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package org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool;

import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.DefaultMonitoringConfig;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.DelayedExecutor;

Grizzly thread-pool configuration, which might be used to create and initialize a thread-pool via GrizzlyExecutorService.createInstance(ThreadPoolConfig). One can get a default Grizzly ThreadPoolConfig using copy() and customize it according to the application specific requirements. A ThreadPoolConfig object might be customized in a "Builder"-like fashion: ThreadPoolConfig.defaultConfig() .setPoolName("App1Pool") .setCorePoolSize(5) .setMaxPoolSize(10);
Author:Oleksiy Stashok, gustav trede
/** * Grizzly thread-pool configuration, which might be used to create and initialize a thread-pool via * {@link GrizzlyExecutorService#createInstance(org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.ThreadPoolConfig)}. One can get a * default Grizzly <tt>ThreadPoolConfig</tt> using {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.ThreadPoolConfig#copy()} and * customize it according to the application specific requirements. * * A <tt>ThreadPoolConfig</tt> object might be customized in a "Builder"-like fashion: <code> * ThreadPoolConfig.defaultConfig() * .setPoolName("App1Pool") * .setCorePoolSize(5) * .setMaxPoolSize(10); * </code> * * @author Oleksiy Stashok * @author gustav trede */
public final class ThreadPoolConfig { private static final ThreadPoolConfig DEFAULT = new ThreadPoolConfig("Grizzly", AbstractThreadPool.DEFAULT_MIN_THREAD_COUNT, AbstractThreadPool.DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_COUNT, null, AbstractThreadPool.DEFAULT_MAX_TASKS_QUEUED, AbstractThreadPool.DEFAULT_IDLE_THREAD_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, null, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY, true, null, null, -1, null);
Create new Grizzly thread-pool configuration instance. The returned ThreadPoolConfig instance will be pre-configured with a default values.
Returns:the Grizzly thread-pool configuration instance.
/** * Create new Grizzly thread-pool configuration instance. The returned <tt>ThreadPoolConfig</tt> instance will be * pre-configured with a default values. * * @return the Grizzly thread-pool configuration instance. */
public static ThreadPoolConfig defaultConfig() { return DEFAULT.copy(); } protected String poolName; protected int corePoolSize; protected int maxPoolSize; protected Queue<Runnable> queue; protected int queueLimit = -1; protected long keepAliveTimeMillis; protected ThreadFactory threadFactory; protected int priority = Thread.MAX_PRIORITY; protected boolean isDaemon; protected MemoryManager mm; protected DelayedExecutor transactionMonitor; protected long transactionTimeoutMillis; protected ClassLoader initialClassLoader;
Thread pool probes
/** * Thread pool probes */
protected final DefaultMonitoringConfig<ThreadPoolProbe> threadPoolMonitoringConfig; private ThreadPoolConfig(String poolName, int corePoolSize, int maxPoolSize, Queue<Runnable> queue, int queueLimit, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit timeUnit, ThreadFactory threadFactory, int priority, boolean isDaemon, MemoryManager mm, DelayedExecutor transactionMonitor, long transactionTimeoutMillis, ClassLoader initialClassLoader) { this.poolName = poolName; this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize; this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize; this.queue = queue; this.queueLimit = queueLimit; if (keepAliveTime > 0) { this.keepAliveTimeMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(keepAliveTime, timeUnit); } else { keepAliveTimeMillis = keepAliveTime; } this.threadFactory = threadFactory; this.priority = priority; this.isDaemon = isDaemon; this.mm = mm; this.transactionMonitor = transactionMonitor; this.transactionTimeoutMillis = transactionTimeoutMillis; this.initialClassLoader = initialClassLoader; threadPoolMonitoringConfig = new DefaultMonitoringConfig<>(ThreadPoolProbe.class); } private ThreadPoolConfig(ThreadPoolConfig cfg) { this.queue = cfg.queue; this.threadFactory = cfg.threadFactory; this.poolName = cfg.poolName; this.priority = cfg.priority; this.isDaemon = cfg.isDaemon; this.maxPoolSize = cfg.maxPoolSize; this.queueLimit = cfg.queueLimit; this.corePoolSize = cfg.corePoolSize; this.keepAliveTimeMillis = cfg.keepAliveTimeMillis; this.mm = cfg.mm; this.initialClassLoader = cfg.initialClassLoader; this.threadPoolMonitoringConfig = new DefaultMonitoringConfig<>(ThreadPoolProbe.class); final ThreadPoolProbe[] srcProbes = cfg.threadPoolMonitoringConfig.getProbesUnsafe(); if (srcProbes != null) { threadPoolMonitoringConfig.addProbes(srcProbes); } this.transactionMonitor = cfg.transactionMonitor; this.transactionTimeoutMillis = cfg.transactionTimeoutMillis; } public ThreadPoolConfig copy() { return new ThreadPoolConfig(this); }
Returns:the queue
/** * @return the queue */
public Queue<Runnable> getQueue() { return queue; }
  • queue – the queue implemenation to use
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new Queue implementation.
