Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking bug 370639 - [compiler][resource] restore the default for resource leak warnings bug 265744 - Enum switch should warn about missing default bug 374605 - Unreasonable warning for enum-based switch statements bug 381443 - [compiler][null] Allow parameter widening from @NonNull to unannotated Bug 441208 - [1.8][null]SuppressWarnings("null") does not suppress / marked Unnecessary Bug 410218 - Optional warning for arguments of "unexpected" types to Map#get(Object), Collection#remove(Object) et al.
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for * bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources * bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking * bug 370639 - [compiler][resource] restore the default for resource leak warnings * bug 265744 - Enum switch should warn about missing default * bug 374605 - Unreasonable warning for enum-based switch statements * bug 381443 - [compiler][null] Allow parameter widening from @NonNull to unannotated * Bug 441208 - [1.8][null]SuppressWarnings("null") does not suppress / marked Unnecessary * Bug 410218 - Optional warning for arguments of "unexpected" types to Map#get(Object), Collection#remove(Object) et al. *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
Represent a set of irritant flags. Irritants are organized in up to 8 group of 29, allowing for a maximum of 232 distinct irritants.
/** * Represent a set of irritant flags. Irritants are organized in up to 8 group * of 29, allowing for a maximum of 232 distinct irritants. */
public class IrritantSet { // Reserve two high bits for selecting the right bit pattern public final static int GROUP_MASK = ASTNode.Bit32 | ASTNode.Bit31 | ASTNode.Bit30; public final static int GROUP_SHIFT = 29; public final static int GROUP_MAX = 3; // can be increased up to 8 // Group prefix for irritants public final static int GROUP0 = 0 << GROUP_SHIFT; public final static int GROUP1 = 1 << GROUP_SHIFT; public final static int GROUP2 = 2 << GROUP_SHIFT; // reveal subsequent groups as needed // public final static int GROUP3 = 3 << GROUP_SHIFT; // public final static int GROUP4 = 4 << GROUP_SHIFT; // public final static int GROUP5 = 5 << GROUP_SHIFT; // public final static int GROUP6 = 6 << GROUP_SHIFT; // public final static int GROUP7 = 7 << GROUP_SHIFT; // Predefine sets of irritants matching warning tokens public static final IrritantSet ALL = new IrritantSet(0xFFFFFFFF & ~GROUP_MASK); public static final IrritantSet BOXING = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.AutoBoxing); public static final IrritantSet CAST = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnnecessaryTypeCheck); public static final IrritantSet DEPRECATION = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UsingDeprecatedAPI); public static final IrritantSet TERMINAL_DEPRECATION = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UsingTerminallyDeprecatedAPI); public static final IrritantSet DEP_ANN = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MissingDeprecatedAnnotation); public static final IrritantSet FALLTHROUGH = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.FallthroughCase); public static final IrritantSet FINALLY = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.FinallyBlockNotCompleting); public static final IrritantSet HIDING = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MaskedCatchBlock); public static final IrritantSet INCOMPLETE_SWITCH = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MissingEnumConstantCase); public static final IrritantSet NLS = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.NonExternalizedString); public static final IrritantSet NULL = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.NullReference); public static final IrritantSet RAW = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference); public static final IrritantSet RESTRICTION = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.ForbiddenReference); public static final IrritantSet SERIAL = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MissingSerialVersion); public static final IrritantSet STATIC_ACCESS = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.IndirectStaticAccess); public static final IrritantSet STATIC_METHOD = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MethodCanBeStatic); public static final IrritantSet SYNTHETIC_ACCESS = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.AccessEmulation); public static final IrritantSet SYNCHRONIZED = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.MissingSynchronizedModifierInInheritedMethod); public static final IrritantSet SUPER = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.OverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation); public static final IrritantSet UNUSED = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnusedLocalVariable); public static final IrritantSet UNCHECKED = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UncheckedTypeOperation); public static final IrritantSet UNQUALIFIED_FIELD_ACCESS = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnqualifiedFieldAccess); public static final IrritantSet RESOURCE = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnclosedCloseable); public static final IrritantSet UNLIKELY_ARGUMENT_TYPE = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType); public static final IrritantSet API_LEAK = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.APILeak); public static final IrritantSet MODULE = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.UnstableAutoModuleName); public static final IrritantSet JAVADOC = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.InvalidJavadoc); public static final IrritantSet PREVIEW = new IrritantSet(CompilerOptions.PreviewFeatureUsed); public static final IrritantSet COMPILER_DEFAULT_ERRORS = new IrritantSet(0); // no optional error by default public static final IrritantSet COMPILER_DEFAULT_WARNINGS = new IrritantSet(0); // see static initializer below public static final IrritantSet COMPILER_DEFAULT_INFOS = new IrritantSet(0); // see static initializer below static { COMPILER_DEFAULT_INFOS // group-2 infos enabled by default .set( CompilerOptions.UnlikelyEqualsArgumentType | CompilerOptions.SuppressWarningsNotAnalysed); COMPILER_DEFAULT_WARNINGS // group-0 warnings enabled by default .set( CompilerOptions.MethodWithConstructorName | CompilerOptions.OverriddenPackageDefaultMethod | CompilerOptions.UsingDeprecatedAPI | CompilerOptions.MaskedCatchBlock | CompilerOptions.UnusedLocalVariable | CompilerOptions.NoImplicitStringConversion | CompilerOptions.AssertUsedAsAnIdentifier | CompilerOptions.UnusedImport | CompilerOptions.NonStaticAccessToStatic | CompilerOptions.NoEffectAssignment | CompilerOptions.IncompatibleNonInheritedInterfaceMethod | CompilerOptions.UnusedPrivateMember | CompilerOptions.FinallyBlockNotCompleting) // group-1 warnings enabled by default .set( CompilerOptions.UncheckedTypeOperation | CompilerOptions.FinalParameterBound | CompilerOptions.MissingSerialVersion | CompilerOptions.EnumUsedAsAnIdentifier | CompilerOptions.ForbiddenReference | CompilerOptions.VarargsArgumentNeedCast | CompilerOptions.NullReference | CompilerOptions.AnnotationSuperInterface | CompilerOptions.TypeHiding | CompilerOptions.DiscouragedReference | CompilerOptions.UnhandledWarningToken | CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference | CompilerOptions.UnusedLabel | CompilerOptions.UnusedTypeArguments | CompilerOptions.UnusedWarningToken | CompilerOptions.ComparingIdentical | CompilerOptions.MissingEnumConstantCase) // group-2 warnings enabled by default .set( CompilerOptions.DeadCode |CompilerOptions.Tasks |CompilerOptions.UnclosedCloseable |CompilerOptions.NullUncheckedConversion |CompilerOptions.RedundantNullAnnotation |CompilerOptions.NonnullParameterAnnotationDropped |CompilerOptions.PessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables |CompilerOptions.NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation |CompilerOptions.UnlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType |CompilerOptions.UsingTerminallyDeprecatedAPI |CompilerOptions.APILeak |CompilerOptions.UnstableAutoModuleName |CompilerOptions.PreviewFeatureUsed); // default errors IF AnnotationBasedNullAnalysis is enabled: COMPILER_DEFAULT_ERRORS.set( CompilerOptions.NullSpecViolation |CompilerOptions.NullAnnotationInferenceConflict); ALL.setAll(); HIDING .set(CompilerOptions.FieldHiding) .set(CompilerOptions.LocalVariableHiding) .set(CompilerOptions.TypeHiding); NULL .set(CompilerOptions.PotentialNullReference) .set(CompilerOptions.RedundantNullCheck) .set(CompilerOptions.NullSpecViolation) .set(CompilerOptions.NullAnnotationInferenceConflict) .set(CompilerOptions.NullUncheckedConversion) .set(CompilerOptions.RedundantNullAnnotation) .set(CompilerOptions.NonnullParameterAnnotationDropped) .set(CompilerOptions.MissingNonNullByDefaultAnnotation) .set(CompilerOptions.PessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables) .set(CompilerOptions.NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation); RESTRICTION.set(CompilerOptions.DiscouragedReference); STATIC_ACCESS.set(CompilerOptions.NonStaticAccessToStatic); UNUSED .