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package org.eclipse.jetty.server.session;

import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

CachingSessionDataStore A SessionDataStore is a mechanism for (persistently) storing data associated with sessions. This implementation delegates to a pluggable SessionDataStore for actually storing the session data. It also uses a pluggable cache implementation in front of the delegate SessionDataStore to improve performance: accessing most persistent store technology can be expensive time-wise, so introducing a fronting cache can increase performance. The cache implementation can either be a local cache, a remote cache, or a clustered cache. The implementation here will try to read first from the cache and fallback to reading from the SessionDataStore if the session key is not found. On writes, the session data is written first to the SessionDataStore, and then to the cache. On deletes, the data is deleted first from the SessionDataStore, and then from the cache. There is no transaction manager ensuring atomic operations, so it is possible that failures can result in cache inconsistency.
/** * CachingSessionDataStore * * A SessionDataStore is a mechanism for (persistently) storing data associated with sessions. * This implementation delegates to a pluggable SessionDataStore for actually storing the * session data. It also uses a pluggable cache implementation in front of the * delegate SessionDataStore to improve performance: accessing most persistent store * technology can be expensive time-wise, so introducing a fronting cache * can increase performance. The cache implementation can either be a local cache, * a remote cache, or a clustered cache. * * The implementation here will try to read first from the cache and fallback to * reading from the SessionDataStore if the session key is not found. On writes, the * session data is written first to the SessionDataStore, and then to the cache. On * deletes, the data is deleted first from the SessionDataStore, and then from the * cache. There is no transaction manager ensuring atomic operations, so it is * possible that failures can result in cache inconsistency. */
public class CachingSessionDataStore extends ContainerLifeCycle implements SessionDataStore { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CachingSessionDataStore.class);
The actual store for the session data
/** * The actual store for the session data */
protected SessionDataStore _store;
The fronting cache
/** * The fronting cache */
protected SessionDataMap _cache;
  • cache – the front cache to use
  • store – the actual store for the the session data
/** * @param cache the front cache to use * @param store the actual store for the the session data */
public CachingSessionDataStore(SessionDataMap cache, SessionDataStore store) { _cache = cache; addBean(_cache, true); _store = store; addBean(_store, true); }
Returns:the delegate session store
/** * @return the delegate session store */
public SessionDataStore getSessionStore() { return _store; }
Returns:the fronting cache for session data
/** * @return the fronting cache for session data */
public SessionDataMap getSessionDataMap() { return _cache; } @Override public SessionData load(String id) throws Exception { SessionData d = null; try { //check to see if the session data is already in the cache d = _cache.load(id); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unable to load id {}", id, e); } if (d != null) return d; //cache hit //cache miss - go get it from the store d = _store.load(id); return d; } @Override public boolean delete(String id) throws Exception { //delete from the store boolean deleted = _store.delete(id); //and from the cache _cache.delete(id); return deleted; } @Override public Set<String> getExpired(Set<String> candidates) { //pass thru to the delegate store return _store.getExpired(candidates); } @Override public void store(String id, SessionData data) throws Exception { long lastSaved = data.getLastSaved(); //write to the SessionDataStore first _store.store(id, data); //if the store saved it, then update the cache too if (data.getLastSaved() != lastSaved) _cache.store(id, data); } @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { super.doStart(); } @Override protected void doStop() throws Exception { super.doStop(); } @Override public boolean isPassivating() { return _store.isPassivating(); } @Override public boolean exists(String id) throws Exception { try { //check the cache first SessionData data = _cache.load(id); if (data != null) return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unable test exists on {}", id, e); } //then the delegate store return _store.exists(id); } @Override public void initialize(SessionContext context) throws Exception { //pass through _store.initialize(context); _cache.initialize(context); } @Override public SessionData newSessionData(String id, long created, long accessed, long lastAccessed, long maxInactiveMs) { return _store.newSessionData(id, created, accessed, lastAccessed, maxInactiveMs); } }