 * Copyright (C) 2010, Chris Aniszczyk <caniszczyk@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2020 Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@sap.com> and others
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
 * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.eclipse.jgit.api;

import static org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk.OperationType.CHECKOUT_OP;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.jgit.api.CheckoutResult.Status;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRefNameException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefAlreadyExistsException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.CheckoutMetadata;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor.PathEdit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEntry;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheIterator;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.AmbiguousObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.UnmergedPathException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.events.WorkingTreeModifiedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CoreConfig.EolStreamType;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate.Result;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.PathFilterGroup;

Checkout a branch to the working tree.

Examples (git is a Git instance):

Check out an existing branch:


Check out paths from the index:


Check out a path from a commit:


Create a new branch and check it out:


Create a new tracking branch for a remote branch and check it out:

See Also:
/** * Checkout a branch to the working tree. * <p> * Examples (<code>git</code> is a {@link org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git} instance): * <p> * Check out an existing branch: * * <pre> * git.checkout().setName(&quot;feature&quot;).call(); * </pre> * <p> * Check out paths from the index: * * <pre> * git.checkout().addPath(&quot;file1.txt&quot;).addPath(&quot;file2.txt&quot;).call(); * </pre> * <p> * Check out a path from a commit: * * <pre> * git.checkout().setStartPoint(&quot;HEAD&circ;&quot;).addPath(&quot;file1.txt&quot;).call(); * </pre> * * <p> * Create a new branch and check it out: * * <pre> * git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName(&quot;newbranch&quot;).call(); * </pre> * <p> * Create a new tracking branch for a remote branch and check it out: * * <pre> * git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName(&quot;stable&quot;) * .setUpstreamMode(SetupUpstreamMode.SET_UPSTREAM) * .setStartPoint(&quot;origin/stable&quot;).call(); * </pre> * * @see <a href= * "http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-checkout.html" >Git * documentation about Checkout</a> */
public class CheckoutCommand extends GitCommand<Ref> {
Stage to check out, see CheckoutCommand.setStage(Stage).
/** * Stage to check out, see {@link CheckoutCommand#setStage(Stage)}. */
public enum Stage {
Base stage (#1)
/** * Base stage (#1) */
Ours stage (#2)
/** * Ours stage (#2) */
Theirs stage (#3)
/** * Theirs stage (#3) */
THEIRS(DirCacheEntry.STAGE_3); private final int number; private Stage(int number) { this.number = number; } } private String name; private boolean forceRefUpdate = false; private boolean forced = false; private boolean createBranch = false; private boolean orphan = false; private CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode upstreamMode; private String startPoint = null; private RevCommit startCommit; private Stage checkoutStage = null; private CheckoutResult status; private List<String> paths; private boolean checkoutAllPaths; private Set<String> actuallyModifiedPaths; private ProgressMonitor monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
Constructor for CheckoutCommand
/** * Constructor for CheckoutCommand * * @param repo * the {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository} */
