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package org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;

A Pair is a container that holds two related objects. It is the equivalent of an Association in Smalltalk, or an implementation of Map.Entry in the JDK. An instance of this interface can be created by calling Tuples.pair(Object, Object) or Tuples.twin(Object, Object).
/** * A Pair is a container that holds two related objects. It is the equivalent of an Association in Smalltalk, or an * implementation of Map.Entry in the JDK. * * An instance of this interface can be created by calling Tuples.pair(Object, Object) or Tuples.twin(Object, Object). */
public interface Pair<T1, T2> extends Serializable, Comparable<Pair<T1, T2>> { T1 getOne(); T2 getTwo(); void put(Map<? super T1, ? super T2> map); Map.Entry<T1, T2> toEntry();
Method used to swap the elements of pair.

Pair<String, Integer> pair = Tuples.pair("One", 1);
Pair<Integer, String> swappedPair = pair.swap();
/** * Method used to swap the elements of pair. * <p> * <pre>e.g. * Pair&lt;String, Integer&gt; pair = Tuples.pair("One", 1); * Pair&lt;Integer, String&gt; swappedPair = pair.swap(); * </pre> * * @since 6.0 */
Pair<T2, T1> swap(); }