Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleCapability; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainerAdaptor.ContainerEvent; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleRevision; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleWire; import org.eclipse.osgi.container.namespaces.EquinoxModuleDataNamespace; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.ArrayMap; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.debug.Debug; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxConfiguration; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.hookregistry.ClassLoaderHook; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.hookregistry.HookRegistry; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.DefineClassResult; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.messages.Msg; import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.weaving.WeavingHookConfigurator; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.osgi.framework.BundleException; import org.osgi.framework.namespace.HostNamespace;
A helper class for ModuleClassLoader implementations. This class will keep track of ClasspathEntry objects for the host bundle and any attached fragment bundles. This class takes care of searching the ClasspathEntry objects for a module class loader implementation. Additional behavior may be added to a classpath manager by configuring a ClassLoaderHook.
See Also:
/** * A helper class for {@link ModuleClassLoader} implementations. This class will keep track of * {@link ClasspathEntry} objects for the host bundle and any attached fragment bundles. This * class takes care of searching the {@link ClasspathEntry} objects for a module class loader * implementation. Additional behavior may be added to a classpath manager by configuring a * {@link ClassLoaderHook}. * @see ModuleClassLoader * @see ClassLoaderHook * @since 3.2 */
public class ClasspathManager { private static final FragmentClasspath[] emptyFragments = new FragmentClasspath[0]; private static final String[] DEFAULT_CLASSPATH = new String[] {"."}; //$NON-NLS-1$ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final Enumeration<URL> EMPTY_ENUMERATION = Collections.enumeration(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); private final Generation generation; private final ModuleClassLoader classloader; private final HookRegistry hookRegistry; private final Debug debug; // TODO Note that PDE has internal dependency on this field type/name (bug 267238) private final ClasspathEntry[] entries; // TODO Note that PDE has internal dependency on this field type/name (bug 267238) private volatile FragmentClasspath[] fragments; // a Map<String,String> where "libname" is the key and libpath" is the value private ArrayMap<String, String> loadedLibraries = null; // used to detect recusive defineClass calls for the same class on the same class loader (bug 345500) private ThreadLocal<DefineContext> currentDefineContext = new ThreadLocal<>();
Constructs a classpath manager for the given generation and module class loader
  • generation – the host generation for this classpath manager
  • classloader – the ModuleClassLoader for this classpath manager
/** * Constructs a classpath manager for the given generation and module class loader * @param generation the host generation for this classpath manager * @param classloader the ModuleClassLoader for this classpath manager */
public ClasspathManager(Generation generation, ModuleClassLoader classloader) { EquinoxConfiguration configuration = generation.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getConfiguration(); this.debug = configuration.getDebug(); this.hookRegistry = configuration.getHookRegistry(); this.generation = generation; this.classloader = classloader; String[] cp = getClassPath(generation.getRevision()); this.fragments = buildFragmentClasspaths(this.classloader, this); this.entries = buildClasspath(cp, this, this.generation); } private static String[] getClassPath(ModuleRevision revision) { List<ModuleCapability> moduleDatas = revision.getModuleCapabilities(EquinoxModuleDataNamespace.MODULE_DATA_NAMESPACE); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> cp = moduleDatas.isEmpty() ? null : (List<String>) moduleDatas.get(0).getAttributes().get(EquinoxModuleDataNamespace.CAPABILITY_CLASSPATH); return cp == null ? DEFAULT_CLASSPATH : cp.toArray(new String[cp.size()]); } private FragmentClasspath[] buildFragmentClasspaths(ModuleClassLoader hostloader, ClasspathManager manager) { if (hostloader == null) { return emptyFragments; } List<ModuleWire> fragmentWires = hostloader.getBundleLoader().getWiring().getProvidedModuleWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE); if (fragmentWires == null || fragmentWires.isEmpty()) { // we don't hold locks while checking the graph, just return if no longer valid return emptyFragments; } List<FragmentClasspath> result = new ArrayList<>(fragmentWires.size()); for (ModuleWire fragmentWire : fragmentWires) { ModuleRevision revision = fragmentWire.getRequirer(); Generation fragGeneration = (Generation) revision.getRevisionInfo(); String[] cp = getClassPath(revision); ClasspathEntry[] fragEntries = buildClasspath(cp, manager, fragGeneration); FragmentClasspath fragClasspath = new FragmentClasspath(fragGeneration, fragEntries); insertFragment(fragClasspath, result); } return result.toArray(new FragmentClasspath[result.size()]); } private static void insertFragment(FragmentClasspath fragClasspath, List<FragmentClasspath> existing) { // Find a place in the fragment list to insert this fragment. long fragID = fragClasspath.getGeneration().getRevision().getRevisions().getModule().getId(); for (ListIterator<FragmentClasspath> iExisting = existing.listIterator(); iExisting.hasNext();) { long otherID =; if (fragID < otherID) { iExisting.previous(); iExisting.add(fragClasspath); return; } } existing.add(fragClasspath); }
Closes all the classpath entry resources for this classpath manager.
