/* -*-             c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-  //------100-columns-wide------>|*/
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Extreme! Lab, Indiana University. All rights reserved.
 * This software is open source. See the bottom of this file for the licence.
 * $Id$

package org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;

//import java.util.Hashtable;

//TODO best handling of interning issues
//   have isAllNewStringInterned ???

//TODO handling surrogate pairs: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/utf_bom.html#6

//TODO review code for use of bufAbsoluteStart when keeping pos between next()/fillBuf()

Absolutely minimal implementation of XMLPULL V1 API. Encoding handling done with XmlReader
Author:Aleksander Slominski
See Also:
  • XmlReader
/** * Absolutely minimal implementation of XMLPULL V1 API. Encoding handling done with XmlReader * * @see org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.XmlReader * @author <a href="http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/~aslom/">Aleksander Slominski</a> */
public class MXParser implements XmlPullParser { // NOTE: no interning of those strings --> by Java leng spec they MUST be already interned protected final static String XML_URI = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; protected final static String XMLNS_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; protected final static String FEATURE_XML_ROUNDTRIP = // "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#xml-roundtrip"; "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#xml-roundtrip"; protected final static String FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#names-interned"; protected final static String PROPERTY_XMLDECL_VERSION = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#xmldecl-version"; protected final static String PROPERTY_XMLDECL_STANDALONE = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#xmldecl-standalone"; protected final static String PROPERTY_XMLDECL_CONTENT = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#xmldecl-content"; protected final static String PROPERTY_LOCATION = "http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#location";
Implementation notice: the is instance variable that controls if newString() is interning.

NOTE: newStringIntern always returns interned strings and newString MAY return interned String depending on this variable.

NOTE: by default in this minimal implementation it is false!

/** * Implementation notice: the is instance variable that controls if newString() is interning. * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> newStringIntern <b>always</b> returns interned strings and newString MAY return interned String * depending on this variable. * <p> * <b>NOTE:</b> by default in this minimal implementation it is false! */
protected boolean allStringsInterned; protected void resetStringCache() { // System.out.println("resetStringCache() minimum called"); } protected String newString( char[] cbuf, int off, int len ) { return new String( cbuf, off, len ); } protected String newStringIntern( char[] cbuf, int off, int len ) { return ( new String( cbuf, off, len ) ).intern(); } private static final boolean TRACE_SIZING = false; // NOTE: features are not resetable and typically defaults to false ... protected boolean processNamespaces; protected boolean roundtripSupported; // global parser state protected String location; protected int lineNumber; protected int columnNumber; protected boolean seenRoot; protected boolean reachedEnd; protected int eventType; protected boolean emptyElementTag; // element stack protected int depth; protected char[] elRawName[]; protected int elRawNameEnd[]; protected int elRawNameLine[]; protected String elName[]; protected String elPrefix[]; protected String elUri[]; // protected String elValue[]; protected int elNamespaceCount[];
Make sure that we have enough space to keep element stack if passed size. It will always create one additional slot then current depth
/** * Make sure that we have enough space to keep element stack if passed size. It will always create one additional * slot then current depth */
protected void ensureElementsCapacity() { final int elStackSize = elName != null ? elName.length : 0; if ( ( depth + 1 ) >= elStackSize ) { // we add at least one extra slot ... final int newSize = ( depth >= 7 ? 2 * depth : 8 ) + 2; // = lucky 7 + 1 //25 if ( TRACE_SIZING ) { System.err.println( "TRACE_SIZING elStackSize " + elStackSize + " ==> " + newSize ); } final boolean needsCopying = elStackSize > 0; String[] arr = null; // resue arr local variable slot arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( elName, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize ); elName = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( elPrefix, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize ); elPrefix = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( elUri, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize ); elUri = arr; int[] iarr = new int[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) { System.arraycopy( elNamespaceCount, 0, iarr, 0, elStackSize ); } else { // special initialization iarr[0] = 0; } elNamespaceCount = iarr; // TODO: avoid using element raw name ... iarr = new int[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) { System.arraycopy( elRawNameEnd, 0, iarr, 0, elStackSize ); } elRawNameEnd = iarr; iarr = new int[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) { System.arraycopy( elRawNameLine, 0, iarr, 0, elStackSize ); } elRawNameLine = iarr; final char[][] carr = new char[newSize][]; if ( needsCopying ) { System.arraycopy( elRawName, 0, carr, 0, elStackSize ); } elRawName = carr; // arr = new String[newSize]; // if(needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elLocalName, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize); // elLocalName = arr; // arr = new String[newSize]; // if(needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elDefaultNs, 0, arr, 0, elStackSize); // elDefaultNs = arr; // int[] iarr = new int[newSize]; // if(needsCopying) System.arraycopy(elNsStackPos, 0, iarr, 0, elStackSize); // for (int i = elStackSize; i < iarr.length; i++) // { // iarr[i] = (i > 0) ? -1 : 0; // } // elNsStackPos = iarr; // assert depth < elName.length; } } // attribute stack protected int attributeCount; protected String attributeName[]; protected int attributeNameHash[]; // protected int attributeNameStart[]; // protected int attributeNameEnd[]; protected String attributePrefix[]; protected String attributeUri[]; protected String attributeValue[]; // protected int attributeValueStart[]; // protected int attributeValueEnd[];
Make sure that in attributes temporary array is enough space.
/** * Make sure that in attributes temporary array is enough space. */
protected void ensureAttributesCapacity( int size ) { final int attrPosSize = attributeName != null ? attributeName.length : 0; if ( size >= attrPosSize ) { final int newSize = size > 7 ? 2 * size : 8; // = lucky 7 + 1 //25 if ( TRACE_SIZING ) { System.err.println( "TRACE_SIZING attrPosSize " + attrPosSize + " ==> " + newSize ); } final boolean needsCopying = attrPosSize > 0; String[] arr = null; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( attributeName, 0, arr, 0, attrPosSize ); attributeName = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( attributePrefix, 0, arr, 0, attrPosSize ); attributePrefix = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( attributeUri, 0, arr, 0, attrPosSize ); attributeUri = arr; arr = new String[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( attributeValue, 0, arr, 0, attrPosSize ); attributeValue = arr; if ( !allStringsInterned ) { final int[] iarr = new int[newSize]; if ( needsCopying ) System.arraycopy( attributeNameHash, 0, iarr, 0, attrPosSize ); attributeNameHash = iarr; } arr = null; // //assert attrUri.length > size } } // namespace stack protected int namespaceEnd; protected String namespacePrefix[]; protected int namespacePrefixHash[]; protected String namespaceUri[]; protected void ensureNamespacesCapacity( int size ) { final int namespaceSize = namespacePrefix != null ? namespacePrefix.length : 0; if ( size >= namespaceSize ) { final int newSize = size > 7 ? 2 * size : 8; // = lucky 7 + 1 //25 if ( TRACE_SIZING ) { System.err.println( "TRACE_SIZING namespaceSize " + namespaceSize + " ==> " + newSize ); } final String[] newNamespacePrefix = new String[newSize]; final String[] newNamespaceUri = new String[newSize]; if ( namespacePrefix != null ) { System.arraycopy( namespacePrefix, 0, newNamespacePrefix, 0, namespaceEnd ); System.arraycopy( namespaceUri, 0, newNamespaceUri, 0, namespaceEnd ); } namespacePrefix = newNamespacePrefix; namespaceUri = newNamespaceUri; if ( !allStringsInterned ) { final int[] newNamespacePrefixHash = new int[newSize]; if ( namespacePrefixHash != null ) { System.arraycopy( namespacePrefixHash, 0, newNamespacePrefixHash, 0, namespaceEnd ); } namespacePrefixHash = newNamespacePrefixHash; } // prefixesSize = newSize; // //assert nsPrefixes.length > size && nsPrefixes.length == newSize } }
simplistic implementation of hash function that has constant time to compute - so it also means diminishing hash quality for long strings but for XML parsing it should be good enough ...
