 * Copyright (c) 2021 Goldman Sachs and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.eclipse.collections.impl.map.mutable.primitive;

import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.LongIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.LazyLongIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongFunction0;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongToLongFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongLongToLongFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ObjectLongToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.LongLongPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.LongProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.LongLongProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.ObjectIntProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.SpreadFunctions;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.MutableLongCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.LongIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.MutableLongIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.map.primitive.LongLongMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.map.primitive.ImmutableLongLongMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.map.primitive.MutableLongLongMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.LongSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableLongSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.LongLongPair;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.mutable.primitive.LongHashBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.LongLongMaps;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.iterator.UnmodifiableLongIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.lazy.AbstractLazyIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.lazy.primitive.AbstractLazyLongIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.LongHashSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.primitive.PrimitiveTuples;

This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg.
/** * This file was automatically generated from template file primitivePrimitiveHashMap.stg. * * @since 3.0. */
public class LongLongHashMap extends AbstractMutableLongValuesMap implements MutableLongLongMap, Externalizable, MutableLongKeysMap { private static final long EMPTY_VALUE = 0L; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final long EMPTY_KEY = 0L; private static final long REMOVED_KEY = 1L; private static final int CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64; private static final int KEY_SIZE = 8; private static final int INITIAL_LINEAR_PROBE = CACHE_LINE_SIZE / KEY_SIZE / 2; /* half a cache line */ private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; private long[] keysValues; private int occupiedWithData; private int occupiedWithSentinels; private SentinelValues sentinelValues; private boolean copyKeysOnWrite; public LongLongHashMap() { this.allocateTable(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY << 1); } public LongLongHashMap(int initialCapacity) { if (initialCapacity < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("initial capacity cannot be less than 0"); } int capacity = this.smallestPowerOfTwoGreaterThan(initialCapacity << 1); this.allocateTable(capacity); } public LongLongHashMap(LongLongMap map) { if (map instanceof LongLongHashMap && ((LongLongHashMap) map).occupiedWithSentinels == 0) { LongLongHashMap hashMap = (LongLongHashMap) map; this.occupiedWithData = hashMap.occupiedWithData; if (hashMap.sentinelValues != null) { this.sentinelValues = hashMap.sentinelValues.copy(); } this.keysValues = Arrays.copyOf(hashMap.keysValues, hashMap.keysValues.length); } else { int capacity = this.smallestPowerOfTwoGreaterThan(Math.max(map.size(), DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) << 1); this.allocateTable(capacity); this.putAll(map); } } public static LongLongHashMap newWithKeysValues(long key1, long value1) { return new LongLongHashMap(1).withKeyValue(key1, value1); } public static LongLongHashMap newWithKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2) { return new LongLongHashMap(2).withKeysValues(key1, value1, key2, value2); } public static LongLongHashMap newWithKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2, long key3, long value3) { return new LongLongHashMap(3).withKeysValues(key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3); } public static LongLongHashMap newWithKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2, long key3, long value3, long key4, long value4) { return new LongLongHashMap(4).withKeysValues(key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3, key4, value4); } private int smallestPowerOfTwoGreaterThan(int n) { return n > 1 ? Integer.highestOneBit(n - 1) << 1 : 1; } @Override protected int getOccupiedWithData() { return this.occupiedWithData; } @Override protected SentinelValues getSentinelValues() { return this.sentinelValues; } @Override protected void setSentinelValuesNull() { this.sentinelValues = null; } @Override protected long getEmptyValue() { return EMPTY_VALUE; } @Override protected int getTableSize() { return this.keysValues.length / 2; } @Override protected long getValueAtIndex(int index) { return this.keysValues[index * 2 + 1]; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof LongLongMap)) { return false; } LongLongMap other = (LongLongMap) obj; if (this.size() != other.size()) { return false; } if (this.sentinelValues == null) { if (other.containsKey(EMPTY_KEY) || other.containsKey(REMOVED_KEY)) { return false; } } else { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey && (!other.containsKey(EMPTY_KEY) || this.sentinelValues.zeroValue != other.getOrThrow(EMPTY_KEY))) { return false; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey && (!other.containsKey(REMOVED_KEY) || this.sentinelValues.oneValue != other.getOrThrow(REMOVED_KEY))) { return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { long key = this.keysValues[i]; if (isNonSentinel(key) && (!other.containsKey(key) || this.keysValues[i + 1] != other.getOrThrow(key))) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 0; if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { result += (int) (EMPTY_KEY ^ EMPTY_KEY >>> 32) ^ (int) (this.sentinelValues.zeroValue ^ this.sentinelValues.zeroValue >>> 32); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { result += (int) (REMOVED_KEY ^ REMOVED_KEY >>> 32) ^ (int) (this.sentinelValues.oneValue ^ this.sentinelValues.oneValue >>> 32); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { result += (int) (this.keysValues[i] ^ this.keysValues[i] >>> 32) ^ (int) (this.keysValues[i + 1] ^ this.keysValues[i + 1] >>> 32); } } return result; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder appendable = new StringBuilder(); appendable.append("{"); boolean first = true; if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { appendable.append(EMPTY_KEY).append("=").append(this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); first = false; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { if (!first) { appendable.append(", "); } appendable.append(REMOVED_KEY).append("=").append(this.sentinelValues.oneValue); first = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { long key = this.keysValues[i]; if (isNonSentinel(key)) { if (!first) { appendable.append(", "); } appendable.append(key).append("=").append(this.keysValues[i + 1]); first = false; } } appendable.append("}"); return appendable.toString(); } @Override public MutableLongIterator longIterator() { return new InternalLongIterator(); } @Override public <V> V injectInto(V injectedValue, ObjectLongToObjectFunction<? super V, ? extends V> function) { V result = injectedValue; if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { result = function.valueOf(result, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { result = function.valueOf(result, this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { result = function.valueOf(result, this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } return result; } @Override public void clear() { this.sentinelValues = null; this.occupiedWithData = 0; this.occupiedWithSentinels = 0; if (this.copyKeysOnWrite) { this.copyKeys(); } Arrays.fill(this.keysValues, 0L); } @Override public void put(long key, long value) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { this.putForEmptySentinel(value); return; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { this.putForRemovedSentinel(value); return; } int index = this.probe(key); long keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[index]; if (keyAtIndex == key) { this.keysValues[index + 1] = value; } else { this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); } } private void putForRemovedSentinel(long value) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); } this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); } private void putForEmptySentinel(long value) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); } this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); } @Override public void putAll(LongLongMap map) { map.forEachKeyValue(this::put); } @Override public void updateValues(LongLongToLongFunction function) { if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { this.sentinelValues.zeroValue = function.valueOf(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { this.sentinelValues.oneValue = function.valueOf(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { this.keysValues[i + 1] = function.valueOf(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } } @Override public void removeKey(long key) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return; } this.removeEmptyKey(); return; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return; } this.removeRemovedKey(); return; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { this.removeKeyAtIndex(index); } } @Override public void remove(long key) { this.removeKey(key); } @Override public long removeKeyIfAbsent(long key, long value) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return value; } long oldValue = this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; this.removeEmptyKey(); return oldValue; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return value; } long oldValue = this.sentinelValues.oneValue; this.removeRemovedKey(); return oldValue; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { long oldValue = this.keysValues[index + 1]; this.removeKeyAtIndex(index); return oldValue; } return value; } @Override public long getIfAbsentPut(long key, long value) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); return value; } @Override public long getIfAbsentPut(long key, LongFunction0 function) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.value(); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } long value = function.value(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.value(); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } long value = function.value(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } long value = function.value(); this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); return value; } @Override public <P> long getIfAbsentPutWith(long key, LongFunction<? super P> function, P parameter) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.longValueOf(parameter); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } long value = function.longValueOf(parameter); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.longValueOf(parameter); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } long value = function.longValueOf(parameter); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } long value = function.longValueOf(parameter); this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); return value; } @Override public long getIfAbsentPutWithKey(long key, LongToLongFunction function) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.valueOf(key); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } long value = function.valueOf(key); this.addEmptyKeyValue(value); return value; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { