 * Copyright © Red Gate Software Ltd 2010-2020
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.flywaydb.core.internal.parser;

import org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.Delimiter;

import java.io.FilterReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class PeekingReader extends FilterReader {
    private int[] peekBuffer = new int[256];
    private int peekMax = 0;
    private int peekBufferOffset = 0;
    private boolean supportsPeekingMultipleLines = true;

    PeekingReader(Reader in, boolean supportsPeekingMultipleLines) {
        this.supportsPeekingMultipleLines = supportsPeekingMultipleLines;
    public int read() throws IOException {
        return super.read();

Swallows the next character.
/** * Swallows the next character. */
public void swallow() throws IOException { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored read(); }
Swallows the next n characters.
/** * Swallows the next n characters. */
public void swallow(int n) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored read(); } } private int peek() throws IOException { if (peekBufferOffset >= peekMax) { refillPeekBuffer(); } return peekBuffer[peekBufferOffset]; } private void refillPeekBuffer() throws IOException { mark(peekBuffer.length); peekMax = peekBuffer.length; peekBufferOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < peekBuffer.length; i++) { int read = super.read(); peekBuffer[i] = read; if (!supportsPeekingMultipleLines && read == '\n') { peekMax = i; break; } } reset(); }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character matches this one.
  • c – The character to match.
Returns:true if it does, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character matches this one. * * @param c The character to match. * @return {@code true} if it does, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peek(char c) throws IOException { int r = peek(); return r != -1 && c == (char) r; }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character matches either of these.
  • c1 – The first character to match.
  • c2 – The second character to match.
Returns:true if it does, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character matches either of these. * * @param c1 The first character to match. * @param c2 The second character to match. * @return {@code true} if it does, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peek(char c1, char c2) throws IOException { int r = peek(); return r != -1 && (c1 == (char) r || c2 == (char) r); }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character is numeric.
Returns:true if it is, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character is numeric. * * @return {@code true} if it is, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peekNumeric() throws IOException { int r = peek(); return isNumeric(r); } private boolean isNumeric(int r) { return r != -1 && (char) r >= '0' && (char) r <= '9'; }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character is whitespace.
Returns:true if it is, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character is whitespace. * * @return {@code true} if it is, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peekWhitespace() throws IOException { int r = peek(); return isWhitespace(r); } private boolean isWhitespace(int r) { return r != -1 && Character.isWhitespace((char) r); }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character could be a character part of a keyword or identifier.
Returns:true if it is, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next character could be a character part of a keyword or identifier. * * @return {@code true} if it is, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peekKeywordPart(ParserContext context) throws IOException { int r = peek(); return isKeywordPart(r, context); } private boolean isKeywordPart(int r, ParserContext context) { return r != -1 && ((char) r == '_' || (char) r == '$' || Character.isLetterOrDigit((char) r) || context.isLetter((char)r)); }
Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next characters match this string exactly.
  • str – The string to match.
Returns:true if they do, false if not.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to see if the next characters match this string exactly. * * @param str The string to match. * @return {@code true} if they do, {@code false} if not. */
public boolean peek(String str) throws IOException { return str.equals(peek(str.length())); }
Peek ahead in the stream to look at this number of characters ahead in the reader.
  • numChars – The number of characters.
Returns:The characters.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to look at this number of characters ahead in the reader. * * @param numChars The number of characters. * @return The characters. */
public String peek(int numChars) throws IOException { return peek(numChars, false); }
Peek ahead in the stream to look at this number of characters ahead in the reader.
  • numChars – The number of characters.
  • peekMultipleLines – Whether the peek should go across lines or not
Returns:The characters.
/** * Peek ahead in the stream to look at this number of characters ahead in the reader. * * @param numChars The number of characters. * @param peekMultipleLines Whether the peek should go across lines or not * @return The characters. */
public String peek(int numChars, boolean peekMultipleLines) throws IOException { // If we need to peek beyond the physical size of the peek buffer - eg. we have encountered a very // long string literal - then expand the buffer to be big enough to contain it. if (numChars >= peekBuffer.length) { resizePeekBuffer(numChars); } if (peekBufferOffset + numChars >= peekMax) { refillPeekBuffer(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int prevR = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) { int r = peekBuffer[peekBufferOffset + i]; if (r == -1) { break; } else if (peekBufferOffset + i > peekMax) { break; } else if (!peekMultipleLines && prevR == '\n') { break; } result.append((char) r); prevR = r; } if (result.length() == 0) { return null; } return result.toString(); }
Return the next non-whitespace character
Returns:The character
/** * Return the next non-whitespace character * @return The character */
public char peekNextNonWhitespace() throws IOException { int i = 1; String c = peek(i++, true); String lastc = c; while (c.trim().isEmpty()) { c = peek(i++, true); if (c.equals(lastc)) { // if the peek is the same as the last peek, then dont loop forever, even if its still empty. break; } lastc = c; } return c.charAt(c.length()-1); } private void resizePeekBuffer(int newSize) { peekBuffer = Arrays.copyOf(peekBuffer, newSize + peekBufferOffset); }
Swallows all characters in this stream until any of these delimiting characters has been encountered.
  • delimiter1 – The first delimiting character.
  • delimiter2 – The second delimiting character.
/** * Swallows all characters in this stream until any of these delimiting characters has been encountered. * * @param delimiter1 The first delimiting character. * @param delimiter2 The second delimiting character. */
public void swallowUntilExcluding(char delimiter1, char delimiter2) throws IOException { do { if (peek(delimiter1, delimiter2)) { break; } int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } } while (true); }
Reads all characters in this stream until any of these delimiting characters has been encountered.
  • delimiter1 – The first delimiting character.
  • delimiter2 – The second delimiting character.
Returns:The string read, without the delimiting characters.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until any of these delimiting characters has been encountered. * * @param delimiter1 The first delimiting character. * @param delimiter2 The second delimiting character. * @return The string read, without the delimiting characters. */
