Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.text.edits; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
A move source edit denotes the source of a move operation. Move source edits are only valid inside an edit tree if they have a corresponding target edit. Furthermore the corresponding target edit can't be a direct or indirect child of the source edit. Violating one of two requirements will result in a MalformedTreeException when executing the edit tree.

A move source edit can manage an optional source modifier. A source modifier can provide a set of replace edits which will to applied to the source before it gets inserted at the target position.

See Also:
/** * A move source edit denotes the source of a move operation. Move * source edits are only valid inside an edit tree if they have a * corresponding target edit. Furthermore the corresponding target * edit can't be a direct or indirect child of the source edit. * Violating one of two requirements will result in a <code> * MalformedTreeException</code> when executing the edit tree. * <p> * A move source edit can manage an optional source modifier. A * source modifier can provide a set of replace edits which will * to applied to the source before it gets inserted at the target * position. * * @see org.eclipse.text.edits.MoveTargetEdit * @see org.eclipse.text.edits.CopySourceEdit * * @since 3.0 */
public final class MoveSourceEdit extends TextEdit { private MoveTargetEdit fTarget; private ISourceModifier fModifier; private String fSourceContent; private MultiTextEdit fSourceRoot;
Constructs a new move source edit.
  • offset – the edit's offset
  • length – the edit's length
/** * Constructs a new move source edit. * * @param offset the edit's offset * @param length the edit's length */
public MoveSourceEdit(int offset, int length) { super(offset, length); }
Constructs a new copy source edit.
  • offset – the edit's offset
  • length – the edit's length
  • target – the edit's target
/** * Constructs a new copy source edit. * * @param offset the edit's offset * @param length the edit's length * @param target the edit's target */
public MoveSourceEdit(int offset, int length, MoveTargetEdit target) { this(offset, length); setTargetEdit(target); } /* * Copy constructor */ private MoveSourceEdit(MoveSourceEdit other) { super(other); if (other.fModifier != null) fModifier= other.fModifier.copy(); }
Returns the associated target edit or null if no target edit is associated yet.
Returns:the target edit or null
/** * Returns the associated target edit or <code>null</code> * if no target edit is associated yet. * * @return the target edit or <code>null</code> */
public MoveTargetEdit getTargetEdit() { return fTarget; }
Sets the target edit.
  • edit – the new target edit.
/** * Sets the target edit. * * @param edit the new target edit. * * @exception MalformedTreeException is thrown if the target edit * is a direct or indirect child of the source edit */
public void setTargetEdit(MoveTargetEdit edit) { fTarget= edit; fTarget.setSourceEdit(this); }
Returns the current source modifier or null if no source modifier is set.
Returns:the source modifier
/** * Returns the current source modifier or <code>null</code> * if no source modifier is set. * * @return the source modifier */
public ISourceModifier getSourceModifier() { return fModifier; }
Sets the optional source modifier.
  • modifier – the source modifier or null if no source modification is need.