protected CheckoutCommand(Repository repo) { super(repo); this.paths = new LinkedList<>(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Ref call() throws GitAPIException, RefAlreadyExistsException, RefNotFoundException, InvalidRefNameException, CheckoutConflictException { checkCallable(); try { processOptions(); if (checkoutAllPaths || !paths.isEmpty()) { checkoutPaths(); status = new CheckoutResult(Status.OK, paths); setCallable(false); return null; } if (createBranch) { try (Git git = new Git(repo)) { CreateBranchCommand command = git.branchCreate(); command.setName(name); if (startCommit != null) command.setStartPoint(startCommit); else command.setStartPoint(startPoint); if (upstreamMode != null) command.setUpstreamMode(upstreamMode); command.call(); } } Ref headRef = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD); if (headRef == null) { // TODO Git CLI supports checkout from unborn branch, we should // also allow this throw new UnsupportedOperationException( JGitText.get().cannotCheckoutFromUnbornBranch); } String shortHeadRef = getShortBranchName(headRef); String refLogMessage = "checkout: moving from " + shortHeadRef; //$NON-NLS-1$ ObjectId branch; if (orphan) { if (startPoint == null && startCommit == null) { Result r = repo.updateRef(Constants.HEAD).link( getBranchName()); if (!EnumSet.of(Result.NEW, Result.FORCED).contains(r)) throw new JGitInternalException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().checkoutUnexpectedResult, r.name())); this.status = CheckoutResult.NOT_TRIED_RESULT; return repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD); } branch = getStartPointObjectId(); } else { branch = repo.resolve(name); if (branch == null) throw new RefNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().refNotResolved, name)); } RevCommit headCommit = null; RevCommit newCommit = null; try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo)) { AnyObjectId headId = headRef.getObjectId(); headCommit = headId == null ? null : revWalk.parseCommit(headId); newCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(branch); } RevTree headTree = headCommit == null ? null : headCommit.getTree(); DirCacheCheckout dco; DirCache dc = repo.lockDirCache(); try { dco = new DirCacheCheckout(repo, headTree, dc, newCommit.getTree()); dco.setFailOnConflict(true); dco.setForce(forced); if (forced) { dco.setFailOnConflict(false); } dco.setProgressMonitor(monitor); try { dco.checkout(); } catch (org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CheckoutConflictException e) { status = new CheckoutResult(Status.CONFLICTS, dco.getConflicts()); throw new CheckoutConflictException(dco.getConflicts(), e); } } finally { dc.unlock(); } Ref ref = repo.findRef(name); if (ref != null && !ref.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS)) ref = null; String toName = Repository.shortenRefName(name); RefUpdate refUpdate = repo.updateRef(Constants.HEAD, ref == null); refUpdate.setForceUpdate(forceRefUpdate); refUpdate.setRefLogMessage(refLogMessage + " to " + toName, false); //$NON-NLS-1$ Result updateResult; if (ref != null) updateResult = refUpdate.link(ref.getName()); else if (orphan) { updateResult = refUpdate.link(getBranchName()); ref = repo.exactRef(Constants.HEAD); } else { refUpdate.setNewObjectId(newCommit); updateResult = refUpdate.forceUpdate(); } setCallable(false); boolean ok = false; switch (updateResult) { case NEW: ok = true; break; case NO_CHANGE: case FAST_FORWARD: case FORCED: ok = true; break; default: break; } if (!ok) throw new JGitInternalException(MessageFormat.format(JGitText .get().checkoutUnexpectedResult, updateResult.name())); if (!dco.getToBeDeleted().isEmpty()) { status = new CheckoutResult(Status.NONDELETED, dco.getToBeDeleted(), new ArrayList<>(dco.getUpdated().keySet()), dco.getRemoved()); } else status = new CheckoutResult(new ArrayList<>(dco .getUpdated().keySet()), dco.getRemoved()); return ref; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new JGitInternalException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } finally { if (status == null) status = CheckoutResult.ERROR_RESULT; } } private String getShortBranchName(Ref headRef) { if (headRef.isSymbolic()) { return Repository.shortenRefName(headRef.getTarget().getName()); } // Detached HEAD. Every non-symbolic ref in the ref database has an // object id, so this cannot be null. ObjectId id = headRef.getObjectId(); if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return id.getName(); }
  • monitor – a progress monitor
Returns:this instance
/** * @param monitor * a progress monitor * @return this instance * @since 4.11 */
public CheckoutCommand setProgressMonitor(ProgressMonitor monitor) { if (monitor == null) { monitor = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; } this.monitor = monitor; return this; }
Add a single slash-separated path to the list of paths to check out. To check out all paths, use setAllPaths(boolean).

If this option is set, neither the setCreateBranch(boolean) nor setName(String) option is considered. In other words, these options are exclusive.

