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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.util;

import java.util.List;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.naming.DirContext;

public class AlternateDocBase {

    enum UrlPatternType {

    private String pattern;
    private UrlPatternType patternType;
    private int patternSlashCount;

    private String docBase;
    private String basePath;
    private String patternSuffix;
    private String wildcardPath;
    private DirContext resources;
    private DirContext webappResources;

Sets the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase.
  • urlPattern – The url pattern of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Sets the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase. * * @param urlPattern The url pattern of this AlternateDocBase */
public void setUrlPattern(String urlPattern) { this.pattern = urlPattern; this.patternSlashCount = getSlashCount(urlPattern); if (urlPattern.endsWith("/*")) { this.patternType = UrlPatternType.WILDCARD; this.wildcardPath = urlPattern.substring(0, urlPattern.length() - 1); } else if (urlPattern.startsWith("*.")) { this.patternType = UrlPatternType.EXTENSION; this.patternSuffix = urlPattern.substring(1); } else { this.patternType = UrlPatternType.EXACT; } }
Gets the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The url pattern of this AlternativeDocBase
/** * Gets the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The url pattern of this AlternativeDocBase */
public String getUrlPattern() { return pattern; }
Gets the url pattern type (exact, wildcard, extension) of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The url pattern type (exact, wildcard, extension) of this AlternativeDocBase
/** * Gets the url pattern type (exact, wildcard, extension) of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The url pattern type (exact, wildcard, extension) of this AlternativeDocBase */
public UrlPatternType getUrlPatternType() { return patternType; }
Gets the number of slashes in the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:Number of slashes in the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase.
/** * Gets the number of slashes in the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return Number of slashes in the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase. */
public int getUrlPatternSlashCount() { return patternSlashCount; }
Gets the extension suffix of the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The extension suffix of the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase, or null if the url pattern is not of type 'extension'
/** * Gets the extension suffix of the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The extension suffix of the url pattern of this AlternateDocBase, or null if the url pattern is not of type * 'extension' */
public String getUrlPatternSuffix() { return this.patternSuffix; }
Gets the wildcard path of this AlternateDocBase (this is the path specified by the wildcard pattern, minus the trailing '*').
Returns:The wildcard path of this AlternateDocBase, or null if the pattern associated with this AlternateDocBase is not a wildcard pattern
/** * Gets the wildcard path of this AlternateDocBase (this is the path specified by the wildcard pattern, minus the * trailing '*'). * * @return The wildcard path of this AlternateDocBase, or null if the pattern associated with this AlternateDocBase is * not a wildcard pattern */
public String getUrlPatternWildcardPath() { return this.wildcardPath; }
Sets the (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase.
  • docBase – The (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Sets the (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase. * * @param docBase The (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase */
public void setDocBase(String docBase) { this.docBase = docBase; }
Gets the (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternativeDocBase
/** * Gets the (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The (possibly relative) doc base path of this AlternativeDocBase */
public String getDocBase() { return docBase; }
Sets the absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase.
  • basePath – The absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Sets the absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase. * * @param basePath The absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase */
public void setBasePath(String basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; }
Gets the absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The absolute doc base path of this AlternativeDocBase
/** * Gets the absolute doc base path of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The absolute doc base path of this AlternativeDocBase */
public String getBasePath() { return basePath; }
Sets the proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase.
  • resources – The proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Sets the proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase. * * @param resources The proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase */
public void setResources(DirContext resources) { this.resources = resources; }
Gets the proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Gets the proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase */
public DirContext getResources() { return resources; }
Sets the non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase.
  • webappResources – The non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Sets the non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase. * * @param webappResources The non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase */
public void setWebappResources(DirContext webappResources) { this.webappResources = webappResources; }
Gets the non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase.
Returns:The non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase
/** * Gets the non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase. * * @return The non-proxied resources of this AlternateDocBase */
public DirContext getWebappResources() { return webappResources; }
Attempts to match the given request path against one of the given alternate doc bases.
Returns:The alternate doc base whose url pattern matches the given path, or null if no matching alternate doc base could be found
/** * Attempts to match the given request path against one of the given alternate doc bases. * * @return The alternate doc base whose url pattern matches the given path, or null if no matching alternate doc base * could be found */
public static AlternateDocBase findMatch(String path, List<AlternateDocBase> alternateDocBases) { if (alternateDocBases == null) { return null; } AlternateDocBase match = null; AlternateDocBase wildcardMatch = null; AlternateDocBase extensionMatch = null; int maxSlashCountMatch = 0; int pathSlashCount = getSlashCount(path); for (int i = 0; i < alternateDocBases.size(); i++) { AlternateDocBase alternateDocBase = alternateDocBases.get(i); String pattern = alternateDocBase.getUrlPattern(); int patternSlashCount = alternateDocBase.getUrlPatternSlashCount(); AlternateDocBase.UrlPatternType type = alternateDocBase.getUrlPatternType(); String wildcardPath = alternateDocBase.getUrlPatternWildcardPath(); if (type == UrlPatternType.EXACT && path.equals(pattern)) { // Exact match found match = alternateDocBase; break; } else if (type == UrlPatternType.WILDCARD && pathSlashCount >= patternSlashCount && patternSlashCount > maxSlashCountMatch && path.startsWith(wildcardPath)) { // We've found a longer wildcard match wildcardMatch = alternateDocBase; maxSlashCountMatch = patternSlashCount; } else if (type == UrlPatternType.EXTENSION && path.endsWith(alternateDocBase.getUrlPatternSuffix())) { extensionMatch = alternateDocBase; } } if (match == null) { if (wildcardMatch != null) { match = wildcardMatch; } else { match = extensionMatch; } } return match; }
Determines the number for forward slashes in the given string.
  • s – The string whose forward slashes to count
Returns:The number of forward slashes
/** * Determines the number for forward slashes in the given string. * * @param s The string whose forward slashes to count * * @return The number of forward slashes */
private static int getSlashCount(String s) { int count = 0; if (s != null) { int index = s.indexOf('/'); while (index >= 0) { count++; index = s.indexOf('/', index + 1); } } return count; } }