* Copyright (c) 2018 Goldman Sachs.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
package org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.MutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.CharToCharFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.CharPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.CharProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.MutableCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.map.MutableMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Twin;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.bag.mutable.HashBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.primitive.CharPredicates;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.primitive.CharToCharFunctions;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.function.primitive.CharFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.function.primitive.CodePointFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.predicate.CodePointPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.procedure.primitive.CodePointProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.FastList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.map.mutable.UnifiedMap;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.UnifiedSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.string.immutable.CharAdapter;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.string.immutable.CodePointAdapter;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.string.immutable.CodePointList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.Tuples;
A string is essentially an array of characters. In Smalltalk a String is a subclass of ArrayedCollection, which means
it supports the Collection protocol. StringIterate implements the methods available on the collection protocol that
make sense for Strings. Some of the methods are over-specialized, in the form of englishToUppercase() which is a fast
form of uppercase, but does not work for different locales.
* A string is essentially an array of characters. In Smalltalk a String is a subclass of ArrayedCollection, which means
* it supports the Collection protocol. StringIterate implements the methods available on the collection protocol that
* make sense for Strings. Some of the methods are over-specialized, in the form of englishToUppercase() which is a fast
* form of uppercase, but does not work for different locales.
public final class StringIterate
private StringIterate()
throw new AssertionError("Suppress default constructor for noninstantiability");
Since: 7.0.
* @since 7.0.
public static CharAdapter asCharAdapter(String string)
return CharAdapter.adapt(string);
Since: 7.0.
* @since 7.0.
public static CodePointAdapter asCodePointAdapter(String string)
return CodePointAdapter.adapt(string);
Since: 7.0.
* @since 7.0.
public static CodePointList toCodePointList(String string)
return CodePointList.from(string);
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted MutableList
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted {@link MutableList}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableList<String> csvTokensToSortedList(String string)
return StringIterate.tokensToSortedList(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted MutableList
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted {@link MutableList}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableList<String> csvTrimmedTokensToSortedList(String string)
return StringIterate.trimmedTokensToSortedList(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted MutableList
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted {@link MutableList}.
public static MutableList<String> tokensToSortedList(String string, String separator)
return StringIterate.tokensToList(string, separator).sortThis();
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted MutableList
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a sorted {@link MutableList}.
public static MutableList<String> trimmedTokensToSortedList(String string, String separator)
return StringIterate.trimmedTokensToList(string, separator).sortThis();
Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a MutableList
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a {@link MutableList}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableList<String> csvTokensToList(String string)
return StringIterate.tokensToList(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a MutableList
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a {@link MutableList}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableList<String> csvTrimmedTokensToList(String string)
return StringIterate.trimmedTokensToList(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a MutableList
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a {@link MutableList}.
public static MutableList<String> tokensToList(String string, String separator)
MutableList<String> list = Lists.mutable.empty();
for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
return list;
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a MutableList
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a {@link MutableList}.
public static MutableList<String> trimmedTokensToList(String string, String separator)
return StringIterate.trimStringList(StringIterate.tokensToList(string, separator));
Applies String.trim()
to each String in the List
Returns: the input list, mutated in place, containing trimmed strings.
* Applies {@link String#trim()} to each String in the {@link List}
* @return the input list, mutated in place, containing trimmed strings.
private static <L extends List<String>> L trimStringList(L strings)
for (ListIterator<String> listIt = strings.listIterator(); listIt.hasNext(); )
String string = listIt.next().trim();
return strings;
Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a MutableSet
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by commas to a {@link MutableSet}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableSet<String> csvTokensToSet(String string)
return StringIterate.tokensToSet(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens to a MutableSet
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens to a {@link MutableSet}.
public static MutableSet<String> tokensToSet(String string, String separator)
MutableSet<String> set = UnifiedSet.newSet();
for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
return set;
Converts a string of tokens to a MutableMap
using a | to separate pairs, and a : to separate key and value. e.g. "1:Sunday|2:Monday|3:Tuesday|4:Wednesday|5:Thursday|6:Friday|7:Saturday" /**
* Converts a string of tokens to a {@link MutableMap} using a | to separate pairs, and a : to separate key and
* value. e.g. "1:Sunday|2:Monday|3:Tuesday|4:Wednesday|5:Thursday|6:Friday|7:Saturday"
public static MutableMap<String, String> tokensToMap(String string)
return StringIterate.tokensToMap(string, "|", ":");
Converts a string of tokens to a MutableMap
using the specified separators. /**
* Converts a string of tokens to a {@link MutableMap} using the specified separators.