/** * * @param queue the queue implemenation to use * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new {@link Queue} implementation. */
public ThreadPoolConfig setQueue(Queue<Runnable> queue) { this.queue = queue; return this; }
Returns ThreadFactory. If ThreadFactory is set - then priority, isDaemon, poolName settings will not be considered when creating new threads.
Returns:the threadFactory
/** * Returns {@link ThreadFactory}. * * If {@link ThreadFactory} is set - then {@link #priority}, {@link #isDaemon}, {@link #poolName} settings will not be * considered when creating new threads. * * @return the threadFactory */
public ThreadFactory getThreadFactory() { return threadFactory; }
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new ThreadFactory
/** * * @param threadFactory custom {@link ThreadFactory} If {@link ThreadFactory} is set - then {@link #priority}, * {@link #isDaemon}, {@link #poolName} settings will not be considered when creating new threads. * * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new {@link ThreadFactory} */
public ThreadPoolConfig setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.threadFactory = threadFactory; return this; }
Returns:the poolname
/** * @return the poolname */
public String getPoolName() { return poolName; }
  • poolname – the thread pool name.
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new thread pool name.
/** * * @param poolname the thread pool name. * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new thread pool name. */
public ThreadPoolConfig setPoolName(String poolname) { this.poolName = poolname; return this; } public int getPriority() { return priority; } public ThreadPoolConfig setPriority(int priority) { this.priority = priority; return this; } public boolean isDaemon() { return isDaemon; } public ThreadPoolConfig setDaemon(boolean isDaemon) { this.isDaemon = isDaemon; return this; }
Returns:the maxpoolsize
/** * @return the maxpoolsize */
public int getMaxPoolSize() { return maxPoolSize; }
  • maxPoolSize – the max thread pool size
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new max pool size
/** * * @param maxPoolSize the max thread pool size * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new max pool size */
public ThreadPoolConfig setMaxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) { this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize; return this; }
Returns:the corepoolsize
/** * @return the corepoolsize */
public int getCorePoolSize() { return corePoolSize; }
  • corePoolSize – the core thread pool size
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new core pool size
/** * * @param corePoolSize the core thread pool size * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new core pool size */
public ThreadPoolConfig setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize) { this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize; return this; }
Returns:the thread-pool queue limit. The queue limit value less than 0 means unlimited queue.
/** * @return the thread-pool queue limit. The queue limit value less than 0 means unlimited queue. */
public int getQueueLimit() { return queueLimit; }
  • queueLimit – the thread-pool queue limit. The queueLimit value less than 0 means unlimited queue.
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new queue limite
/** * @param queueLimit the thread-pool queue limit. The <tt>queueLimit</tt> value less than 0 means unlimited queue. * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new queue limite */
public ThreadPoolConfig setQueueLimit(int queueLimit) { this.queueLimit = queueLimit; return this; }
The max period of time a thread will wait for a new task to process. If the timeout expires and the thread is not a core one (see setCorePoolSize(int), setMaxPoolSize(int)) - then the thread will be terminated and removed from the thread pool.