/** * simplistic implementation of hash function that has <b>constant</b> time to compute - so it also means * diminishing hash quality for long strings but for XML parsing it should be good enough ... */
protected static final int fastHash( char ch[], int off, int len ) { if ( len == 0 ) return 0; // assert len >0 int hash = ch[off]; // hash at beginning // try { hash = ( hash << 7 ) + ch[off + len - 1]; // hash at the end // } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aie) { // aie.printStackTrace(); //should never happen ... // throw new RuntimeException("this is violation of pre-condition"); // } if ( len > 16 ) hash = ( hash << 7 ) + ch[off + ( len / 4 )]; // 1/4 from beginning if ( len > 8 ) hash = ( hash << 7 ) + ch[off + ( len / 2 )]; // 1/2 of string size ... // notice that hash is at most done 3 times <<7 so shifted by 21 bits 8 bit value // so max result == 29 bits so it is quite just below 31 bits for long (2^32) ... // assert hash >= 0; return hash; } // entity replacement stack protected int entityEnd; protected String entityName[]; protected char[] entityNameBuf[]; protected String entityReplacement[]; protected char[] entityReplacementBuf[]; protected int entityNameHash[]; private final EntityReplacementMap replacementMapTemplate; protected void ensureEntityCapacity() { final int entitySize = entityReplacementBuf != null ? entityReplacementBuf.length : 0; if ( entityEnd >= entitySize ) { final int newSize = entityEnd > 7 ? 2 * entityEnd : 8; // = lucky 7 + 1 //25 if ( TRACE_SIZING ) { System.err.println( "TRACE_SIZING entitySize " + entitySize + " ==> " + newSize ); } final String[] newEntityName = new String[newSize]; final char[] newEntityNameBuf[] = new char[newSize][]; final String[] newEntityReplacement = new String[newSize]; final char[] newEntityReplacementBuf[] = new char[newSize][]; if ( entityName != null ) { System.arraycopy( entityName, 0, newEntityName, 0, entityEnd ); System.arraycopy( entityNameBuf, 0, newEntityNameBuf, 0, entityEnd ); System.arraycopy( entityReplacement, 0, newEntityReplacement, 0, entityEnd ); System.arraycopy( entityReplacementBuf, 0, newEntityReplacementBuf, 0, entityEnd ); } entityName = newEntityName; entityNameBuf = newEntityNameBuf; entityReplacement = newEntityReplacement; entityReplacementBuf = newEntityReplacementBuf; if ( !allStringsInterned ) { final int[] newEntityNameHash = new int[newSize]; if ( entityNameHash != null ) { System.arraycopy( entityNameHash, 0, newEntityNameHash, 0, entityEnd ); } entityNameHash = newEntityNameHash; } } } // input buffer management protected static final int READ_CHUNK_SIZE = 8 * 1024; // max data chars in one read() call protected Reader reader; protected String inputEncoding; protected int bufLoadFactor = 95; // 99% // protected int bufHardLimit; // only matters when expanding protected char buf[] = new char[Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() > 1000000L ? READ_CHUNK_SIZE : 256]; protected int bufSoftLimit = ( bufLoadFactor * buf.length ) / 100; // desirable size of buffer protected boolean preventBufferCompaction; protected int bufAbsoluteStart; // this is buf protected int bufStart; protected int bufEnd; protected int pos; protected int posStart; protected int posEnd; protected char pc[] = new char[Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() > 1000000L ? READ_CHUNK_SIZE : 64]; protected int pcStart; protected int pcEnd; // parsing state // protected boolean needsMore; // protected boolean seenMarkup; protected boolean usePC; protected boolean seenStartTag; protected boolean seenEndTag; protected boolean pastEndTag; protected boolean seenAmpersand; protected boolean seenMarkup; protected boolean seenDocdecl; // transient variable set during each call to next/Token() protected boolean tokenize; protected String text; protected String entityRefName; protected String xmlDeclVersion; protected Boolean xmlDeclStandalone; protected String xmlDeclContent; protected void reset() { // System.out.println("reset() called"); location = null; lineNumber = 1; columnNumber = 0; seenRoot = false; reachedEnd = false; eventType = START_DOCUMENT; emptyElementTag = false; depth = 0; attributeCount = 0; namespaceEnd = 0; entityEnd = 0; setupFromTemplate(); reader = null; inputEncoding = null; preventBufferCompaction = false; bufAbsoluteStart = 0; bufEnd = bufStart = 0; pos = posStart = posEnd = 0; pcEnd = pcStart = 0; usePC = false; seenStartTag = false; seenEndTag = false; pastEndTag = false; seenAmpersand = false; seenMarkup = false; seenDocdecl = false; xmlDeclVersion = null; xmlDeclStandalone = null; xmlDeclContent = null; resetStringCache(); } public MXParser() { replacementMapTemplate = null; } public MXParser( EntityReplacementMap entityReplacementMap ) { this.replacementMapTemplate = entityReplacementMap; } public void setupFromTemplate() { if ( replacementMapTemplate != null ) { int length = replacementMapTemplate.entityEnd; // This is a bit cheeky, since the EntityReplacementMap contains exact-sized arrays, // and elements are always added to the array, we can use the array from the template. // Kids; dont do this at home. entityName = replacementMapTemplate.entityName; entityNameBuf = replacementMapTemplate.entityNameBuf; entityReplacement = replacementMapTemplate.entityReplacement; entityReplacementBuf = replacementMapTemplate.entityReplacementBuf; entityNameHash = replacementMapTemplate.entityNameHash; entityEnd = length; } }
Method setFeature
  • name – a String
  • state – a boolean
/** * Method setFeature * * @param name a String * @param state a boolean * @throws XmlPullParserException */
public void setFeature( String name, boolean state ) throws XmlPullParserException { if ( name == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "feature name should not be null" ); if ( FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES.equals( name ) ) { if ( eventType != START_DOCUMENT ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "namespace processing feature can only be changed before parsing", this, null ); processNamespaces = state; // } else if(FEATURE_REPORT_NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES.equals(name)) { // if(type != START_DOCUMENT) throw new XmlPullParserException( // "namespace reporting feature can only be changed before parsing", this, null); // reportNsAttribs = state; } else if ( FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED.equals( name ) ) { if ( state != false ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "interning names in this implementation is not supported" ); } } else if ( FEATURE_PROCESS_DOCDECL.equals( name ) ) { if ( state != false ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing DOCDECL is not supported" ); } // } else if(REPORT_DOCDECL.equals(name)) { // paramNotifyDoctype = state; } else if ( FEATURE_XML_ROUNDTRIP.equals( name ) ) { // if(state == false) { // throw new XmlPullParserException( // "roundtrip feature can not be switched off"); // } roundtripSupported = state; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unsupported feature " + name ); } }
Unknown properties are always returned as false
/** * Unknown properties are <strong>always</strong> returned as false */
public boolean getFeature( String name ) { if ( name == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "feature name should not be null" ); if ( FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES.equals( name ) ) { return processNamespaces; // } else if(FEATURE_REPORT_NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES.equals(name)) { // return reportNsAttribs; } else if ( FEATURE_NAMES_INTERNED.equals( name ) ) { return false; } else if ( FEATURE_PROCESS_DOCDECL.equals( name ) ) { return false; // } else if(REPORT_DOCDECL.equals(name)) { // return paramNotifyDoctype; } else if ( FEATURE_XML_ROUNDTRIP.equals( name ) ) { // return true; return roundtripSupported; } return false; } public void setProperty( String name, Object value ) throws XmlPullParserException { if ( PROPERTY_LOCATION.equals( name ) ) { location = (String) value; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unsupported property: '" + name + "'" ); } } public Object getProperty( String name ) { if ( name == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "property name should not be null" ); if ( PROPERTY_XMLDECL_VERSION.equals( name ) ) { return xmlDeclVersion; } else if ( PROPERTY_XMLDECL_STANDALONE.equals( name ) ) { return xmlDeclStandalone; } else if ( PROPERTY_XMLDECL_CONTENT.equals( name ) ) { return xmlDeclContent; } else if ( PROPERTY_LOCATION.equals( name ) ) { return location; } return null; } public void setInput( Reader in ) throws XmlPullParserException { reset(); reader = in; } public void setInput( java.io.InputStream inputStream, String inputEncoding ) throws XmlPullParserException { if ( inputStream == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "input stream can not be null" ); } Reader reader; try { if ( inputEncoding != null ) { reader = ReaderFactory.newReader( inputStream, inputEncoding ); } else { reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( inputStream ); } } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException une ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not create reader for encoding " + inputEncoding + " : " + une, this, une ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not create reader : " + e, this, e ); } setInput( reader ); // must be here as reset() was called in setInput() and has set this.inputEncoding to null ... this.inputEncoding = inputEncoding; } public String getInputEncoding() { return inputEncoding; } public void defineEntityReplacementText( String entityName, String replacementText ) throws XmlPullParserException { // throw new XmlPullParserException("not allowed"); if ( !replacementText.startsWith( "&#" ) && this.entityName != null && replacementText.length() > 1 ) { String tmp = replacementText.substring( 1, replacementText.length() - 1 ); for ( int i = 0; i < this.entityName.length; i++ ) { if ( this.entityName[i] != null && this.entityName[i].equals( tmp ) ) { replacementText = this.entityReplacement[i]; } } } // protected char[] entityReplacement[]; ensureEntityCapacity(); // this is to make sure that if interning works we will take advantage of it ... char[] entityNameCharData = entityName.toCharArray(); this.entityName[entityEnd] = newString( entityNameCharData, 0, entityName.length() ); entityNameBuf[entityEnd] = entityNameCharData; entityReplacement[entityEnd] = replacementText; entityReplacementBuf[entityEnd] = replacementText.toCharArray(); if ( !allStringsInterned ) { entityNameHash[entityEnd] = fastHash( entityNameBuf[entityEnd], 0, entityNameBuf[entityEnd].length ); } ++entityEnd; // TODO disallow < or & in entity replacement text (or ]]>???) // TOOD keepEntityNormalizedForAttributeValue cached as well ... } public int getNamespaceCount( int depth ) throws XmlPullParserException { if ( processNamespaces == false || depth == 0 ) { return 0; } // int maxDepth = eventType == END_TAG ? this.depth + 1 : this.depth; // if(depth < 0 || depth > maxDepth) throw new IllegalArgumentException( if ( depth < 0 || depth > this.depth ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "namespace count may be for depth 0.." + this.depth + " not " + depth ); return elNamespaceCount[depth]; } public String getNamespacePrefix( int pos ) throws XmlPullParserException { // int end = eventType == END_TAG ? elNamespaceCount[ depth + 1 ] : namespaceEnd; // if(pos < end) { if ( pos < namespaceEnd ) { return namespacePrefix[pos]; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "position " + pos + " exceeded number of available namespaces " + namespaceEnd ); } } public String getNamespaceUri( int pos ) throws XmlPullParserException { // int end = eventType == END_TAG ? elNamespaceCount[ depth + 1 ] : namespaceEnd; // if(pos < end) { if ( pos < namespaceEnd ) { return namespaceUri[pos]; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "position " + pos + " exceeded number of available namespaces " + namespaceEnd ); } } public String getNamespace( String prefix ) // throws XmlPullParserException { // int count = namespaceCount[ depth ]; if ( prefix != null ) { for ( int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( prefix.equals( namespacePrefix[i] ) ) { return namespaceUri[i]; } } if ( "xml".equals( prefix ) ) { return XML_URI; } else if ( "xmlns".equals( prefix ) ) { return XMLNS_URI; } } else { for ( int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( namespacePrefix[i] == null ) { // "") { //null ) { //TODO check FIXME Alek return namespaceUri[i]; } } } return null; } public int getDepth() { return depth; } private static int findFragment( int bufMinPos, char[] b, int start, int end ) { // System.err.println("bufStart="+bufStart+" b="+printable(new String(b, start, end - start))+" start="+start+" // end="+end); if ( start < bufMinPos ) { start = bufMinPos; if ( start > end ) start = end; return start; } if ( end - start > 65 ) { start = end - 10; // try to find good location } int i = start + 1; while ( --i > bufMinPos ) { if ( ( end - i ) > 65 ) break; final char c = b[i]; if ( c == '<' && ( start - i ) > 10 ) break; } return i; }
Return string describing current position of parsers as text 'STATE [seen %s...] @line:column'.