public static MutableMap<String, String> tokensToMap(
String string,
String pairSeparator,
String keyValueSeparator)
MutableMap<String, String> map = UnifiedMap.newMap();
for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, pairSeparator); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
String key = token.substring(0, token.indexOf(keyValueSeparator));
String value = token.substring(token.indexOf(keyValueSeparator) + 1);
map.put(key, value);
return map;
Converts a string of tokens to a MutableMap
using the specified 'key' and 'value' Functions. e.g. "1:2,2:1,3:3" with both functions as Functions.getStringToInteger(), will be translated a map {[1,2],[2,1],[3,3]} /**
* Converts a string of tokens to a {@link MutableMap} using the specified 'key' and 'value'
* Functions. e.g. "1:2,2:1,3:3" with both functions as Functions.getStringToInteger(), will be
* translated a map {[1,2],[2,1],[3,3]}
public static <K, V> MutableMap<K, V> tokensToMap(
String string,
String separator,
String keyValueSeparator,
Function<String, K> keyFunction,
Function<String, V> valueFunction)
MutableMap<K, V> map = UnifiedMap.newMap();
for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
String key = token.substring(0, token.indexOf(keyValueSeparator));
String value = token.substring(token.indexOf(keyValueSeparator) + 1);
map.put(keyFunction.valueOf(key), valueFunction.valueOf(value));
return map;
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a reverse sorted MutableList
. Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a reverse sorted {@link MutableList}.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable. Poorly named method. Does not actually deal properly with CSV. This is better handled in a separate library.
public static MutableList<String> csvTokensToReverseSortedList(String string)
return StringIterate.tokensToReverseSortedList(string, ",");
Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a reverse sorted MutableList
. /**
* Converts a string of tokens separated by the specified separator to a reverse sorted {@link MutableList}.
public static MutableList<String> tokensToReverseSortedList(String string, String separator)
return StringIterate.tokensToList(string, separator).sortThis(Collections.reverseOrder());
For each token in a string separated by the specified separator, execute the specified StringProcedure
by calling the valueOfString method.
* For each token in a string separated by the specified separator, execute the specified StringProcedure
* by calling the valueOfString method.
public static void forEachToken(String string, String separator, Procedure<String> procedure)
for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
For each token in a string separated by the specified separator, execute the specified Function2, returning the result value from the function. For more information, see Iterate.injectInto(Object, Iterable<Object>, Function2<? super Object,? super Object,? extends Object>)
* For each token in a string separated by the specified separator, execute the specified Function2,
* returning the result value from the function. For more information, see
* {@link Iterate#injectInto(Object, Iterable, Function2)}
public static <T, R> R injectIntoTokens(
String string,
String separator,
R injectedValue,
Function2<? super R, String, ? extends R> function)
R result = injectedValue;
for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
result = function.value(result, token);
return result;
* For each token in a {@code string} separated by the specified {@code separator}, execute the specified
* {@link Procedure}.
public static void forEachTrimmedToken(String string, String separator, Procedure<String> procedure)
for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, separator); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
For each character in the string
, execute the CharProcedure
. Deprecated: since 3.0. Use forEach(String, CharProcedure)
* For each character in the {@code string}, execute the {@link CharProcedure}.
* @deprecated since 3.0. Use {@link #forEach(String, CharProcedure)} instead.
public static void forEach(String string, org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.procedure.primitive.CharProcedure procedure)
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, procedure::value);
For each character in the string
, execute the CharProcedure
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use forEachChar(String, CharProcedure)
* For each character in the {@code string}, execute the {@link CharProcedure}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #forEachChar(String, CharProcedure)} instead.
public static void forEach(String string, CharProcedure procedure)
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, procedure);
For each char in the string
, execute the CharProcedure
. Since: 7.0
* For each char in the {@code string}, execute the {@link CharProcedure}.
