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package org.glassfish.grizzly.streams;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.GrizzlyFuture;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Transformer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.conditions.Condition;

Interface that defines methods for reading primitive types and arrays of primitive types from a stream. A stream is implemented as a sequence of Buffers which are supplied by the receiveData method. The stream consumes the Buffers: after all data has been read from a Buffer, Buffer.dispose() is called. Note, that StreamReader implementation may not be thread-safe.
Author:Ken Cavanaugh, Alexey Stashok
See Also:
/** * Interface that defines methods for reading primitive types and arrays of primitive types from a stream. A stream is * implemented as a sequence of {@link Buffer}s which are supplied by the receiveData method. The stream consumes the * {@link Buffer}s: after all data has been read from a {@link Buffer}, {@link Buffer#dispose()} is called. * * Note, that <tt>StreamReader</tt> implementation may not be thread-safe. * * @see StreamWriter * @see Connection * * @author Ken Cavanaugh * @author Alexey Stashok */
public interface StreamReader extends Stream {
Method returns Future, using which it's possible check if StreamReader has required amount of bytes available for reading reading.
  • size – number of bytes, which should become available on StreamReader.
Returns:Future, using which it's possible to check whether StreamReader has required amount of bytes available for reading.
/** * Method returns {@link Future}, using which it's possible check if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has required amount of bytes * available for reading reading. * * @param size number of bytes, which should become available on <tt>StreamReader</tt>. * @return {@link Future}, using which it's possible to check whether <tt>StreamReader</tt> has required amount of bytes * available for reading. */
GrizzlyFuture<Integer> notifyAvailable(int size);
Method returns Future, using which it's possible check if StreamReader has required amount of bytes available for reading reading. CompletionHandler is also passed to get notified, once required number of bytes will become available for reading.
  • size – number of bytes, which should become available on StreamReader.
  • completionHandler – CompletionHandler, which will be notified once required number of bytes will become available.
Returns:Future, using which it's possible to check whether StreamReader has required amount of bytes available for reading.
/** * Method returns {@link Future}, using which it's possible check if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has required amount of bytes * available for reading reading. {@link CompletionHandler} is also passed to get notified, once required number of * bytes will become available for reading. * * @param size number of bytes, which should become available on <tt>StreamReader</tt>. * @param completionHandler {@link CompletionHandler}, which will be notified once required number of bytes will become * available. * * @return {@link Future}, using which it's possible to check whether <tt>StreamReader</tt> has required amount of bytes * available for reading. */
GrizzlyFuture<Integer> notifyAvailable(int size, CompletionHandler<Integer> completionHandler);
Method returns Future, using which it's possible check if StreamReader meets specific Condition.
  • condition – Condition StreamReader should meet.
Returns:Future, using which it's possible to check whether StreamReader meets the required Condition.
/** * Method returns {@link Future}, using which it's possible check if <tt>StreamReader</tt> meets specific * {@link Condition}. * * @param condition {@link Condition} <tt>StreamReader</tt> should meet. * * @return {@link Future}, using which it's possible to check whether <tt>StreamReader</tt> meets the required * {@link Condition}. */
GrizzlyFuture<Integer> notifyCondition(Condition condition);
Method returns Future, using which it's possible check if StreamReader meets specific Condition. CompletionHandler is also passed to get notified, once the Condition will be satisfied.
Returns:Future, using which it's possible to check whether StreamReader meets the required Condition.
/** * Method returns {@link Future}, using which it's possible check if <tt>StreamReader</tt> meets specific * {@link Condition}. {@link CompletionHandler} is also passed to get notified, once the {@link Condition} will be * satisfied. * * @param condition {@link Condition} <tt>StreamReader</tt> should meet. * @param completionHandler {@link CompletionHandler}, which will be notified, once the {@link Condition} will be * satisfied. * * @return {@link Future}, using which it's possible to check whether <tt>StreamReader</tt> meets the required * {@link Condition}. */
GrizzlyFuture<Integer> notifyCondition(Condition condition, CompletionHandler<Integer> completionHandler);
Return true if StreamReader has available data, which could be read, or false otherwise.
Returns:true if StreamReader has available data, which could be read, or false otherwise.