  • path – path to update in the working tree and index (with / as separator)
/** * Add a single slash-separated path to the list of paths to check out. To * check out all paths, use {@link #setAllPaths(boolean)}. * <p> * If this option is set, neither the {@link #setCreateBranch(boolean)} nor * {@link #setName(String)} option is considered. In other words, these * options are exclusive. * * @param path * path to update in the working tree and index (with * <code>/</code> as separator) * @return {@code this} */
public CheckoutCommand addPath(String path) { checkCallable(); this.paths.add(path); return this; }
Add multiple slash-separated paths to the list of paths to check out. To check out all paths, use setAllPaths(boolean).

If this option is set, neither the setCreateBranch(boolean) nor setName(String) option is considered. In other words, these options are exclusive.

  • p – paths to update in the working tree and index (with / as separator)
/** * Add multiple slash-separated paths to the list of paths to check out. To * check out all paths, use {@link #setAllPaths(boolean)}. * <p> * If this option is set, neither the {@link #setCreateBranch(boolean)} nor * {@link #setName(String)} option is considered. In other words, these * options are exclusive. * * @param p * paths to update in the working tree and index (with * <code>/</code> as separator) * @return {@code this} * @since 4.6 */
public CheckoutCommand addPaths(List<String> p) { checkCallable(); this.paths.addAll(p); return this; }
Set whether to checkout all paths.

This options should be used when you want to do a path checkout on the entire repository and so calling addPath(String) is not possible since empty paths are not allowed.

If this option is set, neither the setCreateBranch(boolean) nor setName(String) option is considered. In other words, these options are exclusive.