/** * Closes all the classpath entry resources for this classpath manager. * */
public void close() { for (ClasspathEntry entry : entries) { if (entry != null) { try { entry.close(); }catch (IOException e) { generation.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getAdaptor().publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, generation.getRevision().getRevisions().getModule(), e); } } } FragmentClasspath[] currentFragments = getFragmentClasspaths(); for (FragmentClasspath currentFragment : currentFragments) { currentFragment.close(); } } private ClasspathEntry[] buildClasspath(String[] cp, ClasspathManager hostloader, Generation source) { ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> result = new ArrayList<>(cp.length); // add the regular classpath entries. for (String cpEntry : cp) { findClassPathEntry(result, cpEntry, hostloader, source); } return result.toArray(new ClasspathEntry[result.size()]); }
Finds all the ClasspathEntry objects for the requested classpath. This method will first call all the configured class loading hooks ClassLoaderHook.addClassPathEntry(ArrayList<ClasspathEntry>, String, ClasspathManager, Generation) methods. This allows class loading hooks to add additional ClasspathEntry objects to the result for the requested classpath. Then the local host classpath entries and attached fragment classpath entries are searched.
  • result – a list of ClasspathEntry objects. This list is used to add new ClasspathEntry objects to.
  • cp – the requested classpath.
  • hostloader – the host classpath manager for the classpath
  • sourceGeneration – the source generation to search for the classpath
/** * Finds all the ClasspathEntry objects for the requested classpath. This method will first call all * the configured class loading hooks {@link ClassLoaderHook#addClassPathEntry(ArrayList, String, ClasspathManager, Generation)} * methods. This allows class loading hooks to add additional ClasspathEntry objects to the result for the * requested classpath. Then the local host classpath entries and attached fragment classpath entries are * searched. * @param result a list of ClasspathEntry objects. This list is used to add new ClasspathEntry objects to. * @param cp the requested classpath. * @param hostloader the host classpath manager for the classpath * @param sourceGeneration the source generation to search for the classpath */
private void findClassPathEntry(ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> result, String cp, ClasspathManager hostloader, Generation sourceGeneration) { List<ClassLoaderHook> loaderHooks = hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks(); boolean hookAdded = false; for (ClassLoaderHook hook : loaderHooks) { hookAdded |= hook.addClassPathEntry(result, cp, hostloader, sourceGeneration); } if (!addClassPathEntry(result, cp, hostloader, sourceGeneration) && !hookAdded) { BundleException be = new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, cp, sourceGeneration.getRevision().toString()), BundleException.MANIFEST_ERROR); sourceGeneration.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getAdaptor().publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.INFO, sourceGeneration.getRevision().getRevisions().getModule(), be); } }
Adds a ClasspathEntry for the requested classpath to the result. The local host classpath entries are searched first and then attached fragments classpath entries are searched. The search stops once the first classpath entry is found.
  • result – a list of ClasspathEntry objects. This list is used to add new ClasspathEntry objects to.
  • cp – the requested classpath.
