package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.xmss;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;

/** * BDS. */
public final class BDS implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient WOTSPlus wotsPlus; private final int treeHeight; private final List<BDSTreeHash> treeHashInstances; private int k; private XMSSNode root; private List<XMSSNode> authenticationPath; private Map<Integer, LinkedList<XMSSNode>> retain; private Stack<XMSSNode> stack; private Map<Integer, XMSSNode> keep; private int index; private boolean used;
Place holder BDS for when state is exhausted.
  • params – tree parameters
  • index – the index that has been reached.
/** * Place holder BDS for when state is exhausted. * * @param params tree parameters * @param index the index that has been reached. */
BDS(XMSSParameters params, int index) { this(params.getWOTSPlus(), params.getHeight(), params.getK()); this.index = index; this.used = true; }
Set up constructor.
  • params – tree parameters
  • publicSeed – public seed for tree
  • secretKeySeed – secret seed for tree
  • otsHashAddress – hash address
/** * Set up constructor. * * @param params tree parameters * @param publicSeed public seed for tree * @param secretKeySeed secret seed for tree * @param otsHashAddress hash address */
BDS(XMSSParameters params, byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretKeySeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { this(params.getWOTSPlus(), params.getHeight(), params.getK()); this.initialize(publicSeed, secretKeySeed, otsHashAddress); }
Set up constructor for a tree where the original BDS state was lost.
  • params – tree parameters
  • publicSeed – public seed for tree
  • secretKeySeed – secret seed for tree
  • otsHashAddress – hash address
  • index – index counter for the state to be at.
/** * Set up constructor for a tree where the original BDS state was lost. * * @param params tree parameters * @param publicSeed public seed for tree * @param secretKeySeed secret seed for tree * @param otsHashAddress hash address * @param index index counter for the state to be at. */
BDS(XMSSParameters params, byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretKeySeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress, int index) { this(params.getWOTSPlus(), params.getHeight(), params.getK()); this.initialize(publicSeed, secretKeySeed, otsHashAddress); while (this.index < index) { this.nextAuthenticationPath(publicSeed, secretKeySeed, otsHashAddress); this.used = false; } } private BDS(WOTSPlus wotsPlus, int treeHeight, int k) { this.wotsPlus = wotsPlus; this.treeHeight = treeHeight; this.k = k; if (k > treeHeight || k < 2 || ((treeHeight - k) % 2) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal value for BDS parameter k"); } authenticationPath = new ArrayList<XMSSNode>(); retain = new TreeMap<Integer, LinkedList<XMSSNode>>(); stack = new Stack<XMSSNode>(); treeHashInstances = new ArrayList<BDSTreeHash>(); for (int height = 0; height < (treeHeight - k); height++) { treeHashInstances.add(new BDSTreeHash(height)); } keep = new TreeMap<Integer, XMSSNode>(); index = 0; this.used = false; } private BDS(BDS last, byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretKeySeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { this.wotsPlus = last.wotsPlus; this.treeHeight = last.treeHeight; this.k = last.k; this.root = last.root; this.authenticationPath = new ArrayList<XMSSNode>(); // note use of addAll to avoid serialization issues this.authenticationPath.addAll(last.authenticationPath); this.retain = last.retain; this.stack = new Stack<XMSSNode>(); // note use of addAll to avoid serialization issues this.stack.addAll(last.stack); this.treeHashInstances = last.treeHashInstances; this.keep = new TreeMap<Integer, XMSSNode>(last.keep); this.index = last.index; this.nextAuthenticationPath(publicSeed, secretKeySeed, otsHashAddress); last.used = true; } private BDS(BDS last, Digest digest) { this.wotsPlus = new WOTSPlus(new WOTSPlusParameters(digest)); this.treeHeight = last.treeHeight; this.k = last.k; this.root = last.root; this.authenticationPath = new ArrayList<XMSSNode>(); // note use of addAll to avoid serialization issues this.authenticationPath.addAll(last.authenticationPath); this.retain = last.retain; this.stack = new Stack<XMSSNode>(); // note use of addAll to avoid