  • time – max keep alive timeout. The value less than 0 means no timeout
  • unit – time unit
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig with the new keep alive time
/** * The max period of time a thread will wait for a new task to process. If the timeout expires and the thread is not a * core one (see {@link #setCorePoolSize(int)}, {@link #setMaxPoolSize(int)}) - then the thread will be terminated and * removed from the thread pool. * * @param time max keep alive timeout. The value less than 0 means no timeout * @param unit time unit * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} with the new keep alive time */
public ThreadPoolConfig setKeepAliveTime(long time, TimeUnit unit) { if (time < 0) { keepAliveTimeMillis = -1; } else { keepAliveTimeMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(time, unit); } return this; }
Returns the max period of time a thread will wait for a new task to process. If the timeout expires and the thread is not a core one (see setCorePoolSize(int), setMaxPoolSize(int)) - then the thread will be terminated and removed from the thread pool.
Returns:the keep-alive timeout, the value less than 0 means no timeout
/** * Returns the max period of time a thread will wait for a new task to process. * * If the timeout expires and the thread is not a core one (see {@link #setCorePoolSize(int)}, * {@link #setMaxPoolSize(int)}) - then the thread will be terminated and removed from the thread pool. * * @return the keep-alive timeout, the value less than 0 means no timeout */
public long getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (keepAliveTimeMillis == -1) { return -1; } return timeUnit.convert(keepAliveTimeMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public MemoryManager getMemoryManager() { return mm; } public ThreadPoolConfig setMemoryManager(MemoryManager mm) { this.mm = mm; return this; } public DefaultMonitoringConfig<ThreadPoolProbe> getInitialMonitoringConfig() { return threadPoolMonitoringConfig; } public DelayedExecutor getTransactionMonitor() { return transactionMonitor; } public ThreadPoolConfig setTransactionMonitor(final DelayedExecutor transactionMonitor) { this.transactionMonitor = transactionMonitor; return this; } public long getTransactionTimeout(final TimeUnit timeUnit) { if (transactionTimeoutMillis > 0) { return timeUnit.convert(transactionTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } return 0; } public ThreadPoolConfig setTransactionTimeout(final long transactionTimeout, final TimeUnit timeunit) { if (transactionTimeout > 0) { this.transactionTimeoutMillis = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(transactionTimeout, timeunit); } else { transactionTimeoutMillis = 0; } return this; } public ThreadPoolConfig setTransactionTimeout(final DelayedExecutor transactionMonitor, final long transactionTimeout, final TimeUnit timeunit) { this.transactionMonitor = transactionMonitor; return setTransactionTimeout(transactionTimeout, timeunit); }
Returns:the classloader (if any) to be initially exposed by threads from this pool.
/** * @return the classloader (if any) to be initially exposed by threads from this pool. * * @since 2.3 */
public ClassLoader getInitialClassLoader() { return initialClassLoader; }
Specifies the context classloader that will be used by threads in this pool. If not specified, the classloader of the parent thread that initialized the pool will be used.
  • initialClassLoader – the classloader to be exposed by threads of this pool.
See Also:
Returns:the ThreadPoolConfig
/** * Specifies the context classloader that will be used by threads in this pool. If not specified, the classloader of the * parent thread that initialized the pool will be used. * * @param initialClassLoader the classloader to be exposed by threads of this pool. * * @return the {@link ThreadPoolConfig} * * @see Thread#getContextClassLoader() * * @since 2.3 */
public ThreadPoolConfig setInitialClassLoader(final ClassLoader initialClassLoader) { this.initialClassLoader = initialClassLoader; return this; } @Override public String toString() { return ThreadPoolConfig.class.getSimpleName() + " :\r\n" + " poolName: " + poolName + "\r\n" + " corePoolSize: " + corePoolSize + "\r\n" + " maxPoolSize: " + maxPoolSize + "\r\n" + " queue: " + (queue != null ? queue.getClass() : "undefined") + "\r\n" + " queueLimit: " + queueLimit + "\r\n" + " keepAliveTime (millis): " + keepAliveTimeMillis + "\r\n" + " threadFactory: " + threadFactory + "\r\n" + " transactionMonitor: " + transactionMonitor + "\r\n" + " transactionTimeoutMillis: " + transactionTimeoutMillis + "\r\n" + " priority: " + priority + "\r\n" + " isDaemon: " + isDaemon + "\r\n" + " initialClassLoader: " + initialClassLoader; } }