  • hostManager – the host classpath manager for the classpath
  • source – the source generation to search for the classpath
Returns:true if a ClasspathEntry was added to the result
/** * Adds a ClasspathEntry for the requested classpath to the result. The local host classpath entries * are searched first and then attached fragments classpath entries are searched. The search stops once the first * classpath entry is found. * @param result a list of ClasspathEntry objects. This list is used to add new ClasspathEntry objects to. * @param cp the requested classpath. * @param hostManager the host classpath manager for the classpath * @param source the source generation to search for the classpath * @return true if a ClasspathEntry was added to the result */
public boolean addClassPathEntry(ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> result, String cp, ClasspathManager hostManager, Generation source) { return addStandardClassPathEntry(result, cp, hostManager, source) || addEclipseClassPathEntry(result, cp, hostManager, source); } public static boolean addStandardClassPathEntry(ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> result, String cp, ClasspathManager hostManager, Generation generation) { if (cp.equals(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ result.add(hostManager.createClassPathEntry(generation.getBundleFile(), generation)); return true; } ClasspathEntry element = hostManager.getClasspath(cp, generation); if (element != null) { result.add(element); return true; } // need to check in fragments for the classpath entry. // only check for fragments if the generation is the host's generation. if (hostManager.generation == generation) { FragmentClasspath[] hostFrags = hostManager.getFragmentClasspaths(); for (FragmentClasspath fragCP : hostFrags) { element = hostManager.getClasspath(cp, fragCP.getGeneration()); if (element != null) { result.add(element); return true; } } } return false; } private boolean addEclipseClassPathEntry(ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> result, String cp, ClasspathManager hostManager, Generation source) { String var = hasPrefix(cp); if (var != null) // find internal library using eclipse predefined vars return addInternalClassPath(var, result, cp, hostManager, source); if (cp.startsWith(NativeCodeFinder.EXTERNAL_LIB_PREFIX)) { cp = cp.substring(NativeCodeFinder.EXTERNAL_LIB_PREFIX.length()); // find external library using system property substitution ClasspathEntry cpEntry = hostManager.getExternalClassPath(source.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getConfiguration().substituteVars(cp), source); if (cpEntry != null) { result.add(cpEntry); return true; } } return false; } private boolean addInternalClassPath(String var, ArrayList<ClasspathEntry> cpEntries, String cp, ClasspathManager hostManager, Generation source) { EquinoxConfiguration configuration = source.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getConfiguration(); if (var.equals("ws")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return ClasspathManager.addStandardClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "ws/" + configuration.getWS() + cp.substring(4), hostManager, source); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (var.equals("os")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return ClasspathManager.addStandardClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "os/" + configuration.getOS() + cp.substring(4), hostManager, source); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (var.equals("nl")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ cp = cp.substring(4); List<String> NL_JAR_VARIANTS = source.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getConfiguration().ECLIPSE_NL_JAR_VARIANTS; for (String nlVariant : NL_JAR_VARIANTS) { if (ClasspathManager.addStandardClassPathEntry(cpEntries, "nl/" + nlVariant + cp, hostManager, source)) //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } } return false; } //return a String representing the string found between the $s private static String hasPrefix(String libPath) { if (libPath.startsWith("$ws$")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return "ws"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (libPath.startsWith("$os$")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return "os"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (libPath.startsWith("$nl$")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return "nl"; //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; }
Creates a new ClasspathEntry object for the requested classpath if the source exists.
  • cp – the requested classpath.
  • cpGeneration – the source generation to search for the classpath
Returns:a new ClasspathEntry for the requested classpath or null if the source does not exist.
/** * Creates a new ClasspathEntry object for the requested classpath if the source exists. * @param cp the requested classpath. * @param cpGeneration the source generation to search for the classpath * @return a new ClasspathEntry for the requested classpath or null if the source does not exist. */
public ClasspathEntry getClasspath(String cp, Generation cpGeneration) { BundleFile bundlefile = null; File file; BundleEntry cpEntry = cpGeneration.getBundleFile().getEntry(cp); // check for internal library directories in a bundle jar file if (cpEntry != null && cpEntry.getName().endsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$ bundlefile = createBundleFile(cp, cpGeneration); // check for internal library jars else if ((file = cpGeneration.getBundleFile().getFile(cp, false)) != null) bundlefile = createBundleFile(file, cpGeneration); if (bundlefile != null) return createClassPathEntry(bundlefile, cpGeneration); return null; }
Uses the requested classpath as an absolute path to locate a source for a new ClasspathEntry.