/** * Return string describing current position of parsers as text 'STATE [seen %s...] @line:column'. */
public String getPositionDescription() { String fragment = null; if ( posStart <= pos ) { final int start = findFragment( 0, buf, posStart, pos ); // System.err.println("start="+start); if ( start < pos ) { fragment = new String( buf, start, pos - start ); } if ( bufAbsoluteStart > 0 || start > 0 ) fragment = "..." + fragment; } // return " at line "+tokenizerPosRow // +" and column "+(tokenizerPosCol-1) // +(fragment != null ? " seen "+printable(fragment)+"..." : ""); return " " + TYPES[eventType] + ( fragment != null ? " seen " + printable( fragment ) + "..." : "" ) + " " + ( location != null ? location : "" ) + "@" + getLineNumber() + ":" + getColumnNumber(); } public int getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } public int getColumnNumber() { return columnNumber; } public boolean isWhitespace() throws XmlPullParserException { if ( eventType == TEXT || eventType == CDSECT ) { if ( usePC ) { for ( int i = pcStart; i < pcEnd; i++ ) { if ( !isS( pc[i] ) ) return false; } return true; } else { for ( int i = posStart; i < posEnd; i++ ) { if ( !isS( buf[i] ) ) return false; } return true; } } else if ( eventType == IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE ) { return true; } throw new XmlPullParserException( "no content available to check for whitespaces" ); } public String getText() { if ( eventType == START_DOCUMENT || eventType == END_DOCUMENT ) { // throw new XmlPullParserException("no content available to read"); // if(roundtripSupported) { // text = new String(buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart); // } else { return null; // } } else if ( eventType == ENTITY_REF ) { return text; } if ( text == null ) { if ( !usePC || eventType == START_TAG || eventType == END_TAG ) { text = new String( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); } else { text = new String( pc, pcStart, pcEnd - pcStart ); } } return text; } public char[] getTextCharacters( int[] holderForStartAndLength ) { if ( eventType == TEXT ) { if ( usePC ) { holderForStartAndLength[0] = pcStart; holderForStartAndLength[1] = pcEnd - pcStart; return pc; } else { holderForStartAndLength[0] = posStart; holderForStartAndLength[1] = posEnd - posStart; return buf; } } else if ( eventType == START_TAG || eventType == END_TAG || eventType == CDSECT || eventType == COMMENT || eventType == ENTITY_REF || eventType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION || eventType == IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE || eventType == DOCDECL ) { holderForStartAndLength[0] = posStart; holderForStartAndLength[1] = posEnd - posStart; return buf; } else if ( eventType == START_DOCUMENT || eventType == END_DOCUMENT ) { // throw new XmlPullParserException("no content available to read"); holderForStartAndLength[0] = holderForStartAndLength[1] = -1; return null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown text eventType: " + eventType ); } // String s = getText(); // char[] cb = null; // if(s!= null) { // cb = s.toCharArray(); // holderForStartAndLength[0] = 0; // holderForStartAndLength[1] = s.length(); // } else { // } // return cb; } public String getNamespace() { if ( eventType == START_TAG ) { // return processNamespaces ? elUri[ depth - 1 ] : NO_NAMESPACE; return processNamespaces ? elUri[depth] : NO_NAMESPACE; } else if ( eventType == END_TAG ) { return processNamespaces ? elUri[depth] : NO_NAMESPACE; } return null; // String prefix = elPrefix[ maxDepth ]; // if(prefix != null) { // for( int i = namespaceEnd -1; i >= 0; i--) { // if( prefix.equals( namespacePrefix[ i ] ) ) { // return namespaceUri[ i ]; // } // } // } else { // for( int i = namespaceEnd -1; i >= 0; i--) { // if( namespacePrefix[ i ] == null ) { // return namespaceUri[ i ]; // } // } // // } // return ""; } public String getName() { if ( eventType == START_TAG ) { // return elName[ depth - 1 ] ; return elName[depth]; } else if ( eventType == END_TAG ) { return elName[depth]; } else if ( eventType == ENTITY_REF ) { if ( entityRefName == null ) { entityRefName = newString( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); } return entityRefName; } else { return null; } } public String getPrefix() { if ( eventType == START_TAG ) { // return elPrefix[ depth - 1 ] ; return elPrefix[depth]; } else if ( eventType == END_TAG ) { return elPrefix[depth]; } return null; // if(eventType != START_TAG && eventType != END_TAG) return null; // int maxDepth = eventType == END_TAG ? depth : depth - 1; // return elPrefix[ maxDepth ]; } public boolean isEmptyElementTag() throws XmlPullParserException { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "parser must be on START_TAG to check for empty element", this, null ); return emptyElementTag; } public int getAttributeCount() { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) return -1; return attributeCount; } public String getAttributeNamespace( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( processNamespaces == false ) return NO_NAMESPACE; if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return attributeUri[index]; } public String getAttributeName( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return attributeName[index]; } public String getAttributePrefix( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( processNamespaces == false ) return null; if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return attributePrefix[index]; } public String getAttributeType( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return "CDATA"; } public boolean isAttributeDefault( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return false; } public String getAttributeValue( int index ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" ); if ( index < 0 || index >= attributeCount ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "attribute position must be 0.." + ( attributeCount - 1 ) + " and not " + index ); return attributeValue[index]; } public String getAttributeValue( String namespace, String name ) { if ( eventType != START_TAG ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "only START_TAG can have attributes" + getPositionDescription() ); if ( name == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attribute name can not be null" ); } // TODO make check if namespace is interned!!! etc. for names!!! if ( processNamespaces ) { if ( namespace == null ) { namespace = ""; } for ( int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i ) { if ( ( namespace == attributeUri[i] || namespace.equals( attributeUri[i] ) ) // (namespace != null && namespace.equals(attributeUri[ i ])) // taking advantage of String.intern() && name.equals( attributeName[i] ) ) { return attributeValue[i]; } } } else { if ( namespace != null && namespace.length() == 0 ) { namespace = null; } if ( namespace != null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "when namespaces processing is disabled attribute namespace must be null" ); for ( int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i ) { if ( name.equals( attributeName[i] ) ) { return attributeValue[i]; } } } return null; } public int getEventType() throws XmlPullParserException { return eventType; } public void require( int type, String namespace, String name ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { if ( processNamespaces == false && namespace != null ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing namespaces must be enabled on parser (or factory)" + " to have possible namespaces declared on elements" + ( " (position:" + getPositionDescription() ) + ")" ); } if ( type != getEventType() || ( namespace != null && !namespace.equals( getNamespace() ) ) || ( name != null && !name.equals( getName() ) ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected event " + TYPES[type] + ( name != null ? " with name '" + name + "'" : "" ) + ( namespace != null && name != null ? " and" : "" ) + ( namespace != null ? " with namespace '" + namespace + "'" : "" ) + " but got" + ( type != getEventType() ? " " + TYPES[getEventType()] : "" ) + ( name != null && getName() != null && !name.equals( getName() ) ? " name '" + getName() + "'" : "" ) + ( namespace != null && name != null && getName() != null && !name.equals( getName() ) && getNamespace() != null && !namespace.equals( getNamespace() ) ? " and" : "" ) + ( namespace != null && getNamespace() != null && !namespace.equals( getNamespace() ) ? " namespace '" + getNamespace() + "'" : "" ) + ( " (position:" + getPositionDescription() ) + ")" ); } }
Skip sub tree that is currently parser positioned on.
NOTE: parser must be on START_TAG and when function returns parser will be positioned on corresponding END_TAG
/** * Skip sub tree that is currently parser positioned on. <br> * NOTE: parser must be on START_TAG and when function returns parser will be positioned on corresponding END_TAG */
public void skipSubTree() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { require( START_TAG, null, null ); int level = 1; while ( level > 0 ) { int eventType = next(); if ( eventType == END_TAG ) { --level; } else if ( eventType == START_TAG ) { ++level; } } } // public String readText() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException // { // if (getEventType() != TEXT) return ""; // String result = getText(); // next(); // return result; // } public String nextText() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // String result = null; // boolean onStartTag = false; // if(eventType == START_TAG) { // onStartTag = true; // next(); // } // if(eventType == TEXT) { // result = getText(); // next(); // } else if(onStartTag && eventType == END_TAG) { // result = ""; // } else { // throw new XmlPullParserException( // "parser must be on START_TAG or TEXT to read text", this, null); // } // if(eventType != END_TAG) { // throw new XmlPullParserException( // "event TEXT it must be immediately followed by END_TAG", this, null); // } // return result; if ( getEventType() != START_TAG ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "parser must be on START_TAG to read next text", this, null ); } int eventType = next(); if ( eventType == TEXT ) { final String result = getText(); eventType = next(); if ( eventType != END_TAG ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not " + TYPES[getEventType()], this, null ); } return result; } else if ( eventType == END_TAG ) { return ""; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "parser must be on START_TAG or TEXT to read text", this, null ); } } public int nextTag() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { next(); if ( eventType == TEXT && isWhitespace() ) { // skip whitespace next(); } if ( eventType != START_TAG && eventType != END_TAG ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected START_TAG or END_TAG not " + TYPES[getEventType()], this, null ); } return eventType; } public int next() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { tokenize = false; return nextImpl(); } public int nextToken() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { tokenize = true; return nextImpl(); } protected int nextImpl() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { text = null; pcEnd = pcStart = 0; usePC = false; bufStart = posEnd; if ( pastEndTag ) { pastEndTag = false; --depth; namespaceEnd = elNamespaceCount[depth]; // less namespaces available } if ( emptyElementTag ) { emptyElementTag = false; pastEndTag = true; return eventType = END_TAG; } // [1] document ::= prolog element Misc* if ( depth > 0 ) { if ( seenStartTag ) { seenStartTag = false; return eventType = parseStartTag(); } if ( seenEndTag ) { seenEndTag = false; return eventType = parseEndTag(); } // ASSUMPTION: we are _on_ first character of content or markup!!!! // [43] content ::= CharData? ((element | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment) CharData?)