package org.bouncycastle.jcajce;


import org.bouncycastle.crypto.util.PBKDFConfig;

LoadStoreParameter to allow configuring of the PBKDF used to generate encryption keys for use in the keystore.
Deprecated:This class does not support configuration on creation, use BCFKSLoadStoreParameter for best results.
/** * LoadStoreParameter to allow configuring of the PBKDF used to generate encryption keys for * use in the keystore. * @deprecated This class does not support configuration on creation, use BCFKSLoadStoreParameter for best results. */
public class BCFKSStoreParameter implements KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter { private final KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter; private final PBKDFConfig storeConfig; private OutputStream out; public BCFKSStoreParameter(OutputStream out, PBKDFConfig storeConfig, char[] password) { this(out, storeConfig, new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(password)); } public BCFKSStoreParameter(OutputStream out, PBKDFConfig storeConfig, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter) { this.out = out; this.storeConfig = storeConfig; this.protectionParameter = protectionParameter; } public KeyStore.ProtectionParameter getProtectionParameter() { return protectionParameter; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return out; }
Return the PBKDF used for generating the HMAC and store encryption keys.
Returns:the PBKDF to use for deriving HMAC and store encryption keys.
/** * Return the PBKDF used for generating the HMAC and store encryption keys. * * @return the PBKDF to use for deriving HMAC and store encryption keys. */
public PBKDFConfig getStorePBKDFConfig() { return storeConfig; } }