  • cp – the requested classpath
  • cpGeneration – the source generation to search for the classpath
Returns:a classpath entry which uses an absolut path as a source
/** * Uses the requested classpath as an absolute path to locate a source for a new ClasspathEntry. * @param cp the requested classpath * @param cpGeneration the source generation to search for the classpath * @return a classpath entry which uses an absolut path as a source */
public ClasspathEntry getExternalClassPath(String cp, Generation cpGeneration) { File file = new File(cp); if (!file.isAbsolute()) return null; BundleFile bundlefile = createBundleFile(file, cpGeneration); if (bundlefile != null) return createClassPathEntry(bundlefile, cpGeneration); return null; } public synchronized void loadFragments(Collection<ModuleRevision> addedFragments) { List<FragmentClasspath> result = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(fragments)); for (ModuleRevision addedFragment : addedFragments) { Generation fragGeneration = (Generation) addedFragment.getRevisionInfo(); String[] cp = getClassPath(addedFragment); ClasspathEntry[] fragEntries = buildClasspath(cp, this, fragGeneration); FragmentClasspath fragClasspath = new FragmentClasspath(fragGeneration, fragEntries); insertFragment(fragClasspath, result); } fragments = result.toArray(new FragmentClasspath[result.size()]); } private static BundleFile createBundleFile(File content, Generation generation) { if (!content.exists()) { return null; } return generation.getBundleInfo().getStorage().createBundleFile(content, generation, content.isDirectory(), false); } private static BundleFile createBundleFile(String nestedDir, Generation generation) { return generation.getBundleInfo().getStorage().createNestedBundleFile(nestedDir, generation.getBundleFile(), generation); } private ClasspathEntry createClassPathEntry(BundleFile bundlefile, Generation source) { ClasspathEntry entry; if (classloader != null) entry = classloader.createClassPathEntry(bundlefile, source); else entry = new ClasspathEntry(bundlefile, source.getDomain(), source); return entry; }
Finds a local resource by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. This method will first call all the configured class loading hooks ClassLoaderHook.preFindLocalResource(String, ClasspathManager) methods. Then it will search for the resource. Finally it will call all the configured class loading hooks ClassLoaderHook.postFindLocalResource(String, URL, ClasspathManager) methods.
  • resource – the requested resource name.
Returns:the requested resource URL or null if the resource does not exist
/** * Finds a local resource by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. * This method will first call all the configured class loading hooks * {@link ClassLoaderHook#preFindLocalResource(String, ClasspathManager)} methods. Then it * will search for the resource. Finally it will call all the configured class loading hooks * {@link ClassLoaderHook#postFindLocalResource(String, URL, ClasspathManager)} methods. * @param resource the requested resource name. * @return the requested resource URL or null if the resource does not exist */
public URL findLocalResource(String resource) { List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks = hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks(); boolean hookFailed = false; for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { try { hook.preFindLocalResource(resource, this); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // mark the resource load as failed, but continue to all the hooks hookFailed = true; } } URL result = null; try { if (!hookFailed) { result = findLocalResourceImpl(resource, -1); } } finally { for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { try { hook.postFindLocalResource(resource, result, this); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { result = null; } } } return result; } private URL findLocalResourceImpl(String resource, int classPathIndex) { Module m = generation.getRevision().getRevisions().getModule(); URL result = null; int[] curIndex = {0}; // look in hook specific entries if any for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks()) { ClasspathEntry[] hookEntries = hook.getClassPathEntries(resource, this); if (hookEntries != null) { return findLocalResourceImpl(resource, hookEntries, m, classPathIndex, curIndex); } } curIndex[0] = 0; // look in classpath entries result = findLocalResourceImpl(resource, entries, m, classPathIndex, curIndex); if (result != null) { return result; } // look in fragment entries for (FragmentClasspath fragCP : getFragmentClasspaths()) { result = findLocalResourceImpl(resource, fragCP.getEntries(), m, classPathIndex, curIndex); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } private URL findLocalResourceImpl(String resource, ClasspathEntry[] cpEntries, Module m, int classPathIndex, int[] curIndex) { URL result; for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : cpEntries) { if (cpEntry != null) { result = cpEntry.findResource(resource, m, curIndex[0]); if (result != null && (classPathIndex == -1 || classPathIndex == curIndex[0])) { return result; } } curIndex[0]++; } return null; }
Finds the local resources by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager.