* @since 7.0
public static void forEachChar(String string, CharProcedure procedure)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
For each int code point in the string
, execute the CodePointProcedure
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use forEachCodePoint(String, CodePointProcedure)
* For each int code point in the {@code string}, execute the {@link CodePointProcedure}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #forEachCodePoint(String, CodePointProcedure)} instead.
public static void forEach(String string, CodePointProcedure procedure)
StringIterate.forEachCodePoint(string, procedure);
For each int code point in the string
, execute the CodePointProcedure
. Since: 7.0
* For each int code point in the {@code string}, execute the {@link CodePointProcedure}.
* @since 7.0
public static void forEachCodePoint(String string, CodePointProcedure procedure)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
For each char in the string
in reverse order, execute the CharProcedure
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use reverseForEachChar(String, CharProcedure)
* For each char in the {@code string} in reverse order, execute the {@link CharProcedure}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #reverseForEachChar(String, CharProcedure)} instead.
public static void reverseForEach(String string, CharProcedure procedure)
StringIterate.reverseForEachChar(string, procedure);
For each char in the string
in reverse order, execute the CharProcedure
. Since: 7.0
* For each char in the {@code string} in reverse order, execute the {@link CharProcedure}.
* @since 7.0
public static void reverseForEachChar(String string, CharProcedure procedure)
for (int i = string.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
For each int code point in the string
in reverse order, execute the CodePointProcedure
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use reverseForEachCodePoint(String, CodePointProcedure)
* For each int code point in the {@code string} in reverse order, execute the {@link CodePointProcedure}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #reverseForEachCodePoint(String, CodePointProcedure)} instead.
public static void reverseForEach(String string, CodePointProcedure procedure)
StringIterate.reverseForEachCodePoint(string, procedure);
For each int code point in the string
in reverse order, execute the CodePointProcedure
. Since: 7.0
* For each int code point in the {@code string} in reverse order, execute the {@link CodePointProcedure}.
* @since 7.0
public static void reverseForEachCodePoint(String string, CodePointProcedure procedure)
for (int i = StringIterate.lastIndex(string); i >= 0; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (i == 0)
i -= StringIterate.numberOfChars(string, i);
private static int lastIndex(String string)
if (StringIterate.isEmpty(string))
return -1;
int size = string.length();
if (size > 1)
return size - StringIterate.numberOfChars(string, size);
return 0;
public static int numberOfChars(String string, int i)
return StringIterate.isSurrogate(string, i) ? 2 : 1;
public static boolean isSurrogate(String string, int i)
return Character.isLowSurrogate(string.charAt(i - 1)) && Character.isHighSurrogate(string.charAt(i - 2));
Count the number of elements that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 3.0.
* Count the number of elements that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 3.0.
public static int count(String string, org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.predicate.primitive.CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.countChar(string, predicate::accept);
Count the number of elements that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use countChar(String, CharPredicate)
* Count the number of elements that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #countChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static int count(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.countChar(string, predicate);
Count the number of elements that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* Count the number of elements that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static int countChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int count = 0;
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (predicate.accept(string.charAt(i)))
return count;
Count the number of elements that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use countCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* Count the number of elements that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #countCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static int count(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.countCodePoint(string, predicate);
Count the number of elements that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* Count the number of elements that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static int countCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int count = 0;
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(codePoint))
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return count;
Deprecated: since 3.0. Use collect(String, CharToCharFunction)
* @deprecated since 3.0. Use {@link #collect(String, CharToCharFunction)} instead.
public static String collect(String string, CharFunction function)
return StringIterate.collectChar(string, function::valueOf);
Transform the char elements to a new string using the specified function function
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use collectChar(String, CharToCharFunction)
* Transform the char elements to a new string using the specified function {@code function}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #collectChar(String, CharToCharFunction)} instead.
public static String collect(String string, CharToCharFunction function)
return StringIterate.collectChar(string, function);
Transform the char elements to a new string using the specified function function
. Since: 7.0
* Transform the char elements to a new string using the specified function {@code function}.
