Copyright (c) 2013, 2017 GK Software AG. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2017 GK Software AG. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
A type variable substitution strategy based on inference variables (JLS8 18.1.1)
/** * A type variable substitution strategy based on inference variables (JLS8 18.1.1) */
public class InferenceSubstitution extends Scope.Substitutor implements Substitution { private LookupEnvironment environment; private InferenceVariable[] variables; private InvocationSite[] sites; public InferenceSubstitution(LookupEnvironment environment, InferenceVariable[] variables, InvocationSite site) { this.environment = environment; this.variables = variables; this.sites = new InvocationSite[] {site}; } public InferenceSubstitution(InferenceContext18 context) { this(context.environment, context.inferenceVariables, context.currentInvocation); }
Answer a substitution that is able to substitute into inference variables of several inference contexts (outer & inner)
/** Answer a substitution that is able to substitute into inference variables of several inference contexts (outer & inner) */
public InferenceSubstitution addContext(InferenceContext18 otherContext) { InferenceSubstitution subst = new InferenceSubstitution(this.environment, null, null) { @Override protected boolean isSameParameter(TypeBinding p1, TypeBinding originalType) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(p1, originalType)) return true; if (p1 instanceof TypeVariableBinding && originalType instanceof TypeVariableBinding) { // may need to 'normalize' if inner & outer have different degree of parameterization / original: TypeVariableBinding var1= (TypeVariableBinding) p1, var2 = (TypeVariableBinding) originalType; Binding declaring1 = var1.declaringElement; Binding declaring2 = var2.declaringElement; if (declaring1 instanceof MethodBinding && declaring2 instanceof MethodBinding) { declaring1 = ((MethodBinding) declaring1).original(); declaring2 = ((MethodBinding) declaring2).original(); } // TODO: handle TypeBinding if needed return declaring1 == declaring2 && var1.rank == var2.rank; } return false; } }; int l1 = this.sites.length; subst.sites = new InvocationSite[l1+1]; System.arraycopy(this.sites, 0, subst.sites, 0, l1); subst.sites[l1] = otherContext.currentInvocation; subst.variables = this.variables; // TODO: switch to also combining variables, if needed (filter duplicates?): // l1 = this.variables.length; // int l2 = otherContext.inferenceVariables.length; // subst.variables = new InferenceVariable[l1+l2]; // System.arraycopy(this.variables, 0, subst.variables, 0, l1); // System.arraycopy(otherContext.inferenceVariables, 0, subst.variables, l1, l2); return subst; }
Override method Substitutor.substitute(Substitution, TypeBinding), to add substitution of types other than type variables.
/** * Override method {@link Scope.Substitutor#substitute(Substitution, TypeBinding)}, * to add substitution of types other than type variables. */
@Override public TypeBinding substitute(Substitution substitution, TypeBinding originalType) { for (int i = 0; i < this.variables.length; i++) { InferenceVariable variable = this.variables[i]; if (variable.isFromInitialSubstitution && isInSites( && isSameParameter(getP(i), originalType)) { if (this.environment.globalOptions.isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled && originalType.hasNullTypeAnnotations()) return this.environment.createAnnotatedType(variable.withoutToplevelNullAnnotation(), originalType.getTypeAnnotations()); return variable; } } return super.substitute(substitution, originalType); } private boolean isInSites(InvocationSite otherSite) { for (int i = 0; i < this.sites.length; i++) if (InferenceContext18.isSameSite(this.sites[i], otherSite)) return true; return false; } protected boolean isSameParameter(TypeBinding p1, TypeBinding originalType) { return TypeBinding.equalsEquals(p1, originalType); }
Get the type corresponding to the ith inference variable. Default behavior is to answer the inference variable's type parameter. Sub-class may override to substitute other types.
/** * Get the type corresponding to the ith inference variable. * Default behavior is to answer the inference variable's type parameter. * Sub-class may override to substitute other types. */
protected TypeBinding getP(int i) { return this.variables[i].typeParameter; } @Override public TypeBinding substitute(TypeVariableBinding typeVariable) { ReferenceBinding superclass = typeVariable.superclass; ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces = typeVariable.superInterfaces; boolean hasSubstituted = false; variableLoop: for (int i = 0; i < this.variables.length; i++) { InferenceVariable variable = this.variables[i]; TypeBinding pi = getP(i); if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(pi, typeVariable)) return variable; if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(pi, superclass)) { superclass = variable; hasSubstituted = true; continue; } if (superInterfaces != null) { int ifcLen = superInterfaces.length; for (int j = 0; j < ifcLen; j++) { if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(pi, superInterfaces[j])) { if (superInterfaces == typeVariable.superInterfaces) System.arraycopy(superInterfaces, 0, superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[ifcLen], 0, ifcLen); superInterfaces[j] = variable; hasSubstituted = true; continue variableLoop; } } } } if (hasSubstituted) { typeVariable = new TypeVariableBinding(typeVariable.sourceName, typeVariable.declaringElement, typeVariable.rank, this.environment); typeVariable.superclass = superclass; typeVariable.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; typeVariable.firstBound = superclass != null ? superclass : superInterfaces[0]; if (typeVariable.firstBound.hasNullTypeAnnotations()) typeVariable.tagBits |= TagBits.HasNullTypeAnnotation; } return typeVariable; } @Override public LookupEnvironment environment() { return this.environment; } @Override public boolean isRawSubstitution() { // FIXME Auto-generated method stub return false; } }