Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for bug 407191 - [1.8] Binary access support for type annotations Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for Bug 440474 - [null] textual encoding of external null annotations
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for * bug 407191 - [1.8] Binary access support for type annotations * Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for * Bug 440474 - [null] textual encoding of external null annotations *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.hierarchy; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryField; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryMethod; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryNestedType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryTypeAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ITypeAnnotationWalker; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BinaryTypeBinding.ExternalAnnotationStatus; import; public class HierarchyBinaryType implements IBinaryType { private int modifiers; private char[] sourceName; private char[] name; private char[] enclosingTypeName; private char[] superclass; private char[][] superInterfaces = NoInterface; private char[][] typeParameterSignatures; private char[] genericSignature; public HierarchyBinaryType(int modifiers, char[] qualification, char[] sourceName, char[] enclosingTypeName, char[][] typeParameterSignatures, char typeSuffix){ this.modifiers = modifiers; this.sourceName = sourceName; if (enclosingTypeName == null){ = CharOperation.concat(qualification, sourceName, '/'); } else { = CharOperation.concat(qualification, '/', enclosingTypeName, '$', sourceName); //rebuild A$B name this.enclosingTypeName = CharOperation.concat(qualification, enclosingTypeName,'/'); CharOperation.replace(this.enclosingTypeName, '.', '/'); } this.typeParameterSignatures = typeParameterSignatures; CharOperation.replace(, '.', '/'); } public HierarchyBinaryType(int modifiers, char[] binaryName, char[] sourceName, char[] enclosingTypeBinaryName, char[][] typeParameterSignatures) { this.modifiers = modifiers; this.sourceName = sourceName; = binaryName; this.enclosingTypeName = enclosingTypeBinaryName; this.typeParameterSignatures = typeParameterSignatures; if (typeParameterSignatures != null) { for (char[] next : typeParameterSignatures) { if (next == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter's type signature must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } }
See Also:
  • IBinaryType
/** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType */
@Override public IBinaryAnnotation[] getAnnotations() { return null; }
See Also:
  • IBinaryType
/** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType */
@Override public IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] getTypeAnnotations() { return null; } @Override public char[] getEnclosingMethod() { return null; }
Answer the resolved name of the enclosing type in the class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec or null if the receiver is a top level type. For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String.
/** * Answer the resolved name of the enclosing type in the * class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec * or null if the receiver is a top level type. * * For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String. */
@Override public char[] getEnclosingTypeName() { return this.enclosingTypeName; }
Answer the receiver's fields or null if the array is empty.
/** * Answer the receiver's fields or null if the array is empty. */
@Override public IBinaryField[] getFields() { return null; }
See Also:
  • getFileName.getFileName()
/** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IDependent#getFileName() */
@Override public char[] getFileName() { return null; } @Override public char[] getGenericSignature() { if (this.typeParameterSignatures != null && this.genericSignature == null) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append('<'); for (int i = 0, length = this.typeParameterSignatures.length; i < length; i++) { buffer.append(this.typeParameterSignatures[i]); } buffer.append('>'); if (this.superclass == null) buffer.append(Signature.createTypeSignature("java.lang.Object", true/*resolved*/)); //$NON-NLS-1$ else buffer.append(Signature.createTypeSignature(this.superclass, true/*resolved*/)); if (this.superInterfaces != null) for (int i = 0, length = this.superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) buffer.append(Signature.createTypeSignature(this.superInterfaces[i], true/*resolved*/)); this.genericSignature = buffer.toString().toCharArray(); CharOperation.replace(this.genericSignature, '.', '/'); } return this.genericSignature; }
Answer the resolved names of the receiver's interfaces in the class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec or null if the array is empty. For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String.
/** * Answer the resolved names of the receiver's interfaces in the * class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec * or null if the array is empty. * * For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String. */
@Override public char[][] getInterfaceNames() { return this.superInterfaces; }
Answer the receiver's nested types or null if the array is empty. This nested type info is extracted from the inner class attributes. Ask the name environment to find a member type using its compound name.
/** * Answer the receiver's nested types or null if the array is empty. * * This nested type info is extracted from the inner class attributes. * Ask the name environment to find a member type using its compound name. */
@Override public IBinaryNestedType[] getMemberTypes() { return null; }
Answer the receiver's methods or null if the array is empty.
