 * Copyright (c) 2021 Goldman Sachs and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.mutable.primitive;

import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.FloatIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.MutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.FloatBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.ImmutableFloatBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableFloatBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.FloatToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.IntFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ObjectFloatToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.IntPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.FloatPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.FloatProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.FloatIntProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.FloatIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.MutableFloatIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.FloatSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.FloatIntPair;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.FastList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.Counter;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.mutable.HashBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.primitive.IntToIntFunctions;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.FloatBags;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.map.mutable.primitive.FloatIntHashMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.primitive.AbstractFloatIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.FloatHashSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.primitive.PrimitiveTuples;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.FloatSets;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableFloatSet;

FloatHashBag is similar to HashBag, and is memory-optimized for float primitives. This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashBag.stg.
/** * FloatHashBag is similar to {@link HashBag}, and is memory-optimized for float primitives. * This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveHashBag.stg. * * @since 3.0. */
public class FloatHashBag extends AbstractFloatIterable implements MutableFloatBag, Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private FloatIntHashMap items; private int size; public FloatHashBag() { this.items = new FloatIntHashMap(); } public FloatHashBag(int size) { this.items = new FloatIntHashMap(size); } public FloatHashBag(FloatIterable iterable) { this(); this.addAll(iterable); } public FloatHashBag(float... elements) { this(); this.addAll(elements); } public FloatHashBag(FloatHashBag bag) { this.items = new FloatIntHashMap(bag.sizeDistinct()); this.addAll(bag); } public static FloatHashBag newBag(int size) { return new FloatHashBag(size); } public static FloatHashBag newBagWith(float... source) { return new FloatHashBag(source); } public static FloatHashBag newBag(FloatIterable source) { if (source instanceof FloatHashBag) { return new FloatHashBag((FloatHashBag) source); } return new FloatHashBag(source); } public static FloatHashBag newBag(FloatBag source) { return new FloatHashBag(source); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return this.items.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean notEmpty() { return this.items.notEmpty(); } @Override public int size() { return this.size; } @Override public int sizeDistinct() { return this.items.size(); } @Override public void clear() { this.items.clear(); this.size = 0; } @Override public FloatHashBag with(float element) { this.add(element); return this; } public FloatHashBag with(float element1, float element2) { this.add(element1); this.add(element2); return this; } public FloatHashBag with(float element1, float element2, float element3) { this.add(element1); this.add(element2); this.add(element3); return this; } @Override public FloatHashBag withAll(FloatIterable iterable) { this.addAll(iterable); return this; } @Override public FloatHashBag without(float element) { this.remove(element); return this; } @Override public FloatHashBag withoutAll(FloatIterable iterable) { this.removeAll(iterable); return this; } @Override public boolean contains(float value) { return this.items.containsKey(value); } @Override public int occurrencesOf(float item) { return this.items.get(item); } @Override public void forEachWithOccurrences(FloatIntProcedure procedure) { this.items.forEachKeyValue(procedure); } @Override public FloatHashBag selectByOccurrences(IntPredicate predicate) { FloatHashBag result = new FloatHashBag(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((each, occurrences) -> { if (predicate.accept(occurrences)) { result.addOccurrences(each, occurrences); } }); return result; } @Override public MutableFloatSet selectUnique() { MutableFloatSet result = FloatSets.mutable.empty(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((each, occurrences) -> { if (occurrences == 1) { result.add(each); } }); return result; } @Override public MutableList<FloatIntPair> topOccurrences(int count) { return this.occurrencesSortingBy(count, item -> -item.getTwo(), Lists.mutable.empty()); } @Override public MutableList<FloatIntPair> bottomOccurrences(int count) { return this.occurrencesSortingBy(count, FloatIntPair::getTwo, Lists.mutable.empty()); } protected MutableList<FloatIntPair> occurrencesSortingBy( int n, IntFunction<FloatIntPair> function, MutableList<FloatIntPair> returnWhenEmpty) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use