/** * Return <tt>true</tt> if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has available data, which could be read, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has available data, which could be read, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
boolean hasAvailable();
Return the number of bytes available for get calls. An attempt to get more data than is present in the stream will either result in blocking (if isBlocking() returns true) or a BufferUnderflowException.
/** * Return the number of bytes available for get calls. An attempt to get more data than is present in the stream will * either result in blocking (if isBlocking() returns true) or a BufferUnderflowException. */
int available();
Get the next boolean in the stream. Requires 1 byte.
/** * Get the next boolean in the stream. Requires 1 byte. */
boolean readBoolean() throws IOException;
Get the next byte in the stream. Requires 1 byte.
/** * Get the next byte in the stream. Requires 1 byte. */
byte readByte() throws IOException;
Get the next character in the stream. Requires 2 bytes.
/** * Get the next character in the stream. Requires 2 bytes. */
char readChar() throws IOException;
Get the next short in the stream. Requires 2 bytes.
/** * Get the next short in the stream. Requires 2 bytes. */
short readShort() throws IOException;
Get the next int in the stream. Requires 4 bytes.
/** * Get the next int in the stream. Requires 4 bytes. */
int readInt() throws IOException;
Get the next long in the stream. Requires 8 bytes.
/** * Get the next long in the stream. Requires 8 bytes. */
long readLong() throws IOException;
Get the next float in the stream. Requires 4 bytes.
/** * Get the next float in the stream. Requires 4 bytes. */
float readFloat() throws IOException;
Get the next double in the stream. Requires 8 bytes.
/** * Get the next double in the stream. Requires 8 bytes. */
double readDouble() throws IOException;
Fill data with booleans (byte 1=true, 0=false) from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with booleans (byte 1=true, 0=false) from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled * completely. Requires data.length bytes. */
void readBooleanArray(boolean[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with bytes from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with bytes from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * data.length bytes. */
void readByteArray(byte[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with bytes from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with bytes from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * data.length bytes. */
void readByteArray(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException;
Fill the buffer with data from the stream (that is, copy data from the stream to fill buffer from position to limit). This is useful when data must be read from one stream and then added to another stream for further processing.
/** * Fill the buffer with data from the stream (that is, copy data from the stream to fill buffer from position to limit). * This is useful when data must be read from one stream and then added to another stream for further processing. */
void readBytes(Buffer buffer) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 2*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 2*data.length bytes. */
void readCharArray(char[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 2*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 2*data.length bytes. */
void readShortArray(short[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 4*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 4*data.length bytes. */
void readIntArray(int[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 8*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 8*data.length bytes. */
void readLongArray(long[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 4*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 4*data.length bytes. */
void readFloatArray(float[] data) throws IOException;
Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires 8*data.length bytes.
/** * Fill data with characters from the stream. If this method returns normally, data has been filled completely. Requires * 8*data.length bytes. */
void readDoubleArray(double[] data) throws IOException; void skip(int length);
Read and decode data from the StreamReader
Type parameters:
  • <E> – decoded data type
Returns:Future, which will hold the decoding state.
/** * Read and decode data from the <tt>StreamReader</tt> * * @param <E> decoded data type * @param decoder {@link Transformer} * @return {@link Future}, which will hold the decoding state. */
<E> GrizzlyFuture<E> decode(Transformer<Stream, E> decoder);
Read and decode data from the StreamReader
Type parameters:
  • <E> – decoded data type
Returns:Future, which will hold the decoding state.
/** * Read and decode data from the <tt>StreamReader</tt> * * @param <E> decoded data type * @param decoder {@link Transformer} * @param completionHandler {@link CompletionHandler}, which will be notified, when decoder will become ready. * @return {@link Future}, which will hold the decoding state. */
<E> GrizzlyFuture<E> decode(Transformer<Stream, E> decoder, CompletionHandler<E> completionHandler);
Returns true, if StreamReader has been closed, or false otherwise.
Returns:true, if StreamReader has been closed, or false otherwise.
/** * Returns <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has been closed, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @return <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>StreamReader</tt> has been closed, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
boolean isClosed(); boolean isSupportBufferWindow(); Buffer getBufferWindow(); Buffer takeBufferWindow(); }