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package org.glassfish.grizzly.memory;

Modified java.nio.Bits source for Grizzly Purposes.
/** * Modified java.nio.Bits source for Grizzly Purposes. * * @since 2.0 */
class Bits { private Bits() { } // -- get/put char -- static char makeChar(byte b1, byte b0) { return (char) (b1 << 8 | b0 & 0xff); } static char getCharL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeChar(bb[bi + 1], bb[bi]); } static char getCharB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeChar(bb[bi], bb[bi + 1]); } static char getChar(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getCharB(bb, bi) : getCharL(bb, bi); } static byte char1(char x) { return (byte) (x >> 8); } static byte char0(char x) { return (byte) x; } static void putCharL(byte[] bb, int bi, char x) { bb[bi] = char0(x); bb[bi + 1] = char1(x); } static void putCharB(byte[] bb, int bi, char x) { bb[bi] = char1(x); bb[bi + 1] = char0(x); } static void putChar(byte[] bb, int bi, char x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putCharB(bb, bi, x); } else { putCharL(bb, bi, x); } } // -- get/put short -- static short makeShort(byte b1, byte b0) { return (short) (b1 << 8 | b0 & 0xff); } static short getShortL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeShort(bb[bi + 1], bb[bi]); } static short getShortB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeShort(bb[bi], bb[bi + 1]); } static short getShort(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getShortB(bb, bi) : getShortL(bb, bi); } static byte short1(short x) { return (byte) (x >> 8); } static byte short0(short x) { return (byte) x; } static void putShortL(byte[] bb, int bi, short x) { bb[bi] = short0(x); bb[bi + 1] = short1(x); } static void putShortB(byte[] bb, int bi, short x) { bb[bi] = short1(x); bb[bi + 1] = short0(x); } static void putShort(byte[] bb, int bi, short x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putShortB(bb, bi, x); } else { putShortL(bb, bi, x); } } // -- get/put int -- static int makeInt(byte b3, byte b2, byte b1, byte b0) { return (b3 & 0xff) << 24 | (b2 & 0xff) << 16 | (b1 & 0xff) << 8 | b0 & 0xff; } static int getIntL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeInt(bb[bi + 3], bb[bi + 2], bb[bi + 1], bb[bi]); } static int getIntB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeInt(bb[bi], bb[bi + 1], bb[bi + 2], bb[bi + 3]); } static int getInt(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getIntB(bb, bi) : getIntL(bb, bi); } static byte int3(int x) { return (byte) (x >> 24); } static byte int2(int x) { return (byte) (x >> 16); } static byte int1(int x) { return (byte) (x >> 8); } static byte int0(int x) { return (byte) x; } static void putIntL(byte[] bb, int bi, int x) { bb[bi + 3] = int3(x); bb[bi + 2] = int2(x); bb[bi + 1] = int1(x); bb[bi] = int0(x); } static void putIntB(byte[] bb, int bi, int x) { bb[bi] = int3(x); bb[bi + 1] = int2(x); bb[bi + 2] = int1(x); bb[bi + 3] = int0(x); } static void putInt(byte[] bb, int bi, int x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putIntB(bb, bi, x); } else { putIntL(bb, bi, x); } } // -- get/put long -- static long makeLong(byte b7, byte b6, byte b5, byte b4, byte b3, byte b2, byte b1, byte b0) { return ((long) b7 & 0xff) << 56 | ((long) b6 & 0xff) << 48 | ((long) b5 & 0xff) << 40 | ((long) b4 & 0xff) << 32 | ((long) b3 & 0xff) << 24 | ((long) b2 & 0xff) << 16 | ((long) b1 & 0xff) << 8 | (long) b0 & 0xff; } static long getLongL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeLong(bb[bi + 7], bb[bi + 6], bb[bi + 5], bb[bi + 4], bb[bi + 3], bb[bi + 2], bb[bi + 1], bb[bi]); } static long getLongB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return makeLong(bb[bi], bb[bi + 1], bb[bi + 2], bb[bi + 3], bb[bi + 4], bb[bi + 5], bb[bi + 6], bb[bi + 7]); } static long getLong(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getLongB(bb, bi) : getLongL(bb, bi); } static byte long7(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 56); } static byte long6(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 48); } static byte long5(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 40); } static byte long4(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 32); } static byte long3(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 24); } static byte long2(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 16); } static byte long1(long x) { return (byte) (x >> 8); } static byte long0(long x) { return (byte) x; } static void putLongL(byte[] bb, int bi, long x) { bb[bi + 7] = long7(x); bb[bi + 6] = long6(x); bb[bi + 5] = long5(x); bb[bi + 4] = long4(x); bb[bi + 3] = long3(x); bb[bi + 2] = long2(x); bb[bi + 1] = long1(x); bb[bi] = long0(x); } static void putLongB(byte[] bb, int bi, long x) { bb[bi] = long7(x); bb[bi + 1] = long6(x); bb[bi + 2] = long5(x); bb[bi + 3] = long4(x); bb[bi + 4] = long3(x); bb[bi + 5] = long2(x); bb[bi + 6] = long1(x); bb[bi + 7] = long0(x); } static void putLong(byte[] bb, int bi, long x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putLongB(bb, bi, x); } else { putLongL(bb, bi, x); } } // -- get/put float -- static float getFloatL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntL(bb, bi)); } static float getFloatB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntB(bb, bi)); } static float getFloat(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getFloatB(bb, bi) : getFloatL(bb, bi); } static void putFloatL(byte[] bb, int bi, float x) { putIntL(bb, bi, Float.floatToRawIntBits(x)); } static void putFloatB(byte[] bb, int bi, float x) { putIntB(bb, bi, Float.floatToRawIntBits(x)); } static void putFloat(byte[] bb, int bi, float x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putFloatB(bb, bi, x); } else { putFloatL(bb, bi, x); } } // -- get/put double -- static double getDoubleL(byte[] bb, int bi) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongL(bb, bi)); } static double getDoubleB(byte[] bb, int bi) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongB(bb, bi)); } static double getDouble(byte[] bb, int bi, boolean bigEndian) { return bigEndian ? getDoubleB(bb, bi) : getDoubleL(bb, bi); } static void putDoubleL(byte[] bb, int bi, double x) { putLongL(bb, bi, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x)); } static void putDoubleB(byte[] bb, int bi, double x) { putLongB(bb, bi, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x)); } static void putDouble(byte[] bb, int bi, double x, boolean bigEndian) { if (bigEndian) { putDoubleB(bb, bi, x); } else { putDoubleL(bb, bi, x); } } }