a value of n < 0"); } if (n == 0) { return returnWhenEmpty; } int keySize = Math.min(n, this.sizeDistinct()); MutableList<FloatIntPair> sorted = this.toListWithOccurrences().sortThisByInt(function); MutableList<FloatIntPair> results = sorted.subList(0, keySize).toList(); while (keySize < sorted.size() && results.getLast().getTwo() == sorted.get(keySize).getTwo()) { results.add(sorted.get(keySize)); keySize++; } return results; } protected MutableList<FloatIntPair> toListWithOccurrences() { MutableList<FloatIntPair> result = FastList.newList(this.sizeDistinct()); this.forEachWithOccurrences((each, count) -> result.add(PrimitiveTuples.pair(each, count))); return result; } @Override public boolean add(float item) { this.items.updateValue(item, 0, IntToIntFunctions.increment()); this.size++; return true; } @Override public boolean remove(float item) { int newValue = this.items.updateValue(item, 0, IntToIntFunctions.decrement()); if (newValue <= 0) { this.items.removeKey(item); if (newValue == 0) { this.size--; } return newValue == 0; } this.size--; return true; } @Override public boolean removeIf(FloatPredicate predicate) { boolean changed = false; for (MutableFloatIterator iterator = this.items.keySet().floatIterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { float key = iterator.next(); if (predicate.accept(key)) { this.size -= this.items.get(key); iterator.remove(); changed = true; } } return changed; } @Override public boolean addAll(float... source) { if (source.length == 0) { return false; } for (float each : source) { this.add(each); } return true; } @Override public boolean addAll(FloatIterable source) { if (source.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (source instanceof FloatBag) { FloatBag otherBag = (FloatBag) source; otherBag.forEachWithOccurrences(this::addOccurrences); } else { FloatIterator iterator = source.floatIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { float each = iterator.next(); this.add(each); } } return true; } @Override public boolean removeAll(float... source) { if (source.length == 0) { return false; } int oldSize = this.size(); for (float each : source) { int occurrences = this.items.removeKeyIfAbsent(each, 0); this.size -= occurrences; } return this.size() != oldSize; } @Override public boolean removeAll(FloatIterable source) { if (source.isEmpty()) { return false; } int oldSize = this.size(); if (source instanceof FloatBag) { FloatBag otherBag = (FloatBag) source; otherBag.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { int oldOccurrences = this.items.removeKeyIfAbsent(each, 0); FloatHashBag.this.size -= oldOccurrences; }); } else { FloatIterator iterator = source.floatIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { float each = iterator.next(); int occurrences = this.items.removeKeyIfAbsent(each, 0); this.size -= occurrences; } } return this.size() != oldSize; } @Override public boolean retainAll(FloatIterable source) { int oldSize = this.size(); FloatSet sourceSet = source instanceof FloatSet ? (FloatSet) source : source.toSet(); FloatHashBag retained = this.select(sourceSet::contains); if (retained.size() != oldSize) { this.items = retained.items; this.size = retained.size; return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean retainAll(float... source) { return this.retainAll(FloatHashSet.newSetWith(source)); } @Override public void addOccurrences(float item, int occurrences) { if (occurrences < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add a negative number of occurrences"); } if (occurrences > 0) { this.items.updateValue(item, 0, (int intParameter) -> intParameter + occurrences); this.size += occurrences; } } @Override public boolean removeOccurrences(float item, int occurrences) { if (occurrences < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove a negative number of occurrences"); } if (occurrences == 0) { return false; } int newValue = this.items.updateValue(item, 0, (int intParameter) -> intParameter - occurrences); if (newValue <= 0) { this.size -= occurrences - newValue; this.items.removeKey(item); return newValue + occurrences != 0; } this.size -= occurrences; return true; } @Override public void forEach(FloatProcedure procedure) { this.each(procedure); }
/** * @since 7.0. */
@Override public void each(FloatProcedure procedure) { this.items.forEachKeyValue((float key, int occurrences) -> { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { procedure.value(key); } }); } @Override public FloatHashBag select(FloatPredicate predicate) { FloatHashBag result = new FloatHashBag(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { if (predicate.accept(each)) { result.addOccurrences(each, occurrences); } }); return result; } @Override public FloatHashBag reject(FloatPredicate predicate) { FloatHashBag result = new FloatHashBag(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { if (!predicate.accept(each)) { result.addOccurrences(each, occurrences); } }); return result; } @Override public <T> T injectInto(T injectedValue, ObjectFloatToObjectFunction<? super T, ? extends T> function) { T[] result = (T[]) new Object[1]; result[0] = injectedValue; this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { result[0] = function.valueOf(result[0], each); } }); return result[0]; } @Override public RichIterable<FloatIterable> chunk(int size) { if (size <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size for groups must be positive but was: " + size); } MutableList<FloatIterable> result = Lists.mutable.empty(); if (this.notEmpty()) { if (this.size() <= size) { result.add(FloatBags.mutable.withAll(this)); } else { FloatIterator iterator = this.floatIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MutableFloatBag batch = FloatBags.mutable.empty(); for (int i = 0; i < size && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { batch.add(iterator.next()); } result.add(batch); } } } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object otherBag) { if (otherBag == this) { return true; } if (!