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package org.glassfish.grizzly.nio;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.AbstractReader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Context;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Interceptor;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ReadResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Reader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncQueueReader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncReadQueueRecord;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.TaskQueue;

The AsyncQueueReader implementation, based on the Java NIO
Author:Alexey Stashok, Ryan Lubke, Gustav Trede
/** * The {@link AsyncQueueReader} implementation, based on the Java NIO * * @author Alexey Stashok * @author Ryan Lubke * @author Gustav Trede */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class AbstractNIOAsyncQueueReader extends AbstractReader<SocketAddress> implements AsyncQueueReader<SocketAddress> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Grizzly.logger(AbstractNIOAsyncQueueReader.class); public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; protected int defaultBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; protected final NIOTransport transport; // Cached EOFException to throw from onClose() // Probably we shouldn't even care it's not volatile private EOFException cachedEOFException; public AbstractNIOAsyncQueueReader(NIOTransport transport) { this.transport = transport; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void read(final Connection<SocketAddress> connection, Buffer buffer, final CompletionHandler<ReadResult<Buffer, SocketAddress>> completionHandler, final Interceptor<ReadResult> interceptor) { if (connection == null) { failure(new IOException("Connection is null"), completionHandler); return; } if (!connection.isOpen()) { failure(new IOException("Connection is closed"), completionHandler); return; } // Get connection async read queue final TaskQueue<AsyncReadQueueRecord> connectionQueue = ((NIOConnection) connection).getAsyncReadQueue(); // create and initialize the read queue record final AsyncReadQueueRecord queueRecord = AsyncReadQueueRecord.create(connection, buffer, completionHandler, interceptor); final ReadResult<Buffer, SocketAddress> currentResult = queueRecord.getCurrentResult(); final boolean isCurrent = connectionQueue.reserveSpace(1) == 1; try { if (isCurrent) { // If AsyncQueue is empty - try to read Buffer here doRead(connection, queueRecord); final int interceptInstructions = intercept(Reader.READ_EVENT, queueRecord, currentResult); if ((interceptInstructions & Interceptor.COMPLETED) != 0 || interceptor == null && queueRecord.isFinished()) { // if direct read is completed // If message was read directly - set next queue element as current final boolean isQueueEmpty = connectionQueue.releaseSpaceAndNotify(1) == 0; // Notify callback handler queueRecord.notifyComplete(); if (!isQueueEmpty) { onReadyToRead(connection); } intercept(COMPLETE_EVENT, queueRecord, null); queueRecord.recycle(); } else { // If direct read is not finished // Create future if ((interceptInstructions & Interceptor.RESET) != 0) { currentResult.setMessage(null); currentResult.setReadSize(0); queueRecord.setMessage(null); } connectionQueue.setCurrentElement(queueRecord); queueRecord.notifyIncomplete(); onReadyToRead(connection); intercept(INCOMPLETE_EVENT, queueRecord, null); } } else { // Read queue is not empty - add new element to a queue connectionQueue.offer(queueRecord); // Check whether connection is still open if (!connection.isOpen() && connectionQueue.remove(queueRecord)) { onReadFailure(connection, queueRecord, new EOFException("Connection is closed")); } } } catch (IOException e) { onReadFailure(connection, queueRecord, e); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public final boolean isReady(final Connection connection) { final TaskQueue connectionQueue = ((NIOConnection) connection).getAsyncReadQueue(); return connectionQueue != null && !connectionQueue.isEmpty(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public AsyncResult processAsync(final Context context) { final NIOConnection nioConnection = (NIOConnection) context.getConnection(); if (!nioConnection.isOpen()) { return AsyncResult.COMPLETE; } final TaskQueue<AsyncReadQueueRecord> connectionQueue = nioConnection.getAsyncReadQueue(); boolean done = false; AsyncReadQueueRecord queueRecord = null; try { while ((queueRecord = connectionQueue.poll()) != null) { final ReadResult currentResult = queueRecord.getCurrentResult(); doRead(nioConnection, queueRecord); final Interceptor<ReadResult> interceptor = queueRecord.getInterceptor(); // check if message was completely read final int interceptInstructions = intercept(Reader.READ_EVENT, queueRecord, currentResult); if ((interceptInstructions & Interceptor.COMPLETED) != 0 || interceptor == null && queueRecord.isFinished()) { // Is here a chance that queue becomes empty? // If yes - we need to switch to manual io event processing // mode to *disable READ interest for SameThreadStrategy*, // so we don't get stuck, when other thread tried to add data // to the queue. if (!context.isManualIOEventControl() && connectionQueue.spaceInBytes() - 1 <= 0) { context.setManualIOEventControl(); } done = connectionQueue.releaseSpaceAndNotify(1) == 0; queueRecord.notifyComplete(); intercept(Reader.COMPLETE_EVENT, queueRecord, null); queueRecord.recycle(); // check if there is ready element in the queue if (done) { break; } } else { // if there is still some data in current message if ((interceptInstructions & Interceptor.RESET) != 0) { currentResult.setMessage(null); currentResult.setReadSize(0); queueRecord.setMessage(null); } connectionQueue.setCurrentElement(queueRecord); queueRecord.notifyIncomplete(); intercept(Reader.INCOMPLETE_EVENT, queueRecord, null); // onReadyToRead(nioConnection); return AsyncResult.INCOMPLETE; } } if (!done) { // Counter shows there should be some elements in queue, // but seems write() method still didn't add them to a queue // so we can release the thread for now // onReadyToRead(nioConnection); return AsyncResult.EXPECTING_MORE; } } catch (IOException e) { onReadFailure(nioConnection, queueRecord, e); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unexpected exception occurred in AsyncQueueReader"; LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e); IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getClass() + ": " + message); onReadFailure(nioConnection, queueRecord, ioe); } return AsyncResult.COMPLETE; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onClose(Connection connection) { final NIOConnection nioConnection = (NIOConnection) connection; final TaskQueue<AsyncReadQueueRecord> readQueue = nioConnection.getAsyncReadQueue(); if (!readQueue.isEmpty()) { EOFException error = cachedEOFException; if (error == null) { error = new EOFException("Connection closed"); cachedEOFException = error; } AsyncReadQueueRecord record; while ((record = readQueue.poll()) != null) { record.notifyFailure(error); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public final void close() { }
Performs real read on the NIO channel
  • connection – the Connection to read from
  • queueRecord – the record to be read to
/** * Performs real read on the NIO channel * * @param connection the {@link Connection} to read from * @param queueRecord the record to be read to * @throws java.io.IOException */
final protected int doRead(final Connection connection, final AsyncReadQueueRecord queueRecord) throws IOException { final Object message = queueRecord.getMessage(); final Buffer buffer = (Buffer) message; final ReadResult currentResult = queueRecord.getCurrentResult(); final int readBytes = read0(connection, buffer, currentResult); if (readBytes == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } return readBytes; } protected final void onReadFailure(final Connection connection, final AsyncReadQueueRecord failedRecord, final IOException e) { if (failedRecord != null) { failedRecord.notifyFailure(e); } connection.closeSilently(); } private static void failure(final Throwable failure, final CompletionHandler<ReadResult<Buffer, SocketAddress>> completionHandler) { if (completionHandler != null) { completionHandler.failed(failure); } } private int intercept(final int event, final AsyncReadQueueRecord asyncQueueRecord, final ReadResult currentResult) { final Interceptor<ReadResult> interceptor = asyncQueueRecord.getInterceptor(); if (interceptor != null) { return interceptor.intercept(event, asyncQueueRecord, currentResult); } return Interceptor.DEFAULT; } protected abstract int read0(Connection connection, Buffer buffer, ReadResult<Buffer, SocketAddress> currentResult) throws IOException; protected abstract void onReadyToRead(Connection connection) throws IOException; }