 * Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.ehcache.xml.multi;

import org.ehcache.config.Configuration;
import org.ehcache.xml.XmlConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.xml.exceptions.XmlConfigurationException;
import org.ehcache.xml.multi.model.Configurations;
import org.ehcache.xml.multi.model.ObjectFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
import static org.ehcache.xml.ConfigurationParser.discoverSchema;
import static org.ehcache.xml.ConfigurationParser.documentBuilder;
import static org.ehcache.xml.ConfigurationParser.documentToText;
import static org.ehcache.xml.ConfigurationParser.urlToText;
import static org.ehcache.xml.XmlConfiguration.CORE_SCHEMA_URL;

A collection of multiple Ehcache configurations.
/** * A collection of multiple Ehcache configurations. */
public class XmlMultiConfiguration { private static final URL MULTI_SCHEMA_URL = XmlMultiConfiguration.class.getResource("/ehcache-multi.xsd"); private static final QName MULTI_SCHEMA_ROOT_NAME = new QName( Configurations.class.getPackage().getAnnotation(XmlSchema.class).namespace(), Configurations.class.getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class).name()); private final Map<String, Config> configurations; private final Document document; private final String renderedDocument; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private XmlMultiConfiguration(URL url, BiFunction<String, Document, XmlConfiguration> configParser) throws XmlConfigurationException { try { Schema schema = discoverSchema(new StreamSource(CORE_SCHEMA_URL.openStream()), new StreamSource(MULTI_SCHEMA_URL.openStream())); DocumentBuilder domBuilder = documentBuilder(schema); this.document = domBuilder.parse(url.toExternalForm()); this.renderedDocument = urlToText(url, document.getInputEncoding()); Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement(); QName rootName = new QName(rootElement.getNamespaceURI(), rootElement.getLocalName()); if (!MULTI_SCHEMA_ROOT_NAME.equals(rootName)) { throw new XmlConfigurationException("Expecting " + MULTI_SCHEMA_ROOT_NAME + " element; found " + rootName); } JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Configurations.class); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); Configurations value = unmarshaller.unmarshal(rootElement, Configurations.class).getValue(); this.configurations = value.getConfiguration().stream().collect(toMap(Configurations.Configuration::getIdentity, c -> { List<Object> configOrVariant = c.getConfigOrVariant(); if (configOrVariant.size() == 1 && configOrVariant.get(0) instanceof Node) { Document configDoc = domBuilder.newDocument(); configDoc.appendChild(configDoc.importNode((Element) configOrVariant.get(0), true)); return new SingleConfig(configParser.apply(c.getIdentity(), configDoc)); } else { return new VariantConfig(configOrVariant.stream() .map(e -> (JAXBElement<Configurations.Configuration.Variant>) e) .map(JAXBElement::getValue) .collect(toMap(Configurations.Configuration.Variant::getType, v -> { Document configDoc = domBuilder.newDocument(); configDoc.appendChild(configDoc.importNode(v.getConfig(), true)); return configParser.apply(c.getIdentity(), configDoc); }))); } })); } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException | JAXBException e) { throw new XmlConfigurationException(e); } } private XmlMultiConfiguration(Map<String, Config> configurations) { try { Schema schema = discoverSchema(new StreamSource(CORE_SCHEMA_URL.openStream()), new StreamSource(MULTI_SCHEMA_URL.openStream())); this.configurations = configurations; ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); Configurations jaxb = objectFactory.createConfigurations().withConfiguration(configurations.entrySet().stream().map( entry -> objectFactory.createConfigurationsConfiguration().withIdentity(entry.getKey()).withConfigOrVariant(entry.getValue().unparse(objectFactory)) ).collect(toList())); JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Configurations.class); Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.setSchema(schema); this.document = documentBuilder(schema).newDocument(); marshaller.marshal(jaxb, document); this.renderedDocument = documentToText(document); } catch (JAXBException | IOException | TransformerException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) { throw new XmlConfigurationException(e); } }
Retrieve the singular configuration for identity.

If the given identity is associated with multiple variant configurations then an IllegalStateException will be thrown. In this case the configuration(String, String) method must be used to select a specific variant.

  • identity – identity to retrieve
Returns:the configuration for the given identity; null if the identity is not in this configuration
/** * Retrieve the singular configuration for {@code identity}. * <p> * If the given identity is associated with multiple variant configurations then an {@code IllegalStateException} will * be thrown. In this case the {@link #configuration(String, String)} method must be used to select a specific * variant. * * @param identity identity to retrieve * @return the configuration for the given identity; {@code null} if the identity is not in this configuration * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the identity is associated with multiple variant configurations */
public Configuration configuration(String identity) throws IllegalArgumentException { Config variants = configurations.get(identity); if (variants == null) { return null; } else { return variants.configuration(); } }
Retrieve the singular configuration for identity and variant.

