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package org.eclipse.jetty.util;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

A set of InetAddress patterns.

This is a Set of String patterns that are used to match a Predicate over InetAddress for containment semantics. The patterns that may be set are:

A single InetAddress either in hostname or address format. All formats supported by InetAddress are accepted. Not ethat using hostname matches may force domain lookups. eg. "[::1]", "", "::ffff:"
An InetAddress with a integer number of bits to indicate the significant prefix. eg. "" will match from "" to ""
An inclusive range of InetAddresses. eg. "[a000::1]-[afff::]", ""

This class is designed to work with IncludeExcludeSet

See Also:
/** * A set of InetAddress patterns. * <p>This is a {@link Set} of String patterns that are used to match * a {@link Predicate} over InetAddress for containment semantics. * The patterns that may be set are: * </p> * <dl> * <dt>InetAddress</dt><dd>A single InetAddress either in hostname or address format. * All formats supported by {@link InetAddress} are accepted. Not ethat using hostname * matches may force domain lookups. eg. "[::1]", "", "::ffff:"</dd> * <dt>InetAddress/CIDR</dt><dd>An InetAddress with a integer number of bits to indicate * the significant prefix. eg. "" will match from "" to * "" </dd> * <dt>InetAddress-InetAddress</dt><dd>An inclusive range of InetAddresses. * eg. "[a000::1]-[afff::]", ""</dd> * </dl> * <p>This class is designed to work with {@link IncludeExcludeSet}</p> * * @see IncludeExcludeSet */
public class InetAddressSet extends AbstractSet<String> implements Set<String>, Predicate<InetAddress> { private Map<String, InetPattern> _patterns = new HashMap<>(); @Override public boolean add(String pattern) { return _patterns.put(pattern, newInetRange(pattern)) == null; } protected InetPattern newInetRange(String pattern) { if (pattern == null) return null; int slash = pattern.lastIndexOf('/'); int dash = pattern.lastIndexOf('-'); try { if (slash >= 0) return new CidrInetRange(pattern, InetAddress.getByName(pattern.substring(0, slash).trim()), StringUtil.toInt(pattern, slash + 1)); if (dash >= 0) return new MinMaxInetRange(pattern, InetAddress.getByName(pattern.substring(0, dash).trim()), InetAddress.getByName(pattern.substring(dash + 1).trim())); return new SingletonInetRange(pattern, InetAddress.getByName(pattern)); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (slash < 0 && dash > 0) return new LegacyInetRange(pattern); } catch (Exception e2) { e.addSuppressed(e2); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad pattern: " + pattern, e); } } @Override public boolean remove(Object pattern) { return _patterns.remove(pattern) != null; } @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return _patterns.keySet().iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return _patterns.size(); } @Override public boolean test(InetAddress address) { if (address == null) return false; byte[] raw = address.getAddress(); for (InetPattern pattern : _patterns.values()) { if (pattern.test(address, raw)) return true; } return false; } abstract static class InetPattern { final String _pattern; InetPattern(String pattern) { _pattern = pattern; } abstract boolean test(InetAddress address, byte[] raw); @Override public String toString() { return _pattern; } } static class SingletonInetRange extends InetPattern { final InetAddress _address; public SingletonInetRange(String pattern, InetAddress address) { super(pattern); _address = address; } @Override public boolean test(InetAddress address, byte[] raw) { return _address.equals(address); } } static class MinMaxInetRange extends InetPattern { final int[] _min; final int[] _max; public MinMaxInetRange(String pattern, InetAddress min, InetAddress max) { super(pattern); byte[] rawMin = min.getAddress(); byte[] rawMax = max.getAddress(); if (rawMin.length != rawMax.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot mix IPv4 and IPv6: " + pattern); if (rawMin.length == 4) { // there must be 6 '.' or this is likely to be a legacy pattern int count = 0; for (char c : pattern.toCharArray()) { if (c == '.') count++; } if (count != 6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Legacy pattern: " + pattern); } _min = new int[rawMin.length]; _max = new int[rawMin.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _min.length; i++) { _min[i] = 0xff & rawMin[i]; _max[i] = 0xff & rawMax[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _min.length; i++) { if (_min[i] > _max[i]) throw new IllegalArgumentException("min is greater than max: " + pattern); if (_min[i] < _max[i]) break; } } @Override public boolean test(InetAddress item, byte[] raw) { if (raw.length != _min.length) return false; boolean minOk = false; boolean maxOk = false; for (int i = 0; i < _min.length; i++) { int r = 0xff & raw[i]; if (!minOk) { if (r < _min[i]) return false; if (r > _min[i]) minOk = true; } if (!maxOk) { if (r > _max[i]) return false; if (r < _max[i]) maxOk = true; } if (minOk && maxOk) break; } return true; } } static class CidrInetRange extends InetPattern { final byte[] _raw; final int _octets; final int _mask; final int _masked; public CidrInetRange(String pattern, InetAddress address, int cidr) { super(pattern); _raw = address.getAddress(); _octets = cidr / 8; _mask = 0xff & (0xff << (8 - cidr % 8)); _masked = _mask == 0 ? 0 : _raw[_octets] & _mask; if (cidr > (_raw.length * 8)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CIDR too large: " + pattern); if (_mask != 0 && (0xff & _raw[_octets]) != _masked) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CIDR bits non zero: " + pattern); for (int o = _octets + (_mask == 0 ? 0 : 1); o < _raw.length; o++) { if (_raw[o] != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CIDR bits non zero: " + pattern); } } @Override public boolean test(InetAddress item, byte[] raw) { if (raw.length != _raw.length) return false; for (int o = 0; o < _octets; o++) { if (_raw[o] != raw[o]) return false; } if (_mask != 0 && (raw[_octets] & _mask) != _masked) return false; return true; } } static class LegacyInetRange extends InetPattern { int[] _min = new int[4]; int[] _max = new int[4]; public LegacyInetRange(String pattern) { super(pattern); String[] parts = pattern.split("\\."); if (parts.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad legacy pattern: " + pattern); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String part = parts[i].trim(); int dash = part.indexOf('-'); if (dash < 0) _min[i] = _max[i] = Integer.parseInt(part); else { _min[i] = (dash == 0) ? 0 : StringUtil.toInt(part, 0); _max[i] = (dash == part.length() - 1) ? 255 : StringUtil.toInt(part, dash + 1); } if (_min[i] < 0 || _min[i] > _max[i] || _max[i] > 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad legacy pattern: " + pattern); } } @Override public boolean test(InetAddress item, byte[] raw) { if (raw.length != 4) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((0xff & raw[i]) < _min[i] || (0xff & raw[i]) > _max[i]) return false; } return true; } } }