 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package freemarker.ext.xml;

import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import org.jaxen.NamespaceContext;

import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;

abstract class Navigator {
    // Cache of already parsed XPath expressions
    private final Map xpathCache = new WeakHashMap();
    // Operators this navigator defines
    private final Map operators = createOperatorMap();
    private final NodeOperator attributeOperator = getOperator("_attributes");
    private final NodeOperator childrenOperator = getOperator("_children");
    NodeOperator getOperator(String key) {
        return (NodeOperator) operators.get(key);
    NodeOperator getAttributeOperator() {
        return attributeOperator;
    NodeOperator getChildrenOperator() {
        return childrenOperator;
    abstract void getAsString(Object node, StringWriter sw)
    throws TemplateModelException;

    List applyXPath(List nodes, String xpathString, Object namespaces)
    throws TemplateModelException {
        XPathEx xpath = null;
        try {
            synchronized (xpathCache) {
                xpath = (XPathEx) xpathCache.get(xpathString);
                if (xpath == null) {
                    xpath = createXPathEx(xpathString);
                    xpathCache.put(xpathString, xpath);
            return xpath.selectNodes(nodes, (NamespaceContext) namespaces);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new TemplateModelException("Could not evaulate XPath expression " + xpathString, e);
    interface XPathEx {
        List selectNodes(Object nodes, NamespaceContext namespaces)  throws TemplateModelException;
    abstract XPathEx createXPathEx(String xpathString) throws TemplateModelException;

    abstract void getChildren(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result);
    abstract void getAttributes(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result);

    abstract void getDescendants(Object node, List result);

    abstract Object getParent(Object node);
    abstract Object getDocument(Object node);
    abstract Object getDocumentType(Object node);

    private void getAncestors(Object node, List result) {
        for (; ; ) {
            Object parent = getParent(node);
            if (parent == null) {
            node = parent;
    abstract void getContent(Object node, List result);

    abstract String getText(Object node);

    abstract String getLocalName(Object node);

    abstract String getNamespacePrefix(Object node);

    String getQualifiedName(Object node) {
        String lname = getLocalName(node);
        if (lname == null) {
            return null;
        String nsprefix = getNamespacePrefix(node);
        if (nsprefix == null || nsprefix.length() == 0) {
            return lname;
        } else {
            return nsprefix + ":" + lname;
    abstract String getType(Object node);

    abstract String getNamespaceUri(Object node);

    boolean equal(String s1, String s2) {
        return s1 == null ? s2 == null : s1.equals(s2);
    private Map createOperatorMap() {
        Map map = new HashMap();
        map.put("_attributes", new AttributesOp());
        map.put("@*", map.get("_attributes"));
        map.put("_children", new ChildrenOp());
        map.put("*", map.get("_children"));
        map.put("_descendantOrSelf", new DescendantOrSelfOp());
        map.put("_descendant", new DescendantOp());
        map.put("_document", new DocumentOp());
        map.put("_doctype", new DocumentTypeOp());
        map.put("_ancestor", new AncestorOp());
        map.put("_ancestorOrSelf", new AncestorOrSelfOp());
        map.put("_content", new ContentOp());
        map.put("_name", new LocalNameOp());
        map.put("_nsprefix", new NamespacePrefixOp());
        map.put("_nsuri", new NamespaceUriOp());
        map.put("_parent", new ParentOp());
        map.put("_qname", new QualifiedNameOp());
        map.put("_text", new TextOp());
        map.put("_type", new TypeOp());
        return map;

    private class ChildrenOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getChildren(node, localName, namespaceUri, result);

    private class AttributesOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getAttributes(node, localName, namespaceUri, result);

    private class DescendantOrSelfOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getDescendants(node, result);

    private class DescendantOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getDescendants(node, result);

    private class AncestorOrSelfOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getAncestors(node, result);

    private class AncestorOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getAncestors(node, result);

    private class ParentOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            Object parent = getParent(node);
            if (parent != null) {

    private class DocumentOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            Object document = getDocument(node);
            if (document != null) {

    private class DocumentTypeOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            Object documentType = getDocumentType(node);
            if (documentType != null) {

    private class ContentOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            getContent(node, result);

    private class TextOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            String text = getText(node);
            if (text != null) {

    private class LocalNameOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            String text = getLocalName(node);
            if (text != null) {

    private class QualifiedNameOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            String qname = getQualifiedName(node);
            if (qname != null) {

    private class NamespacePrefixOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            String text = getNamespacePrefix(node);
            if (text != null) {

    private class NamespaceUriOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {
            String text = getNamespaceUri(node);
            if (text != null) {

    private class TypeOp implements NodeOperator {
        public void process(Object node, String localName, String namespaceUri, List result) {