* @since 7.0
public static String collectChar(String string, CharToCharFunction function)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
return builder.toString();
Transform the int code point elements to a new string using the specified function function
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use collectCodePoint(String, CodePointFunction)
* Transform the int code point elements to a new string using the specified function {@code function}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #collectCodePoint(String, CodePointFunction)} instead.
public static String collect(String string, CodePointFunction function)
return StringIterate.collectCodePoint(string, function);
Transform the int code point elements to a new string using the specified function function
. Since: 7.0
* Transform the int code point elements to a new string using the specified function {@code function}.
* @since 7.0
public static String collectCodePoint(String string, CodePointFunction function)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return builder.toString();
public static String englishToUpperCase(String string)
if (StringIterate.anySatisfyChar(string, CharPredicates.isLowerCase()))
return StringIterate.collectChar(string, CharToCharFunctions.toUpperCase());
return string;
public static String englishToLowerCase(String string)
if (StringIterate.anySatisfyChar(string, CharPredicates.isUpperCase()))
return StringIterate.collectChar(string, CharToCharFunctions.toLowerCase());
return string;
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use detectChar(String, CharPredicate)
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #detectChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static Character detect(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.detectChar(string, predicate);
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static Character detectChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
char character = string.charAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(character))
return character;
return null;
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Return the default char if no value is found. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use detectCharIfNone(String, CharPredicate, char)
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}. Return the default char if
* no value is found.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #detectCharIfNone(String, CharPredicate, char)} instead.
public static Character detectIfNone(String string, CharPredicate predicate, char resultIfNone)
return StringIterate.detectCharIfNone(string, predicate, resultIfNone);
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Return the default char if no value is found. /**
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}. Return the default char if
* no value is found.
public static Character detectCharIfNone(String string, CharPredicate predicate, char resultIfNone)
Character result = StringIterate.detectChar(string, predicate);
return result == null ? Character.valueOf(resultIfNone) : result;
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Return the first char of the default string if no value is found. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use detectCharIfNone(String, CharPredicate, String)
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}. Return the first char of the
* default string if no value is found.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #detectCharIfNone(String, CharPredicate, String)} instead.
public static Character detectIfNone(String string, CharPredicate predicate, String resultIfNone)
return StringIterate.detectCharIfNone(string, predicate, resultIfNone);
Find the first element that returns true for the specified predicate
. Return the first char of the default string if no value is found. /**
* Find the first element that returns true for the specified {@code predicate}. Return the first char of the
* default string if no value is found.
public static Character detectCharIfNone(String string, CharPredicate predicate, String resultIfNone)
Character result = StringIterate.detectChar(string, predicate);
return result == null ? Character.valueOf(resultIfNone.charAt(0)) : result;
Count the number of occurrences of the specified char.
Deprecated: since 7.0. Use occurrencesOfChar(String, char)
* Count the number of occurrences of the specified char.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #occurrencesOfChar(String, char)} instead.
public static int occurrencesOf(String string, char value)
return StringIterate.occurrencesOfChar(string, value);
Count the number of occurrences of the specified char.
Since: 7.0
* Count the number of occurrences of the specified char.
* @since 7.0
public static int occurrencesOfChar(String string, char value)
return StringIterate.countChar(string, character -> value == character);
Count the number of occurrences of the specified int code point.
Deprecated: since 7.0. Use occurrencesOfCodePoint(String, int)
* Count the number of occurrences of the specified int code point.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #occurrencesOfCodePoint(String, int)} instead.
public static int occurrencesOf(String string, int value)
return StringIterate.occurrencesOfCodePoint(string, value);
Count the number of occurrences of the specified int code point.
Since: 7.0
* Count the number of occurrences of the specified int code point.
* @since 7.0
public static int occurrencesOfCodePoint(String string, int value)
return StringIterate.countCodePoint(string, codePoint -> value == codePoint);
Count the number of occurrences of the specified string
. /**
* Count the number of occurrences of the specified {@code string}.