If the given identity is associated only with a singular configuration then that configuration will be returned for all variants.

  • identity – identity to retrieve
  • variant – variant to retrieve
Returns:the configuration for the given identity; null if the identity is not in this configuration
/** * Retrieve the singular configuration for {@code identity} and {@code variant}. * <p> * If the given identity is associated only with a singular configuration then that configuration will be returned for * all variants. * * @param identity identity to retrieve * @param variant variant to retrieve * @return the configuration for the given identity; {@code null} if the identity is not in this configuration * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given variant does not exist */
public Configuration configuration(String identity, String variant) { Config config = configurations.get(identity); if (config == null) { return null; } else { return config.configuration(variant); } }
Return the set of variants defined for the given configuration.

If the given identity does not exist then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If the given identity is not variant-ed then an empty set is returned.

Returns:the set of variants; possibly empty.
/** * Return the set of variants defined for the given configuration. * <p> * If the given identity does not exist then an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. If the given identity is * not variant-ed then an empty set is returned. * * @return the set of variants; possibly empty. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the identity does not exist */
public Set<String> variants(String identity) throws IllegalArgumentException { Config config = configurations.get(identity); if (config == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identity " + identity + " does not exist."); } else { return config.variants(); } }
Return the set of identities defined in this multi-configuration.
Returns:the defined identity set
/** * Return the set of identities defined in this multi-configuration. * * @return the defined identity set */
public Set<String> identities() { return unmodifiableSet(configurations.keySet()); }
Return this configuration as an XML Document.
Returns:configuration XML DOM.
/** * Return this configuration as an XML {@link org.w3c.dom.Document}. * * @return configuration XML DOM. */
public Document asDocument() { return document; }
Return this configuration as a rendered XML string.
Returns:configuration XML string
/** * Return this configuration as a rendered XML string. * * @return configuration XML string */
public String asRenderedDocument() { return renderedDocument; } @Override public String toString() { return asRenderedDocument(); } private static Element unparseEhcacheConfiguration(Configuration config) { if (config instanceof XmlConfiguration) { return ((XmlConfiguration) config).asDocument().getDocumentElement(); } else { return new XmlConfiguration(config).asDocument().getDocumentElement(); } } private interface Config { Configuration configuration() throws IllegalStateException; Configuration configuration(String variant); Collection<Object> unparse(ObjectFactory factory); Set<String> variants(); } private static class SingleConfig implements Config { private final Configuration config; private SingleConfig(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } @Override public Configuration configuration() { return config; } @Override public Configuration configuration(String variant) { return configuration(); } @Override public Collection<Object> unparse(ObjectFactory factory) { return singleton(unparseEhcacheConfiguration(config)); } @Override public Set<String> variants() { return emptySet(); } } private static class VariantConfig implements Config { private final Map<String, Configuration> configs; private VariantConfig(Map<String, Configuration> configs) { this.configs = configs; } @Override public Configuration configuration() { switch (configs.size()) { case 0: return null; case 1: return configs.values().iterator().next(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Please choose a variant: " + configs.keySet()); } } @Override public Configuration configuration(String variant) { Configuration configuration = configs.get(variant); if (configuration == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please choose a valid variant: " + configs.keySet()); } else { return configuration; } } @Override public Collection<Object> unparse(ObjectFactory factory) { return configs.entrySet().stream() .map(v -> factory.createConfigurationsConfigurationVariant().withType(v.getKey()) .withConfig(unparseEhcacheConfiguration(v.getValue()))) .map(factory::createConfigurationsConfigurationVariant) .collect(toList()); } @Override public Set<String> variants() { return unmodifiableSet(configs.keySet()); } }
Create a builder seeded from an XML configuration.

Enclosed configurations will parsed using XmlConfiguration(Document).

  • xml – xml seed resource
See Also:
Returns:a builder seeded with the xml configuration
/** * Create a builder seeded from an XML configuration. * <p> * Enclosed configurations will parsed using {@link XmlConfiguration#XmlConfiguration(Document)}. * * @param xml xml seed resource * @return a builder seeded with the xml configuration * @see XmlConfiguration#XmlConfiguration(Document) */
public static Builder from(URL xml) { return from(new XmlMultiConfiguration(xml, (identity, dom) -> new XmlConfiguration(dom))); }
Create a builder seeded from an XML configuration using the supplier class loader.

Enclosed configurations will parsed using XmlConfiguration(Document, ClassLoader), which will be passed the classloader provided to this method.

