsed final Connection connection = request.getConnection(); request.setServerPort(((InetSocketAddress) connection.getLocalAddress()).getPort()); final InetAddress localAddress = ((InetSocketAddress) connection.getLocalAddress()).getAddress(); // Setting the socket-related fields. The adapter doesn't know // about socket. request.setLocalHost(localAddress.getHostName()); serverNameDC.setString(localAddress.getHostName()); return; } if (hostDC.getType() == DataChunk.Type.Bytes || hostDC.getType() == DataChunk.Type.String) { final int valueS = hostDC.getStart(); final int valueL = hostDC.getEnd() - valueS; int colonPos = -1; final byte[] valueB = hostDC.getType() == DataChunk.Type.Bytes ? hostDC.getByteChunk().getBuffer() : hostDC.toString().getBytes(); final boolean ipv6 = valueB[valueS] == '['; boolean bracketClosed = false; for (int i = 0; i < valueL; i++) { final byte b = valueB[i + valueS]; if (b == ']') { bracketClosed = true; } else if (b == ':') { if (!ipv6 || bracketClosed) { colonPos = i; break; } } } if (colonPos < 0) { if (!request.isSecure()) { // 80 - Default HTTTP port request.setServerPort(80); } else { // 443 - Default HTTPS port request.setServerPort(443); } serverNameDC.setBytes(valueB, valueS, valueS + valueL); } else { serverNameDC.setBytes(valueB, valueS, valueS + colonPos); int port = 0; int mult = 1; for (int i = valueL - 1; i > colonPos; i--) { int charValue = DEC[valueB[i + valueS]]; if (charValue == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Host header %s contained a non-decimal value in the port definition.", hostDC.toString())); } port = port + charValue * mult; mult = 10 * mult; } request.setServerPort(port); } } else { final BufferChunk valueBC = hostDC.getBufferChunk(); final int valueS = valueBC.getStart(); final int valueL = valueBC.getEnd() - valueS; int colonPos = -1; final Buffer valueB = valueBC.getBuffer(); final boolean ipv6 = valueB.get(valueS) == '['; boolean bracketClosed = false; for (int i = 0; i < valueL; i++) { final byte b = valueB.get(i + valueS); if (b == ']') { bracketClosed = true; } else if (b == ':') { if (!ipv6 || bracketClosed) { colonPos = i; break; } } } if (colonPos < 0) { if (!request.isSecure()) { // 80 - Default HTTTP port request.setServerPort(80); } else { // 443 - Default HTTPS port request.setServerPort(443); } serverNameDC.setBuffer(valueB, valueS, valueS + valueL); } else { serverNameDC.setBuffer(valueB, valueS, valueS + colonPos); int port = 0; int mult = 1; for (int i = valueL - 1; i > colonPos; i--) { int charValue = DEC[valueB.get(i + valueS)]; if (charValue == -1) { // Invalid character throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Host header %s contained a non-decimal value in the port definition.", hostDC.toString())); } port = port + charValue * mult; mult = 10 * mult; } request.setServerPort(port); } } } public static int checkEOL(final HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState parsingState, final Buffer input) { final int offset = parsingState.offset; final int avail = input.limit() - offset; final byte b1; final byte b2; if (avail >= 2) { // if more than 2 bytes available final short s = input.getShort(offset); b1 = (byte) (s >>> 8); b2 = (byte) (s & 0xFF); } else if (avail == 1) { // if one byte available b1 = input.get(offset); b2 = -1; } else { return -2; } return checkCRLF(parsingState, b1, b2); } public static int checkEOL(final HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState parsingState, final byte[] input, final int end) { final int arrayOffs = parsingState.arrayOffset; final int offset = arrayOffs + parsingState.offset; final int avail = Math.min(parsingState.packetLimit + arrayOffs, end) - offset; final byte b1; final byte b2; if (avail >= 2) { // if more than 2 bytes available b1 = input[offset]; b2 = input[offset + 1]; } else if (avail == 1) { // if one byte available b1 = input[offset]; b2 = -1; } else { return -2; } return checkCRLF(parsingState, b1, b2); } public static boolean findEOL(final HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState state, final Buffer input) { int offset = state.offset; final int limit = Math.min(input.limit(), state.packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input.get(offset); if (b == Constants.CR) { state.checkpoint = offset; } else if (b == Constants.LF) { if (state.checkpoint == -1) { state.checkpoint = offset; } state.offset = offset + 1; return true; } offset++; } state.offset = offset; return false; } public static boolean findEOL(final HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState state, final byte[] input, final int end) { final int arrayOffs = state.arrayOffset; int offset = arrayOffs + state.offset; final int limit = Math.min(end, arrayOffs + state.packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input[offset]; if (b == Constants.CR) { state.checkpoint = offset - arrayOffs; } else if (b == Constants.LF) { if (state.checkpoint == -1) { state.checkpoint = offset - arrayOffs; } state.offset = offset + 1 - arrayOffs; return true; } offset++; } state.offset = offset - arrayOffs; return false; } public static int findSpace(final Buffer input, int offset, final int packetLimit) { final int limit = Math.min(input.limit(), packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input.get(offset); if (isSpaceOrTab(b)) { return offset; } offset++; } return -1; } public static int findSpace(final byte[] input, int offset, final int end, final int packetLimit) { final int limit = Math.min(end, packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input[offset]; if (isSpaceOrTab(b)) { return offset; } offset++; } return -1; } public static int skipSpaces(final Buffer input, int offset, final int packetLimit) { final int limit = Math.min(input.limit(), packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input.get(offset); if (isNotSpaceAndTab(b)) { return offset; } offset++; } return -1; } public static int skipSpaces(final byte[] input, int offset, final int end, final int packetLimit) { final int limit = Math.min(end, packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte b = input[offset]; if (isNotSpaceAndTab(b)) { return offset; } offset++; } return -1; } public static int indexOf(final Buffer input, int offset, final byte b, final int packetLimit) { final int limit = Math.min(input.limit(), packetLimit); while (offset < limit) { final byte currentByte = input.get(offset); if (currentByte == b) { return offset; } offset++; } return -1; } public static Buffer getLongAsBuffer(final MemoryManager memoryManager, final long length) { final Buffer b = memoryManager.allocate(20); b.allowBufferDispose(true); HttpUtils.longToBuffer(length, b); return b; } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final byte[] tempBuffer, final DataChunk chunk) { if (chunk.isNull()) { return dstBuffer; } if (chunk.getType() == DataChunk.Type.Bytes) { final ByteChunk byteChunk = chunk.getByteChunk(); return put(memoryManager, dstBuffer, byteChunk.getBuffer(), byteChunk.getStart(), byteChunk.getLength()); } else if (chunk.getType() == DataChunk.Type.Buffer) { final BufferChunk bc = chunk.getBufferChunk(); final int length = bc.getLength(); dstBuffer = checkAndResizeIfNeeded(memoryManager, dstBuffer, length); dstBuffer.put(bc.getBuffer(), bc.getStart(), length); return dstBuffer; } else { return put(memoryManager, dstBuffer, tempBuffer, chunk.toString()); } } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final byte[] tempBuffer, final String s) { final int size = s.length(); dstBuffer = checkAndResizeIfNeeded(memoryManager, dstBuffer, size); if (dstBuffer.hasArray()) { @SuppressWarnings("MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray") final byte[] array = dstBuffer.array(); final int arrayOffs = dstBuffer.arrayOffset(); int pos = arrayOffs + dstBuffer.position(); // Make sure custom Strings do not contain service symbols for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { byte b = (byte) s.charAt(i); array[pos++] = isNonPrintableUsAscii(b) ? Constants.SP : b; } dstBuffer.position(pos - arrayOffs); } else { fastAsciiEncode(s, tempBuffer, dstBuffer); } return dstBuffer; } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final byte[] array) { return put(memoryManager, dstBuffer, array, 0, array.length); } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final byte[] array, final int off, final int len) { dstBuffer = checkAndResizeIfNeeded(memoryManager, dstBuffer, len); dstBuffer.put(array, off, len); return dstBuffer; } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final Buffer buffer) { final int addSize = buffer.remaining(); dstBuffer = checkAndResizeIfNeeded(memoryManager, dstBuffer, addSize); dstBuffer.put(buffer); return dstBuffer; } public static Buffer put(final MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, final byte value) { if (!dstBuffer.hasRemaining()) { dstBuffer = resizeBuffer(memoryManager, dstBuffer, 1); } dstBuffer.put(value); return dstBuffer; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public static Buffer resizeBuffer(final MemoryManager memoryManager, final Buffer buffer, final int grow) { return memoryManager.reallocate(buffer, Math.max(buffer.capacity() + grow, buffer.capacity() * 3 / 2 + 1)); } public static boolean isNotSpaceAndTab(final byte b) { return b != Constants.SP && b != Constants.HT; } public static boolean isSpaceOrTab(final byte b) { return b == Constants.SP || b == Constants.HT; }
Converts the a CharSequence to a byte array, eliminating all the unprintable US-ASCII symbols by replacing them with spaces (' ').