public static int occurrencesOf(String string, String singleCharacter)
if (singleCharacter.length() != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument should be a single character: " + singleCharacter);
return StringIterate.occurrencesOfChar(string, singleCharacter.charAt(0));
Returns: true if any of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use anySatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)
* @return true if any of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #anySatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean anySatisfy(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.anySatisfyChar(string, predicate);
Returns: true if any of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if any of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean anySatisfyChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (predicate.accept(string.charAt(i)))
return true;
return false;
Returns: true if any of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use anySatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* @return true if any of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #anySatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean anySatisfy(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.anySatisfyCodePoint(string, predicate);
Returns: true if any of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if any of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean anySatisfyCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(codePoint))
return true;
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return false;
Returns: true if all of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use allSatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)
* @return true if all of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #allSatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean allSatisfy(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.allSatisfyChar(string, predicate);
Returns: true if all of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if all of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean allSatisfyChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (!predicate.accept(string.charAt(i)))
return false;
return true;
Returns: true if all of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use allSatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* @return true if all of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #allSatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean allSatisfy(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.allSatisfyCodePoint(string, predicate);
Returns: true if all of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if all of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean allSatisfyCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (!predicate.accept(codePoint))
return false;
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return true;
Returns: true if none of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use noneSatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)
* @return true if none of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #noneSatisfyChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean noneSatisfy(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.noneSatisfyChar(string, predicate);
Returns: true if none of the characters in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if none of the characters in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean noneSatisfyChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (predicate.accept(string.charAt(i)))
return false;
return true;
Returns: true if none of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use noneSatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* @return true if none of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #noneSatisfyCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static boolean noneSatisfy(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.noneSatisfyCodePoint(string, predicate);
Returns: true if none of the code points in the string
answer true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return true if none of the code points in the {@code string} answer true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static boolean noneSatisfyCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(codePoint))
return false;
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return true;
Returns: a new string with all of the characters that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use selectChar(String, CharPredicate)
* @return a new string with all of the characters that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #selectChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static String select(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.selectChar(string, predicate);
Returns: a new string with all of the characters that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return a new string with all of the characters that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static String selectChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string.length());
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
char character = string.charAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(character))
return buffer.toString();
Returns: a new string with all of the code points that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use selectCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* @return a new string with all of the code points that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #selectCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static String select(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.selectCodePoint(string, predicate);
Returns: a new string with all of the code points that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return a new string with all of the code points that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static String selectCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string.length());
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (predicate.accept(codePoint))
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return buffer.toString();
Returns: a new string excluding all of the characters that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use rejectChar(String, CharPredicate)
* @return a new string excluding all of the characters that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #rejectChar(String, CharPredicate)} instead.
public static String reject(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.rejectChar(string, predicate);
Returns: a new string excluding all of the characters that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return a new string excluding all of the characters that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static String rejectChar(String string, CharPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string.length());
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
char character = string.charAt(i);
if (!predicate.accept(character))
return buffer.toString();
Returns: a new string excluding all of the code points that return true for the specified predicate
. Deprecated: since 7.0. Use rejectCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)
* @return a new string excluding all of the code points that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @deprecated since 7.0. Use {@link #rejectCodePoint(String, CodePointPredicate)} instead.
public static String reject(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return StringIterate.rejectCodePoint(string, predicate);
Returns: a new string excluding all of the code points that return true for the specified predicate
. Since: 7.0
* @return a new string excluding all of the code points that return true for the specified {@code predicate}.