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedArgument) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedExceptionParameter) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedPrivateMember) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedDeclaredThrownException) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedLabel) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedImport) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedTypeArguments) .set(CompilerOptions.RedundantSuperinterface) .set(CompilerOptions.DeadCode) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedObjectAllocation) .set(CompilerOptions.UnusedTypeParameter) .set(CompilerOptions.RedundantSpecificationOfTypeArguments); STATIC_METHOD .set(CompilerOptions.MethodCanBePotentiallyStatic); RESOURCE .set(CompilerOptions.PotentiallyUnclosedCloseable) .set(CompilerOptions.ExplicitlyClosedAutoCloseable); INCOMPLETE_SWITCH.set(CompilerOptions.MissingDefaultCase); String suppressRawWhenUnchecked = System.getProperty("suppressRawWhenUnchecked"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (suppressRawWhenUnchecked != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(suppressRawWhenUnchecked)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ UNCHECKED.set(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference); } JAVADOC .set(CompilerOptions.MissingJavadocComments) .set(CompilerOptions.MissingJavadocTags); UNLIKELY_ARGUMENT_TYPE .set(CompilerOptions.UnlikelyEqualsArgumentType); } // Internal state private int[] bits = new int[GROUP_MAX];
Constructor with initial irritant set
/** * Constructor with initial irritant set */
public IrritantSet(int singleGroupIrritants) { initialize(singleGroupIrritants); }
Constructor with initial irritant set
/** * Constructor with initial irritant set */
public IrritantSet(IrritantSet other) { initialize(other); } public boolean areAllSet() { for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { if (this.bits[i] != (0xFFFFFFFF & ~GROUP_MASK)) return false; } return true; } public IrritantSet clear(int singleGroupIrritants) { int group = (singleGroupIrritants & GROUP_MASK) >> GROUP_SHIFT; this.bits[group] &= ~singleGroupIrritants; return this; } public IrritantSet clearAll() { for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { this.bits[i] = 0; } return this; }
Initialize a set of irritants in one group
  • singleGroupIrritants –
/** * Initialize a set of irritants in one group * * @param singleGroupIrritants */
public void initialize(int singleGroupIrritants) { if (singleGroupIrritants == 0) return; int group = (singleGroupIrritants & GROUP_MASK) >> GROUP_SHIFT; this.bits[group] = singleGroupIrritants & ~GROUP_MASK; // erase group information } public void initialize(IrritantSet other) { if (other == null) return; System.arraycopy(other.bits, 0, this.bits = new int[GROUP_MAX], 0, GROUP_MAX); }
Returns true if any of the irritants in given other set is positionned in receiver
  • other –
/** * Returns true if any of the irritants in given other set is positionned in receiver * @param other */
public boolean isAnySet(IrritantSet other) { if (other == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { if ((this.bits[i] & other.bits[i]) != 0) return true; } return false; }
Returns true if all of the irritants in the given irritant set are set in receiver
  • irritantSet – the given irritant set
/** * Returns true if all of the irritants in the given irritant set are set in receiver * @param irritantSet the given irritant set */
public boolean hasSameIrritants(IrritantSet irritantSet) { if (irritantSet == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { if (this.bits[i] != irritantSet.bits[i]) return false; } return true; } public boolean isSet(int singleGroupIrritants) { int group = (singleGroupIrritants & GROUP_MASK) >> GROUP_SHIFT; return (this.bits[group] & singleGroupIrritants) != 0; } public int[] getBits() { return this.bits; } public IrritantSet set(int singleGroupIrritants) { int group = (singleGroupIrritants & GROUP_MASK) >> GROUP_SHIFT; this.bits[group] |= (singleGroupIrritants & ~GROUP_MASK); // erase the group bits return this; }
Return updated irritantSet or null if it was a no-op
  • other –
/** * Return updated irritantSet or null if it was a no-op * * @param other */
public IrritantSet set(IrritantSet other) { if (other == null) return this; boolean wasNoOp = true; for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { int otherIrritant = other.bits[i] & ~GROUP_MASK; // erase the // group // bits if ((this.bits[i] & otherIrritant) != otherIrritant) { wasNoOp = false; this.bits[i] |= otherIrritant; } } return wasNoOp ? null : this; } public IrritantSet setAll() { for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_MAX; i++) { this.bits[i] |= 0xFFFFFFFF & ~GROUP_MASK; // erase the group // bits; } return this; } }