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package org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.NullaryFunction;

The interface declares, that AttributeHolder supports indexed Attribute access.
See Also:
/** * The interface declares, that {@link AttributeHolder} supports indexed {@link Attribute} access. * * @see AttributeHolder */
public interface IndexedAttributeAccessor {
Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Return the value of the attribute by index.
  • index – the attribute index
Returns:the value of the attribute by index
/** * Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Return the value of the attribute by index. * * @param index the attribute index * @return the value of the attribute by index */
Object getAttribute(int index);
Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Return the value of the attribute by index. If the attribute with such index is not set, set it to the default value, using the initializer, and return the default.
  • index – the attribute index
  • initializer – the default value NullaryFunction
Returns:the value of the attribute by index
/** * Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Return the value of the attribute by index. If the attribute with such * index is not set, set it to the default value, using the <tt>initializer</tt>, and return the default. * * @param index the attribute index * @param initializer the default value {@link NullaryFunction} * @return the value of the attribute by index * @since 2.3.18 */
Object getAttribute(int index, NullaryFunction initializer);
Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Set the attribute with the index to value.
  • index – the attribute index
  • value – the value
/** * Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Set the attribute with the index to value. * * @param index the attribute index * @param value the value */
void setAttribute(int index, Object value);
Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Removes the attribute with the index and returns its previous value.
  • index – the attribute index
Returns:the previous value associated with the attribute
/** * Internal method for dynamic attribute support. Removes the attribute with the index and returns its previous value. * * @param index the attribute index * @return the previous value associated with the attribute * @since 2.3.18 */
Object removeAttribute(int index); }