* @since 7.0
public static String rejectCodePoint(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
int size = string.length();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(string.length());
for (int i = 0; i < size; )
int codePoint = string.codePointAt(i);
if (!predicate.accept(codePoint))
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return buffer.toString();
public static String getLastToken(String value, String separator)
if (StringIterate.notEmpty(value))
int lastIndex = value.lastIndexOf(separator);
if (lastIndex > -1)
return value.substring(lastIndex + separator.length());
return value;
return value == null ? null : "";
public static String getFirstToken(String value, String separator)
if (StringIterate.notEmpty(value))
int firstIndex = value.indexOf(separator);
if (firstIndex > -1)
return value.substring(0, firstIndex);
return value;
return value == null ? null : "";
public static boolean isEmpty(String string)
return string == null || string.length() == 0;
public static boolean isEmptyOrWhitespace(String string)
return StringIterate.isEmpty(string) || StringIterate.isWhitespace(string);
private static boolean isWhitespace(String string)
return StringIterate.allSatisfyCodePoint(string, CodePointPredicate.IS_WHITESPACE);
public static boolean isNumber(String string)
return StringIterate.charactersSatisfy(string, CodePointPredicate.IS_DIGIT);
public static boolean isAlphaNumeric(String string)
return StringIterate.charactersSatisfy(string, CodePointPredicate.IS_LETTER_OR_DIGIT);
private static boolean charactersSatisfy(String string, CodePointPredicate predicate)
return !"".equals(string) && StringIterate.allSatisfyCodePoint(string, predicate);
public static boolean notEmpty(String string)
return !StringIterate.isEmpty(string);
public static boolean notEmptyOrWhitespace(String string)
return !StringIterate.isEmptyOrWhitespace(string);
public static String repeat(String template, int repeatTimes)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(template.length() * repeatTimes);
for (int i = 0; i < repeatTimes; i++)
return buf.toString();
public static String repeat(char c, int repeatTimes)
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(repeatTimes);
for (int i = 0; i < repeatTimes; i++)
return buf.toString();
public static String padOrTrim(String message, int targetLength)
int messageLength = message.length();
if (messageLength >= targetLength)
return message.substring(0, targetLength);
return message + StringIterate.repeat(' ', targetLength - messageLength);
public static MutableList<Character> toList(String string)
MutableList<Character> characters = FastList.newList(string.length());
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableList<Character> toLowercaseList(String string)
MutableList<Character> characters = FastList.newList();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddLowercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableList<Character> toUppercaseList(String string)
MutableList<Character> characters = FastList.newList();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddUppercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableBag<Character> toBag(String string)
MutableBag<Character> characters = HashBag.newBag();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableBag<Character> toLowercaseBag(String string)
MutableBag<Character> characters = HashBag.newBag();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddLowercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableBag<Character> toUppercaseBag(String string)
MutableBag<Character> characters = HashBag.newBag();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddUppercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static MutableSet<Character> toSet(String string)
MutableSet<Character> characters = UnifiedSet.newSet();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
Partitions String in fixed size chunks.
Params: - size – the number of characters per chunk
Returns: A MutableList
containing String
s of size size
, except the last will be truncated (i.e. shorter) if the characters don't divide evenly. Since: 5.2
* Partitions String in fixed size chunks.
* @param size the number of characters per chunk
* @return A {@code MutableList} containing {@code String}s of size {@code size}, except the last will be
* truncated (i.e. shorter) if the characters don't divide evenly.
* @since 5.2
public static MutableList<String> chunk(String string, int size)
if (size <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size for groups must be positive but was: " + size);
int length = string.length();
if (length == 0)
return FastList.newList();
MutableList<String> result = FastList.newList((length + size - 1) / size);
int startOffset = 0;
while (startOffset < length)
result.add(string.substring(startOffset, Math.min(startOffset + size, length)));
startOffset += size;
return result;
Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable.
public static MutableSet<Character> asUppercaseSet(String string)
return StringIterate.toUppercaseSet(string);
public static MutableSet<Character> toUppercaseSet(String string)
MutableSet<Character> characters = UnifiedSet.newSet();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddUppercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
Deprecated: in 3.0. Inlineable.
* @deprecated in 3.0. Inlineable.
public static MutableSet<Character> asLowercaseSet(String string)
return StringIterate.toLowercaseSet(string);
public static MutableSet<Character> toLowercaseSet(String string)
MutableSet<Character> characters = UnifiedSet.newSet();
StringIterate.forEachChar(string, new AddLowercaseCharacterToCollection(characters));
return characters;
public static Twin<String> splitAtIndex(String aString, int index)
return Tuples.twin(aString.substring(0, index), aString.substring(index));
private static final class AddCharacterToCollection implements CharProcedure
private final MutableCollection<Character> characters;
private AddCharacterToCollection(MutableCollection<Character> characters)
this.characters = characters;
public void value(char character)
private static final class AddLowercaseCharacterToCollection implements CharProcedure
private final MutableCollection<Character> characters;
private AddLowercaseCharacterToCollection(MutableCollection<Character> characters)
this.characters = characters;
public void value(char character)
private static final class AddUppercaseCharacterToCollection implements CharProcedure
private final MutableCollection<Character> characters;
private AddUppercaseCharacterToCollection(MutableCollection<Character> characters)
this.characters = characters;
public void value(char character)