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package freemarker.debug.impl;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import freemarker.core.DebugBreak;
import freemarker.core.Environment;
import freemarker.core.TemplateElement;
import freemarker.core._CoreAPI;
import freemarker.debug.Breakpoint;
import freemarker.debug.DebuggerListener;
import freemarker.debug.EnvironmentSuspendedEvent;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.utility.UndeclaredThrowableException;

/** * @version $Id */
class RmiDebuggerService extends DebuggerService { private final Map templateDebugInfos = new HashMap(); private final HashSet suspendedEnvironments = new HashSet(); private final Map listeners = new HashMap(); private final ReferenceQueue refQueue = new ReferenceQueue(); private final RmiDebuggerImpl debugger; private DebuggerServer server; RmiDebuggerService() { try { debugger = new RmiDebuggerImpl(this); server = new DebuggerServer((Serializable) RemoteObject.toStub(debugger)); server.start(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e); } } @Override List getBreakpointsSpi(String templateName) { synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = findTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); return tdi == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : tdi.breakpoints; } } List getBreakpointsSpi() { List sumlist = new ArrayList(); synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { for (Iterator iter = templateDebugInfos.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { sumlist.addAll(((TemplateDebugInfo) iter.next()).breakpoints); } } Collections.sort(sumlist); return sumlist; } // TODO See in SuppressFBWarnings @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value={ "UW_UNCOND_WAIT", "WA_NOT_IN_LOOP" }, justification="Will have to be re-desigend; postponed.") boolean suspendEnvironmentSpi(Environment env, String templateName, int line) throws RemoteException { RmiDebuggedEnvironmentImpl denv = (RmiDebuggedEnvironmentImpl) RmiDebuggedEnvironmentImpl.getCachedWrapperFor(env); synchronized (suspendedEnvironments) { suspendedEnvironments.add(denv); } try { EnvironmentSuspendedEvent breakpointEvent = new EnvironmentSuspendedEvent(this, templateName, line, denv); synchronized (listeners) { for (Iterator iter = listeners.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { DebuggerListener listener = (DebuggerListener) iter.next(); listener.environmentSuspended(breakpointEvent); } } synchronized (denv) { try { denv.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ;// Intentionally ignored } } return denv.isStopped(); } finally { synchronized (suspendedEnvironments) { suspendedEnvironments.remove(denv); } } } @Override void registerTemplateSpi(Template template) { String templateName = template.getName(); synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = createTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); tdi.templates.add(new TemplateReference(templateName, template, refQueue)); // Inject already defined breakpoints into the template for (Iterator iter = tdi.breakpoints.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Breakpoint breakpoint = (Breakpoint) iter.next(); insertDebugBreak(template, breakpoint); } } } Collection getSuspendedEnvironments() { return (Collection) suspendedEnvironments.clone(); } Object addDebuggerListener(DebuggerListener listener) { Object id; synchronized (listeners) { id = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); listeners.put(id, listener); } return id; } void removeDebuggerListener(Object id) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.remove(id); } } void addBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint) { String templateName = breakpoint.getTemplateName(); synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = createTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); List breakpoints = tdi.breakpoints; int pos = Collections.binarySearch(breakpoints, breakpoint); if (pos < 0) { // Add to the list of breakpoints breakpoints.add(-pos - 1, breakpoint); // Inject the breakpoint into all templates with this name for (Iterator iter = tdi.templates.