serialization issues this.stack.addAll(last.stack); this.treeHashInstances = last.treeHashInstances; this.keep = new TreeMap<Integer, XMSSNode>(last.keep); this.index = last.index; this.used = last.used; this.validate(); } public BDS getNextState(byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretKeySeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { return new BDS(this, publicSeed, secretKeySeed, otsHashAddress); } private void initialize(byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretSeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } /* prepare addresses */ LTreeAddress lTreeAddress = (LTreeAddress)new LTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .build(); HashTreeAddress hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .build(); /* iterate indexes */ for (int indexLeaf = 0; indexLeaf < (1 << treeHeight); indexLeaf++) { /* generate leaf */ otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress)new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(indexLeaf).withChainAddress(otsHashAddress.getChainAddress()) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(otsHashAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); /* * import WOTSPlusSecretKey as its needed to calculate the public * key on the fly */ wotsPlus.importKeys(wotsPlus.getWOTSPlusSecretKey(secretSeed, otsHashAddress), publicSeed); WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters wotsPlusPublicKey = wotsPlus.getPublicKey(otsHashAddress); lTreeAddress = (LTreeAddress)new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(lTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(lTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(indexLeaf) .withTreeHeight(lTreeAddress.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(lTreeAddress.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(lTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); XMSSNode node = XMSSNodeUtil.lTree(wotsPlus, wotsPlusPublicKey, lTreeAddress); hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeIndex(indexLeaf) .withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); while (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().getHeight() == node.getHeight()) { /* add to authenticationPath if leafIndex == 1 */ int indexOnHeight = indexLeaf / (1 << node.getHeight()); if (indexOnHeight == 1) { authenticationPath.add(node.clone()); } /* store next right authentication node */ if (indexOnHeight == 3 && node.getHeight() < (treeHeight - k)) { treeHashInstances.get(node.getHeight()).setNode(node.clone()); } if (indexOnHeight >= 3 && (indexOnHeight & 1) == 1 && node.getHeight() >= (treeHeight - k) && node.getHeight() <= (treeHeight - 2)) { if (retain.get(node.getHeight()) == null) { LinkedList<XMSSNode> queue = new LinkedList<XMSSNode>(); queue.add(node.clone()); retain.put(node.getHeight(), queue); } else { retain.get(node.getHeight()).add(node.clone()); } } hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(hashTreeAddress.getTreeHeight()) .withTreeIndex((hashTreeAddress.getTreeIndex() - 1) / 2) .withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); node = XMSSNodeUtil.randomizeHash(wotsPlus, stack.pop(), node, hashTreeAddress); node = new XMSSNode(node.getHeight() + 1, node.getValue()); hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withTreeHeight(hashTreeAddress.getTreeHeight() + 1) .withTreeIndex(hashTreeAddress.getTreeIndex()).withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); } /* push to stack */ stack.push(node); } root = stack.pop(); } private void nextAuthenticationPath(byte[] publicSeed, byte[] secretSeed, OTSHashAddress otsHashAddress) { if (otsHashAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("otsHashAddress == null"); } if (used) { throw new IllegalStateException("index already used"); } if (index > ((1 << treeHeight) - 2)) { throw new IllegalStateException("index out of bounds"); } /* determine tau */ int tau = XMSSUtil.calculateTau(index, treeHeight); /* parent of leaf on height tau+1 is a left node */ if (((index >> (tau + 1)) & 1) == 0 && (tau < (treeHeight - 1))) { keep.put(tau, authenticationPath.get(tau).clone()); } /* prepare addresses */ LTreeAddress lTreeAddress = (LTreeAddress)new LTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .build(); HashTreeAddress hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .build(); /* leaf