Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for bug 400710 - [1.8][compiler] synthetic access to default method generates wrong code Bug 459967 - [null] compiler should know about nullness of special methods like MyEnum.valueOf() Bug 470467 - [null] Nullness of special Enum methods not detected from .class file Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for Bug 405104 - [1.8][compiler][codegen] Implement support for serializeable lambdas
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for * bug 400710 - [1.8][compiler] synthetic access to default method generates wrong code * Bug 459967 - [null] compiler should know about nullness of special methods like MyEnum.valueOf() * Bug 470467 - [null] Nullness of special Enum methods not detected from .class file * Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for * Bug 405104 - [1.8][compiler][codegen] Implement support for serializeable lambdas *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LambdaExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ReferenceExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SwitchStatement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; public class SyntheticMethodBinding extends MethodBinding { public FieldBinding targetReadField; // read access to a field public FieldBinding targetWriteField; // write access to a field public MethodBinding targetMethod; // method or constructor public TypeBinding targetEnumType; // enum type public LambdaExpression lambda;
Switch (one from many) linked to the switch table
/** Switch (one from many) linked to the switch table */
public SwitchStatement switchStatement;
Method reference expression whose target FI is Serializable. Should be set when purpose is SerializableMethodReference
/** * Method reference expression whose target FI is Serializable. Should be set when * purpose is {@link #SerializableMethodReference} */
public ReferenceExpression serializableMethodRef; public int purpose; // fields used to generate enum constants when too many public int startIndex; public int endIndex; public final static int FieldReadAccess = 1; // field read public final static int FieldWriteAccess = 2; // field write public final static int SuperFieldReadAccess = 3; // super field read public final static int SuperFieldWriteAccess = 4; // super field write public final static int MethodAccess = 5; // normal method public final static int ConstructorAccess = 6; // constructor public final static int SuperMethodAccess = 7; // super method public final static int BridgeMethod = 8; // bridge method public final static int EnumValues = 9; // enum #values() public final static int EnumValueOf = 10; // enum #valueOf(String) public final static int SwitchTable = 11; // switch table method public final static int TooManyEnumsConstants = 12; // too many enum constants public static final int LambdaMethod = 13; // Lambda body emitted as a method. public final static int ArrayConstructor = 14; // X[]::new public static final int ArrayClone = 15; // X[]::clone public static final int FactoryMethod = 16; // for indy call to private constructor. public static final int DeserializeLambda = 17; // For supporting lambda deserialization.
Serves as a placeholder for a method reference whose target FI is Serializable. Is never directly materialized in bytecode
/** * Serves as a placeholder for a method reference whose target FI is Serializable. * Is never directly materialized in bytecode */
public static final int SerializableMethodReference = 18; public int sourceStart = 0; // start position of the matching declaration public int index; // used for sorting access methods in the class file public int fakePaddedParameters = 0; // added in synthetic constructor to avoid name clash. public SyntheticMethodBinding(FieldBinding targetField, boolean isReadAccess, boolean isSuperAccess, ReferenceBinding declaringClass) { this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccDefault | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); SourceTypeBinding declaringSourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) declaringClass; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringSourceType.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; this.selector = CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_METHOD_PREFIX, String.valueOf(methodId).toCharArray()); if (isReadAccess) { this.returnType = targetField.type; if (targetField.isStatic()) { this.parameters = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; } else { this.parameters = new TypeBinding[1]; this.parameters[0] = declaringSourceType; } this.targetReadField = targetField; this.purpose = isSuperAccess ? SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperFieldReadAccess : SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldReadAccess; } else { this.returnType = TypeBinding.VOID; if (targetField.isStatic()) { this.parameters = new TypeBinding[1]; this.parameters[0] = targetField.type; } else { this.parameters = new TypeBinding[2]; this.parameters[0] = declaringSourceType; this.parameters[1] = targetField.type; } this.targetWriteField = targetField; this.purpose = isSuperAccess ? SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperFieldWriteAccess : SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldWriteAccess; } this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; this.declaringClass = declaringSourceType; // check for method collision boolean needRename; do { check : { needRename = false; // check for collision with known methods long range; MethodBinding[] methods = declaringSourceType.methods(); if ((range = ReferenceBinding.binarySearch(this.selector, methods)) >= 0) { int paramCount = this.parameters.length; nextMethod: for (int imethod = (int)range, end = (int)(range >> 32); imethod <= end; imethod++) { MethodBinding method = methods[imethod]; if (method.parameters.length == paramCount) { TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { if (TypeBinding.notEquals(toMatch[i], this.parameters[i])) { continue nextMethod; } } needRename = true; break check; } } } // check for collision with synthetic accessors if (knownAccessMethods != null) { for (int i = 0, length = knownAccessMethods.length; i < length; i++) { if (knownAccessMethods[i] == null) continue; if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, knownAccessMethods[i].selector) && areParametersEqual(methods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } } } if (needRename) { // retry with a selector postfixed by a growing methodId setSelector(CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_METHOD_PREFIX, String.valueOf(++methodId).toCharArray())); } } while (needRename); // retrieve sourceStart position for the target field for line number attributes FieldDeclaration[] fieldDecls = declaringSourceType.scope.referenceContext.fields; if (fieldDecls != null) { for (int i = 0, max = fieldDecls.length; i < max; i++) { if (fieldDecls[i].binding == targetField) { this.sourceStart = fieldDecls[i].sourceStart; return; } } } /* did not find the target field declaration - it is a synthetic one public class A { public class B { public class C { void foo() { System.out.println("A.this = " + A.this); } } } public static void main(String args[]) { new A().new B().new C().foo(); } } */ // We now at this point - per construction - it is for sure an enclosing instance, we are going to // show the target field type declaration location. this.sourceStart = declaringSourceType.scope.referenceContext.sourceStart; // use the target declaring class name position instead } public SyntheticMethodBinding(FieldBinding targetField, ReferenceBinding declaringClass, TypeBinding enumBinding, char[] selector, SwitchStatement switchStatement) { this.modifiers = (declaringClass.isInterface() ? ClassFileConstants.AccPublic : ClassFileConstants.AccDefault) | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); SourceTypeBinding declaringSourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) declaringClass; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringSourceType.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; this.selector = selector; this.returnType = declaringSourceType.scope.createArrayType(TypeBinding.INT, 1); this.parameters = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; this.targetReadField = targetField; this.targetEnumType = enumBinding; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.SwitchTable; this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; this.declaringClass = declaringSourceType; this.switchStatement = switchStatement; if (declaringSourceType.isStrictfp()) { this.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccStrictfp; } // check for method collision boolean needRename; do { check : { needRename = false; // check for collision with known methods long range; MethodBinding[] methods = declaringSourceType.methods(); if ((range = ReferenceBinding.binarySearch(this.selector, methods)) >= 0) { int paramCount = this.parameters.length; nextMethod: for (int imethod = (int)range, end = (int)(range >> 32); imethod <= end; imethod++) { MethodBinding method = methods[imethod]; if (method.parameters.length == paramCount) { TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { if (TypeBinding.notEquals(toMatch[i], this.parameters[i])) { continue nextMethod; } } needRename = true; break check; } } } // check for collision with synthetic accessors if (knownAccessMethods != null) { for (int i = 0, length = knownAccessMethods.length; i < length; i++) { if (knownAccessMethods[i] == null) continue; if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, knownAccessMethods[i].selector) && areParametersEqual(methods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } } } if (needRename) { // retry with a selector postfixed by a growing methodId setSelector(CharOperation.concat(selector, String.valueOf(++methodId).toCharArray())); } } while (needRename); // We now at this point - per construction - it is for sure an enclosing instance, we are going to // show the target field type declaration location. this.sourceStart = declaringSourceType.scope.referenceContext.sourceStart; // use the target declaring class name position instead } public SyntheticMethodBinding(MethodBinding targetMethod, boolean isSuperAccess, ReferenceBinding declaringClass) { if (targetMethod.isConstructor()) { initializeConstructorAccessor(targetMethod); } else { initializeMethodAccessor(targetMethod, isSuperAccess, declaringClass); } }
Construct a bridge method
/** * Construct a bridge method */
public SyntheticMethodBinding(MethodBinding overridenMethodToBridge, MethodBinding targetMethod, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = overridenMethodToBridge.selector; // amongst other, clear the AccGenericSignature, so as to ensure no remains of original inherited persist (101794) // also use the modifiers from the target method, as opposed to inherited one (147690) this.modifiers = (targetMethod.modifiers | ClassFileConstants.AccBridge | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic) & ~(ClassFileConstants.AccSynchronized | ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract | ClassFileConstants.AccNative | ClassFileConstants.AccFinal | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature); this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.returnType = overridenMethodToBridge.returnType; this.parameters = overridenMethodToBridge.parameters; this.thrownExceptions = overridenMethodToBridge.thrownExceptions; this.targetMethod = targetMethod; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.BridgeMethod; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; }
