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package org.glassfish.grizzly.utils;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex;

Charset utility class.
Author:Alexey Stashok
/** * Charset utility class. * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public final class Charsets { static { if (Boolean.getBoolean(Charsets.class.getName() + ".preloadAllCharsets")) { preloadAllCharsets(); } }
The default character encoding of this Java virtual machine.
/** * The default character encoding of this Java virtual machine. */
public static final String DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Charset> charsetAliasMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(8); public static final Charset ASCII_CHARSET = lookupCharset("ASCII"); public static final Charset UTF8_CHARSET = lookupCharset("UTF-8");
Returns the default charset of this Java virtual machine.
See Also:
  • defaultCharset.defaultCharset()
/** * Returns the default charset of this Java virtual machine. * * @see Charset#defaultCharset() */
public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.defaultCharset(); public static final int CODECS_CACHE_SIZE = 4; private static final CharsetCodecResolver DECODER_RESOLVER = new DecoderResolver(); private static final CharsetCodecResolver ENCODER_RESOLVER = new EncoderResolver(); private static final CachedTypeIndex<CodecsCache> CODECS_CACHE = ThreadCache.obtainIndex(CodecsCache.class, 1); private static volatile boolean areCharsetsPreloaded;
Lookup a Charset by name. Fixes Charset concurrency issue (http://paul.vox.com/library/post/the-mysteries-of-java-character-set-performance.html)
  • charsetName –
/** * Lookup a {@link Charset} by name. Fixes Charset concurrency issue * (http://paul.vox.com/library/post/the-mysteries-of-java-character-set-performance.html) * * @param charsetName * @return {@link Charset} */
public static Charset lookupCharset(final String charsetName) { final String charsetLowerCase = charsetName.toLowerCase(Locale.US); Charset charset = charsetAliasMap.get(charsetLowerCase); if (charset == null) { if (areCharsetsPreloaded) { // if all charsets are preloaded - throw Exception right away throw new UnsupportedCharsetException(charsetName); } final Charset newCharset = Charset.forName(charsetLowerCase); final Charset prevCharset = charsetAliasMap.putIfAbsent(charsetLowerCase, newCharset); charset = prevCharset == null ? newCharset : prevCharset; } return charset; }
Preloads all Charsets available to the JMV, which makes charset searching faster (at the cost of memory). The speed gain is most noticable in the case of non-existing charsets as it allows us to avoid an expensive call to Charset.forName(String).
/** * Preloads all {@link Charset}s available to the JMV, which makes charset searching faster (at the cost of memory). The * speed gain is most noticable in the case of non-existing charsets as it allows us to avoid an expensive call to * {@link Charset#forName(java.lang.String)}. */
public static void preloadAllCharsets() { synchronized (charsetAliasMap) { final Map<String, Charset> charsetsMap = Charset.availableCharsets(); for (Charset charset : charsetsMap.values()) { charsetAliasMap.put(charset.name().toLowerCase(Locale.US), charset); for (String alias : charset.aliases()) { charsetAliasMap.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.US), charset); } } areCharsetsPreloaded = true; } }
Remove all preloaded charsets.
/** * Remove all preloaded charsets. */
public static void drainAllCharsets() { synchronized (charsetAliasMap) { areCharsetsPreloaded = false; charsetAliasMap.clear(); } }
Return the Charset's CharsetDecoder. The Charsets class maintains the CharsetDecoder thread-local cache. Be aware - this shouldn't be used by multiple threads.
Returns:the Charset's CharsetDecoder.
/** * Return the {@link Charset}'s {@link CharsetDecoder}. The <tt>Charsets</tt> class maintains the {@link CharsetDecoder} * thread-local cache. Be aware - this shouldn't be used by multiple threads. * * @param charset {@link Charset}. * @return the {@link Charset}'s {@link CharsetDecoder}. */
public static CharsetDecoder getCharsetDecoder(final Charset charset) { if (charset == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Charset can not be null"); } final CharsetDecoder decoder = obtainCodecsCache().getDecoder(charset); decoder.reset(); return decoder; }
Return the Charset's CharsetEncoder. The Charsets class maintains the CharsetEncoder thread-local cache. Be aware - this shouldn't be used by multiple threads.
Returns:the Charset's CharsetEncoder.
/** * Return the {@link Charset}'s {@link CharsetEncoder}. The <tt>Charsets</tt> class maintains the {@link CharsetEncoder} * thread-local cache. Be aware - this shouldn't be used by multiple threads. * * @param charset {@link Charset}. * @return the {@link Charset}'s {@link CharsetEncoder}. */
public static CharsetEncoder getCharsetEncoder(final Charset charset) { if (charset == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Charset can not be null"); } final CharsetEncoder encoder = obtainCodecsCache().getEncoder(charset); encoder.reset(); return encoder; } private static CodecsCache obtainCodecsCache() { CodecsCache cache = ThreadCache.getFromCache(CODECS_CACHE); if (cache == null) { cache = new CodecsCache(); ThreadCache.putToCache(CODECS_CACHE, cache); } return cache; } private static final class CodecsCache { private final Object[] decoders = new Object[CODECS_CACHE_SIZE]; private final Object[] encoders = new Object[CODECS_CACHE_SIZE]; public CharsetDecoder getDecoder(final Charset charset) { return (CharsetDecoder) obtainElementByCharset(decoders, charset, DECODER_RESOLVER); } public CharsetEncoder getEncoder(final Charset charset) { return (CharsetEncoder) obtainElementByCharset(encoders, charset, ENCODER_RESOLVER); } private static Object obtainElementByCharset(final Object[] array, final Charset charset, final CharsetCodecResolver resolver) { int i = 0; for (; i < array.length; i++) { final Object currentElement = array[i]; if (currentElement == null) { i++; // to make break; } if (charset.equals(resolver.charset(currentElement))) { makeFirst(array, i, currentElement); return currentElement; } } final Object newElement = resolver.newElement(charset); makeFirst(array, i - 1, newElement); return newElement; } private static void makeFirst(final Object[] array, final int offs, final Object element) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, array, 1, offs - 1 + 1); array[0] = element; } } private interface CharsetCodecResolver { Charset charset(Object element); Object newElement(Charset charset); } private final static class DecoderResolver implements CharsetCodecResolver { @Override public Charset charset(final Object element) { return ((CharsetDecoder) element).charset(); } @Override public Object newElement(final Charset charset) { return charset.newDecoder(); } } private final static class EncoderResolver implements CharsetCodecResolver { @Override public Charset charset(final Object element) { return ((CharsetEncoder) element).charset(); } @Override public Object newElement(final Charset charset) { return charset.newEncoder(); } } }