is a left node */ if (tau == 0) { otsHashAddress = (OTSHashAddress)new OTSHashAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(otsHashAddress.getLayerAddress()).withTreeAddress(otsHashAddress.getTreeAddress()) .withOTSAddress(index).withChainAddress(otsHashAddress.getChainAddress()) .withHashAddress(otsHashAddress.getHashAddress()).withKeyAndMask(otsHashAddress.getKeyAndMask()) .build(); /* * import WOTSPlusSecretKey as its needed to calculate the public * key on the fly */ wotsPlus.importKeys(wotsPlus.getWOTSPlusSecretKey(secretSeed, otsHashAddress), publicSeed); WOTSPlusPublicKeyParameters wotsPlusPublicKey = wotsPlus.getPublicKey(otsHashAddress); lTreeAddress = (LTreeAddress)new LTreeAddress.Builder().withLayerAddress(lTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(lTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()).withLTreeAddress(index) .withTreeHeight(lTreeAddress.getTreeHeight()).withTreeIndex(lTreeAddress.getTreeIndex()) .withKeyAndMask(lTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); XMSSNode node = XMSSNodeUtil.lTree(wotsPlus, wotsPlusPublicKey, lTreeAddress); authenticationPath.set(0, node); } else { /* add new left node on height tau to authentication path */ hashTreeAddress = (HashTreeAddress)new HashTreeAddress.Builder() .withLayerAddress(hashTreeAddress.getLayerAddress()) .withTreeAddress(hashTreeAddress.getTreeAddress()).withTreeHeight(tau - 1) .withTreeIndex(index >> tau).withKeyAndMask(hashTreeAddress.getKeyAndMask()).build(); /* * import WOTSPlusSecretKey as its needed to calculate the public * key on the fly */ wotsPlus.importKeys(wotsPlus.getWOTSPlusSecretKey(secretSeed, otsHashAddress), publicSeed); XMSSNode node = XMSSNodeUtil.randomizeHash(wotsPlus, authenticationPath.get(tau - 1), keep.get(tau - 1), hashTreeAddress); node = new XMSSNode(node.getHeight() + 1, node.getValue()); authenticationPath.set(tau, node); keep.remove(tau - 1); /* add new right nodes to authentication path */ for (int height = 0; height < tau; height++) { if (height < (treeHeight - k)) { authenticationPath.set(height, treeHashInstances.get(height).getTailNode()); } else { authenticationPath.set(height, retain.get(height).removeFirst()); } } /* reinitialize treehash instances */ int minHeight = Math.min(tau, treeHeight - k); for (int height = 0; height < minHeight; height++) { int startIndex = index + 1 + (3 * (1 << height)); if (startIndex < (1 << treeHeight)) { treeHashInstances.get(height).initialize(startIndex); } } } /* update treehash instances */ for (int i = 0; i < (treeHeight - k) >> 1; i++) { BDSTreeHash treeHash = getBDSTreeHashInstanceForUpdate(); if (treeHash != null) { treeHash.update(stack, wotsPlus, publicSeed, secretSeed, otsHashAddress); } } index++; } boolean isUsed() { return used; } private BDSTreeHash getBDSTreeHashInstanceForUpdate() { BDSTreeHash ret = null; for (BDSTreeHash treeHash : treeHashInstances) { if (treeHash.isFinished() || !treeHash.isInitialized()) { continue; } if (ret == null) { ret = treeHash; continue; } if (treeHash.getHeight() < ret.getHeight()) { ret = treeHash; continue; } if (treeHash.getHeight() == ret.getHeight()) { if (treeHash.getIndexLeaf() < ret.getIndexLeaf()) { ret = treeHash; } } } return ret; } private void validate() { if (authenticationPath == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("authenticationPath == null"); } if (retain == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("retain == null"); } if (stack == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("stack == null"); } if (treeHashInstances == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("treeHashInstances == null"); } if (keep == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("keep == null"); } if (!XMSSUtil.isIndexValid(treeHeight, index)) { throw new IllegalStateException("index in BDS state out of bounds"); } } protected int getTreeHeight() { return treeHeight; } protected XMSSNode getRoot() { return root.clone(); } protected List<XMSSNode> getAuthenticationPath() { List<XMSSNode> authenticationPath = new ArrayList<XMSSNode>(); for (XMSSNode node : this.authenticationPath) { authenticationPath.add(node.clone()); } return authenticationPath; } protected int getIndex() { return index; } public BDS withWOTSDigest(ASN1ObjectIdentifier digestName) { return new BDS(this, DigestUtil.getDigest(digestName)); } }