  • resource – the requested resource name.
Returns:an enumeration of the the requested resources
/** * Finds the local resources by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. * @param resource the requested resource name. * @return an enumeration of the the requested resources */
public Enumeration<URL> findLocalResources(String resource) { Module m = generation.getRevision().getRevisions().getModule(); List<URL> resources = new ArrayList<>(6); int[] classPathIndex = {0}; // look in hook specific entries if any for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks()) { ClasspathEntry[] hookEntries = hook.getClassPathEntries(resource, this); if (hookEntries != null) { findLocalResources(resource, hookEntries, m, classPathIndex, resources); return resources.size() > 0 ? Collections.enumeration(resources) : EMPTY_ENUMERATION; } } classPathIndex[0] = 0; // look in host classpath entries findLocalResources(resource, entries, m, classPathIndex, resources); // look in fragment entries for (FragmentClasspath fragCP : getFragmentClasspaths()) { findLocalResources(resource, fragCP.getEntries(), m, classPathIndex, resources); } if (resources.size() > 0) return Collections.enumeration(resources); return EMPTY_ENUMERATION; } private void findLocalResources(String resource, ClasspathEntry[] cpEntries, Module m, int[] classPathIndex, List<URL> resources) { for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : cpEntries) { if (cpEntry != null) { URL url = cpEntry.findResource(resource, m, classPathIndex[0]); if (url != null) { resources.add(url); } } classPathIndex[0]++; } }
Finds a local entry by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager.
  • path – the requested entry path.
Returns:the requested entry or null if the entry does not exist
/** * Finds a local entry by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. * @param path the requested entry path. * @return the requested entry or null if the entry does not exist */
public BundleEntry findLocalEntry(String path) { return findLocalEntry(path, -1); }
Finds a local entry by searching the ClasspathEntry with the specified class path index.
  • path – the requested entry path.
  • classPathIndex – the index of the ClasspathEntry to search
Returns:the requested entry or null if the entry does not exist
/** * Finds a local entry by searching the ClasspathEntry with the specified * class path index. * @param path the requested entry path. * @param classPathIndex the index of the ClasspathEntry to search * @return the requested entry or null if the entry does not exist */
public BundleEntry findLocalEntry(String path, int classPathIndex) { BundleEntry result = null; int[] curIndex = {0}; // look in hook specific entries if any for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks()) { ClasspathEntry[] hookEntries = hook.getClassPathEntries(path, this); if (hookEntries != null) { return findLocalEntry(path, hookEntries, classPathIndex, curIndex); } } curIndex[0] = 0; // look in classpath entries result = findLocalEntry(path, entries, classPathIndex, curIndex); if (result != null) { return result; } // look in fragment entries for (FragmentClasspath fragCP : getFragmentClasspaths()) { result = findLocalEntry(path, fragCP.getEntries(), classPathIndex, curIndex); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } private BundleEntry findLocalEntry(String path, ClasspathEntry[] cpEntries, int classPathIndex, int[] curIndex) { BundleEntry result = null; for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : cpEntries) { if (cpEntry != null) { result = cpEntry.findEntry(path); if (result != null && (classPathIndex == -1 || classPathIndex == curIndex[0])) { return result; } } curIndex[0]++; } return result; }
Finds a local class by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. This method will first call all the configured class loader hooks ClassLoaderHook.preFindLocalClass(String, ClasspathManager) methods. Then it will search for the class. If a class is found then
  1. All configured class loader hooks ClassLoaderHook.processClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager) methods will be called.
  2. The class is then defined.
  3. Finally, all configured class loading stats hooks ClassLoaderHook.recordClassDefine(String, Class<?>, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager) methods are called.
Finally all the configured class loading hooks ClassLoaderHook.postFindLocalClass(String, Class<?>, ClasspathManager) methods are called.
  • classname – the requested class name.
