package org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation;

 * Copyright 2001-2008 Codehaus Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class StringSearchInterpolator
    implements Interpolator

    private Map<String,Object> existingAnswers = new HashMap<String,Object>();

    private List<ValueSource> valueSources = new ArrayList<ValueSource>();

    private List<InterpolationPostProcessor> postProcessors = new ArrayList<InterpolationPostProcessor>();

    private boolean cacheAnswers = false;

    public static final String DEFAULT_START_EXPR = "${";

    public static final String DEFAULT_END_EXPR = "}";

    private String startExpr;

    private String endExpr;

    private String escapeString;

    public StringSearchInterpolator()
        this.startExpr = DEFAULT_START_EXPR;
        this.endExpr = DEFAULT_END_EXPR;

    public StringSearchInterpolator( String startExpr, String endExpr )
        this.startExpr = startExpr;
        this.endExpr = endExpr;

/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void addValueSource( ValueSource valueSource ) { valueSources.add( valueSource ); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void removeValuesSource( ValueSource valueSource ) { valueSources.remove( valueSource ); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void addPostProcessor( InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor ) { postProcessors.add( postProcessor ); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void removePostProcessor( InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor ) { postProcessors.remove( postProcessor ); } public String interpolate( String input, String thisPrefixPattern ) throws InterpolationException { return interpolate( input, new SimpleRecursionInterceptor() ); } public String interpolate( String input, String thisPrefixPattern, RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor ) throws InterpolationException { return interpolate( input, recursionInterceptor ); } public String interpolate( String input ) throws InterpolationException { return interpolate( input, new SimpleRecursionInterceptor() ); }
Entry point for recursive resolution of an expression and all of its nested expressions. TODO: Ensure unresolvable expressions don't trigger infinite recursion.
/** * Entry point for recursive resolution of an expression and all of its * nested expressions. * * TODO: Ensure unresolvable expressions don't trigger infinite recursion. */
public String interpolate( String input, RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor ) throws InterpolationException { try { return interpolate( input, recursionInterceptor, new HashSet<String>() ); } finally { if ( !cacheAnswers ) { existingAnswers.clear(); } } } private String interpolate( String input, RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor, Set<String> unresolvable ) throws InterpolationException { if ( input == null ) { // return empty String to prevent NPE too return ""; } int startIdx; int endIdx = -1; if ( ( startIdx = input.indexOf( startExpr, endIdx + 1 ) ) > -1 ) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( input.length() * 2 ); do { result.append( input, endIdx + 1, startIdx ); endIdx = input.indexOf( endExpr, startIdx + 1 ); if ( endIdx < 0 ) { break; } final String wholeExpr = input.substring( startIdx, endIdx + endExpr.length() ); String realExpr = wholeExpr.substring( startExpr.length(), wholeExpr.length() - endExpr.length() ); if ( startIdx >= 0 && escapeString != null && escapeString.length() > 0 ) { int startEscapeIdx = startIdx == 0 ? 0 : startIdx - escapeString.length(); if ( startEscapeIdx >= 0 ) { String escape = input.substring( startEscapeIdx, startIdx ); if ( escapeString.equals( escape ) ) { result.append(wholeExpr); result.replace(startEscapeIdx, startEscapeIdx + escapeString.length(), ""); continue; } } } boolean resolved = false; if ( !unresolvable.contains( wholeExpr ) ) { if ( realExpr.startsWith( "." ) ) { realExpr = realExpr.substring(1); } if ( recursionInterceptor.hasRecursiveExpression( realExpr ) ) { throw new InterpolationCycleException( recursionInterceptor, realExpr, wholeExpr ); } recursionInterceptor.expressionResolutionStarted( realExpr ); try { Object value = existingAnswers.get( realExpr ); Object bestAnswer = null; for ( ValueSource valueSource : valueSources ) { if ( value != null ) { break; } value = valueSource.getValue( realExpr ); if ( value != null && value.toString().contains( wholeExpr ) ) { bestAnswer = value; value = null; } } // this is the simplest recursion check to catch exact recursion // (non synonym), and avoid the extra effort of more string // searching. if ( value == null && bestAnswer != null ) { throw new InterpolationCycleException( recursionInterceptor, realExpr, wholeExpr ); } if ( value != null ) { value = interpolate( String.valueOf(value), recursionInterceptor, unresolvable ); if ( postProcessors != null && !postProcessors.isEmpty() ) { for ( InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor : postProcessors ) { Object newVal = postProcessor.execute( realExpr, value ); if ( newVal != null ) { value = newVal; break; } } } // could use: // result = matcher.replaceFirst( stringValue ); // but this could result in multiple lookups of stringValue, and replaceAll is not correct // behaviour result.append( String.valueOf( value ) ); resolved = true; } else { unresolvable.add( wholeExpr ); } } finally { recursionInterceptor.expressionResolutionFinished( realExpr ); } } if (!resolved) { result.append( wholeExpr ); } if ( endIdx > -1 ) { endIdx += endExpr.length() - 1; } } while ( ( startIdx = input.indexOf( startExpr, endIdx + 1 ) ) > -1); if ( endIdx == -1 && startIdx > -1 ) { result.append( input, startIdx, input.length()); } else if ( endIdx < input.length() ) { result.append( input, endIdx + 1, input.length() ); } return result.toString(); } else { return input; } }
Return any feedback messages and errors that were generated - but suppressed - during the interpolation process. Since unresolvable expressions will be left in the source string as-is, this feedback is optional, and will only be useful for debugging interpolation problems.
Returns:a List that may be interspersed with String and Throwable instances.
/** * Return any feedback messages and errors that were generated - but * suppressed - during the interpolation process. Since unresolvable * expressions will be left in the source string as-is, this feedback is * optional, and will only be useful for debugging interpolation problems. * * @return a {@link List} that may be interspersed with {@link String} and * {@link Throwable} instances. */
public List getFeedback() { List<?> messages = new ArrayList(); for ( ValueSource vs : valueSources ) { List feedback = vs.getFeedback(); if ( feedback != null && !feedback.isEmpty() ) { messages.addAll( feedback ); } } return messages; }
Clear the feedback messages from previous interpolate(..) calls.
/** * Clear the feedback messages from previous interpolate(..) calls. */
public void clearFeedback() { for ( ValueSource vs : valueSources ) { vs.clearFeedback(); } } public boolean isCacheAnswers() { return cacheAnswers; } public void setCacheAnswers( boolean cacheAnswers ) { this.cacheAnswers = cacheAnswers; } public void clearAnswers() { existingAnswers.clear(); } public String getEscapeString() { return escapeString; } public void setEscapeString( String escapeString ) { this.escapeString = escapeString; } }