(otherBag instanceof FloatBag)) { return false; } FloatBag bag = (FloatBag) otherBag; if (this.sizeDistinct() != bag.sizeDistinct()) { return false; } return this.items.keysView().allSatisfy((float key) -> FloatHashBag.this.occurrencesOf(key) == bag.occurrencesOf(key)); } @Override public int hashCode() { Counter result = new Counter(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((float eachItem, int occurrences) -> result.add(Float.floatToIntBits(eachItem) ^ occurrences)); return result.getCount(); } @Override public void appendString( Appendable appendable, String start, String separator, String end) { boolean[] firstItem = {true}; try { appendable.append(start); this.items.forEachKeyValue((float each, int occurrences) -> { try { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { if (!firstItem[0]) { appendable.append(separator); } appendable.append(String.valueOf(each)); firstItem[0] = false; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); appendable.append(end); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public int count(FloatPredicate predicate) { Counter result = new Counter(); this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { if (predicate.accept(each)) { result.add(occurrences); } }); return result.getCount(); } @Override public boolean anySatisfy(FloatPredicate predicate) { return this.items.keysView().anySatisfy(predicate); } @Override public boolean allSatisfy(FloatPredicate predicate) { return this.items.keysView().allSatisfy(predicate); } @Override public boolean noneSatisfy(FloatPredicate predicate) { return this.items.keysView().noneSatisfy(predicate); } @Override public float detectIfNone(FloatPredicate predicate, float ifNone) { return this.items.keysView().detectIfNone(predicate, ifNone); } @Override public <V> MutableBag<V> collect(FloatToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) { HashBag<V> result = HashBag.newBag(this.items.size()); this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> result.addOccurrences(function.valueOf(each), occurrences)); return result; } @Override public float max() { if (this.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return this.items.keysView().max(); } @Override public float min() { if (this.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return this.items.keysView().min(); } @Override public double sum() { double[] result = {0.0}; double[] compensation = {0.0}; this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { double adjustedValue = (double) each - compensation[0]; double nextSum = result[0] + adjustedValue; compensation[0] = nextSum - result[0] - adjustedValue; result[0] = nextSum; } }); return result[0]; } @Override public float[] toArray() { float[] array = new float[this.size()]; int[] index = {0}; this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { array[index[0]] = each; index[0]++; } }); return array; } @Override public float[] toArray(float[] array) { if (array.length < this.size()) { array = new float[this.size()]; } int[] index = {0}; float[] finalBypass = array; this.forEachWithOccurrences((float each, int occurrences) -> { for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++) { finalBypass[index[0]] = each; index[0]++; } }); return array; } @Override public MutableFloatBag asUnmodifiable() { return new UnmodifiableFloatBag(this); } @Override public MutableFloatBag asSynchronized() { return new SynchronizedFloatBag(this); } @Override public ImmutableFloatBag toImmutable() { return FloatBags.immutable.withAll(this); }
Creates a new empty FloatHashBag.
/** * Creates a new empty FloatHashBag. * * @since 9.2. */
@Override public FloatHashBag newEmpty() { return new FloatHashBag(); } @Override public MutableFloatIterator floatIterator() { return new InternalIterator(); } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(this.items.size()); try { this.items.forEachKeyValue((float each, int occurrences) -> { try { out.writeFloat(each); out.writeInt(occurrences); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e.getCause(); } throw e; } } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException { int size = in.readInt(); this.items = new FloatIntHashMap(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.addOccurrences(in.readFloat(), in.readInt()); } } private class InternalIterator implements MutableFloatIterator { private MutableFloatIterator floatIterator = FloatHashBag.this.items.keySet().floatIterator(); private float currentItem; private int occurrences; private boolean canRemove; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.occurrences > 0 || this.floatIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public float next() { if (this.occurrences == 0) { this.currentItem = this.floatIterator.next(); this.occurrences = FloatHashBag.this.occurrencesOf(this.currentItem); } this.occurrences--; this.canRemove = true; return this.currentItem; } @Override public void remove() { if (!this.canRemove) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (this.occurrences == 0) { this.floatIterator.remove(); FloatHashBag.this.size--; } else { FloatHashBag.this.remove(this.currentItem); } this.canRemove = false; } } }