/** * Answer the receiver's methods or null if the array is empty. */
@Override public IBinaryMethod[] getMethods() { return null; }
See Also:
  • getMissingTypeNames.getMissingTypeNames()
/** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType#getMissingTypeNames() */
@Override public char[][][] getMissingTypeNames() { return null; }
Answer an int whose bits are set according the access constants defined by the VM spec.
/** * Answer an int whose bits are set according the access constants * defined by the VM spec. */
@Override public int getModifiers() { return this.modifiers; }
Answer the resolved name of the type in the class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec. For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String.
/** * Answer the resolved name of the type in the * class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec. * * For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String. */
@Override public char[] getName() { return; } @Override public char[] getSourceName() { return this.sourceName; }
Answer the resolved name of the receiver's superclass in the class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec or null if it does not have one. For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String.
/** * Answer the resolved name of the receiver's superclass in the * class file format as specified in section 4.2 of the Java 2 VM spec * or null if it does not have one. * * For example, java.lang.String is java/lang/String. */
@Override public char[] getSuperclassName() { return this.superclass; } // TODO (jerome) please verify that we don't need the tagbits for the receiver @Override public long getTagBits() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isAnonymous() { return false; // index did not record this information (since unused for hierarchies) }
Answer whether the receiver contains the resolved binary form or the unresolved source form of the type.
/** * Answer whether the receiver contains the resolved binary form * or the unresolved source form of the type. */
@Override public boolean isBinaryType() { return true; } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return false; // index did not record this information (since unused for hierarchies) } @Override public boolean isMember() { return false; // index did not record this information (since unused for hierarchies) } public void recordSuperType(char[] superTypeName, char[] superQualification, char superClassOrInterface){ // index encoding of p.A$B was B/p.A$, rebuild the proper name if (superQualification != null){ int length = superQualification.length; if (superQualification[length-1] == '$'){ char[] enclosingSuperName = CharOperation.lastSegment(superQualification, '.'); superTypeName = CharOperation.concat(enclosingSuperName, superTypeName); superQualification = CharOperation.subarray(superQualification, 0, length - enclosingSuperName.length - 1); } } if (superClassOrInterface == IIndexConstants.CLASS_SUFFIX){ // interfaces are indexed as having superclass references to Object by default, // this is an artifact used for being able to query them only. if (TypeDeclaration.kind(this.modifiers) == TypeDeclaration.INTERFACE_DECL) return; char[] encodedName = CharOperation.concat(superQualification, superTypeName, '/'); CharOperation.replace(encodedName, '.', '/'); recordSuperclass(encodedName); } else { char[] encodedName = CharOperation.concat(superQualification, superTypeName, '/'); CharOperation.replace(encodedName, '.', '/'); recordInterface(encodedName); } } public void recordSuperclass(char[] binaryName) { this.superclass = binaryName; } public void recordInterface(char[] binaryName) { if (this.superInterfaces == NoInterface){ this.superInterfaces = new char[][] { binaryName }; } else { int length = this.superInterfaces.length; System.arraycopy(this.superInterfaces, 0, this.superInterfaces = new char[length+1][], 0, length); this.superInterfaces[length] = binaryName; } }
See Also:
  • IBinaryType
/** * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType */
@Override public char[] sourceFileName() { return null; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (this.modifiers == ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) { buffer.append("public "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } switch (TypeDeclaration.kind(this.modifiers)) { case TypeDeclaration.CLASS_DECL : buffer.append("class "); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case TypeDeclaration.INTERFACE_DECL : buffer.append("interface "); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case TypeDeclaration.ENUM_DECL : buffer.append("enum "); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; } if ( != null) { buffer.append(; } if (this.superclass != null) { buffer.append("\n extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append(this.superclass); } int length; if (this.superInterfaces != null && (length = this.superInterfaces.length) != 0) { buffer.append("\n implements "); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer.append(this.superInterfaces[i]); if (i != length - 1) { buffer.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } return buffer.toString(); } @Override public ITypeAnnotationWalker enrichWithExternalAnnotationsFor(ITypeAnnotationWalker walker, Object member, LookupEnvironment environment) { return walker; } @Override public char[] getModule() { // TODO Java 9 Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public ExternalAnnotationStatus getExternalAnnotationStatus() { return ExternalAnnotationStatus.NOT_EEA_CONFIGURED; } }