Construct enum special methods: values or valueOf methods
/** * Construct enum special methods: values or valueOf methods */
public SyntheticMethodBinding(SourceTypeBinding declaringEnum, char[] selector) { this.declaringClass = declaringEnum; this.selector = selector; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPublic | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); LookupEnvironment environment = declaringEnum.scope.environment(); this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; if (selector == TypeConstants.VALUES) { this.returnType = environment.createArrayType(environment.convertToParameterizedType(declaringEnum), 1); this.parameters = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValues; } else if (selector == TypeConstants.VALUEOF) { this.returnType = environment.convertToParameterizedType(declaringEnum); this.parameters = new TypeBinding[]{ declaringEnum.scope.getJavaLangString() }; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValueOf; } SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = ((SourceTypeBinding)this.declaringClass).syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; if (declaringEnum.isStrictfp()) { this.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccStrictfp; } }
Construct $deserializeLambda$ method
/** * Construct $deserializeLambda$ method */
public SyntheticMethodBinding(SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = TypeConstants.DESERIALIZE_LAMBDA; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; this.returnType = declaringClass.scope.getJavaLangObject(); this.parameters = new TypeBinding[]{declaringClass.scope.getJavaLangInvokeSerializedLambda()}; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.DeserializeLambda; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; }
Construct enum special methods: values or valueOf methods
/** * Construct enum special methods: values or valueOf methods */
public SyntheticMethodBinding(SourceTypeBinding declaringEnum, int startIndex, int endIndex) { this.declaringClass = declaringEnum; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringEnum.syntheticMethods(); this.index = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(TypeConstants.SYNTHETIC_ENUM_CONSTANT_INITIALIZATION_METHOD_PREFIX).append(this.index); this.selector = String.valueOf(buffer).toCharArray(); this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.TooManyEnumsConstants; this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; this.returnType = TypeBinding.VOID; this.parameters = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; } // Create a synthetic method that will simply call the super classes method. // Used when a public method is inherited from a non-public class into a public class. // See // Also applies for inherited default methods with the same visibility issue. // See public SyntheticMethodBinding(MethodBinding overridenMethodToBridge, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = overridenMethodToBridge.selector; // amongst other, clear the AccGenericSignature, so as to ensure no remains of original inherited persist (101794) this.modifiers = (overridenMethodToBridge.modifiers | ClassFileConstants.AccBridge | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic) & ~(ClassFileConstants.AccSynchronized | ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract | ClassFileConstants.AccNative | ClassFileConstants.AccFinal | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature); this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.returnType = overridenMethodToBridge.returnType; this.parameters = overridenMethodToBridge.parameters; this.thrownExceptions = overridenMethodToBridge.thrownExceptions; this.targetMethod = overridenMethodToBridge; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperMethodAccess; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; } public SyntheticMethodBinding(int purpose, ArrayBinding arrayType, char [] selector, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = selector; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic | ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.returnType = arrayType; LookupEnvironment environment = declaringClass.environment; if (environment.globalOptions.isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled) { // mark X[]::new and X[]::clone as returning 'X @NonNull' (don't wait (cf. markNonNull()), because we're called as late as codeGen): if (environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations()) this.returnType = environment.createAnnotatedType(this.returnType, new AnnotationBinding[]{ environment.getNonNullAnnotation() }); else this.tagBits |= TagBits.AnnotationNonNull; } this.parameters = new TypeBinding[] { purpose == SyntheticMethodBinding.ArrayConstructor ? TypeBinding.INT : (TypeBinding) arrayType}; this.thrownExceptions = Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS; this.purpose = purpose; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; } public SyntheticMethodBinding(LambdaExpression lambda, char [] lambdaName, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.lambda = lambda; this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = lambdaName; this.modifiers = lambda.binding.modifiers; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) | (lambda.