Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds; public class StackMapFrame { public static final int USED = 1; public static final int SAME_FRAME = 0; public static final int CHOP_FRAME = 1; public static final int APPEND_FRAME = 2; public static final int SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED = 3; public static final int FULL_FRAME = 4; public static final int SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEMS = 5; public static final int SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEMS_EXTENDED = 6; public int pc; public int numberOfStackItems; private int numberOfLocals; public int localIndex; public VerificationTypeInfo[] locals; public VerificationTypeInfo[] stackItems; private int numberOfDifferentLocals = -1; public int tagBits; public StackMapFrame(int initialLocalSize) { this.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[initialLocalSize]; this.numberOfLocals = -1; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = -1; } public int getFrameType(StackMapFrame prevFrame) { final int offsetDelta = getOffsetDelta(prevFrame); switch (this.numberOfStackItems) { case 0: switch (numberOfDifferentLocals(prevFrame)) { case 0: return offsetDelta <= 63 ? SAME_FRAME : SAME_FRAME_EXTENDED; case 1: case 2: case 3: return APPEND_FRAME; case -1: case -2: case -3: return CHOP_FRAME; } break; case 1: switch (numberOfDifferentLocals(prevFrame)) { case 0: return offsetDelta <= 63 ? SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEMS : SAME_LOCALS_1_STACK_ITEMS_EXTENDED; } } return FULL_FRAME; } public void addLocal(int resolvedPosition, VerificationTypeInfo info) { if (this.locals == null) { this.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[resolvedPosition + 1]; this.locals[resolvedPosition] = info; } else { final int length = this.locals.length; if (resolvedPosition >= length) { System.arraycopy(this.locals, 0, this.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[resolvedPosition + 1], 0, length); } this.locals[resolvedPosition] = info; } } public void addStackItem(VerificationTypeInfo info) { if (info == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("info cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (this.stackItems == null) { this.stackItems = new VerificationTypeInfo[1]; this.stackItems[0] = info; this.numberOfStackItems = 1; } else { final int length = this.stackItems.length; if (this.numberOfStackItems == length) { System.arraycopy(this.stackItems, 0, this.stackItems = new VerificationTypeInfo[length + 1], 0, length); } this.stackItems[this.numberOfStackItems++] = info; } } public StackMapFrame duplicate() { Map<VerificationTypeInfo, VerificationTypeInfo> cache = new HashMap<VerificationTypeInfo, VerificationTypeInfo>(); int length = this.locals.length; StackMapFrame result = new StackMapFrame(length); result.numberOfLocals = -1; result.numberOfDifferentLocals = -1; result.pc = this.pc; result.numberOfStackItems = this.numberOfStackItems; if (length != 0) { result.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final VerificationTypeInfo verificationTypeInfo = this.locals[i]; result.locals[i] = getCachedValue(cache, verificationTypeInfo); } } length = this.numberOfStackItems; if (length != 0) { result.stackItems = new VerificationTypeInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final VerificationTypeInfo verificationTypeInfo = this.stackItems[i]; result.stackItems[i] = getCachedValue(cache, verificationTypeInfo); } } return result; } private VerificationTypeInfo getCachedValue(Map<VerificationTypeInfo, VerificationTypeInfo> cache, VerificationTypeInfo value) { VerificationTypeInfo cachedValue = value; if (value != null) { if (value.tag == VerificationTypeInfo.ITEM_UNINITIALIZED || value.tag == VerificationTypeInfo.ITEM_UNINITIALIZED_THIS) { // we use the cache only for uninitialized info cachedValue = cache.get(value); if (cachedValue == null) { cachedValue = value.duplicate(); cache.put(value, cachedValue); } } else { cachedValue = value.duplicate(); } } return cachedValue; } public int numberOfDifferentLocals(StackMapFrame prevFrame) { if (this.numberOfDifferentLocals != -1) return this.numberOfDifferentLocals; if (prevFrame == null) { this.numberOfDifferentLocals = 0; return 0; } VerificationTypeInfo[] prevLocals = prevFrame.locals; VerificationTypeInfo[] currentLocals = this.locals; int prevLocalsLength = prevLocals == null ? 0 : prevLocals.length; int currentLocalsLength = currentLocals == null ? 0 : currentLocals.length; int prevNumberOfLocals = prevFrame.getNumberOfLocals(); int currentNumberOfLocals = getNumberOfLocals(); int result = 0; if (prevNumberOfLocals == 0) { if (currentNumberOfLocals != 0) { // need to check if there is a hole in the locals result = currentNumberOfLocals; // append if no hole and currentNumberOfLocals <= 3 int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentLocalsLength && counter < currentNumberOfLocals; i++) { if (currentLocals[i] != null) { switch (currentLocals[i].id()) { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: i++; } counter++; } else { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } } } } else if (currentNumberOfLocals == 0) { // need to check if there is a hole in the prev locals int counter = 0; result = -prevNumberOfLocals; // chop frame if no hole and prevNumberOfLocals <= 3 for (int i = 0; i < prevLocalsLength && counter < prevNumberOfLocals; i++) { if (prevLocals[i] != null) { switch (prevLocals[i].id()) { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: i++; } counter++; } else { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } } } else { // need to see if prevLocals matches with currentLocals int indexInPrevLocals = 0; int indexInCurrentLocals = 0; int currentLocalsCounter = 0; int prevLocalsCounter = 0; currentLocalsLoop: for (; indexInCurrentLocals < currentLocalsLength && currentLocalsCounter < currentNumberOfLocals; indexInCurrentLocals++) { VerificationTypeInfo currentLocal = currentLocals[indexInCurrentLocals]; if (currentLocal != null) { currentLocalsCounter++; switch ( { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: indexInCurrentLocals++; // next entry is null } } if (indexInPrevLocals < prevLocalsLength && prevLocalsCounter < prevNumberOfLocals) { VerificationTypeInfo prevLocal = prevLocals[indexInPrevLocals]; if (prevLocal != null) { prevLocalsCounter++; switch ( { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: indexInPrevLocals++; // next entry is null } } // now we need to check if prevLocal matches with currentLocal // the index must be the same if (equals(prevLocal, currentLocal) && indexInPrevLocals == indexInCurrentLocals) { if (result != 0) { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } } else { // locals at the same location are not equals - this has to be a full frame result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } indexInPrevLocals++; continue currentLocalsLoop; } // process remaining current locals if (currentLocal != null) { result++; } else { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } indexInCurrentLocals++; break currentLocalsLoop; } if (currentLocalsCounter < currentNumberOfLocals) { for (; indexInCurrentLocals < currentLocalsLength && currentLocalsCounter < currentNumberOfLocals; indexInCurrentLocals++) { VerificationTypeInfo currentLocal = currentLocals[indexInCurrentLocals]; if (currentLocal == null) { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } result++; currentLocalsCounter++; switch ( { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: indexInCurrentLocals++; // next entry is null } } } else if (prevLocalsCounter < prevNumberOfLocals) { result = -result; // process possible remaining prev locals for (; indexInPrevLocals < prevLocalsLength && prevLocalsCounter < prevNumberOfLocals; indexInPrevLocals++) { VerificationTypeInfo prevLocal = prevLocals[indexInPrevLocals]; if (prevLocal == null) { result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } result--; prevLocalsCounter++; switch ( { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: indexInPrevLocals++; // next entry is null } } } } this.numberOfDifferentLocals = result; return result; } public int getNumberOfLocals() { if (this.numberOfLocals != -1) { return this.numberOfLocals; } int result = 0; final int length = this.locals == null ? 0 : this.locals.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this.locals[i] != null) { switch (this.locals[i].id()) { case TypeIds.T_double: case TypeIds.T_long: i++; } result++; } } this.numberOfLocals = result; return result; } public int getOffsetDelta(StackMapFrame prevFrame) { if (prevFrame == null) return this.pc; return prevFrame.pc == -1 ? this.pc : this.pc - prevFrame.pc - 1; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); printFrame(buffer, this); return String.valueOf(buffer); } private void printFrame(StringBuffer buffer, StackMapFrame frame) { String pattern = "[pc : {0} locals: {1} stack items: {2}\nlocals: {3}\nstack: {4}\n]"; //$NON-NLS-1$ int localsLength = frame.locals == null ? 0 : frame.locals.length; buffer.append(MessageFormat.format(pattern, new Object[] { Integer.toString(frame.pc), Integer.toString(frame.getNumberOfLocals()), Integer.toString(frame.numberOfStackItems), print(frame.locals, localsLength), print(frame.stackItems, frame.numberOfStackItems) })); } private String print(VerificationTypeInfo[] infos, int length) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append('['); if (infos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i != 0) buffer.append(','); VerificationTypeInfo verificationTypeInfo = infos[i]; if (verificationTypeInfo == null) { buffer.append("top"); //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } buffer.append(verificationTypeInfo); } } buffer.append(']'); return String.valueOf(buffer); } public void putLocal(int resolvedPosition, VerificationTypeInfo info) { if (this.locals == null) { this.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[resolvedPosition + 1]; this.locals[resolvedPosition] = info; } else { final int length = this.locals.length; if (resolvedPosition >= length) { System.arraycopy(this.locals, 0, this.locals = new VerificationTypeInfo[resolvedPosition + 1], 0, length); } this.locals[resolvedPosition] = info; } } public void replaceWithElementType() { VerificationTypeInfo info = this.stackItems[this.numberOfStackItems - 1]; VerificationTypeInfo info2 = info.duplicate(); info2.replaceWithElementType(); this.stackItems[this.numberOfStackItems - 1] = info2; } public int getIndexOfDifferentLocals(int differentLocalsCount) { for (int i = this.locals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { VerificationTypeInfo currentLocal = this.locals[i]; if (currentLocal == null) { // check the previous slot continue; } else { differentLocalsCount--; } if (differentLocalsCount == 0) { return i; } } return 0; } private boolean equals(VerificationTypeInfo info, VerificationTypeInfo info2) { if (info == null) { return info2 == null; } if (info2 == null) return false; return info.equals(info2); } public StackMapFrame merge(StackMapFrame frame, Scope scope) { if (frame.pc == -1) { // branching return this; } if (this.numberOfStackItems == frame.numberOfStackItems) { for (int i = 0, max = this.numberOfStackItems; i < max; i++) { this.stackItems[i] = this.stackItems[i].merge(frame.stackItems[i], scope); } } return this; } }