public String readUntilExcluding(char delimiter1, char delimiter2) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { if (peek(delimiter1, delimiter2)) { break; } int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } else { result.append((char) r); } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account this escape character for the delimiting character.
  • delimiter – The delimiting character.
  • selfEscape – Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice.
/** * Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account * this escape character for the delimiting character. * * @param delimiter The delimiting character. * @param selfEscape Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice. */
public void swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape(char delimiter, boolean selfEscape) throws IOException { swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape(delimiter, selfEscape, (char) 0); }
Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account this escape character for the delimiting character.
  • delimiter – The delimiting character.
  • selfEscape – Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice.
  • escape – A separate escape character.
/** * Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account * this escape character for the delimiting character. * * @param delimiter The delimiting character. * @param selfEscape Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice. * @param escape A separate escape character. */
public void swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape(char delimiter, boolean selfEscape, char escape) throws IOException { do { int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } char c = (char) r; if (escape != 0 && c == escape) { swallow(); continue; } if (c == delimiter) { if (selfEscape && peek(delimiter)) { swallow(); continue; } break; } } while (true); }
Reads all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account this escape character for the delimiting character.
  • delimiter – The delimiting character.
  • selfEscape – Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice.
Returns:The string read, without the delimiting character.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account * this escape character for the delimiting character. * * @param delimiter The delimiting character. * @param selfEscape Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice. * @return The string read, without the delimiting character. */
public String readUntilExcludingWithEscape(char delimiter, boolean selfEscape) throws IOException { return readUntilExcludingWithEscape(delimiter, selfEscape, (char) 0); }
Reads all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account this escape character for the delimiting character.
  • delimiter – The delimiting character.
  • selfEscape – Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice.
  • escape – A separate escape character.
Returns:The string read, without the delimiting character.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until this delimiting character has been encountered, taking into account * this escape character for the delimiting character. * * @param delimiter The delimiting character. * @param selfEscape Whether the delimiter can escape itself by being present twice. * @param escape A separate escape character. * @return The string read, without the delimiting character. */
public String readUntilExcludingWithEscape(char delimiter, boolean selfEscape, char escape) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } char c = (char) r; if (escape != 0 && c == escape) { int r2 = read(); if (r2 == -1) { result.append(escape); break; } char c2 = (char) r2; result.append(c2); continue; } if (c == delimiter) { if (selfEscape && peek(delimiter)) { result.append(delimiter); continue; } break; } result.append(c); } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting string has been encountered.
  • str – The delimiting string.
/** * Swallows all characters in this stream until this delimiting string has been encountered. * * @param str The delimiting string. */
public void swallowUntilExcluding(String str) throws IOException { do { if (peek(str)) { break; } int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } } while (true); }
Reads all characters in this stream until any of the delimiting strings is encountered.
  • strings – The delimiting strings.
Returns:The string read, without the delimiting string.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until any of the delimiting strings is encountered. * * @param strings The delimiting strings. * @return The string read, without the delimiting string. */
public String readUntilExcluding(String... strings) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { for (String str : strings) { if (peek(str)) { return result.toString(); } } int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } else { result.append((char) r); } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Reads all characters in this stream until any of this delimiting character has been encountered.
  • delimiter – The delimiting character.
Returns:The string read, including the delimiting characters.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until any of this delimiting character has been encountered. * * @param delimiter The delimiting character. * @return The string read, including the delimiting characters. */
public String readUntilIncluding(char delimiter) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } char c = (char) r; result.append(c); if (c == delimiter) { break; } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Reads all characters in this stream until the delimiting sequence is encountered.
  • delimiterSequence – The delimiting sequence.
Returns:The string read, including the delimiting characters.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream until the delimiting sequence is encountered. * * @param delimiterSequence The delimiting sequence. * @return The string read, including the delimiting characters. */
public String readUntilIncluding(String delimiterSequence) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { int r = read(); if (r == -1) { break; } char c = (char) r; result.append(c); if (result.toString().endsWith(delimiterSequence)) { break; } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Reads all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a keyword.
  • delimiter – The current delimiter.
Returns:The string read.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a keyword. * * @param delimiter The current delimiter. * @return The string read. */
public String readKeywordPart(Delimiter delimiter, ParserContext context) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { if ((delimiter == null || !peek(delimiter.getDelimiter())) && peekKeywordPart(context)) { result.append((char) read()); } else { break; } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Swallows all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a numeric constant.
/** * Swallows all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a numeric constant. */
public void swallowNumeric() throws IOException { do { if (!peekNumeric()) { return; } swallow(); } while (true); }
Reads all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a numeric constant.
Returns:The string read.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream as long as they can be part of a numeric constant. * * @return The string read. */
public String readNumeric() throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { if (peekNumeric()) { result.append((char) read()); } else { break; } } while (true); return result.toString(); }
Reads all characters in this stream as long as they are whitespace.
Returns:The string read.
/** * Reads all characters in this stream as long as they are whitespace. * * @return The string read. */
public String readWhitespace() throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); do { if (peekWhitespace()) { result.append((char) read()); } else { break; } } while (true); return result.toString(); } }