/** * Sets the optional source modifier. * * @param modifier the source modifier or <code>null</code> * if no source modification is need. */
public void setSourceModifier(ISourceModifier modifier) { fModifier= modifier; } //---- API for MoveTargetEdit --------------------------------------------- String getContent() { // The source content can be null if the edit wasn't executed // due to an exclusion list of the text edit processor. Return // the empty string which can be moved without any harm. if (fSourceContent == null) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ return fSourceContent; } MultiTextEdit getSourceRoot() { return fSourceRoot; } void clearContent() { fSourceContent= null; fSourceRoot= null; } //---- Copying ------------------------------------------------------------- @Override protected TextEdit doCopy() { return new MoveSourceEdit(this); } @Override protected void postProcessCopy(TextEditCopier copier) { if (fTarget != null) { MoveSourceEdit source= (MoveSourceEdit)copier.getCopy(this); MoveTargetEdit target= (MoveTargetEdit)copier.getCopy(fTarget); if (source != null && target != null) source.setTargetEdit(target); } } //---- Visitor ------------------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void accept0(TextEditVisitor visitor) { boolean visitChildren= visitor.visit(this); if (visitChildren) { acceptChildren(visitor); } } //---- consistency check ---------------------------------------------------------------- @Override int traverseConsistencyCheck(TextEditProcessor processor, IDocument document, List<List<TextEdit>> sourceEdits) { int result= super.traverseConsistencyCheck(processor, document, sourceEdits); // Since source computation takes place in a recursive fashion (see // performSourceComputation) we only do something if we don't have a // computed source already. if (fSourceContent == null) { if (sourceEdits.size() <= result) { List<TextEdit> list= new ArrayList<>(); list.add(this); for (int i= sourceEdits.size(); i < result; i++) sourceEdits.add(null); sourceEdits.add(list); } else { List<TextEdit> list= sourceEdits.get(result); if (list == null) { list= new ArrayList<>(); sourceEdits.add(result, list); } list.add(this); } } return result; } @Override void performConsistencyCheck(TextEditProcessor processor, IDocument document) throws MalformedTreeException { if (fTarget == null) throw new MalformedTreeException(getParent(), this, TextEditMessages.getString("MoveSourceEdit.no_target")); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (fTarget.getSourceEdit() != this) throw new MalformedTreeException(getParent(), this, TextEditMessages.getString("MoveSourceEdit.different_source")); //$NON-NLS-1$ /* Causes AST rewrite to fail if (getRoot() != fTarget.getRoot()) throw new MalformedTreeException(getParent(), this, TextEditMessages.getString("MoveSourceEdit.different_tree")); //$NON-NLS-1$ */ } //---- source computation -------------------------------------------------------------- @Override void traverseSourceComputation(TextEditProcessor processor, IDocument document) { // always perform source computation independent of processor.considerEdit // The target might need the source and the source is computed in a // temporary buffer. performSourceComputation(processor, document); } @Override void performSourceComputation(TextEditProcessor processor, IDocument document) { try { TextEdit[] children= removeChildren(); if (children.length > 0) { String content= document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); EditDocument subDocument= new EditDocument(content); fSourceRoot= new MultiTextEdit(getOffset(), getLength()); fSourceRoot.addChildren(children); fSourceRoot.internalMoveTree(-getOffset()); int processingStyle= getStyle(processor); TextEditProcessor subProcessor= TextEditProcessor.createSourceComputationProcessor(subDocument, fSourceRoot, processingStyle); subProcessor.performEdits(); if (needsTransformation()) applyTransformation(subDocument, processingStyle); fSourceContent= subDocument.get(); } else { fSourceContent= document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); if (needsTransformation()) { EditDocument subDocument= new EditDocument(fSourceContent); applyTransformation(subDocument, getStyle(processor)); fSourceContent= subDocument.get(); } } } catch (BadLocationException cannotHappen) { Assert.isTrue(false); } } private int getStyle(TextEditProcessor processor) { // we never need undo while performing local edits. if ((processor.getStyle() & TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS) != 0) return TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS; return TextEdit.NONE; } //---- document updating ---------------------------------------------------------------- @Override int performDocumentUpdating(IDocument document) throws BadLocationException { document.replace(getOffset(), getLength(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ fDelta= -getLength(); return fDelta; } //---- region updating -------------------------------------------------------------- @Override boolean deleteChildren() { return false; } //---- content transformation -------------------------------------------------- private boolean needsTransformation() { return fModifier != null; } private void applyTransformation(IDocument document, int style) throws MalformedTreeException { if ((style & TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS) != 0 && fSourceRoot != null) { Map<TextEdit, TextEdit> editMap= new HashMap<>(); TextEdit newEdit= createEdit(editMap); List<ReplaceEdit> replaces= new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(fModifier.getModifications(document.get()))); insertEdits(newEdit, replaces); try { newEdit.apply(document, style); } catch (BadLocationException cannotHappen) { Assert.isTrue(false); } restorePositions(editMap); } else { MultiTextEdit newEdit= new MultiTextEdit(0, document.getLength()); TextEdit[] replaces= fModifier.getModifications(document.get()); for (TextEdit replace : replaces) { newEdit.addChild(replace); } try { newEdit.apply(document, style); } catch (BadLocationException cannotHappen) { Assert.isTrue(false); } } } private TextEdit createEdit(Map<TextEdit, TextEdit> editMap) { MultiTextEdit result= new MultiTextEdit(0, fSourceRoot.getLength()); editMap.put(result, fSourceRoot); createEdit(fSourceRoot, result, editMap); return result; } private static void createEdit(TextEdit source, TextEdit target, Map<TextEdit, TextEdit> editMap) { TextEdit[] children= source.getChildren(); for (TextEdit child : children) { // a deleted child remains deleted even if the temporary buffer // gets modified. if (child.isDeleted()) continue; RangeMarker marker= new RangeMarker(child.getOffset(), child.getLength()); target.addChild(marker); editMap.put(marker, child); createEdit(child, marker, editMap); } } private void insertEdits(TextEdit root, List<ReplaceEdit> edits) { while(!edits.isEmpty()) { ReplaceEdit edit= edits.remove(0); insert(root, edit, edits); } } private static void insert(TextEdit parent, ReplaceEdit edit, List<ReplaceEdit> edits) { if (!parent.hasChildren()) { parent.addChild(edit); return; } TextEdit[] children= parent.getChildren(); // First dive down to find the right parent. int removed= 0; for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) { TextEdit child= children[i]; if (child.covers(edit)) { insert(child, edit, edits); return; } else if (edit.covers(child)) { parent.removeChild(i - removed++); edit.addChild(child); } else { IRegion intersect= intersect(edit, child); if (intersect != null) { ReplaceEdit[] splits= splitEdit(edit, intersect); insert(child, splits[0], edits); edits.add(splits[1]); return; } } } parent.addChild(edit); } public static IRegion intersect(TextEdit op1, TextEdit op2) { int offset1= op1.getOffset(); int length1= op1.getLength(); int end1= offset1 + length1 - 1; int offset2= op2.getOffset(); if (end1 < offset2) return null; int length2= op2.getLength(); int end2= offset2 + length2 - 1; if (end2 < offset1) return null; int end= Math.min(end1, end2); if (offset1 < offset2) { return new Region(offset2, end - offset2 + 1); } return new Region(offset1, end - offset1 + 1); } private static ReplaceEdit[] splitEdit(ReplaceEdit edit, IRegion intersect) { if (edit.getOffset() != intersect.getOffset()) return splitIntersectRight(edit, intersect); return splitIntersectLeft(edit, intersect); } private static ReplaceEdit[] splitIntersectRight(ReplaceEdit edit, IRegion intersect) { ReplaceEdit[] result= new ReplaceEdit[2]; // this is the actual delete. We use replace to only deal with one type result[0]= new ReplaceEdit(intersect.getOffset(), intersect.getLength(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ result[1]= new ReplaceEdit( edit.getOffset(), intersect.getOffset() - edit.getOffset(), edit.getText()); return result; } private static ReplaceEdit[] splitIntersectLeft(ReplaceEdit edit, IRegion intersect) { ReplaceEdit[] result= new ReplaceEdit[2]; result[0]= new ReplaceEdit(intersect.getOffset(), intersect.getLength(), edit.getText()); result[1]= new ReplaceEdit( // this is the actual delete. We use replace to only deal with one type intersect.getOffset() + intersect.getLength(), edit.getLength() - intersect.getLength(), ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ return result; } private static void restorePositions(Map<TextEdit, TextEdit> editMap) { for (Entry<TextEdit, TextEdit> entry: editMap.entrySet()) { TextEdit marker = entry.getKey(); TextEdit edit= entry.getValue(); if (marker.isDeleted()) { edit.markAsDeleted(); } else { edit.adjustOffset(marker.getOffset() - edit.getOffset()); edit.adjustLength(marker.getLength() - edit.getLength()); } } } }