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package org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Writer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.DebugPoint;

AsyncQueue write element unit
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * {@link AsyncQueue} write element unit * * @author Alexey Stashok */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class AsyncWriteQueueRecord extends AsyncQueueRecord<RecordWriteResult> { public final static int UNCOUNTABLE_RECORD_SPACE_VALUE = 1; private static final ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex<AsyncWriteQueueRecord> CACHE_IDX = ThreadCache.obtainIndex(AsyncWriteQueueRecord.class, Writer.Reentrant.getMaxReentrants()); public static AsyncWriteQueueRecord create(final Connection connection, final WritableMessage message, final CompletionHandler completionHandler, final Object dstAddress, final PushBackHandler pushbackHandler, final boolean isUncountable) { final AsyncWriteQueueRecord asyncWriteQueueRecord = ThreadCache.takeFromCache(CACHE_IDX); if (asyncWriteQueueRecord != null) { asyncWriteQueueRecord.isRecycled = false; asyncWriteQueueRecord.set(connection, message, completionHandler, dstAddress, pushbackHandler, isUncountable); return asyncWriteQueueRecord; } return new AsyncWriteQueueRecord(connection, message, completionHandler, dstAddress, pushbackHandler, isUncountable); } private long initialMessageSize; private boolean isUncountable; private Object dstAddress; private PushBackHandler pushBackHandler; private final RecordWriteResult writeResult = new RecordWriteResult(); protected AsyncWriteQueueRecord(final Connection connection, final WritableMessage message, final CompletionHandler completionHandler, final Object dstAddress, final PushBackHandler pushBackHandler, final boolean isUncountable) { set(connection, message, completionHandler, dstAddress, pushBackHandler, isUncountable); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void set(final Connection connection, final WritableMessage message, final CompletionHandler completionHandler, final Object dstAddress, final PushBackHandler pushBackHandler, final boolean isUncountable) { super.set(connection, message, completionHandler); this.dstAddress = dstAddress; this.isUncountable = isUncountable; this.initialMessageSize = message != null ? message.remaining() : 0; this.pushBackHandler = pushBackHandler; writeResult.set(connection, message, dstAddress, 0); } public final Object getDstAddress() { checkRecycled(); return dstAddress; } public final WritableMessage getWritableMessage() { return (WritableMessage) message; }
Returns:true if record reserves in async write queue space, that is not related to message size remaining(), but is constant UNCOUNTABLE_RECORD_SPACE_VALUE.
/** * @return <tt>true</tt> if record reserves in async write queue space, that is not related to message size * {@link #remaining()}, but is constant {@link AsyncWriteQueueRecord#UNCOUNTABLE_RECORD_SPACE_VALUE}. */
public boolean isUncountable() { return isUncountable; } public void setUncountable(final boolean isUncountable) { this.isUncountable = isUncountable; } public long getBytesToReserve() { return isUncountable ? UNCOUNTABLE_RECORD_SPACE_VALUE : initialMessageSize; } public long getInitialMessageSize() { return initialMessageSize; } public long remaining() { return getWritableMessage().remaining(); } @Override public RecordWriteResult getCurrentResult() { return writeResult; } @Deprecated public PushBackHandler getPushBackHandler() { return pushBackHandler; } public boolean canBeAggregated() { return !getWritableMessage().isExternal(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void notifyCompleteAndRecycle() { final CompletionHandler<WriteResult> completionHandlerLocal = completionHandler; final WritableMessage messageLocal = getWritableMessage(); if (completionHandlerLocal != null) { completionHandlerLocal.completed(writeResult); } recycle(); // try to dispose originalBuffer (if allowed) messageLocal.release(); } public boolean isFinished() { return !getWritableMessage().hasRemaining(); } protected final void reset() { set(null, null, null, null, null, false); writeResult.recycle(); // reset the write result } @Override public void recycle() { checkRecycled(); reset(); isRecycled = true; if (Grizzly.isTrackingThreadCache()) { recycleTrack = new DebugPoint(new Exception(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); } ThreadCache.putToCache(CACHE_IDX, this); } }