  • all – true to checkout all paths, false otherwise
/** * Set whether to checkout all paths. * <p> * This options should be used when you want to do a path checkout on the * entire repository and so calling {@link #addPath(String)} is not possible * since empty paths are not allowed. * <p> * If this option is set, neither the {@link #setCreateBranch(boolean)} nor * {@link #setName(String)} option is considered. In other words, these * options are exclusive. * * @param all * <code>true</code> to checkout all paths, <code>false</code> * otherwise * @return {@code this} * @since 2.0 */
public CheckoutCommand setAllPaths(boolean all) { checkoutAllPaths = all; return this; }
Checkout paths into index and working directory, firing a WorkingTreeModifiedEvent if the working tree was modified.
Returns:this instance
/** * Checkout paths into index and working directory, firing a * {@link org.eclipse.jgit.events.WorkingTreeModifiedEvent} if the working * tree was modified. * * @return this instance * @throws java.io.IOException * @throws org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException */
protected CheckoutCommand checkoutPaths() throws IOException, RefNotFoundException { actuallyModifiedPaths = new HashSet<>(); DirCache dc = repo.lockDirCache(); try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo); TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repo, revWalk.getObjectReader())) { treeWalk.setRecursive(true); if (!checkoutAllPaths) treeWalk.setFilter(PathFilterGroup.createFromStrings(paths)); if (isCheckoutIndex()) checkoutPathsFromIndex(treeWalk, dc); else { RevCommit commit = revWalk.parseCommit(getStartPointObjectId()); checkoutPathsFromCommit(treeWalk, dc, commit); } } finally { try { dc.unlock(); } finally { WorkingTreeModifiedEvent event = new WorkingTreeModifiedEvent( actuallyModifiedPaths, null); actuallyModifiedPaths = null; if (!event.isEmpty()) { repo.fireEvent(event); } } } return this; } private void checkoutPathsFromIndex(TreeWalk treeWalk, DirCache dc) throws IOException { DirCacheIterator dci = new DirCacheIterator(dc); treeWalk.addTree(dci); String previousPath = null; final ObjectReader r = treeWalk.getObjectReader(); DirCacheEditor editor = dc.editor(); while (treeWalk.next()) { String path = treeWalk.getPathString(); // Only add one edit per path if (path.equals(previousPath)) continue; final EolStreamType eolStreamType = treeWalk .getEolStreamType(CHECKOUT_OP); final String filterCommand = treeWalk .getFilterCommand(Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_SMUDGE); editor.add(new PathEdit(path) { @Override public void apply(DirCacheEntry ent) { int stage = ent.getStage(); if (stage > DirCacheEntry.STAGE_0) { if (checkoutStage != null) { if (stage == checkoutStage.number) { checkoutPath(ent, r, new CheckoutMetadata( eolStreamType, filterCommand)); actuallyModifiedPaths.add(path); } } else { UnmergedPathException e = new UnmergedPathException( ent); throw new JGitInternalException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { checkoutPath(ent, r, new CheckoutMetadata(eolStreamType, filterCommand)); actuallyModifiedPaths.add(path); } } }); previousPath = path; } editor.commit(); } private void checkoutPathsFromCommit(TreeWalk treeWalk, DirCache dc, RevCommit commit) throws IOException { treeWalk.addTree(commit.getTree()); final ObjectReader r = treeWalk.getObjectReader(); DirCacheEditor editor = dc.editor(); while (treeWalk.next()) { final ObjectId blobId = treeWalk.getObjectId(0); final FileMode mode = treeWalk.getFileMode(0); final EolStreamType eolStreamType = treeWalk .getEolStreamType(CHECKOUT_OP); final String filterCommand = treeWalk .getFilterCommand(Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_SMUDGE); final String path = treeWalk.getPathString(); editor.add(new PathEdit(path) { @Override public void apply(DirCacheEntry ent) { if (ent.getStage() != DirCacheEntry.STAGE_0) { // A checkout on a conflicting file stages the checked // out file and resolves the conflict. ent.setStage(DirCacheEntry.STAGE_0); } ent.setObjectId(blobId); ent.setFileMode(mode); checkoutPath(ent, r, new CheckoutMetadata(eolStreamType, filterCommand)); actuallyModifiedPaths.add(path); } }); } editor.commit(); } private void checkoutPath(DirCacheEntry entry, ObjectReader reader, CheckoutMetadata checkoutMetadata) { try { DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(repo, entry, reader, true, checkoutMetadata); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JGitInternalException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().checkoutConflictWithFile, entry.getPathString()), e); } } private boolean isCheckoutIndex() { return startCommit == null && startPoint == null; } private ObjectId getStartPointObjectId() throws AmbiguousObjectException, RefNotFoundException, IOException { if (startCommit != null) return startCommit.getId(); String startPointOrHead = (startPoint != null) ? startPoint : Constants.HEAD; ObjectId result = repo.resolve(startPointOrHead); if (result == null) throw new RefNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().refNotResolved, startPointOrHead)); return result; } private void processOptions() throws InvalidRefNameException, RefAlreadyExistsException, IOException { if (((!checkoutAllPaths && paths.isEmpty()) || orphan) && (name == null || !Repository .isValidRefName(Constants.R_HEADS + name))) throw new InvalidRefNameException(MessageFormat.format(JGitText .get().branchNameInvalid, name == null ? "<null>" : name)); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (orphan) { Ref refToCheck = repo.exactRef(getBranchName()); if (refToCheck != null) throw new RefAlreadyExistsException(MessageFormat.format( JGitText.get().refAlreadyExists, name)); } } private String getBranchName() { if (name.startsWith(Constants.R_REFS)) return name; return Constants.R_HEADS + name; }
Specify the name of the branch or commit to check out, or the new branch name.

When only checking out paths and not switching branches, use setStartPoint(String) or setStartPoint(RevCommit) to specify from which branch or commit to check out files.

When setCreateBranch(boolean) is set to true, use this method to set the name of the new branch to create and setStartPoint(String) or setStartPoint(RevCommit) to specify the start point of the branch.