* char ch; if ( seenMarkup ) { // we have read ahead ... seenMarkup = false; ch = '<'; } else if ( seenAmpersand ) { seenAmpersand = false; ch = '&'; } else { ch = more(); } posStart = pos - 1; // VERY IMPORTANT: this is correct start of event!!! // when true there is some potential event TEXT to return - keep gathering boolean hadCharData = false; // when true TEXT data is not continuous (like <![CDATA[text]]>) and requires PC merging boolean needsMerging = false; MAIN_LOOP: while ( true ) { // work on MARKUP if ( ch == '<' ) { if ( hadCharData ) { // posEnd = pos - 1; if ( tokenize ) { seenMarkup = true; return eventType = TEXT; } } ch = more(); if ( ch == '/' ) { if ( !tokenize && hadCharData ) { seenEndTag = true; // posEnd = pos - 2; return eventType = TEXT; } return eventType = parseEndTag(); } else if ( ch == '!' ) { ch = more(); if ( ch == '-' ) { // note: if(tokenize == false) posStart/End is NOT changed!!!! parseComment(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = COMMENT; if ( !usePC && hadCharData ) { needsMerging = true; } else { posStart = pos; // completely ignore comment } } else if ( ch == '[' ) { // posEnd = pos - 3; // must remember previous posStart/End as it merges with content of CDATA // int oldStart = posStart + bufAbsoluteStart; // int oldEnd = posEnd + bufAbsoluteStart; parseCDSect( hadCharData ); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = CDSECT; final int cdStart = posStart; final int cdEnd = posEnd; final int cdLen = cdEnd - cdStart; if ( cdLen > 0 ) { // was there anything inside CDATA section? hadCharData = true; if ( !usePC ) { needsMerging = true; } } // posStart = oldStart; // posEnd = oldEnd; // if(cdLen > 0) { // was there anything inside CDATA section? // if(hadCharData) { // // do merging if there was anything in CDSect!!!! // // if(!usePC) { // // // posEnd is correct already!!! // // if(posEnd > posStart) { // // joinPC(); // // } else { // // usePC = true; // // pcStart = pcEnd = 0; // // } // // } // // if(pcEnd + cdLen >= pc.length) ensurePC(pcEnd + cdLen); // // // copy [cdStart..cdEnd) into PC // // System.arraycopy(buf, cdStart, pc, pcEnd, cdLen); // // pcEnd += cdLen; // if(!usePC) { // needsMerging = true; // posStart = cdStart; // posEnd = cdEnd; // } // } else { // if(!usePC) { // needsMerging = true; // posStart = cdStart; // posEnd = cdEnd; // hadCharData = true; // } // } // //hadCharData = true; // } else { // if( !usePC && hadCharData ) { // needsMerging = true; // } // } } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unexpected character in markup " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } else if ( ch == '?' ) { parsePI(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; if ( !usePC && hadCharData ) { needsMerging = true; } else { posStart = pos; // completely ignore PI } } else if ( isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { if ( !tokenize && hadCharData ) { seenStartTag = true; // posEnd = pos - 2; return eventType = TEXT; } return eventType = parseStartTag(); } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unexpected character in markup " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } // do content compaction if it makes sense!!!! } else if ( ch == '&' ) { // work on ENTITY // posEnd = pos - 1; if ( tokenize && hadCharData ) { seenAmpersand = true; return eventType = TEXT; } final int oldStart = posStart + bufAbsoluteStart; final int oldEnd = posEnd + bufAbsoluteStart; final char[] resolvedEntity = parseEntityRef(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = ENTITY_REF; // check if replacement text can be resolved !!! if ( resolvedEntity == null ) { if ( entityRefName == null ) { entityRefName = newString( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); } throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not resolve entity named '" + printable( entityRefName ) + "'", this, null ); } // int entStart = posStart; // int entEnd = posEnd; posStart = oldStart - bufAbsoluteStart; posEnd = oldEnd - bufAbsoluteStart; if ( !usePC ) { if ( hadCharData ) { joinPC(); // posEnd is already set correctly!!! needsMerging = false; } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; // write into PC replacement text - do merge for replacement text!!!! for ( char aResolvedEntity : resolvedEntity ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) { ensurePC( pcEnd ); } pc[pcEnd++] = aResolvedEntity; } hadCharData = true; // assert needsMerging == false; } else { if ( needsMerging ) { // assert usePC == false; joinPC(); // posEnd is already set correctly!!! // posStart = pos - 1; needsMerging = false; } // no MARKUP not ENTITIES so work on character data ... // [14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*) hadCharData = true; boolean normalizedCR = false; final boolean normalizeInput = tokenize == false || roundtripSupported == false; // use loop locality here!!!! boolean seenBracket = false; boolean seenBracketBracket = false; do { // check that ]]> does not show in if ( ch == ']' ) { if ( seenBracket ) { seenBracketBracket = true; } else { seenBracket = true; } } else if ( seenBracketBracket && ch == '>' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "characters ]]> are not allowed in content", this, null ); } else { if ( seenBracket ) { seenBracketBracket = seenBracket = false; } // assert seenTwoBrackets == seenBracket == false; } if ( normalizeInput ) { // deal with normalization issues ... if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; posEnd = pos - 1; // posEnd is already set if ( !usePC ) { if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { // if(!usePC) { joinPC(); } else { if(pcEnd >= pc.length) ensurePC(); } if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } ch = more(); } while ( ch != '<' && ch != '&' ); posEnd = pos - 1; continue MAIN_LOOP; // skip ch = more() from below - we are already ahead ... } ch = more(); } // endless while(true) } else { if ( seenRoot ) { return parseEpilog(); } else { return parseProlog(); } } } protected int parseProlog() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // [2] prolog: ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? and look for [39] element char ch; if ( seenMarkup ) { ch = buf[pos - 1]; } else { ch = more(); } if ( eventType == START_DOCUMENT ) { // bootstrap parsing with getting first character input! // deal with BOM // detect BOM and crop it (Unicode int Order Mark) if ( ch == '\uFFFE' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "first character in input was UNICODE noncharacter (0xFFFE)" + "- input requires int swapping", this, null ); } if ( ch == '\uFEFF' ) { // skipping UNICODE int Order Mark (so called BOM) ch = more(); } } seenMarkup = false; boolean gotS = false; posStart = pos - 1; final boolean normalizeIgnorableWS = tokenize == true && roundtripSupported == false; boolean normalizedCR = false; while ( true ) { // deal with Misc // [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S // deal with docdecl --> mark it! // else parseStartTag seen <[^/] if ( ch == '<' ) { if ( gotS && tokenize ) { posEnd = pos - 1; seenMarkup = true; return eventType = IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; } ch = more(); if ( ch == '?' ) { // check if it is 'xml' // deal with XMLDecl boolean isXMLDecl = parsePI(); if ( tokenize ) { if ( isXMLDecl ) { return eventType = START_DOCUMENT; } return eventType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; } } else if ( ch == '!' ) { ch = more(); if ( ch == 'D' ) { if ( seenDocdecl ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "only one docdecl allowed in XML document", this, null ); } seenDocdecl = true; parseDocdecl(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = DOCDECL; } else if ( ch == '-' ) { parseComment(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = COMMENT; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unexpected markup <!" + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } else if ( ch == '/' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected start tag name and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } else if ( isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { seenRoot = true; return parseStartTag(); } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected start tag name and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } else if ( isS( ch ) ) { gotS = true; if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; // posEnd = pos -1; // joinPC(); // posEnd is already set if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } } protected int parseEpilog() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { if ( eventType == END_DOCUMENT ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "already reached end of XML input", this, null ); } if ( reachedEnd ) { return eventType = END_DOCUMENT; } boolean gotS = false; final boolean normalizeIgnorableWS = tokenize == true && roundtripSupported == false; boolean normalizedCR = false; try { // epilog: Misc* char ch; if ( seenMarkup ) { ch = buf[pos - 1]; } else { ch = more(); } seenMarkup = false; posStart = pos - 1; if ( !reachedEnd ) { while ( true ) { // deal with Misc // [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S if ( ch == '<' ) { if ( gotS && tokenize ) { posEnd = pos - 1; seenMarkup = true; return eventType = IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; } ch = more(); if ( reachedEnd ) { break; } if ( ch == '?' ) { // check if it is 'xml' // deal with XMLDecl parsePI(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; } else if ( ch == '!' ) { ch = more(); if ( reachedEnd ) { break; } if ( ch == 'D' ) { parseDocdecl(); // FIXME if ( tokenize ) return eventType = DOCDECL; } else if ( ch == '-' ) { parseComment(); if ( tokenize ) return eventType = COMMENT; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "unexpected markup <!" + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } else if ( ch == '/' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "end tag not allowed in epilog but got " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } else if ( isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "start tag not allowed in epilog but got " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "in epilog expected ignorable content and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } else if ( isS( ch ) ) { gotS = true; if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; // posEnd = pos -1; // joinPC(); // posEnd is already set if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "in epilog non whitespace content is not allowed but got " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); if ( reachedEnd ) { break; } } } // throw Exception("unexpected content in epilog // catch EOFException return END_DOCUMENT // try { } catch ( EOFException ex ) { reachedEnd = true; } if ( reachedEnd ) { if ( tokenize && gotS ) { posEnd = pos; // well - this is LAST available character pos return eventType = IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; } return eventType = END_DOCUMENT; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "internal error in parseEpilog" ); } } public int parseEndTag() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // ASSUMPTION ch is past "</" // [42] ETag ::= '</' Name S? '>' char ch = more(); if ( !isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected name start and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } posStart = pos - 3; final int nameStart = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; do { ch = more(); } while ( isNameChar( ch ) ); // now we go one level down -- do checks // --depth; //FIXME // check that end tag name is the same as start tag // String name = new String(buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, // (pos - 1) - (nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart)); // int last = pos - 1; int off = nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart; // final int len = last - off; final int len = ( pos - 1 ) - off; final char[] cbuf = elRawName[depth]; if ( elRawNameEnd[depth] != len ) { // construct strings for exception final String startname = new String( cbuf, 0, elRawNameEnd[depth] ); final String endname = new String( buf, off, len ); throw new XmlPullParserException( "end tag name </" + endname + "> must match start tag name <" + startname + ">" + " from line " + elRawNameLine[depth], this, null ); } for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( buf[off++] != cbuf[i] ) { // construct strings for exception final String startname = new String( cbuf, 0, len ); final String endname = new String( buf, off - i - 1, len ); throw new XmlPullParserException( "end tag name </" + endname + "> must be