package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.xmss;


import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;

XMSS^MT Private Key.
/** * XMSS^MT Private Key. */
public final class XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters extends XMSSMTKeyParameters implements XMSSStoreableObjectInterface { private final XMSSMTParameters params; private final long index; private final byte[] secretKeySeed; private final byte[] secretKeyPRF; private final byte[] publicSeed; private final byte[] root; private final BDSStateMap bdsState; private XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters(Builder builder) { super(true, builder.params.getDigest().getAlgorithmName()); params = builder.params; if (params == null) { throw new NullPointerException("params == null"); } int n = params.getDigestSize(); byte[] privateKey = builder.privateKey; if (privateKey != null) { if (builder.xmss == null) { throw new NullPointerException("xmss == null"); } /* import */ int totalHeight = params.getHeight(); int indexSize = (totalHeight + 7) / 8; int secretKeySize = n; int secretKeyPRFSize = n; int publicSeedSize = n; int rootSize = n; /* int totalSize = indexSize + secretKeySize + secretKeyPRFSize + publicSeedSize + rootSize; if (privateKey.length != totalSize) { throw new ParseException("private key has wrong size", 0); } */ int position = 0; index = XMSSUtil.bytesToXBigEndian(privateKey, position, indexSize); if (!XMSSUtil.isIndexValid(totalHeight, index)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index out of bounds"); } position += indexSize; secretKeySeed = XMSSUtil.extractBytesAtOffset(privateKey, position, secretKeySize); position += secretKeySize; secretKeyPRF = XMSSUtil.extractBytesAtOffset(privateKey, position, secretKeyPRFSize); position += secretKeyPRFSize; publicSeed = XMSSUtil.extractBytesAtOffset(privateKey, position, publicSeedSize); position += publicSeedSize; root = XMSSUtil.extractBytesAtOffset(privateKey, position, rootSize); position += rootSize; /* import BDS state */ byte[] bdsStateBinary = XMSSUtil.extractBytesAtOffset(privateKey, position, privateKey.length - position); try { BDSStateMap bdsImport = (BDSStateMap)XMSSUtil.deserialize(bdsStateBinary, BDSStateMap.class); bdsState = bdsImport.withWOTSDigest(DigestUtil.getDigestOID(builder.xmss.getDigest().getAlgorithmName())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { /* set */ index = builder.index; byte[] tmpSecretKeySeed = builder.secretKeySeed; if (tmpSecretKeySeed != null) { if (tmpSecretKeySeed.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of secretKeySeed needs to be equal size of digest"); } secretKeySeed = tmpSecretKeySeed; } else { secretKeySeed = new byte[n]; } byte[] tmpSecretKeyPRF = builder.secretKeyPRF; if (tmpSecretKeyPRF != null) { if (tmpSecretKeyPRF.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of secretKeyPRF needs to be equal size of digest"); } secretKeyPRF = tmpSecretKeyPRF; } else { secretKeyPRF = new byte[n]; } byte[] tmpPublicSeed = builder.publicSeed; if (tmpPublicSeed != null) { if (tmpPublicSeed.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of publicSeed needs to be equal size of digest"); } publicSeed = tmpPublicSeed; } else { publicSeed = new byte[n]; } byte[] tmpRoot = builder.root; if (tmpRoot != null) { if (tmpRoot.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size of root needs to be equal size of digest"); } root = tmpRoot; } else { root = new byte[n]; } BDSStateMap tmpBDSState = builder.bdsState; if (tmpBDSState != null) { bdsState = tmpBDSState; } else { long globalIndex = builder.index; int totalHeight = params.getHeight(); if (XMSSUtil.isIndexValid(totalHeight, globalIndex) && tmpPublicSeed != null && tmpSecretKeySeed != null) { bdsState = new BDSStateMap(params, builder.index, tmpPublicSeed, tmpSecretKeySeed); } else { bdsState = new BDSStateMap(); } } } } public static class Builder { /* mandatory */ private final XMSSMTParameters params; /* optional */ private long index = 0L; private byte[] secretKeySeed = null; private byte[] secretKeyPRF = null; private byte[] publicSeed = null; private byte[] root = null; private BDSStateMap bdsState = null; private byte[] privateKey = null; private XMSSParameters xmss = null; public Builder(XMSSMTParameters params) { super(); this.params = params; } public Builder withIndex(long val) { index = val; return this; } public Builder withSecretKeySeed(byte[] val) { secretKeySeed = XMSSUtil.cloneArray(val); return this; } public Builder withSecretKeyPRF(byte[] val) { secretKeyPRF = XMSSUtil.cloneArray(val); return this; } public Builder withPublicSeed(byte[] val) { publicSeed = XMSSUtil.cloneArray(val); return this; } public Builder withRoot(byte[] val) { root = XMSSUtil.cloneArray(val); return this; } public Builder withBDSState(BDSStateMap val) { bdsState = val; return this; } public Builder withPrivateKey(byte[] privateKeyVal, XMSSParameters xmssVal) { privateKey = XMSSUtil.cloneArray(privateKeyVal); xmss = xmssVal; return this; } public XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters build() { return new XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters(this); } } public byte[] toByteArray() { /* index || secretKeySeed || secretKeyPRF || publicSeed || root */ int n = params.getDigestSize(); int indexSize = (params.getHeight() + 7) / 8; int secretKeySize = n; int secretKeyPRFSize = n; int publicSeedSize = n; int rootSize = n; int totalSize = indexSize + secretKeySize + secretKeyPRFSize + publicSeedSize + rootSize; byte[] out = new byte[totalSize]; int position = 0; /* copy index */ byte[] indexBytes = XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, indexSize); XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, indexBytes, position); position += indexSize; /* copy secretKeySeed */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, secretKeySeed, position); position += secretKeySize; /* copy secretKeyPRF */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, secretKeyPRF, position); position += secretKeyPRFSize; /* copy publicSeed */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, publicSeed, position); position += publicSeedSize; /* copy root */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, root, position); /* concatenate bdsState */ try { return Arrays.concatenate(out, XMSSUtil.serialize(bdsState)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("error serializing bds state: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public long getIndex() { return index; } public long getUsagesRemaining() { return (1L << this.getParameters().getHeight()) - this.getIndex(); } public byte[] getSecretKeySeed() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(secretKeySeed); } public byte[] getSecretKeyPRF() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(secretKeyPRF); } public byte[] getPublicSeed() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(publicSeed); } public byte[] getRoot() { return XMSSUtil.cloneArray(root); } BDSStateMap getBDSState() { return bdsState; } public XMSSMTParameters getParameters() { return params; } public XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters getNextKey() { BDSStateMap newState = new BDSStateMap(bdsState, params, this.getIndex(), publicSeed, secretKeySeed); return new XMSSMTPrivateKeyParameters.Builder(params).withIndex(index + 1) .withSecretKeySeed(secretKeySeed).withSecretKeyPRF(secretKeyPRF) .withPublicSeed(publicSeed).withRoot(root) .withBDSState(newState).build(); } }