 * Copyright (c) 2018 Goldman Sachs.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.eclipse.collections.impl.primitive;

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.BooleanIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.LazyBooleanIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableBooleanBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.BooleanBooleanToBooleanFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.BooleanToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ObjectBooleanToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.BooleanPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.BooleanProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.BooleanIterator;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.MutableBooleanList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableBooleanSet;

A synchronized view of a BooleanIterable. This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveIterable.stg.
/** * A synchronized view of a BooleanIterable. * This file was automatically generated from template file synchronizedPrimitiveIterable.stg. * * @since 5.0. */
public class SynchronizedBooleanIterable implements BooleanIterable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Object lock; private final BooleanIterable iterable; protected SynchronizedBooleanIterable(BooleanIterable iterable) { this(iterable, null); } protected SynchronizedBooleanIterable(BooleanIterable iterable, Object newLock) { if (iterable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a SynchronizedBooleanIterable on a null collection"); } this.iterable = iterable; this.lock = newLock == null ? this : newLock; }
This method will take a BooleanIterable and wrap it directly in a SynchronizedBooleanIterable.
/** * This method will take a BooleanIterable and wrap it directly in a SynchronizedBooleanIterable. */
public static SynchronizedBooleanIterable of(BooleanIterable iterable) { return new SynchronizedBooleanIterable(iterable); }
This method will take a BooleanIterable and wrap it directly in a SynchronizedBooleanIterable. Additionally, a developer specifies which lock to use with the collection.
/** * This method will take a BooleanIterable and wrap it directly in a SynchronizedBooleanIterable. Additionally, * a developer specifies which lock to use with the collection. */
public static SynchronizedBooleanIterable of(BooleanIterable iterable, Object lock) { return new SynchronizedBooleanIterable(iterable, lock); } @Override public boolean[] toArray() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.toArray(); } } @Override public boolean contains(boolean value) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.contains(value); } } @Override public boolean containsAll(boolean... source) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.containsAll(source); } } @Override public boolean containsAll(BooleanIterable source) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.containsAll(source); } } @Override public void forEach(BooleanProcedure procedure) { this.each(procedure); }
/** * @since 7.0. */
@Override public void each(BooleanProcedure procedure) { synchronized (this.lock) { this.iterable.forEach(procedure); } } @Override public BooleanIterable select(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.select(predicate); } } @Override public BooleanIterable reject(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.reject(predicate); } } @Override public <V> RichIterable<V> collect(BooleanToObjectFunction<? extends V> function) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.collect(function); } } @Override public boolean detectIfNone(BooleanPredicate predicate, boolean ifNone) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.detectIfNone(predicate, ifNone); } } @Override public int count(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.count(predicate); } } @Override public boolean anySatisfy(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.anySatisfy(predicate); } } @Override public boolean allSatisfy(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.allSatisfy(predicate); } } @Override public boolean noneSatisfy(BooleanPredicate predicate) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.noneSatisfy(predicate); } } @Override public MutableBooleanList toList() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.toList(); } } @Override public MutableBooleanSet toSet() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.toSet(); } } @Override public MutableBooleanBag toBag() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.toBag(); } } @Override public LazyBooleanIterable asLazy() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.asLazy(); } } @Override public int size() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.size(); } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.isEmpty(); } } @Override public boolean notEmpty() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.notEmpty(); } } @Override public <T> T injectInto(T injectedValue, ObjectBooleanToObjectFunction<? super T, ? extends T> function) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.injectInto(injectedValue, function); } } @Override public boolean reduce(BooleanBooleanToBooleanFunction accumulator) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.reduce(accumulator); } } @Override public boolean reduceIfEmpty(BooleanBooleanToBooleanFunction accumulator, boolean defaultValue) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.reduceIfEmpty(accumulator, defaultValue); } } @Override public RichIterable<BooleanIterable> chunk(int size) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.chunk(size); } } @Override public String toString() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.toString(); } } @Override public String makeString() { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.makeString(); } } @Override public String makeString(String separator) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.makeString(separator); } } @Override public String makeString(String start, String separator, String end) { synchronized (this.lock) { return this.iterable.makeString(start, separator, end); } } @Override public void appendString(Appendable appendable) { synchronized (this.lock) { this.iterable.appendString(appendable); } } @Override public void appendString(Appendable appendable, String separator) { synchronized (this.lock) { this.iterable.appendString(appendable, separator); } } @Override public void appendString(Appendable appendable, String start, String separator, String end) { synchronized (this.lock) { this.iterable.appendString(appendable, start, separator, end); } }
Must be called in a synchronized block.
/** * Must be called in a synchronized block. */
@Override public BooleanIterator booleanIterator() { return this.iterable.booleanIterator(); } }