Returns:the requested class
/** * Finds a local class by searching the ClasspathEntry objects of the classpath manager. * This method will first call all the configured class loader hooks * {@link ClassLoaderHook#preFindLocalClass(String, ClasspathManager)} methods. Then it * will search for the class. If a class is found then * <ol> * <li>All configured class loader hooks * {@link ClassLoaderHook#processClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager)} * methods will be called.</li> * <li>The class is then defined.</li> * <li>Finally, all configured class loading * stats hooks {@link ClassLoaderHook#recordClassDefine(String, Class, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager)} * methods are called.</li> * </ol> * Finally all the configured class loading hooks * {@link ClassLoaderHook#postFindLocalClass(String, Class, ClasspathManager)} methods are called. * @param classname the requested class name. * @return the requested class * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class does not exist */
public Class<?> findLocalClass(String classname) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> result = null; List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks = hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks(); try { for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { hook.preFindLocalClass(classname, this); } result = classloader.publicFindLoaded(classname); if (result != null) return result; result = findLocalClassImpl(classname, hooks); return result; } finally { for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { hook.postFindLocalClass(classname, result, this); } } } private Class<?> findLocalClassImpl(String classname, List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> result; // look in hook specific entries if any for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks()) { ClasspathEntry[] hookEntries = hook.getClassPathEntries(classname, this); if (hookEntries != null) { return findLocalClassImpl(classname, hookEntries, hooks); } } // look in classpath entries result = findLocalClassImpl(classname, entries, hooks); if (result != null) { return result; } // look in fragment entries for (FragmentClasspath fragCP : getFragmentClasspaths()) { result = findLocalClassImpl(classname, fragCP.getEntries(), hooks); if (result != null) { return result; } } throw new ClassNotFoundException(classname); } private Class<?> findLocalClassImpl(String classname, ClasspathEntry[] cpEntries, List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks) { Class<?> result; for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : cpEntries) { if (cpEntry != null) { result = findClassImpl(classname, cpEntry, hooks); if (result != null) { return result; } } } return null; } private Class<?> findClassImpl(String name, ClasspathEntry classpathEntry, List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks) { if (debug.DEBUG_LOADER) Debug.println("ModuleClassLoader[" + classloader.getBundleLoader() + " - " + classpathEntry.getBundleFile() + "].findClassImpl(" + name + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ String filename = name.replace('.', '/').concat(".class"); //$NON-NLS-1$ BundleEntry entry = classpathEntry.findEntry(filename); if (entry == null) return null; byte[] classbytes; try { classbytes = entry.getBytes(); } catch (IOException e) { if (debug.DEBUG_LOADER) Debug.println(" IOException reading " + filename + " from " + classpathEntry.getBundleFile()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ throw (LinkageError) new LinkageError("Error reading class bytes: " + name).initCause(e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (debug.DEBUG_LOADER) { Debug.println(" read " + classbytes.length + " bytes from " + classpathEntry.getBundleFile() + "!/" + filename); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ Debug.println(" defining class " + name); //$NON-NLS-1$ } try { return defineClass(name, classbytes, classpathEntry, entry, hooks); } catch (Error e) { if (debug.DEBUG_LOADER) Debug.println(" error defining class " + name); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw e; } } static class DefineContext { Collection<String> currentlyProcessing = new ArrayList<>(5); Collection<String> currentlyDefining = new ArrayList<>(5); }
Defines the specified class. This method will first call all the configured class loader hooks processClass.processClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager) methods. If any hook modifies the bytes the all configured hook ClassLoaderHook.rejectTransformation(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager) methods are called. Then it will call the ModuleClassLoader.defineClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry) method to define the class. After that, the class loader hooks are called to announce the class definition by calling ClassLoaderHook.recordClassDefine(String, Class<?>, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager).