the same as start tag <" + startname + ">" + " from line " + elRawNameLine[depth], this, null ); } } while ( isS( ch ) ) { ch = more(); } // skip additional white spaces if ( ch != '>' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected > to finsh end tag not " + printable( ch ) + " from line " + elRawNameLine[depth], this, null ); } // namespaceEnd = elNamespaceCount[ depth ]; //FIXME posEnd = pos; pastEndTag = true; return eventType = END_TAG; } public int parseStartTag() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // ASSUMPTION ch is past <T // [40] STag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>' // [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>' ++depth; // FIXME posStart = pos - 2; emptyElementTag = false; attributeCount = 0; // retrieve name final int nameStart = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; int colonPos = -1; char ch = buf[pos - 1]; if ( ch == ':' && processNamespaces ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "when namespaces processing enabled colon can not be at element name start", this, null ); while ( true ) { ch = more(); if ( !isNameChar( ch ) ) break; if ( ch == ':' && processNamespaces ) { if ( colonPos != -1 ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "only one colon is allowed in name of element when namespaces are enabled", this, null ); colonPos = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; } } // retrieve name ensureElementsCapacity(); // TODO check for efficient interning and then use elRawNameInterned!!!! int elLen = ( pos - 1 ) - ( nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart ); if ( elRawName[depth] == null || elRawName[depth].length < elLen ) { elRawName[depth] = new char[2 * elLen]; } System.arraycopy( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elRawName[depth], 0, elLen ); elRawNameEnd[depth] = elLen; elRawNameLine[depth] = lineNumber; String name = null; // work on prefixes and namespace URI String prefix = null; if ( processNamespaces ) { if ( colonPos != -1 ) { prefix = elPrefix[depth] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, colonPos - nameStart ); name = elName[depth] = newString( buf, colonPos + 1 - bufAbsoluteStart, // (pos -1) - (colonPos + 1)); pos - 2 - ( colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart ) ); } else { prefix = elPrefix[depth] = null; name = elName[depth] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elLen ); } } else { name = elName[depth] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, elLen ); } while ( true ) { while ( isS( ch ) ) { ch = more(); } // skip additional white spaces if ( ch == '>' ) { break; } else if ( ch == '/' ) { if ( emptyElementTag ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "repeated / in tag declaration", this, null ); emptyElementTag = true; ch = more(); if ( ch != '>' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected > to end empty tag not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); break; } else if ( isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { ch = parseAttribute(); ch = more(); continue; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "start tag unexpected character " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } // ch = more(); // skip space } // now when namespaces were declared we can resolve them if ( processNamespaces ) { String uri = getNamespace( prefix ); if ( uri == null ) { if ( prefix == null ) { // no prefix and no uri => use default namespace uri = NO_NAMESPACE; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not determine namespace bound to element prefix " + prefix, this, null ); } } elUri[depth] = uri; // String uri = getNamespace(prefix); // if(uri == null && prefix == null) { // no prefix and no uri => use default namespace // uri = ""; // } // resolve attribute namespaces for ( int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++ ) { final String attrPrefix = attributePrefix[i]; if ( attrPrefix != null ) { final String attrUri = getNamespace( attrPrefix ); if ( attrUri == null ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not determine namespace bound to attribute prefix " + attrPrefix, this, null ); } attributeUri[i] = attrUri; } else { attributeUri[i] = NO_NAMESPACE; } } // TODO // [ WFC: Unique Att Spec ] // check namespaced attribute uniqueness constraint!!! for ( int i = 1; i < attributeCount; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if ( attributeUri[j] == attributeUri[i] && ( allStringsInterned && attributeName[j].equals( attributeName[i] ) || ( !allStringsInterned && attributeNameHash[j] == attributeNameHash[i] && attributeName[j].equals( attributeName[i] ) ) ) ) { // prepare data for nice error message? String attr1 = attributeName[j]; if ( attributeUri[j] != null ) attr1 = attributeUri[j] + ":" + attr1; String attr2 = attributeName[i]; if ( attributeUri[i] != null ) attr2 = attributeUri[i] + ":" + attr2; throw new XmlPullParserException( "duplicated attributes " + attr1 + " and " + attr2, this, null ); } } } } else { // ! processNamespaces // [ WFC: Unique Att Spec ] // check raw attribute uniqueness constraint!!! for ( int i = 1; i < attributeCount; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if ( ( allStringsInterned && attributeName[j].equals( attributeName[i] ) || ( !allStringsInterned && attributeNameHash[j] == attributeNameHash[i] && attributeName[j].equals( attributeName[i] ) ) ) ) { // prepare data for nice error message? final String attr1 = attributeName[j]; final String attr2 = attributeName[i]; throw new XmlPullParserException( "duplicated attributes " + attr1 + " and " + attr2, this, null ); } } } } elNamespaceCount[depth] = namespaceEnd; posEnd = pos; return eventType = START_TAG; } protected char parseAttribute() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // parse attribute // [41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue // [WFC: No External Entity References] // [WFC: No < in Attribute Values] final int prevPosStart = posStart + bufAbsoluteStart; final int nameStart = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; int colonPos = -1; char ch = buf[pos - 1]; if ( ch == ':' && processNamespaces ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "when namespaces processing enabled colon can not be at attribute name start", this, null ); boolean startsWithXmlns = processNamespaces && ch == 'x'; int xmlnsPos = 0; ch = more(); while ( isNameChar( ch ) ) { if ( processNamespaces ) { if ( startsWithXmlns && xmlnsPos < 5 ) { ++xmlnsPos; if ( xmlnsPos == 1 ) { if ( ch != 'm' ) startsWithXmlns = false; } else if ( xmlnsPos == 2 ) { if ( ch != 'l' ) startsWithXmlns = false; } else if ( xmlnsPos == 3 ) { if ( ch != 'n' ) startsWithXmlns = false; } else if ( xmlnsPos == 4 ) { if ( ch != 's' ) startsWithXmlns = false; } else if ( xmlnsPos == 5 ) { if ( ch != ':' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "after xmlns in attribute name must be colon" + "when namespaces are enabled", this, null ); // colonPos = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; } } if ( ch == ':' ) { if ( colonPos != -1 ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "only one colon is allowed in attribute name" + " when namespaces are enabled", this, null ); colonPos = pos - 1 + bufAbsoluteStart; } } ch = more(); } ensureAttributesCapacity( attributeCount ); // --- start processing attributes String name = null; String prefix = null; // work on prefixes and namespace URI if ( processNamespaces ) { if ( xmlnsPos < 4 ) startsWithXmlns = false; if ( startsWithXmlns ) { if ( colonPos != -1 ) { // prefix = attributePrefix[ attributeCount ] = null; final int nameLen = pos - 2 - ( colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart ); if ( nameLen == 0 ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "namespace prefix is required after xmlns: " + " when namespaces are enabled", this, null ); } name = // attributeName[ attributeCount ] = newString( buf, colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart + 1, nameLen ); // pos - 1 - (colonPos + 1 - bufAbsoluteStart) } } else { if ( colonPos != -1 ) { int prefixLen = colonPos - nameStart; prefix = attributePrefix[attributeCount] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, prefixLen ); // colonPos - (nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart)); int nameLen = pos - 2 - ( colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart ); name = attributeName[attributeCount] = newString( buf, colonPos - bufAbsoluteStart + 1, nameLen ); // pos - 1 - (colonPos + 1 - bufAbsoluteStart)); // name.substring(0, colonPos-nameStart); } else { prefix = attributePrefix[attributeCount] = null; name = attributeName[attributeCount] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, pos - 1 - ( nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart ) ); } if ( !allStringsInterned ) { attributeNameHash[attributeCount] = name.hashCode(); } } } else { // retrieve name name = attributeName[attributeCount] = newString( buf, nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart, pos - 1 - ( nameStart - bufAbsoluteStart ) ); //// assert name != null; if ( !allStringsInterned ) { attributeNameHash[attributeCount] = name.hashCode(); } } // [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S? while ( isS( ch ) ) { ch = more(); } // skip additional spaces if ( ch != '=' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected = after attribute name", this, null ); ch = more(); while ( isS( ch ) ) { ch = more(); } // skip additional spaces // [10] AttValue ::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' // | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'" final char delimit = ch; if ( delimit != '"' && delimit != '\'' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "attribute value must start with quotation or apostrophe not " + printable( delimit ), this, null ); // parse until delimit or < and resolve Reference // [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef // int valueStart = pos + bufAbsoluteStart; boolean normalizedCR = false; usePC = false; pcStart = pcEnd; posStart = pos; while ( true ) { ch = more(); if ( ch == delimit ) { break; } if ( ch == '<' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "markup not allowed inside attribute value - illegal < ", this, null ); } if ( ch == '&' ) { // extractEntityRef posEnd = pos - 1; if ( !usePC ) { final boolean hadCharData = posEnd > posStart; if ( hadCharData ) { // posEnd is already set correctly!!! joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; final char[] resolvedEntity = parseEntityRef(); // check if replacement text can be resolved !!! if ( resolvedEntity == null ) { if ( entityRefName == null ) { entityRefName = newString( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); } throw new XmlPullParserException( "could not resolve entity named '" + printable( entityRefName ) + "'", this, null ); } // write into PC replacement text - do merge for replacement text!!!! for ( char aResolvedEntity : resolvedEntity ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) { ensurePC( pcEnd ); } pc[pcEnd++] = aResolvedEntity; } } else if ( ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ) { // do attribute value normalization // as described in http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#AVNormalize // TODO add test for it form spec ... // handle EOL normalization ... if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcEnd = pcStart = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); if ( ch != '\n' || !normalizedCR ) { pc[pcEnd++] = ' '; // '\n'; } } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } } normalizedCR = ch == '\r'; } if ( processNamespaces && startsWithXmlns ) { String ns = null; if ( !usePC ) { ns = newStringIntern( buf, posStart, pos - 1 - posStart ); } else { ns = newStringIntern( pc, pcStart, pcEnd - pcStart ); } ensureNamespacesCapacity( namespaceEnd ); int prefixHash = -1; if ( colonPos != -1 ) { if ( ns.length() == 0 ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "non-default namespace can not be declared to be empty string", this, null ); } // declare new namespace namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = name; if ( !allStringsInterned ) { prefixHash = namespacePrefixHash[namespaceEnd] = name.hashCode(); } } else { // declare new default namespace... namespacePrefix[namespaceEnd] = null; // ""; //null; //TODO check FIXME Alek if ( !allStringsInterned ) { prefixHash = namespacePrefixHash[namespaceEnd] = -1; } } namespaceUri[namespaceEnd] = ns; // detect duplicate namespace declarations!!! final int startNs = elNamespaceCount[depth - 1]; for ( int i = namespaceEnd - 1; i >= startNs; --i ) { if ( ( ( allStringsInterned || name == null ) && namespacePrefix[i] == name ) || ( !allStringsInterned && name != null && namespacePrefixHash[i] == prefixHash && name.equals( namespacePrefix[i] ) ) ) { final String s = name == null ? "default" : "'" + name + "'"; throw new XmlPullParserException( "duplicated namespace declaration for " + s + " prefix", this, null ); } } ++namespaceEnd; } else { if ( !usePC ) { attributeValue[attributeCount] = new String( buf, posStart, pos - 1 - posStart ); } else { attributeValue[attributeCount] = new String( pc, pcStart, pcEnd - pcStart ); } ++attributeCount; } posStart = prevPosStart - bufAbsoluteStart; return ch; } protected char[] charRefOneCharBuf = new char[1]; protected char[] parseEntityRef() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // entity reference http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-Reference // [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef // ASSUMPTION just after & entityRefName = null; posStart = pos; char ch = more(); if ( ch == '#' ) { // parse character reference char charRef = 0; ch = more(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean isHex = ( ch == 'x' ); if ( isHex ) { // encoded in hex while ( true ) { ch = more(); if ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) { charRef = (char) ( charRef * 16 + ( ch - '0' ) ); sb.append( ch ); } else if ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f' ) { charRef = (char) ( charRef * 16 + ( ch - ( 'a' - 10 ) ) ); sb.append( ch ); } else if ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F' ) { charRef = (char) ( charRef * 16 + ( ch - ( 'A' - 10 ) ) ); sb.append( ch ); } else if ( ch == ';' ) { break; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "character reference (with hex value) may not contain " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } } else { // encoded in decimal while ( true ) { if ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) { charRef = (char) ( charRef * 10 + ( ch - '0' ) ); sb.append( ch ); } else if ( ch == ';' ) { break; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "character reference (with decimal value) may not contain " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } } posEnd = pos - 1; try { charRefOneCharBuf = toChars( Integer.parseInt( sb.toString(), isHex ? 16 : 10 ) ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "character reference (with " + ( isHex ? "hex" : "decimal" ) + " value " + sb.toString() + ") is invalid", this, null ); } if ( tokenize ) { text = newString( charRefOneCharBuf, 0, charRefOneCharBuf.length ); } return charRefOneCharBuf; } else { // [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';' // scan anem until ; if ( !isNameStartChar( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "entity reference names can not start with character '" + printable( ch ) + "'", this, null ); } while ( true ) { ch = more(); if ( ch == ';' ) { break; } if ( !isNameChar( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "entity reference name can not contain character " + printable( ch ) + "'", this, null ); } } posEnd = pos - 1; // determine what name maps to final int len = posEnd - posStart; if ( len == 2 && buf[posStart] == 'l' && buf[posStart + 1] == 't' ) { if ( tokenize ) { text = "<"; } charRefOneCharBuf[0] = '<'; return charRefOneCharBuf; // if(paramPC || isParserTokenizing) { // if(pcEnd >= pc.length) ensurePC(); // pc[pcEnd++] = '<'; // } } else if ( len == 3 && buf[posStart] == 'a' && buf[posStart + 1] == 'm' && buf[posStart + 2] == 'p' ) { if ( tokenize ) { text = "&"; } charRefOneCharBuf[0] = '&'; return charRefOneCharBuf; } else if ( len == 2 && buf[posStart] == 'g' && buf[posStart + 1] == 't' ) { if ( tokenize ) { text = ">"; } charRefOneCharBuf[0] = '>'; return charRefOneCharBuf; } else if ( len == 4 && buf[posStart] == 'a' && buf[posStart + 1] == 'p' && buf[posStart + 2] == 'o' && buf[posStart + 3] == 's' ) { if ( tokenize ) { text = "'"; } charRefOneCharBuf[0] = '\''; return charRefOneCharBuf; } else if ( len == 4 && buf[posStart] == 'q' && buf[posStart + 1] == 'u' && buf[posStart + 2] == 'o' && buf[posStart + 3] == 't' ) { if ( tokenize ) { text = "\""; } charRefOneCharBuf[0] = '"'; return charRefOneCharBuf; } else { final char[] result = lookuEntityReplacement( len ); if ( result != null ) { return result; } } if ( tokenize ) text = null; return null; } } protected char[] lookuEntityReplacement( int entityNameLen ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { if ( !allStringsInterned ) { final int hash = fastHash( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); LOOP: for ( int i = entityEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( hash == entityNameHash[i] && entityNameLen == entityNameBuf[i].length ) { final char[] entityBuf = entityNameBuf[i]; for ( int j = 0; j < entityNameLen; j++ ) { if ( buf[posStart + j] != entityBuf[j] ) continue LOOP; } if ( tokenize ) text = entityReplacement[i]; return entityReplacementBuf[i]; } } } else { entityRefName = newString( buf, posStart, posEnd - posStart ); for ( int i = entityEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { // take advantage that interning for newString is enforced if ( entityRefName == entityName[i] ) { if ( tokenize ) text = entityReplacement[i]; return entityReplacementBuf[i]; } } } return null; } protected void parseComment() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // implements XML 1.0 Section 2.5 Comments // ASSUMPTION: seen <!- char ch = more(); if ( ch != '-' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!-- for comment start", this, null ); if ( tokenize ) posStart = pos; final int curLine = lineNumber; final int curColumn = columnNumber; try { final boolean normalizeIgnorableWS = tokenize == true && roundtripSupported == false; boolean normalizedCR = false; boolean seenDash = false; boolean seenDashDash = false; while ( true ) { // scan until it hits --> ch = more(); if ( seenDashDash && ch != '>' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "in comment after two dashes (--) next character must be >" + " not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } if ( ch == '-' ) { if ( !seenDash ) { seenDash = true; } else { seenDashDash = true; seenDash = false; } } else if ( ch == '>' ) { if ( seenDashDash ) { break; // found end sequence!!!! } else { seenDashDash = false; } seenDash = false; } else { seenDash = false; } if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; // posEnd = pos -1; // joinPC(); // posEnd is alreadys set if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } } } catch ( EOFException ex ) { // detect EOF and create meaningful error ... throw new XmlPullParserException( "comment started on line " + curLine + " and column " + curColumn + " was not closed", this, ex ); } if ( tokenize ) { posEnd = pos - 3; if ( usePC ) { pcEnd -= 2; } } } protected boolean parsePI() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // implements XML 1.0 Section 2.6 Processing Instructions // [16] PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>' // [17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l')) // ASSUMPTION: seen <? if ( tokenize ) posStart = pos; final int curLine = lineNumber; final int curColumn = columnNumber; int piTargetStart = pos; int piTargetEnd = -1; final boolean normalizeIgnorableWS = tokenize == true && roundtripSupported == false; boolean normalizedCR = false; try { boolean seenPITarget = false; boolean seenQ = false; char ch = more(); if ( isS( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing instruction PITarget must be exactly after <? and not white space character", this, null ); } while ( true ) { // scan until it hits ?> // ch = more(); if ( ch == '?' ) { if ( !seenPITarget ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing instruction PITarget name not found", this, null ); } seenQ = true; } else if ( ch == '>' ) { if ( seenQ ) { break; // found end sequence!!!! } if ( !seenPITarget ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing instruction PITarget name not found", this, null ); } } else { if ( piTargetEnd == -1 && isS( ch ) ) { piTargetEnd = pos - 1; // [17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l')) if ( ( piTargetEnd - piTargetStart ) == 3 ) { if ( ( buf[piTargetStart] == 'x' || buf[piTargetStart] == 'X' ) && ( buf[piTargetStart + 1] == 'm' || buf[piTargetStart + 1] == 'M' ) && ( buf[piTargetStart + 2] == 'l' || buf[piTargetStart + 2] == 'L' ) ) { if ( piTargetStart > 3 ) { // <?xml is allowed as first characters in input ... throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing instruction can not have PITarget with reserved xml name", this, null ); } else { if ( buf[piTargetStart] != 'x' && buf[piTargetStart + 1] != 'm' && buf[piTargetStart + 2] != 'l' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "XMLDecl must have xml name in lowercase", this, null ); } } parseXmlDecl( ch ); if ( tokenize ) posEnd = pos - 2; final int off = piTargetStart + 3; final int len = pos - 2 - off; xmlDeclContent = newString( buf, off, len ); return false; } } } seenQ = false; } if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; // posEnd = pos -1; // joinPC(); // posEnd is alreadys set if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } seenPITarget = true; ch = more(); } } catch ( EOFException ex ) { // detect EOF and create meaningful error ... throw new XmlPullParserException( "processing instruction started on line " + curLine + " and column " + curColumn + " was not closed", this, ex ); } if ( piTargetEnd == -1 ) { piTargetEnd = pos - 2 + bufAbsoluteStart; // throw new XmlPullParserException( // "processing instruction must have PITarget name", this, null); } if ( tokenize ) { posEnd = pos - 2; if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { --pcEnd; } } return true; } // protected final static char[] VERSION = {'v','e','r','s','i','o','n'}; // protected final static char[] NCODING = {'n','c','o','d','i','n','g'}; // protected final static char[] TANDALONE = {'t','a','n','d','a','l','o','n','e'}; // protected final static char[] YES = {'y','e','s'}; // protected final static char[] NO = {'n','o'}; protected final static char[] VERSION = "version".toCharArray(); protected final static char[] NCODING = "ncoding".toCharArray(); protected final static char[] TANDALONE = "tandalone".toCharArray(); protected final static char[] YES = "yes".toCharArray(); protected final static char[] NO = "no".toCharArray(); protected void parseXmlDecl( char ch ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>' // first make sure that relative positions will stay OK preventBufferCompaction = true; bufStart = 0; // necessary to keep pos unchanged during expansion! // --- parse VersionInfo // [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"') // parse is positioned just on first S past <?xml ch = skipS( ch ); ch = requireInput( ch, VERSION ); // [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S? ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '=' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected equals sign (=) after version and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '\'' && ch != '"' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected apostrophe (') or quotation mark (\") after version and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } final char quotChar = ch; // int versionStart = pos + bufAbsoluteStart; // required if preventBufferCompaction==false final int versionStart = pos; ch = more(); // [26] VersionNum ::= ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+ while ( ch != quotChar ) { if ( ( ch < 'a' || ch > 'z' ) && ( ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z' ) && ( ch < '0' || ch > '9' ) && ch != '_' && ch != '.' && ch != ':' && ch != '-' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "<?xml version value expected to be in ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')" + " not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } final int versionEnd = pos - 1; parseXmlDeclWithVersion( versionStart, versionEnd ); preventBufferCompaction = false; // allow again buffer compaction - pos MAY change } // protected String xmlDeclVersion; protected void parseXmlDeclWithVersion( int versionStart, int versionEnd ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // check version is "1.0" if ( ( versionEnd - versionStart != 3 ) || buf[versionStart] != '1' || buf[versionStart + 1] != '.' || buf[versionStart + 2] != '0' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "only 1.0 is supported as <?xml version not '" + printable( new String( buf, versionStart, versionEnd - versionStart ) ) + "'", this, null ); } xmlDeclVersion = newString( buf, versionStart, versionEnd - versionStart ); // [80] EncodingDecl ::= S 'encoding' Eq ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" ) char ch = more(); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch == 'e' ) { ch = more(); ch = requireInput( ch, NCODING ); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '=' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected equals sign (=) after encoding and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '\'' && ch != '"' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected apostrophe (') or quotation mark (\") after encoding and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } final char quotChar = ch; final int encodingStart = pos; ch = more(); // [81] EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')* if ( ( ch < 'a' || ch > 'z' ) && ( ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z' ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "<?xml encoding name expected to start with [A-Za-z]" + " not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); while ( ch != quotChar ) { if ( ( ch < 'a' || ch > 'z' ) && ( ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z' ) && ( ch < '0' || ch > '9' ) && ch != '.' && ch != '_' && ch != '-' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "<?xml encoding value expected to be in ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')" + " not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } final int encodingEnd = pos - 1; // TODO reconcile with setInput encodingName inputEncoding = newString( buf, encodingStart, encodingEnd - encodingStart ); ch = more(); } ch = skipS( ch ); // [32] SDDecl ::= S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"')) if ( ch == 's' ) { ch = more(); ch = requireInput( ch, TANDALONE ); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '=' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected equals sign (=) after standalone and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '\'' && ch != '"' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected apostrophe (') or quotation mark (\") after encoding and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } char quotChar = ch; int standaloneStart = pos; ch = more(); if ( ch == 'y' ) { ch = requireInput( ch, YES ); // Boolean standalone = new Boolean(true); xmlDeclStandalone = true; } else if ( ch == 'n' ) { ch = requireInput( ch, NO ); // Boolean standalone = new Boolean(false); xmlDeclStandalone = false; } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected 'yes' or 'no' after standalone and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } if ( ch != quotChar ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected " + quotChar + " after standalone value not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } ch = skipS( ch ); if ( ch != '?' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected ?> as last part of <?xml not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); if ( ch != '>' ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected ?> as last part of <?xml not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } } protected void parseDocdecl() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // ASSUMPTION: seen <!D char ch = more(); if ( ch != 'O' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'C' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'T' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'Y' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'P' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'E' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <!DOCTYPE", this, null ); posStart = pos; // do simple and crude scanning for end of doctype // [28] doctypedecl ::= '<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? ('[' // (markupdecl | DeclSep)* ']' S?)? '>' int bracketLevel = 0; final boolean normalizeIgnorableWS = tokenize == true && roundtripSupported == false; boolean normalizedCR = false; while ( true ) { ch = more(); if ( ch == '[' ) ++bracketLevel; if ( ch == ']' ) --bracketLevel; if ( ch == '>' && bracketLevel == 0 ) break; if ( normalizeIgnorableWS ) { if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; // posEnd = pos -1; // joinPC(); // posEnd is alreadys set if ( !usePC ) { posEnd = pos - 1; if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } } posEnd = pos - 1; } protected void parseCDSect( boolean hadCharData ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { // implements XML 1.0 Section 2.7 CDATA Sections // [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd // [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA[' // [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*)) // [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>' // ASSUMPTION: seen <![ char ch = more(); if ( ch != 'C' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <[CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'D' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <[CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'A' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <[CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'T' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <[CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != 'A' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <[CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); ch = more(); if ( ch != '[' ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected <![CDATA[ for comment start", this, null ); // if(tokenize) { final int cdStart = pos + bufAbsoluteStart; final int curLine = lineNumber; final int curColumn = columnNumber; final boolean normalizeInput = tokenize == false || roundtripSupported == false; try { if ( normalizeInput ) { if ( hadCharData ) { if ( !usePC ) { // posEnd is correct already!!! if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } } } boolean seenBracket = false; boolean seenBracketBracket = false; boolean normalizedCR = false; while ( true ) { // scan until it hits "]]>" ch = more(); if ( ch == ']' ) { if ( !seenBracket ) { seenBracket = true; } else { seenBracketBracket = true; // seenBracket = false; } } else if ( ch == '>' ) { if ( seenBracket && seenBracketBracket ) { break; // found end sequence!!!! } else { seenBracketBracket = false; } seenBracket = false; } else { if ( seenBracket ) { seenBracket = false; } } if ( normalizeInput ) { // deal with normalization issues ... if ( ch == '\r' ) { normalizedCR = true; posStart = cdStart - bufAbsoluteStart; posEnd = pos - 1; // posEnd is alreadys set if ( !usePC ) { if ( posEnd > posStart ) { joinPC(); } else { usePC = true; pcStart = pcEnd = 0; } } // assert usePC == true; if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } else if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( !normalizedCR && usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = '\n'; } normalizedCR = false; } else { if ( usePC ) { if ( pcEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( pcEnd ); pc[pcEnd++] = ch; } normalizedCR = false; } } } } catch ( EOFException ex ) { // detect EOF and create meaningful error ... throw new XmlPullParserException( "CDATA section started on line " + curLine + " and column " + curColumn + " was not closed", this, ex ); } if ( normalizeInput ) { if ( usePC ) { pcEnd = pcEnd - 2; } } posStart = cdStart - bufAbsoluteStart; posEnd = pos - 3; } protected void fillBuf() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { if ( reader == null ) throw new XmlPullParserException( "reader must be set before parsing is started" ); // see if we are in compaction area if ( bufEnd > bufSoftLimit ) { // expand buffer it makes sense!!!! boolean compact = bufStart > bufSoftLimit; boolean expand = false; if ( preventBufferCompaction ) { compact = false; expand = true; } else if ( !compact ) { // freeSpace if ( bufStart < buf.length / 2 ) { // less then half buffer available for compacting --> expand instead!!! expand = true; } else { // at least half of buffer can be reclaimed --> worthwhile effort!!! compact = true; } } // if buffer almost full then compact it if ( compact ) { // TODO: look on trashing // //assert bufStart > 0 System.arraycopy( buf, bufStart, buf, 0, bufEnd - bufStart ); if ( TRACE_SIZING ) System.out.println( "TRACE_SIZING fillBuf() compacting " + bufStart + " bufEnd=" + bufEnd + " pos=" + pos + " posStart=" + posStart + " posEnd=" + posEnd + " buf first 100 chars:" + new String( buf, bufStart, bufEnd - bufStart < 100 ? bufEnd - bufStart : 100 ) ); } else if ( expand ) { final int newSize = 2 * buf.length; final char newBuf[] = new char[newSize]; if ( TRACE_SIZING ) System.out.println( "TRACE_SIZING fillBuf() " + buf.length + " => " + newSize ); System.arraycopy( buf, bufStart, newBuf, 0, bufEnd - bufStart ); buf = newBuf; if ( bufLoadFactor > 0 ) { bufSoftLimit = ( bufLoadFactor * buf.length ) / 100; } } else { throw new XmlPullParserException( "internal error in fillBuffer()" ); } bufEnd -= bufStart; pos -= bufStart; posStart -= bufStart; posEnd -= bufStart; bufAbsoluteStart += bufStart; bufStart = 0; if ( TRACE_SIZING ) System.out.println( "TRACE_SIZING fillBuf() after bufEnd=" + bufEnd + " pos=" + pos + " posStart=" + posStart + " posEnd=" + posEnd + " buf first 100 chars:" + new String( buf, 0, bufEnd < 100 ? bufEnd : 100 ) ); } // at least one character must be read or error final int len = buf.length - bufEnd > READ_CHUNK_SIZE ? READ_CHUNK_SIZE : buf.length - bufEnd; final int ret = reader.read( buf, bufEnd, len ); if ( ret > 0 ) { bufEnd += ret; if ( TRACE_SIZING ) System.out.println( "TRACE_SIZING fillBuf() after filling in buffer" + " buf first 100 chars:" + new String( buf, 0, bufEnd < 100 ? bufEnd : 100 ) ); return; } if ( ret == -1 ) { if ( bufAbsoluteStart == 0 && pos == 0 ) { throw new EOFException( "input contained no data" ); } else { if ( seenRoot && depth == 0 ) { // inside parsing epilog!!! reachedEnd = true; return; } else { StringBuilder expectedTagStack = new StringBuilder(); if ( depth > 0 ) { if ( elRawName == null || elRawName[depth] == null ) { String tagName = new String( buf, posStart + 1, pos - posStart - 1 ); expectedTagStack.append( " - expected the opening tag <" ).append( tagName ).append( "...>" ); } else { // final char[] cbuf = elRawName[depth]; // final String startname = new String(cbuf, 0, elRawNameEnd[depth]); expectedTagStack.append( " - expected end tag" ); if ( depth > 1 ) { expectedTagStack.append( "s" ); // more than one end tag } expectedTagStack.append( " " ); for ( int i = depth; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( elRawName == null || elRawName[i] == null ) { String tagName = new String( buf, posStart + 1, pos - posStart - 1 ); expectedTagStack.append( " - expected the opening tag <" ).append( tagName ).append( "...