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasParameterAnnotations); this.returnType = lambda.binding.returnType; this.parameters = lambda.binding.parameters; TypeVariableBinding[] vars = Stream.of(this.parameters).filter(param -> param.isTypeVariable()).toArray(TypeVariableBinding[]::new); if (vars != null && vars.length > 0) this.typeVariables = vars; this.thrownExceptions = lambda.binding.thrownExceptions; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.LambdaMethod; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; } public SyntheticMethodBinding(ReferenceExpression ref, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.serializableMethodRef = ref; this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = ref.binding.selector; this.modifiers = ref.binding.modifiers; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) | (ref.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasParameterAnnotations); this.returnType = ref.binding.returnType; this.parameters = ref.binding.parameters; this.thrownExceptions = ref.binding.thrownExceptions; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.SerializableMethodReference; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; } public SyntheticMethodBinding(MethodBinding privateConstructor, MethodBinding publicConstructor, char[] selector, TypeBinding[] enclosingInstances, SourceTypeBinding declaringClass) { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; this.selector = selector; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic | ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); this.returnType = publicConstructor.declaringClass; int realParametersLength = privateConstructor.parameters.length; int enclosingInstancesLength = enclosingInstances.length; int parametersLength = enclosingInstancesLength + realParametersLength; this.parameters = new TypeBinding[parametersLength]; System.arraycopy(enclosingInstances, 0, this.parameters, 0, enclosingInstancesLength); System.arraycopy(privateConstructor.parameters, 0, this.parameters, enclosingInstancesLength, realParametersLength); this.fakePaddedParameters = publicConstructor.parameters.length - realParametersLength; this.thrownExceptions = publicConstructor.thrownExceptions; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.FactoryMethod; this.targetMethod = publicConstructor; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringClass.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; }
An constructor accessor is a constructor with an extra argument (declaringClass), in case of collision with an existing constructor, then add again an extra argument (declaringClass again).
/** * An constructor accessor is a constructor with an extra argument (declaringClass), in case of * collision with an existing constructor, then add again an extra argument (declaringClass again). */
public void initializeConstructorAccessor(MethodBinding accessedConstructor) { this.targetMethod = accessedConstructor; this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccDefault | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); SourceTypeBinding sourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) accessedConstructor.declaringClass; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownSyntheticMethods = sourceType.syntheticMethods(); this.index = knownSyntheticMethods == null ? 0 : knownSyntheticMethods.length; this.selector = accessedConstructor.selector; this.returnType = accessedConstructor.returnType; this.purpose = SyntheticMethodBinding.ConstructorAccess; final int parametersLength = accessedConstructor.parameters.length; this.parameters = new TypeBinding[parametersLength + 1]; System.arraycopy( accessedConstructor.parameters, 0, this.parameters, 0, parametersLength); this.parameters[parametersLength] = accessedConstructor.declaringClass; this.thrownExceptions = accessedConstructor.thrownExceptions; this.declaringClass = sourceType; // check for method collision boolean needRename; do { check : { needRename = false; // check for collision with known methods MethodBinding[] methods = sourceType.methods(); for (int i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) { if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, methods[i].selector) && areParameterErasuresEqual(methods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } // check for collision with synthetic accessors if (knownSyntheticMethods != null) { for (int i = 0, length = knownSyntheticMethods.length; i < length; i++) { if (knownSyntheticMethods[i] == null) continue; if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, knownSyntheticMethods[i].selector) && areParameterErasuresEqual(knownSyntheticMethods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } } } if (needRename) { // retry with a new extra argument int length = this.parameters.length; System.arraycopy( this.parameters, 0, this.parameters = new TypeBinding[length + 1], 0, length); this.parameters[length] = this.declaringClass; } } while (needRename); // retrieve sourceStart position for the target method for line number attributes AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methodDecls = sourceType.scope.referenceContext.methods; if (methodDecls != null) { for (int i = 0, length = methodDecls.length; i < length; i++) { if (methodDecls[i].binding == accessedConstructor) { this.sourceStart = methodDecls[i].sourceStart; return; } } } }
An method accessor is a method with an access$N selector, where N is incremented in case of collisions.