  • name – the name of the class to define
  • classbytes – the class bytes
  • classpathEntry – the classpath entry used to load the class bytes
  • entry – the BundleEntry used to load the class bytes
  • hooks – the class loader hooks
Returns:the defined class
/** * Defines the specified class. This method will first call all the configured class loader hooks * {@link ClassLoadingHook#processClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager)} * methods. If any hook modifies the bytes the all configured hook * {@link ClassLoaderHook#rejectTransformation(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager)} * methods are called. Then it will call the {@link ModuleClassLoader#defineClass(String, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry)} * method to define the class. After that, the class loader hooks are called to announce the class * definition by calling {@link ClassLoaderHook#recordClassDefine(String, Class, byte[], ClasspathEntry, BundleEntry, ClasspathManager)}. * @param name the name of the class to define * @param classbytes the class bytes * @param classpathEntry the classpath entry used to load the class bytes * @param entry the BundleEntry used to load the class bytes * @param hooks the class loader hooks * @return the defined class */
private Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] classbytes, ClasspathEntry classpathEntry, BundleEntry entry, List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks) { DefineClassResult result = null; boolean recursionDetected = false; try { definePackage(name, classpathEntry); DefineContext context = currentDefineContext.get(); if (context == null) { context = new DefineContext(); currentDefineContext.set(context); } // First call the hooks that do not handle recursion themselves if (!hookRegistry.getContainer().isProcessClassRecursionSupportedByAll()) { // One or more hooks do not support recursive class processing. // We need to detect recursions for this set of hooks. if (context.currentlyProcessing.contains(name)) { // Avoid recursion for the same class name for these hooks recursionDetected = true; // TODO consider thrown a ClassCircularityError here return null; } context.currentlyProcessing.add(name); try { for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { if (!hook.isProcessClassRecursionSupported()) { classbytes = processClass(hook, name, classbytes, classpathEntry, entry, this, hooks); } } } finally { context.currentlyProcessing.remove(name); } } // Now call the hooks that do support recursion without the check. for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { if (hook.isProcessClassRecursionSupported()) { // Note if the hooks don't take protective measures for a recursive class load here // it will result in a stack overflow. classbytes = processClass(hook, name, classbytes, classpathEntry, entry, this, hooks); } } if (context.currentlyDefining.contains(name)) { // TODO consider thrown a ClassCircularityError here return null; // avoid recursive defines (bug 345500) } context.currentlyDefining.add(name); try { result = classloader.defineClass(name, classbytes, classpathEntry); } finally { context.currentlyDefining.remove(name); } } finally { // only call hooks if we properly called processClass above if (!recursionDetected) { // only pass the newly defined class to the hook Class<?> defined = result != null && result.defined ? result.clazz : null; for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { hook.recordClassDefine(name, defined, classbytes, classpathEntry, entry, this); } } } // return either the pre-loaded class or the newly defined class return result == null ? null : result.clazz; } private byte[] processClass(ClassLoaderHook hook, String name, byte[] classbytes, ClasspathEntry classpathEntry, BundleEntry entry, ClasspathManager classpathManager, List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks) { byte[] modifiedBytes = hook.processClass(name, classbytes, classpathEntry, entry, this); if (modifiedBytes != null) { // the WeavingHookConfigurator already calls the rejectTransformation method; avoid calling it again. if (!(hook instanceof WeavingHookConfigurator)) { for (ClassLoaderHook rejectHook : hooks) { if (rejectHook.rejectTransformation(name, modifiedBytes, classpathEntry, entry, this)) { modifiedBytes = null; break; } } } if (modifiedBytes != null) { classbytes = modifiedBytes; } } return classbytes; } private void definePackage(String name, ClasspathEntry classpathEntry) { // Define the package if it is not the default package. int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastIndex < 0) { return; } String packageName = name.substring(0, lastIndex); Object pkg = classloader.publicGetPackage(packageName); if (pkg != null) { return; } // get info about the package from the classpath entry's manifest. String specTitle = null, specVersion = null, specVendor = null, implTitle = null, implVersion = null, implVendor = null; if (generation.getBundleInfo().getStorage().getConfiguration().DEFINE_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES) { ManifestPackageAttributes manifestPackageAttributes = classpathEntry.manifestPackageAttributesFor(packageName); TitleVersionVendor specification = manifestPackageAttributes.getSpecification(); TitleVersionVendor implementation = manifestPackageAttributes.getImplementation(); specTitle = specification.getTitle(); specVersion = specification.getVersion(); specVendor = specification.getVendor(); implTitle = implementation.getTitle(); implVersion = implementation.getVersion(); implVendor = implementation.getVendor(); } // The package is not defined yet define it before we define the class. // TODO still need to seal packages. classloader.publicDefinePackage(packageName, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, null); }