  • name – the name of the branch or commit
Returns:this instance
/** * Specify the name of the branch or commit to check out, or the new branch * name. * <p> * When only checking out paths and not switching branches, use * {@link #setStartPoint(String)} or {@link #setStartPoint(RevCommit)} to * specify from which branch or commit to check out files. * <p> * When {@link #setCreateBranch(boolean)} is set to <code>true</code>, use * this method to set the name of the new branch to create and * {@link #setStartPoint(String)} or {@link #setStartPoint(RevCommit)} to * specify the start point of the branch. * * @param name * the name of the branch or commit * @return this instance */
public CheckoutCommand setName(String name) { checkCallable(); this.name = name; return this; }
Specify whether to create a new branch.

If true is used, the name of the new branch must be set using setName(String). The commit at which to start the new branch can be set using setStartPoint(String) or setStartPoint(RevCommit); if not specified, HEAD is used. Also see setUpstreamMode for setting up branch tracking.

  • createBranch – if true a branch will be created as part of the checkout and set to the specified start point
Returns:this instance
/** * Specify whether to create a new branch. * <p> * If <code>true</code> is used, the name of the new branch must be set * using {@link #setName(String)}. The commit at which to start the new * branch can be set using {@link #setStartPoint(String)} or * {@link #setStartPoint(RevCommit)}; if not specified, HEAD is used. Also * see {@link #setUpstreamMode} for setting up branch tracking. * * @param createBranch * if <code>true</code> a branch will be created as part of the * checkout and set to the specified start point * @return this instance */
public CheckoutCommand setCreateBranch(boolean createBranch) { checkCallable(); this.createBranch = createBranch; return this; }
Specify whether to create a new orphan branch.

If true is used, the name of the new orphan branch must be set using setName(String). The commit at which to start the new orphan branch can be set using setStartPoint(String) or setStartPoint(RevCommit); if not specified, HEAD is used.

  • orphan – if true a orphan branch will be created as part of the checkout to the specified start point
Returns:this instance
/** * Specify whether to create a new orphan branch. * <p> * If <code>true</code> is used, the name of the new orphan branch must be * set using {@link #setName(String)}. The commit at which to start the new * orphan branch can be set using {@link #setStartPoint(String)} or * {@link #setStartPoint(RevCommit)}; if not specified, HEAD is used. * * @param orphan * if <code>true</code> a orphan branch will be created as part * of the checkout to the specified start point * @return this instance * @since 3.3 */
public CheckoutCommand setOrphan(boolean orphan) { checkCallable(); this.orphan = orphan; return this; }
Specify to force the ref update in case of a branch switch.
  • force – if true and the branch with the given name already exists, the start-point of an existing branch will be set to a new start-point; if false, the existing branch will not be changed
Returns:this instance
Deprecated:this method was badly named comparing its semantics to native git's checkout --force option, use setForceRefUpdate(boolean) instead
/** * Specify to force the ref update in case of a branch switch. * * @param force * if <code>true</code> and the branch with the given name * already exists, the start-point of an existing branch will be * set to a new start-point; if false, the existing branch will * not be changed * @return this instance * @deprecated this method was badly named comparing its semantics to native * git's checkout --force option, use * {@link #setForceRefUpdate(boolean)} instead */
@Deprecated public CheckoutCommand setForce(boolean force) { return setForceRefUpdate(force); }
Specify to force the ref update in case of a branch switch. In releases prior to 5.2 this method was called setForce() but this name was misunderstood to implement native git's --force option, which is not true.
  • forceRefUpdate – if true and the branch with the given name already exists, the start-point of an existing branch will be set to a new start-point; if false, the existing branch will not be changed
Returns:this instance
/** * Specify to force the ref update in case of a branch switch. * * In releases prior to 5.2 this method was called setForce() but this name * was misunderstood to implement native git's --force option, which is not * true. * * @param forceRefUpdate * if <code>true</code> and the branch with the given name * already exists, the start-point of an existing branch will be * set to a new start-point; if false, the existing branch will * not be changed * @return this instance * @since 5.3 */
public CheckoutCommand setForceRefUpdate(boolean forceRefUpdate) { checkCallable(); this.forceRefUpdate = forceRefUpdate; return this; }
Allow a checkout even if the workingtree or index differs from HEAD. This matches native git's '--force' option. JGit releases before 5.2 had a method setForce() offering semantics different from this new setForced(). This old semantic can now be found in setForceRefUpdate(boolean)
  • forced – if set to true then allow the checkout even if workingtree or index doesn't match HEAD. Overwrite workingtree files and index content with the new content in this case.
Returns:this instance
/** * Allow a checkout even if the workingtree or index differs from HEAD. This * matches native git's '--force' option. * * JGit releases before 5.2 had a method <code>setForce()</code> offering * semantics different from this new <code>setForced()</code>. This old * semantic can now be found in {@link #setForceRefUpdate(boolean)} * * @param forced * if set to <code>true</code> then allow the checkout even if * workingtree or index doesn't match HEAD. Overwrite workingtree * files and index content with the new content in this case. * @return this instance * @since 5.3 */
public CheckoutCommand setForced(boolean forced) { checkCallable(); this.forced = forced; return this; }
Set the name of the commit that should be checked out.