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TemplateReference ref = (TemplateReference) iter.next(); Template t = ref.getTemplate(); if (t == null) { iter.remove(); } else { insertDebugBreak(t, breakpoint); } } } } } private static void insertDebugBreak(Template t, Breakpoint breakpoint) { TemplateElement te = findTemplateElement(t.getRootTreeNode(), breakpoint.getLine()); if (te == null) { return; } TemplateElement parent = _CoreAPI.getParentElement(te); DebugBreak db = new DebugBreak(te); // TODO: Ensure there always is a parent by making sure // that the root element in the template is always a MixedContent // Also make sure it doesn't conflict with anyone's code. parent.setChildAt(parent.getIndex(te), db); } private static TemplateElement findTemplateElement(TemplateElement te, int line) { if (te.getBeginLine() > line || te.getEndLine() < line) { return null; } // Find the narrowest match List childMatches = new ArrayList(); for (Enumeration children = te.children(); children.hasMoreElements(); ) { TemplateElement child = (TemplateElement) children.nextElement(); TemplateElement childmatch = findTemplateElement(child, line); if (childmatch != null) { childMatches.add(childmatch); } } //find a match that exactly matches the begin/end line TemplateElement bestMatch = null; for (int i = 0; i < childMatches.size(); i++) { TemplateElement e = (TemplateElement) childMatches.get(i); if ( bestMatch == null ) { bestMatch = e; } if ( e.getBeginLine() == line && e.getEndLine() > line ) { bestMatch = e; } if ( e.getBeginLine() == e.getEndLine() && e.getBeginLine() == line) { bestMatch = e; break; } } if ( bestMatch != null) { return bestMatch; } // If no child provides narrower match, return this return te; } private TemplateDebugInfo findTemplateDebugInfo(String templateName) { processRefQueue(); return (TemplateDebugInfo) templateDebugInfos.get(templateName); } private TemplateDebugInfo createTemplateDebugInfo(String templateName) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = findTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); if (tdi == null) { tdi = new TemplateDebugInfo(); templateDebugInfos.put(templateName, tdi); } return tdi; } void removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint) { String templateName = breakpoint.getTemplateName(); synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = findTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); if (tdi != null) { List breakpoints = tdi.breakpoints; int pos = Collections.binarySearch(breakpoints, breakpoint); if (pos >= 0) { breakpoints.remove(pos); for (Iterator iter = tdi.templates.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TemplateReference ref = (TemplateReference) iter.next(); Template t = ref.getTemplate(); if (t == null) { iter.remove(); } else { removeDebugBreak(t, breakpoint); } } } if (tdi.isEmpty()) { templateDebugInfos.remove(templateName); } } } } private void removeDebugBreak(Template t, Breakpoint breakpoint) { TemplateElement te = findTemplateElement(t.getRootTreeNode(), breakpoint.getLine()); if (te == null) { return; } DebugBreak db = null; while (te != null) { if (te instanceof DebugBreak) { db = (DebugBreak) te; break; } te = _CoreAPI.getParentElement(te); } if (db == null) { return; } TemplateElement parent = _CoreAPI.getParentElement(db); parent.setChildAt(parent.getIndex(db), _CoreAPI.getChildElement(db, 0)); } void removeBreakpoints(String templateName) { synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = findTemplateDebugInfo(templateName); if (tdi != null) { removeBreakpoints(tdi); if (tdi.isEmpty()) { templateDebugInfos.remove(templateName); } } } } void removeBreakpoints() { synchronized (templateDebugInfos) { for (Iterator iter = templateDebugInfos.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TemplateDebugInfo tdi = (TemplateDebugInfo) iter.next(); removeBreakpoints(tdi); if (tdi.isEmpty()) { iter.remove(); } } } } private void removeBreakpoints(TemplateDebugInfo tdi) { tdi.breakpoints.clear(); for (Iterator iter = tdi.templates.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { TemplateReference ref = (TemplateReference) iter.next(); Template t = ref.getTemplate(); if (t == null) { iter.remove(); } else { removeDebugBreaks(t.getRootTreeNode()); } } } private void removeDebugBreaks(TemplateElement te) { int count = te.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { TemplateElement child = _CoreAPI.getChildElement(te, i); while (child instanceof DebugBreak) { TemplateElement dbchild = _CoreAPI.getChildElement(child, 0); te.setChildAt(i, dbchild); child = dbchild; } removeDebugBreaks(child); } } private static final class TemplateDebugInfo { final List templates = new ArrayList(); final List breakpoints = new ArrayList(); boolean isEmpty() { return templates.isEmpty() && breakpoints.isEmpty(); } } private static final class TemplateReference extends WeakReference { final String templateName; TemplateReference(String templateName, Template template, ReferenceQueue queue) { super(template, queue); this.templateName = templateName; } Template getTemplate() { return (Template) get(); } } private void processRefQueue() { for (; ; ) { TemplateReference ref = (TemplateReference) refQueue.poll(); if (ref == null) { break; } TemplateDebugInfo tdi = findTemplateDebugInfo(ref.templateName); if (tdi != null) { tdi.templates.remove(ref); if (tdi.isEmpty()) { templateDebugInfos.remove(ref.templateName); } } } } @Override void shutdownSpi() { server.stop(); try { UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(this.debugger, true); } catch (Exception e) { } RmiDebuggedEnvironmentImpl.cleanup(); } }