  • xml – xml seed resource
  • classLoader – loader for the cache managers
See Also:
Returns:a builder seeded with the xml configuration
/** * Create a builder seeded from an XML configuration using the supplier class loader. * <p> * Enclosed configurations will parsed using {@link XmlConfiguration#XmlConfiguration(Document, ClassLoader)}, which * will be passed the classloader provided to this method. * * @param xml xml seed resource * @param classLoader loader for the cache managers * @return a builder seeded with the xml configuration * @see XmlConfiguration#XmlConfiguration(Document, ClassLoader) */
public static Builder from(URL xml, ClassLoader classLoader) { return from(new XmlMultiConfiguration(xml, (identity, dom) -> new XmlConfiguration(dom, classLoader))); }
Create a builder seeded from an existing XmlMultiConfiguration.
  • config – existing configuration seed
Returns:a builder seeded with the xml configuration
/** * Create a builder seeded from an existing {@code XmlMultiConfiguration}. * * @param config existing configuration seed * @return a builder seeded with the xml configuration */
public static Builder from(XmlMultiConfiguration config) { return new Builder() { @Override public Builder withManager(String identity, Configuration configuration) { Map<String, Config> configurations = new HashMap<>(config.configurations); configurations.put(identity, new SingleConfig(configuration)); return from(new XmlMultiConfiguration(configurations)); } @Override public Builder withoutManager(String identity) { Map<String, Config> configurations = config.configurations; configurations.remove(identity); return from(new XmlMultiConfiguration(configurations)); } @Override public Variant withManager(String identity) { Map<String, Configuration> variants = new HashMap<>(); Config current = config.configurations.get(identity); if (current instanceof VariantConfig) { variants.putAll(((VariantConfig) current).configs); } else if (current != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Existing non-variant configuration cannot be replaced - it must be removed first."); } return new Variant() { @Override public Variant withoutVariant(String variant) { variants.remove(variant); return this; } @Override public Variant variant(String variant, Configuration configuration) { variants.put(variant, configuration); return this; } @Override public Builder withoutManager(String identity) { return from(build()).withoutManager(identity); } @Override public Builder withManager(String identity, Configuration configuration) { return from(build()).withManager(identity, configuration); } @Override public Variant withManager(String identity) { return from(build()).withManager(identity); } @Override public XmlMultiConfiguration build() { Map<String, Config> configurations = new HashMap<>(config.configurations); configurations.put(identity, new VariantConfig(variants)); return new XmlMultiConfiguration(configurations); } }; } @Override public XmlMultiConfiguration build() { return config; } }; }
Create an initially empty builder.
Returns:an empty builder
/** * Create an initially empty builder. * * @return an empty builder */
public static Builder fromNothing() { return from(new XmlMultiConfiguration(emptyMap())); }
An XmlMultiConfiguration builder.
/** * An {@code XmlMultiConfiguration} builder. */
public interface Builder {
Remove the configuration with the given identity
  • identity – configuration to remove
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Remove the configuration with the given identity * * @param identity configuration to remove * @return a new builder instance */
Builder withoutManager(String identity);
Add a new configuration with the given identity
  • identity – configuration identifier
  • configuration – configuration instance
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Add a new configuration with the given identity * * @param identity configuration identifier * @param configuration configuration instance * @return a new builder instance */
Builder withManager(String identity, Configuration configuration);
Add a new configuration with the given identity built from the given builder.
  • identity – configuration identifier
  • builder – configuration builder
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Add a new configuration with the given identity built from the given builder. * * @param identity configuration identifier * @param builder configuration builder * @return a new builder instance */
default Builder withManager(String identity, org.ehcache.config.Builder<? extends Configuration> builder) { return withManager(identity, builder.build()); }
Add a new manager with variant configurations.
  • identity – configuration to add
Returns:a new variant configuration builder
/** * Add a new manager with variant configurations. * * @param identity configuration to add * @return a new variant configuration builder */
Variant withManager(String identity);
Build a new XmlMultiConfiguration.
Returns:a new XmlMultiConfiguration
/** * Build a new {@code XmlMultiConfiguration}. * * @return a new {@code XmlMultiConfiguration} */
XmlMultiConfiguration build(); }
A variant configuration builder.
/** * A variant configuration builder. */
public interface Variant extends Builder {
Remove the given configuration variant.
  • variant – variant to remove
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Remove the given configuration variant. * * @param variant variant to remove * @return a new builder instance */
Variant withoutVariant(String variant);
Add a new variant configuration
  • variant – configuration variant
  • configuration – configuration instance
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Add a new variant configuration * * @param variant configuration variant * @param configuration configuration instance * @return a new builder instance */
Variant variant(String variant, Configuration configuration);
Add a new variant configuration built from the given builder.
  • variant – configuration variant
  • builder – configuration builder
Returns:a new builder instance
/** * Add a new variant configuration built from the given builder. * * @param variant configuration variant * @param builder configuration builder * @return a new builder instance */
default Variant variant(String variant, org.ehcache.config.Builder<? extends Configuration> builder) { return variant(variant, builder.build()); } } }