Returns:a converted byte array, where all the char sequence's unprintable US-ASCII symbols have been replaced with spaces (' ')
/** * Converts the a {@link CharSequence} to a byte array, eliminating all the unprintable US-ASCII symbols by replacing * them with spaces (' '). * * @param s {@link CharSequence} * @return a converted byte array, where all the char sequence's unprintable US-ASCII symbols have been replaced with * spaces (' ') */
public static byte[] toCheckedByteArray(final CharSequence s) { final byte[] array = new byte[s.length()]; return toCheckedByteArray(s, array, 0); }
Serializes the passed CharSequence into a passed byte array starting from a given offset. All the unprintable US-ASCII symbols will be replaced with spaces (' ').
  • s – CharSequence
  • dstArray – the byte array to be used to convert the CharSequence into
  • arrayOffs – the offset in the byte array, where the serialization will be started
Returns:the passed dstArray
/** * Serializes the passed {@link CharSequence} into a passed byte array starting from a given offset. All the unprintable * US-ASCII symbols will be replaced with spaces (' '). * * @param s {@link CharSequence} * @param dstArray the byte array to be used to convert the CharSequence into * @param arrayOffs the offset in the byte array, where the serialization will be started * @return the passed dstArray * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no enough space in the dstArray to serialize the CharSequence */
public static byte[] toCheckedByteArray(final CharSequence s, final byte[] dstArray, final int arrayOffs) { if (dstArray == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } final int strLen = s.length(); if (arrayOffs + strLen > dstArray.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough space in the array"); } for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { final int c = s.charAt(i); dstArray[i + arrayOffs] = isNonPrintableUsAscii(c) ? Constants.SP : (byte) c; } return dstArray; }
Returns true if the passed symbol code represents a non-printable US-ASCII symbol in range [Integer.MIN_VALUE; 9) U (9; 31] U [127; Integer.MAX_VALUE].
  • ub – the symbol code to check
Returns:true if the passed symbol code represents a non-printable US-ASCII symbol in range [Integer.MIN_VALUE; 9) U (9; 31] U [127; Integer.MAX_VALUE]
/** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the passed symbol code represents a non-printable US-ASCII symbol in range * [Integer.MIN_VALUE; 9) U (9; 31] U [127; Integer.MAX_VALUE]. * * @param ub the symbol code to check * @return <tt>true</tt> if the passed symbol code represents a non-printable US-ASCII symbol in range * [Integer.MIN_VALUE; 9) U (9; 31] U [127; Integer.MAX_VALUE] */
public static boolean isNonPrintableUsAscii(final int ub) { return ub <= 31 && ub != 9 || ub >= 127; } private static void fastAsciiEncode(final String s, byte[] tempBuffer, final Buffer dstBuffer) { int totalLen = s.length(); if (tempBuffer == null) { tempBuffer = new byte[totalLen]; } int count = 0; while (count < totalLen) { int len = Math.min(totalLen - count, tempBuffer.length); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int c = s.charAt(count); tempBuffer[i] = isNonPrintableUsAscii(c) ? Constants.SP : (byte) c; count++; } dstBuffer.put(tempBuffer, 0, len); } } private static int checkCRLF(HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState parsingState, byte b1, byte b2) { if (b1 == Constants.CR) { if (b2 == Constants.LF) { parsingState.offset += 2; return 0; } else if (b2 == -1) { return -2; } } else if (b1 == Constants.LF) { parsingState.offset++; return 0; } return -1; } private static Buffer checkAndResizeIfNeeded(MemoryManager memoryManager, Buffer dstBuffer, int length) { if (dstBuffer.remaining() < length) { dstBuffer = resizeBuffer(memoryManager, dstBuffer, length); } return dstBuffer; } }