package org.bouncycastle.jcajce.spec;


import org.bouncycastle.asn1.nist.NISTObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;

Parameter spec for doing KTS based wrapping via the Cipher API.
/** * Parameter spec for doing KTS based wrapping via the Cipher API. */
public class KTSParameterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec { private final String wrappingKeyAlgorithm; private final int keySizeInBits; private final AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec; private final AlgorithmIdentifier kdfAlgorithm; private byte[] otherInfo;
Builder class for creating a KTSParameterSpec.
/** * Builder class for creating a KTSParameterSpec. */
public static final class Builder { private final String algorithmName; private final int keySizeInBits; private AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec; private AlgorithmIdentifier kdfAlgorithm; private byte[] otherInfo;
Basic builder.
  • algorithmName – the algorithm name for the secret key we use for wrapping.
  • keySizeInBits – the size of the wrapping key we want to produce in bits.
/** * Basic builder. * * @param algorithmName the algorithm name for the secret key we use for wrapping. * @param keySizeInBits the size of the wrapping key we want to produce in bits. */
public Builder(String algorithmName, int keySizeInBits) { this(algorithmName, keySizeInBits, null); }
Basic builder.
  • algorithmName – the algorithm name for the secret key we use for wrapping.
  • keySizeInBits – the size of the wrapping key we want to produce in bits.
  • otherInfo – the otherInfo/IV encoding to be applied to the KDF.
/** * Basic builder. * * @param algorithmName the algorithm name for the secret key we use for wrapping. * @param keySizeInBits the size of the wrapping key we want to produce in bits. * @param otherInfo the otherInfo/IV encoding to be applied to the KDF. */
public Builder(String algorithmName, int keySizeInBits, byte[] otherInfo) { this.algorithmName = algorithmName; this.keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits; this.kdfAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_kdf_kdf3, new AlgorithmIdentifier(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_sha256)); this.otherInfo = (otherInfo == null) ? new byte[0] : Arrays.clone(otherInfo); }
Set the algorithm parameter spec to be used with the wrapper.
  • parameterSpec – the algorithm parameter spec to be used in wrapping/unwrapping.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Set the algorithm parameter spec to be used with the wrapper. * * @param parameterSpec the algorithm parameter spec to be used in wrapping/unwrapping. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withParameterSpec(AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec) { this.parameterSpec = parameterSpec; return this; }
Set the KDF algorithm and digest algorithm for wrap key generation.
  • kdfAlgorithm – the KDF algorithm to apply.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Set the KDF algorithm and digest algorithm for wrap key generation. * * @param kdfAlgorithm the KDF algorithm to apply. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withKdfAlgorithm(AlgorithmIdentifier kdfAlgorithm) { this.kdfAlgorithm = kdfAlgorithm; return this; }
Build the new parameter spec.
Returns:a new parameter spec configured according to the builder state.
/** * Build the new parameter spec. * * @return a new parameter spec configured according to the builder state. */
public KTSParameterSpec build() { return new KTSParameterSpec(algorithmName, keySizeInBits, parameterSpec, kdfAlgorithm, otherInfo); } } private KTSParameterSpec( String wrappingKeyAlgorithm, int keySizeInBits, AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec, AlgorithmIdentifier kdfAlgorithm, byte[] otherInfo) { this.wrappingKeyAlgorithm = wrappingKeyAlgorithm; this.keySizeInBits = keySizeInBits; this.parameterSpec = parameterSpec; this.kdfAlgorithm = kdfAlgorithm; this.otherInfo = otherInfo; }
Return the name of the algorithm for the wrapping key this key spec should use.
Returns:the key algorithm.
/** * Return the name of the algorithm for the wrapping key this key spec should use. * * @return the key algorithm. */
public String getKeyAlgorithmName() { return wrappingKeyAlgorithm; }
Return the size of the key (in bits) for the wrapping key this key spec should use.
Returns:length in bits of the key to be calculated.
/** * Return the size of the key (in bits) for the wrapping key this key spec should use. * * @return length in bits of the key to be calculated. */
public int getKeySize() { return keySizeInBits; }
Return the algorithm parameter spec to be applied with the private key when the encapsulation is decrypted.
Returns:the algorithm parameter spec to be used with the private key.
/** * Return the algorithm parameter spec to be applied with the private key when the encapsulation is decrypted. * * @return the algorithm parameter spec to be used with the private key. */
public AlgorithmParameterSpec getParameterSpec() { return parameterSpec; }
Return the AlgorithmIdentifier for the KDF to do key derivation after extracting the secret.
Returns:the AlgorithmIdentifier for the SecretKeyFactory's KDF.
/** * Return the AlgorithmIdentifier for the KDF to do key derivation after extracting the secret. * * @return the AlgorithmIdentifier for the SecretKeyFactory's KDF. */
public AlgorithmIdentifier getKdfAlgorithm() { return kdfAlgorithm; }
Return the otherInfo data for initialising the KDF.
Returns:the otherInfo data.
/** * Return the otherInfo data for initialising the KDF. * * @return the otherInfo data. */
public byte[] getOtherInfo() { return Arrays.clone(otherInfo); } }