 * Copyright (c) 2018 Goldman Sachs and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.FloatIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.ImmutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.FloatToObjectFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.IntPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.FloatPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.FloatProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.primitive.ImmutableFloatCollection;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ImmutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.FloatIntPair;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.ImmutableFloatSet;

This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg.
/** * This file was automatically generated from template file immutablePrimitiveBag.stg. * * @since 3.0. */
public interface ImmutableFloatBag extends ImmutableFloatCollection, FloatBag { @Override ImmutableFloatBag select(FloatPredicate predicate); @Override ImmutableFloatBag reject(FloatPredicate predicate);
/** * @since 9.0. */
@Override default ImmutableFloatBag tap(FloatProcedure procedure) { this.forEach(procedure); return this; }
Returns all elements of the bag that have a number of occurrences that satisfy the predicate.
/** * Returns all elements of the bag that have a number of occurrences that satisfy the predicate. * * @since 8.0 */
@Override ImmutableFloatBag selectByOccurrences(IntPredicate predicate);
Returns all elements of the bag that have more than one occurrence.
/** * Returns all elements of the bag that have more than one occurrence. * * @since 9.2 */
@Override default ImmutableFloatBag selectDuplicates() { return this.selectByOccurrences(occurrences -> occurrences > 1); }
Returns all elements of the bag that have exactly one occurrence.
/** * Returns all elements of the bag that have exactly one occurrence. * * @since 9.2 */
@Override default ImmutableFloatSet selectUnique() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Adding default implementation so as to not break compatibility"); }
Returns the count most frequently occurring items. In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last item will be returned.
/** * Returns the {@code count} most frequently occurring items. * * In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last * item will be returned. * * @since 8.0 */
@Override ImmutableList<FloatIntPair> topOccurrences(int count);
Returns the count least frequently occurring items. In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last item will be returned.
/** * Returns the {@code count} least frequently occurring items. * * In the event of a tie, all of the items with the number of occurrences that match the occurrences of the last * item will be returned. * * @since 8.0 */
@Override ImmutableList<FloatIntPair> bottomOccurrences(int count); @Override <V> ImmutableBag<V> collect(FloatToObjectFunction<? extends V> function); @Override ImmutableFloatBag newWith(float element); @Override ImmutableFloatBag newWithout(float element); @Override ImmutableFloatBag newWithAll(FloatIterable elements); @Override ImmutableFloatBag newWithoutAll(FloatIterable elements); }