Returns the fragment classpaths of this classpath manager
Returns:the fragment classpaths of this classpath manager
/** * Returns the fragment classpaths of this classpath manager * @return the fragment classpaths of this classpath manager */
public FragmentClasspath[] getFragmentClasspaths() { return fragments; }
Returns the host classpath entries for this classpath manager
Returns:the host classpath entries for this classpath manager
/** * Returns the host classpath entries for this classpath manager * @return the host classpath entries for this classpath manager */
public ClasspathEntry[] getHostClasspathEntries() { return entries; }
Finds a library for the bundle represented by this class path manager
  • libname – the library name
Returns:The absolution path to the library or null if not found
/** * Finds a library for the bundle represented by this class path manager * @param libname the library name * @return The absolution path to the library or null if not found */
public String findLibrary(String libname) { synchronized (this) { if (loadedLibraries == null) loadedLibraries = new ArrayMap<>(1); } synchronized (loadedLibraries) { // we assume that each classloader will load a small number of of libraries // instead of wasting space with a map we iterate over our collection of found libraries // each element is a String[2], each array is {"libname", "libpath"} String libpath = loadedLibraries.get(libname); if (libpath != null) return libpath; libpath = findLibrary0(libname); if (libpath != null) loadedLibraries.put(libname, libpath); return libpath; } } private String findLibrary0(String libname) { List<ClassLoaderHook> hooks = hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks(); String result = null; for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { try { result = hook.preFindLibrary(libname, classloader); if (result != null) { return result; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } } result = generation.findLibrary(libname); if (result != null) { return result; } // look in fragment generations FragmentClasspath[] currentFragments = getFragmentClasspaths(); for (FragmentClasspath fragment : currentFragments) { result = fragment.getGeneration().findLibrary(libname); if (result != null) { return result; } } for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hooks) { result = hook.postFindLibrary(libname, classloader); if (result != null) { return result; } } return result; }
See Also:
  • findEntries.findEntries(String, String, int)
/** * @see ModuleClassLoader#findEntries(String, String, int) */
public List<URL> findEntries(String path, String filePattern, int options) { List<Generation> generations = new ArrayList<>(); // first get the host bundle file generations.add(generation); // next get the attached fragments bundle files FragmentClasspath[] currentFragments = getFragmentClasspaths(); for (FragmentClasspath fragmentClasspath : currentFragments) generations.add(fragmentClasspath.getGeneration()); List<URL> result = Collections.<URL> emptyList(); // now search over all the bundle files Enumeration<URL> eURLs = Storage.findEntries(generations, path, filePattern, options); if (eURLs == null) return result; result = new ArrayList<>(); while (eURLs.hasMoreElements()) result.add(eURLs.nextElement()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); }
See Also:
  • listLocalResources.listLocalResources(String, String, int)
/** * @see ModuleClassLoader#listLocalResources(String, String, int) */
public Collection<String> listLocalResources(String path, String filePattern, int options) { List<BundleFile> bundleFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // look for path first in hook specific entries if any for (ClassLoaderHook hook : hookRegistry.getClassLoaderHooks()) { ClasspathEntry[] hookEntries = hook.getClassPathEntries(path, this); if (hookEntries != null) { for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : hookEntries) { cpEntry.addBundleFiles(bundleFiles); } return Storage.listEntryPaths(bundleFiles, path, filePattern, options); } } ClasspathEntry[] cpEntries = getHostClasspathEntries(); for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : cpEntries) { cpEntry.addBundleFiles(bundleFiles); } for (FragmentClasspath fragmentClasspath : getFragmentClasspaths()) { for (ClasspathEntry cpEntry : fragmentClasspath.getEntries()) { cpEntry.addBundleFiles(bundleFiles); } } return Storage.listEntryPaths(bundleFiles, path, filePattern, options); } public Generation getGeneration() { return generation; } public ModuleClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classloader; } }