long value = function.valueOf(key); this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } long value = function.valueOf(key); this.addRemovedKeyValue(value); return value; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } long value = function.valueOf(key); this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); return value; } @Override public long addToValue(long key, long toBeAdded) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(toBeAdded); } else if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { this.sentinelValues.zeroValue += toBeAdded; } else { this.addEmptyKeyValue(toBeAdded); } return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(toBeAdded); } else if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { this.sentinelValues.oneValue += toBeAdded; } else { this.addRemovedKeyValue(toBeAdded); } return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { this.keysValues[index + 1] += toBeAdded; return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, toBeAdded, index); return toBeAdded; } private void addKeyValueAtIndex(long key, long value, int index) { if (this.keysValues[index] == REMOVED_KEY) { this.occupiedWithSentinels--; } if (this.copyKeysOnWrite) { this.copyKeys(); } this.keysValues[index] = key; this.keysValues[index + 1] = value; this.occupiedWithData++; if (this.occupiedWithData + this.occupiedWithSentinels > this.maxOccupiedWithData()) { this.rehashAndGrow(); } } private void removeKeyAtIndex(int index) { if (this.copyKeysOnWrite) { this.copyKeys(); } this.keysValues[index] = REMOVED_KEY; this.keysValues[index + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE; this.occupiedWithData--; this.occupiedWithSentinels++; } private void copyKeys() { long[] copy = new long[this.keysValues.length]; System.arraycopy(this.keysValues, 0, copy, 0, this.keysValues.length); this.keysValues = copy; this.copyKeysOnWrite = false; } @Override public long updateValue(long key, long initialValueIfAbsent, LongToLongFunction function) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addEmptyKeyValue(function.valueOf(initialValueIfAbsent)); } else if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { this.sentinelValues.zeroValue = function.valueOf(this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } else { this.addEmptyKeyValue(function.valueOf(initialValueIfAbsent)); } return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null) { this.sentinelValues = new SentinelValues(); this.addRemovedKeyValue(function.valueOf(initialValueIfAbsent)); } else if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { this.sentinelValues.oneValue = function.valueOf(this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } else { this.addRemovedKeyValue(function.valueOf(initialValueIfAbsent)); } return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { this.keysValues[index + 1] = function.valueOf(this.keysValues[index + 1]); return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } long value = function.valueOf(initialValueIfAbsent); this.addKeyValueAtIndex(key, value, index); return value; } @Override public LongLongHashMap withKeyValue(long key1, long value1) { this.put(key1, value1); return this; } public LongLongHashMap withKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2) { this.put(key1, value1); this.put(key2, value2); return this; } public LongLongHashMap withKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2, long key3, long value3) { this.put(key1, value1); this.put(key2, value2); this.put(key3, value3); return this; } public LongLongHashMap withKeysValues(long key1, long value1, long key2, long value2, long key3, long value3, long key4, long value4) { this.put(key1, value1); this.put(key2, value2); this.put(key3, value3); this.put(key4, value4); return this; } @Override public LongLongHashMap withoutKey(long key) { this.removeKey(key); return this; } @Override public LongLongHashMap withoutAllKeys(LongIterable keys) { keys.forEach(this::removeKey); return this; } @Override public MutableLongLongMap asUnmodifiable() { return new UnmodifiableLongLongMap(this); } @Override public MutableLongLongMap asSynchronized() { return new SynchronizedLongLongMap(this); } @Override public ImmutableLongLongMap toImmutable() { return LongLongMaps.immutable.ofAll(this); } @Override public long get(long key) { return this.getIfAbsent(key, EMPTY_VALUE); } @Override public long getIfAbsent(long key, long ifAbsent) { if (isEmptyKey(key) || isRemovedKey(key)) { return this.getForSentinel(key, ifAbsent); } if (this.occupiedWithSentinels == 0) { return this.fastGetIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent); } return this.slowGetIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent); } private long getForSentinel(long key, long ifAbsent) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { return ifAbsent; } return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { return ifAbsent; } return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } private long slowGetIfAbsent(long key, long ifAbsent) { int index = this.probe(key); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } return ifAbsent; } private long fastGetIfAbsent(long key, long ifAbsent) { int index = this.mask((int) key) << 1; for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_LINEAR_PROBE; i += 2) { long keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[index]; if (keyAtIndex == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } if (keyAtIndex == EMPTY_KEY) { return ifAbsent; } index = (index + 2) & (this.keysValues.length - 1); } return this.slowGetIfAbsentTwo(key, ifAbsent); } private long slowGetIfAbsentTwo(long key, long ifAbsent) { int index = this.probeTwo(key, -1); if (this.keysValues[index] == key) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } return ifAbsent; } @Override public long getOrThrow(long key) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key " + key + " not present."); } return this.sentinelValues.zeroValue; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { if (this.sentinelValues == null || !this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key " + key + " not present."); } return this.sentinelValues.oneValue; } int index = this.probe(key); if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[index])) { return this.keysValues[index + 1]; } throw new IllegalStateException("Key " + key + " not present."); } @Override public boolean containsKey(long key) { if (isEmptyKey(key)) { return this.sentinelValues != null && this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey; } if (isRemovedKey(key)) { return this.sentinelValues != null && this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey; } return this.keysValues[this.probe(key)] == key; } @Override public void forEachKey(LongProcedure procedure) { if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { procedure.value(EMPTY_KEY); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { procedure.value(REMOVED_KEY); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { procedure.value(this.keysValues[i]); } } } @Override public void forEachKeyValue(LongLongProcedure procedure) { if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { procedure.value(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { procedure.value(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { procedure.value(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } } @Override public LazyLongIterable keysView() { return new KeysView(); } @Override public RichIterable<LongLongPair> keyValuesView() { return new KeyValuesView(); } @Override public MutableLongLongMap flipUniqueValues() { MutableLongLongMap result = LongLongMaps.mutable.empty(); this.forEachKeyValue((key, value) -> { if (result.containsKey(value)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate value: " + value + " found at key: " + result.get(value) + " and key: " + key); } result.put(value, key); }); return result; } @Override public LongLongHashMap select(LongLongPredicate predicate) { LongLongHashMap result = new LongLongHashMap(); if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey && predicate.accept(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue)) { result.put(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey && predicate.accept(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue)) { result.put(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i]) && predicate.accept(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1])) { result.put(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } return result; } @Override public LongLongHashMap reject(LongLongPredicate predicate) { LongLongHashMap result = new LongLongHashMap(); if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey && !predicate.accept(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue)) { result.put(EMPTY_KEY, this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey && !predicate.accept(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue)) { result.put(REMOVED_KEY, this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i]) && !predicate.accept(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1])) { result.put(this.keysValues[i], this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } return result; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(this.size()); if (this.sentinelValues != null) { if (this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { out.writeLong(EMPTY_KEY); out.writeLong(this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } if (this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { out.writeLong(REMOVED_KEY); out.writeLong(this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(this.keysValues[i])) { out.writeLong(this.keysValues[i]); out.writeLong(this.keysValues[i + 1]); } } } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int size = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.put(in.readLong(), in.readLong()); } }
Rehashes every element in the set into a new backing table of the smallest possible size and eliminating removed sentinels.
/** * Rehashes every element in the set into a new backing table of the smallest possible size and eliminating removed sentinels. */
public void compact() { this.rehash(this.smallestPowerOfTwoGreaterThan(this.size())); } private void rehashAndGrow() { int max = this.maxOccupiedWithData(); int newCapacity = Math.max(max, smallestPowerOfTwoGreaterThan((this.occupiedWithData + 1) << 1)); if (this.occupiedWithSentinels > 0 && (max >> 1) + (max >> 2) < this.occupiedWithData) { newCapacity <<= 1; } this.rehash(newCapacity); } private void rehash(int newCapacity) { int oldLength = this.keysValues.length; long[] old = this.keysValues; this.allocateTable(newCapacity); this.occupiedWithData = 0; this.occupiedWithSentinels = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldLength; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(old[i])) { this.put(old[i], old[i + 1]); } } } // exposed for testing int probe(long element) { int index = this.mask((int) element) << 1; long keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[index]; if (keyAtIndex == element || keyAtIndex == EMPTY_KEY) { return index; } int removedIndex = keyAtIndex == REMOVED_KEY ? index : -1; for (int i = 2; i < INITIAL_LINEAR_PROBE; i += 2) { int nextIndex = (index + i) & (this.keysValues.length - 1); keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[nextIndex]; if (keyAtIndex == element) { return nextIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == EMPTY_KEY) { return removedIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : removedIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == REMOVED_KEY && removedIndex == -1) { removedIndex = nextIndex; } } return this.probeTwo(element, removedIndex); } int probeTwo(long element, int removedIndex) { int index = this.spreadTwoAndMask(element) << 1; for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_LINEAR_PROBE; i += 2) { int nextIndex = (index + i) & (this.keysValues.length - 1); long keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[nextIndex]; if (keyAtIndex == element) { return nextIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == EMPTY_KEY) { return removedIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : removedIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == REMOVED_KEY && removedIndex == -1) { removedIndex = nextIndex; } } return this.probeThree(element, removedIndex); } int probeThree(long element, int removedIndex) { int nextIndex = (int) SpreadFunctions.longSpreadOne(element) << 1; int spreadTwo = (int) Long.reverse(SpreadFunctions.longSpreadTwo(element)) | 1; while (true) { nextIndex = this.mask((nextIndex >> 1) + spreadTwo) << 1; long keyAtIndex = this.keysValues[nextIndex]; if (keyAtIndex == element) { return nextIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == EMPTY_KEY) { return removedIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : removedIndex; } if (keyAtIndex == REMOVED_KEY && removedIndex == -1) { removedIndex = nextIndex; } } } // exposed for testing int spreadAndMask(long element) { long code = SpreadFunctions.longSpreadOne(element); return this.mask((int) code); } int spreadTwoAndMask(long element) { long code = SpreadFunctions.longSpreadTwo(element); return this.mask((int) code); } private int mask(int spread) { return spread & ((this.keysValues.length >> 1) - 1); } protected void allocateTable(int sizeToAllocate) { this.keysValues = new long[sizeToAllocate << 1]; } private static boolean isEmptyKey(long key) { return key == EMPTY_KEY; } private static boolean isRemovedKey(long key) { return key == REMOVED_KEY; } private static boolean isNonSentinel(long key) { return !isEmptyKey(key) && !isRemovedKey(key); } @Override protected boolean isNonSentinelAtIndex(int index) { return !isEmptyKey(this.keysValues[index * 2]) && !isRemovedKey(this.keysValues[index * 2]); } private int maxOccupiedWithData() { return this.keysValues.length >> 2; } private class InternalLongIterator implements MutableLongIterator { private int count; private int position; private long lastKey; private boolean handledZero; private boolean handledOne; private boolean canRemove; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.count < LongLongHashMap.this.size(); } @Override public long next() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("next() called, but the iterator is exhausted"); } this.count++; this.canRemove = true; if (!this.handledZero) { this.handledZero = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(EMPTY_KEY)) { this.lastKey = EMPTY_KEY; return LongLongHashMap.this.get(EMPTY_KEY); } } if (!this.handledOne) { this.handledOne = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(REMOVED_KEY)) { this.lastKey = REMOVED_KEY; return LongLongHashMap.this.get(REMOVED_KEY); } } long[] keys = LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues; while (!isNonSentinel(keys[this.position])) { this.position += 2; } this.lastKey = keys[this.position]; long result = LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[this.position + 1]; this.position += 2; return result; } @Override public void remove() { if (!this.canRemove) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } LongLongHashMap.this.removeKey(this.lastKey); this.count--; this.canRemove = false; } } private class KeysView extends AbstractLazyLongIterable { @Override public LongIterator longIterator() { return new UnmodifiableLongIterator(new KeySetIterator()); }
/** * @since 7.0. */
@Override public void each(LongProcedure procedure) { LongLongHashMap.this.forEachKey(procedure); } } private class KeySetIterator implements MutableLongIterator { private int count; private int position; private long lastKey; private boolean handledZero; private boolean handledOne; private boolean canRemove; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.count < LongLongHashMap.this.size(); } @Override public long next() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("next() called, but the iterator is exhausted"); } this.count++; this.canRemove = true; if (!this.handledZero) { this.handledZero = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(EMPTY_KEY)) { this.lastKey = EMPTY_KEY; return this.lastKey; } } if (!this.handledOne) { this.handledOne = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(REMOVED_KEY)) { this.lastKey = REMOVED_KEY; return this.lastKey; } } long[] keys = LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues; while (!isNonSentinel(keys[this.position])) { this.position += 2; } this.lastKey = keys[this.position]; this.position += 2; return this.lastKey; } @Override public void remove() { if (!this.canRemove) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } LongLongHashMap.this.removeKey(this.lastKey); this.count--; this.canRemove = false; } } @Override public MutableLongSet keySet() { return new KeySet(); } private class KeySet extends AbstractMutableLongKeySet { @Override protected MutableLongKeysMap getOuter() { return LongLongHashMap.this; } @Override protected SentinelValues getSentinelValues() { return LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues; } @Override protected long getKeyAtIndex(int index) { return LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[index * 2]; } @Override protected int getTableSize() { return LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues.length / 2; } @Override public MutableLongIterator longIterator() { return new KeySetIterator(); } @Override public boolean retainAll(LongIterable source) { int oldSize = LongLongHashMap.this.size(); LongSet sourceSet = source instanceof LongSet ? (LongSet) source : source.toSet(); LongLongHashMap retained = LongLongHashMap.this.select((long key, long value) -> sourceSet.contains(key)); if (retained.size() != oldSize) { LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues = retained.keysValues; LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues = retained.sentinelValues; LongLongHashMap.this.occupiedWithData = retained.occupiedWithData; LongLongHashMap.this.occupiedWithSentinels = retained.occupiedWithSentinels; return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean retainAll(long... source) { return this.retainAll(LongHashSet.newSetWith(source)); } @Override public LongSet freeze() { LongLongHashMap.this.copyKeysOnWrite = true; boolean containsZeroKey = false; boolean containsOneKey = false; if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { containsZeroKey = LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey; containsOneKey = LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey; } return new ImmutableLongLongMapKeySet(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues, LongLongHashMap.this.occupiedWithData, containsZeroKey, containsOneKey); }