/** * An method accessor is a method with an access$N selector, where N is incremented in case of collisions. */
public void initializeMethodAccessor(MethodBinding accessedMethod, boolean isSuperAccess, ReferenceBinding receiverType) { this.targetMethod = accessedMethod; if (isSuperAccess && receiverType.isInterface() && !accessedMethod.isStatic()) this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; else { if (receiverType.isInterface()) // default is not allowed. TODO: do we need a target level check here? this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPublic | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; else this.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccDefault | ClassFileConstants.AccStatic | ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic; } this.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationResolved | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); SourceTypeBinding declaringSourceType = (SourceTypeBinding) receiverType; SyntheticMethodBinding[] knownAccessMethods = declaringSourceType.syntheticMethods(); int methodId = knownAccessMethods == null ? 0 : knownAccessMethods.length; this.index = methodId; this.selector = CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_METHOD_PREFIX, String.valueOf(methodId).toCharArray()); this.returnType = accessedMethod.returnType; this.purpose = isSuperAccess ? SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperMethodAccess : SyntheticMethodBinding.MethodAccess; if (accessedMethod.isStatic() || (isSuperAccess && receiverType.isInterface())) { this.parameters = accessedMethod.parameters; } else { this.parameters = new TypeBinding[accessedMethod.parameters.length + 1]; this.parameters[0] = declaringSourceType; System.arraycopy(accessedMethod.parameters, 0, this.parameters, 1, accessedMethod.parameters.length); } this.thrownExceptions = accessedMethod.thrownExceptions; this.declaringClass = declaringSourceType; // check for method collision boolean needRename; do { check : { needRename = false; // check for collision with known methods MethodBinding[] methods = declaringSourceType.methods(); for (int i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) { if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, methods[i].selector) && areParameterErasuresEqual(methods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } // check for collision with synthetic accessors if (knownAccessMethods != null) { for (int i = 0, length = knownAccessMethods.length; i < length; i++) { if (knownAccessMethods[i] == null) continue; if (CharOperation.equals(this.selector, knownAccessMethods[i].selector) && areParameterErasuresEqual(knownAccessMethods[i])) { needRename = true; break check; } } } } if (needRename) { // retry with a selector & a growing methodId setSelector(CharOperation.concat(TypeConstants.SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_METHOD_PREFIX, String.valueOf(++methodId).toCharArray())); } } while (needRename); // retrieve sourceStart position for the target method for line number attributes AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methodDecls = declaringSourceType.scope.referenceContext.methods; if (methodDecls != null) { for (int i = 0, length = methodDecls.length; i < length; i++) { if (methodDecls[i].binding == accessedMethod) { this.sourceStart = methodDecls[i].sourceStart; return; } } } } protected boolean isConstructorRelated() { return this.purpose == SyntheticMethodBinding.ConstructorAccess; } @Override public LambdaExpression sourceLambda() { return this.lambda; } public void markNonNull(LookupEnvironment environment) { markNonNull(this, this.purpose, environment); } static void markNonNull(MethodBinding method, int purpose, LookupEnvironment environment) { // deferred update of the return type switch (purpose) { case EnumValues: if (environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations()) { TypeBinding elementType = ((ArrayBinding)method.returnType).leafComponentType(); AnnotationBinding nonNullAnnotation = environment.getNonNullAnnotation(); elementType = environment.createAnnotatedType(elementType, new AnnotationBinding[]{ environment.getNonNullAnnotation() }); method.returnType = environment.createArrayType(elementType, 1, new AnnotationBinding[]{ nonNullAnnotation, null }); } else { method.tagBits |= TagBits.AnnotationNonNull; } return; case EnumValueOf: if (environment.usesNullTypeAnnotations()) { method.returnType = environment.createAnnotatedType(method.returnType, new AnnotationBinding[]{ environment.getNonNullAnnotation() }); } else { method.tagBits |= TagBits.AnnotationNonNull; } return; } } }