>" ); } else { String tagName = new String( elRawName[i], 0, elRawNameEnd[i] ); expectedTagStack.append( "</" ).append( tagName ).append( '>' ); } } expectedTagStack.append( " to close" ); for ( int i = depth; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( i != depth ) { expectedTagStack.append( " and" ); // more than one end tag } if ( elRawName == null || elRawName[i] == null ) { String tagName = new String( buf, posStart + 1, pos - posStart - 1 ); expectedTagStack.append( " start tag <" ).append( tagName ).append( ">" ); expectedTagStack.append( " from line " ).append( elRawNameLine[i] ); } else { String tagName = new String( elRawName[i], 0, elRawNameEnd[i] ); expectedTagStack.append( " start tag <" ).append( tagName ).append( ">" ); expectedTagStack.append( " from line " ).append( elRawNameLine[i] ); } } expectedTagStack.append( ", parser stopped on" ); } } throw new EOFException( "no more data available" + expectedTagStack.toString() + getPositionDescription() ); } } } else { throw new IOException( "error reading input, returned " + ret ); } } protected char more() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { if ( pos >= bufEnd ) { fillBuf(); // this return value should be ignored as it is used in epilog parsing ... if ( reachedEnd ) return (char) -1; } final char ch = buf[pos++]; // line/columnNumber if ( ch == '\n' ) { ++lineNumber; columnNumber = 1; } else { ++columnNumber; } // System.out.print(ch); return ch; } // /** // * This function returns position of parser in XML input stream // * (how many <b>characters</b> were processed. // * <p><b>NOTE:</b> this logical position and not byte offset as encodings // * such as UTF8 may use more than one byte to encode one character. // */ // public int getCurrentInputPosition() { // return pos + bufAbsoluteStart; // } protected void ensurePC( int end ) { // assert end >= pc.length; final int newSize = end > READ_CHUNK_SIZE ? 2 * end : 2 * READ_CHUNK_SIZE; final char[] newPC = new char[newSize]; if ( TRACE_SIZING ) System.out.println( "TRACE_SIZING ensurePC() " + pc.length + " ==> " + newSize + " end=" + end ); System.arraycopy( pc, 0, newPC, 0, pcEnd ); pc = newPC; // assert end < pc.length; } protected void joinPC() { // assert usePC == false; // assert posEnd > posStart; final int len = posEnd - posStart; final int newEnd = pcEnd + len + 1; if ( newEnd >= pc.length ) ensurePC( newEnd ); // add 1 for extra space for one char // assert newEnd < pc.length; System.arraycopy( buf, posStart, pc, pcEnd, len ); pcEnd += len; usePC = true; } protected char requireInput( char ch, char[] input ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { for ( char anInput : input ) { if ( ch != anInput ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "expected " + printable( anInput ) + " in " + new String( input ) + " and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } ch = more(); } return ch; } protected char requireNextS() throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { final char ch = more(); if ( !isS( ch ) ) { throw new XmlPullParserException( "white space is required and not " + printable( ch ), this, null ); } return skipS( ch ); } protected char skipS( char ch ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { while ( isS( ch ) ) { ch = more(); } // skip additional spaces return ch; } // nameStart / name lookup tables based on XML 1.1 http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-xml11-20011213/ protected static final int LOOKUP_MAX = 0x400; protected static final char LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR = (char) LOOKUP_MAX; // protected static int lookupNameStartChar[] = new int[ LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR / 32 ]; // protected static int lookupNameChar[] = new int[ LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR / 32 ]; protected static boolean lookupNameStartChar[] = new boolean[LOOKUP_MAX]; protected static boolean lookupNameChar[] = new boolean[LOOKUP_MAX]; private static final void setName( char ch ) // { lookupNameChar[ (int)ch / 32 ] |= (1 << (ch % 32)); } { lookupNameChar[ch] = true; } private static final void setNameStart( char ch ) // { lookupNameStartChar[ (int)ch / 32 ] |= (1 << (ch % 32)); setName(ch); } { lookupNameStartChar[ch] = true; setName( ch ); } static { setNameStart( ':' ); for ( char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ++ch ) setNameStart( ch ); setNameStart( '_' ); for ( char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ++ch ) setNameStart( ch ); for ( char ch = '\u00c0'; ch <= '\u02FF'; ++ch ) setNameStart( ch ); for ( char ch = '\u0370'; ch <= '\u037d'; ++ch ) setNameStart( ch ); for ( char ch = '\u037f'; ch < '\u0400'; ++ch ) setNameStart( ch ); setName( '-' ); setName( '.' ); for ( char ch = '0'; ch <= '9'; ++ch ) setName( ch ); setName( '\u00b7' ); for ( char ch = '\u0300'; ch <= '\u036f'; ++ch ) setName( ch ); } // private final static boolean isNameStartChar(char ch) { protected boolean isNameStartChar( char ch ) { return ( ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR && lookupNameStartChar[ch] ) || ( ch >= LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR && ch <= '\u2027' ) || ( ch >= '\u202A' && ch <= '\u218F' ) || ( ch >= '\u2800' && ch <= '\uFFEF' ); // if(ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR) return lookupNameStartChar[ ch ]; // else return ch <= '\u2027' // || (ch >= '\u202A' && ch <= '\u218F') // || (ch >= '\u2800' && ch <= '\uFFEF') // ; // return false; // return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == ':' // || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); // if(ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR) return (lookupNameStartChar[ (int)ch / 32 ] & (1 << (ch % 32))) != 0; // if(ch <= '\u2027') return true; // //[#x202A-#x218F] // if(ch < '\u202A') return false; // if(ch <= '\u218F') return true; // // added parts [#x2800-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFDCF] | [#xFDE0-#xFFEF] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] // if(ch < '\u2800') return false; // if(ch <= '\uFFEF') return true; // return false; // else return (supportXml11 && ( (ch < '\u2027') || (ch > '\u2029' && ch < '\u2200') ... } // private final static boolean isNameChar(char ch) { protected boolean isNameChar( char ch ) { // return isNameStartChar(ch); // if(ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR) return (lookupNameChar[ (int)ch / 32 ] & (1 << (ch % 32))) != 0; return ( ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR && lookupNameChar[ch] ) || ( ch >= LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR && ch <= '\u2027' ) || ( ch >= '\u202A' && ch <= '\u218F' ) || ( ch >= '\u2800' && ch <= '\uFFEF' ); // return false; // return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == ':' // || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); // if(ch < LOOKUP_MAX_CHAR) return (lookupNameStartChar[ (int)ch / 32 ] & (1 << (ch % 32))) != 0; // else return // else if(ch <= '\u2027') return true; // //[#x202A-#x218F] // else if(ch < '\u202A') return false; // else if(ch <= '\u218F') return true; // // added parts [#x2800-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFDCF] | [#xFDE0-#xFFEF] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] // else if(ch < '\u2800') return false; // else if(ch <= '\uFFEF') return true; // else return false; } protected boolean isS( char ch ) { return ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' ); // || (supportXml11 && (ch == '\u0085' || ch == '\u2028'); } // protected boolean isChar(char ch) { return (ch < '\uD800' || ch > '\uDFFF') // ch != '\u0000' ch < '\uFFFE' // protected char printable(char ch) { return ch; } protected String printable( char ch ) { if ( ch == '\n' ) { return "\\n"; } else if ( ch == '\r' ) { return "\\r"; } else if ( ch == '\t' ) { return "\\t"; } else if ( ch == '\'' ) { return "\\'"; } if ( ch > 127 || ch < 32 ) { return "\\u" + Integer.toHexString( (int) ch ); } return "" + ch; } protected String printable( String s ) { if ( s == null ) return null; final int sLen = s.length(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( sLen + 10 ); for ( int i = 0; i < sLen; ++i ) { buf.append( printable( s.charAt( i ) ) ); } s = buf.toString(); return s; } // // Imported code from ASF Harmony project rev 770909 // http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Character.java // private static int toCodePoint( char high, char low ) { // See RFC 2781, Section 2.2 // http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2781.html int h = ( high & 0x3FF ) << 10; int l = low & 0x3FF; return ( h | l ) + 0x10000; } private static final char MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uD800'; private static final char MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uDBFF'; private static boolean isHighSurrogate( char ch ) { return ( MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE <= ch && MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE >= ch ); } private static final int MAX_CODE_POINT = 0x10FFFF; private static final int MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT = 0x10000;
Check if the provided parameter is a valid Char, according to: https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Char
  • codePoint – the numeric value to check
Returns:true if it is a valid numeric character reference. False otherwise.
/** * Check if the provided parameter is a valid Char, according to: {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Char} * * @param codePoint the numeric value to check * @return true if it is a valid numeric character reference. False otherwise. */
private static boolean isValidCodePoint( int codePoint ) { // Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] return codePoint == 0x9 || codePoint == 0xA || codePoint == 0xD || ( 0x20 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xD7FF ) || ( 0xE000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xFFFD ) || ( 0x10000 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF ); } private static boolean isSupplementaryCodePoint( int codePoint ) { return ( MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT <= codePoint && MAX_CODE_POINT >= codePoint ); }
TODO add javadoc
  • codePoint –
/** * TODO add javadoc * * @param codePoint * @return */
public static char[] toChars( int codePoint ) { if ( !isValidCodePoint( codePoint ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if ( isSupplementaryCodePoint( codePoint ) ) { int cpPrime = codePoint - 0x10000; int high = 0xD800 | ( ( cpPrime >> 10 ) & 0x3FF ); int low = 0xDC00 | ( cpPrime & 0x3FF ); return new char[] { (char) high, (char) low }; } return new char[] { (char) codePoint }; } } /* * Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License, Version 1.2 Copyright (C) 2003 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: 1) All redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, the list of authors in the original source code, this list of conditions and the disclaimer listed in this * license; 2) All redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and * the disclaimer listed in this license in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; 3) * Any documentation included with all redistributions must include the following acknowledgement: "This product * includes software developed by the Indiana University Extreme! Lab. For further information please visit * http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/" Alternatively, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, and wherever * such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4) The name "Indiana University" or "Indiana University Extreme! * Lab" shall not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission * from Indiana University. For written permission, please contact http://www.extreme.indiana.edu/. 5) Products derived * from this software may not use "Indiana University" name nor may "Indiana University" appear in their name, without * prior written permission of the Indiana University. Indiana University provides no reassurances that the source code * provided does not infringe the patent or any other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Indiana * University disclaims any liability to any recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of * intellectual property rights or otherwise. LICENSEE UNDERSTANDS THAT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" FOR WHICH NO * WARRANTIES AS TO CAPABILITIES OR ACCURACY ARE MADE. INDIANA UNIVERSITY GIVES NO WARRANTIES AND MAKES NO * REPRESENTATION THAT SOFTWARE IS FREE OF INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. * INDIANA UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES THAT SOFTWARE IS FREE FROM "BUGS", "VIRUSES", "TROJAN HORSES", "TRAP * DOORS", "WORMS", OR OTHER HARMFUL CODE. LICENSEE ASSUMES THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF SOFTWARE AND/OR * ASSOCIATED MATERIALS, AND TO THE PERFORMANCE AND VALIDITY OF INFORMATION GENERATED USING SOFTWARE. */