When checking out files and this is not specified or null, the index is used.

When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If not specified or null, the current HEAD is used.

  • startPoint – commit name to check out
Returns:this instance
/** * Set the name of the commit that should be checked out. * <p> * When checking out files and this is not specified or <code>null</code>, * the index is used. * <p> * When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If not * specified or <code>null</code>, the current HEAD is used. * * @param startPoint * commit name to check out * @return this instance */
public CheckoutCommand setStartPoint(String startPoint) { checkCallable(); this.startPoint = startPoint; this.startCommit = null; checkOptions(); return this; }
Set the commit that should be checked out.

When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If not specified or null, the current HEAD is used.

When checking out files and this is not specified or null, the index is used.

  • startCommit – commit to check out
Returns:this instance
/** * Set the commit that should be checked out. * <p> * When creating a new branch, this will be used as the start point. If not * specified or <code>null</code>, the current HEAD is used. * <p> * When checking out files and this is not specified or <code>null</code>, * the index is used. * * @param startCommit * commit to check out * @return this instance */
public CheckoutCommand setStartPoint(RevCommit startCommit) { checkCallable(); this.startCommit = startCommit; this.startPoint = null; checkOptions(); return this; }
When creating a branch with setCreateBranch(boolean), this can be used to configure branch tracking.
  • mode – corresponds to the --track/--no-track options; may be null
Returns:this instance
/** * When creating a branch with {@link #setCreateBranch(boolean)}, this can * be used to configure branch tracking. * * @param mode * corresponds to the --track/--no-track options; may be * <code>null</code> * @return this instance */
public CheckoutCommand setUpstreamMode( CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode mode) { checkCallable(); this.upstreamMode = mode; return this; }
When checking out the index, check out the specified stage (ours or theirs) for unmerged paths.

This can not be used when checking out a branch, only when checking out the index.

  • stage – the stage to check out
/** * When checking out the index, check out the specified stage (ours or * theirs) for unmerged paths. * <p> * This can not be used when checking out a branch, only when checking out * the index. * * @param stage * the stage to check out * @return this */
public CheckoutCommand setStage(Stage stage) { checkCallable(); this.checkoutStage = stage; checkOptions(); return this; }
Get the result, never null
Returns:the result, never null
/** * Get the result, never <code>null</code> * * @return the result, never <code>null</code> */
public CheckoutResult getResult() { if (status == null) return CheckoutResult.NOT_TRIED_RESULT; return status; } private void checkOptions() { if (checkoutStage != null && !isCheckoutIndex()) throw new IllegalStateException( JGitText.get().cannotCheckoutOursSwitchBranch); } }