/** * @since 9.2. */
@Override public MutableLongSet newEmpty() { return new LongHashSet(); } } @Override public MutableLongCollection values() { return new ValuesCollection(); } private class ValuesCollection extends AbstractLongValuesCollection { @Override public MutableLongIterator longIterator() { return LongLongHashMap.this.longIterator(); } @Override public boolean remove(long item) { int oldSize = LongLongHashMap.this.size(); if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey && item == LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.zeroValue) { LongLongHashMap.this.removeKey(EMPTY_KEY); } } if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey && item == LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.oneValue) { LongLongHashMap.this.removeKey(REMOVED_KEY); } } for (int i = 0; i < LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i]) && item == LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i + 1]) { LongLongHashMap.this.removeKey(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i]); } } return oldSize != LongLongHashMap.this.size(); } @Override public boolean retainAll(LongIterable source) { int oldSize = LongLongHashMap.this.size(); LongSet sourceSet = source instanceof LongSet ? (LongSet) source : source.toSet(); LongLongHashMap retained = LongLongHashMap.this.select((long key, long value) -> sourceSet.contains(value)); if (retained.size() != oldSize) { LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues = retained.keysValues; LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues = retained.sentinelValues; LongLongHashMap.this.occupiedWithData = retained.occupiedWithData; LongLongHashMap.this.occupiedWithSentinels = retained.occupiedWithSentinels; return true; } return false; }
/** * @since 9.2. */
@Override public MutableLongCollection newEmpty() { return new LongHashBag(); } } private class KeyValuesView extends AbstractLazyIterable<LongLongPair> { @Override public void each(Procedure<? super LongLongPair> procedure) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(EMPTY_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.zeroValue)); } if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(REMOVED_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.oneValue)); } } for (int i = 0; i < LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i])) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i], LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i + 1])); } } } @Override public void forEachWithIndex(ObjectIntProcedure<? super LongLongPair> objectIntProcedure) { int index = 0; if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { objectIntProcedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(EMPTY_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.zeroValue), index); index++; } if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { objectIntProcedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(REMOVED_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.oneValue), index); index++; } } for (int i = 0; i < LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i])) { objectIntProcedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i], LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i + 1]), index); index++; } } } @Override public <P> void forEachWith(Procedure2<? super LongLongPair, ? super P> procedure, P parameter) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues != null) { if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsZeroKey) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(EMPTY_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.zeroValue), parameter); } if (LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.containsOneKey) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(REMOVED_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.oneValue), parameter); } } for (int i = 0; i < LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues.length; i += 2) { if (isNonSentinel(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i])) { procedure.value(PrimitiveTuples.pair(LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i], LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[i + 1]), parameter); } } } @Override public Iterator<LongLongPair> iterator() { return new InternalKeyValuesIterator(); } public class InternalKeyValuesIterator implements Iterator<LongLongPair> { private int count; private int position; private boolean handledZero; private boolean handledOne; @Override public LongLongPair next() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("next() called, but the iterator is exhausted"); } this.count++; if (!this.handledZero) { this.handledZero = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(EMPTY_KEY)) { return PrimitiveTuples.pair(EMPTY_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.zeroValue); } } if (!this.handledOne) { this.handledOne = true; if (LongLongHashMap.this.containsKey(REMOVED_KEY)) { return PrimitiveTuples.pair(REMOVED_KEY, LongLongHashMap.this.sentinelValues.oneValue); } } long[] keys = LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues; while (!isNonSentinel(keys[this.position])) { this.position += 2; } LongLongPair result = PrimitiveTuples.pair(keys[this.position], LongLongHashMap.this.keysValues[this.position + 1]); this.position += 2; return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot call remove() on " + this.getClass().getSimpleName()); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.count != LongLongHashMap.this.size(); } } } }